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This is a roleplay activity to be conducted in groups of three to four, with you playing the role of the
project manager and your peers playing the role of the team members.

Me (Project Manager): Good morning, everyone, how is the morning treating you guys?

Tom: Good morning, is alright.

Danny: Morning Sir, my morning has just begun.

Henry: Morning mate.

Me (Project Manager): Well, that is good. Alright, let us begin our meeting for today. Well, the
reason that we gather here today is that I want to discuss about how should we or what is the plan
to increase our communication across the organization.

Tom, Danny & Henry: I see. Well…

Me (Project Manager): Let me say something more, I have noticed that other staff may or may not
have full knowledge about what we are doing or what we are about to do. My concern is, our project
is relevant to the organization and to the internal staff as well. So, we really need to overcome this

Tom: What do you suggest?

Danny: I am pretty sure other staff just being busy with their own things.

Henry: I thought we posted hardcopies on the bulletin board, should it not be sufficient?
Me (Project Manager): I think the bulletin board idea was pretty alright, but maybe information
given was too overwhelming or maybe not enticing enough.

Henry: I see, well, I am open up to your suggestion.

Me (Project Manager): Now, what I have in…

Tom: Sorry to interrupt, will it not be ideal if we just do it now and once it has been implemented,
we then share with every staff on how to use the new system.

Me (Project Manager): Your idea does not sound much of a team player you are Tom. We as an
organization is a whole entity itself, thus it is important that everyone knows what is happening.

Tom, Danny & Henry: I see.

Me (Project Manager): Here is what we going to do first, and I shall assign this task to Tom. Here is
what I need you to do, you will be in charge in getting everyone’s email address for email blast in the
near future.

Tom: Sure, considered it done.

Me (Project Manager): Now, another task, I am going to draw a mind map and I need everyone to
provide their input. Tom, how are you going to do it?

Tom: I will approach each and every staff personally to ask for their email address. Also, I plan to do
it each day and to approach approximately 10(ten) workmates on a day.

Me (Project Manager): Now Danny, which options do you think is the best?

Danny: bulletin board is a good idea, and email blast I believe it will definitely help.

Me (Project Manager): As for you Henry, why do you think we are doing this?
Henry: Because it aligns with the company’s value. As such, we need to share the knowledge with

Me (Project Manager): You all have done pretty good for yourself. Our mind map consists of how,
when and why. As of now, we are on track.

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