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Three kids floods ideas by a a campfire at the beach.

It’s Maja, Olle, and

Terese. They share beers, cigarettes, and speed. Just some crazy kids that tells

stories to each other. That campfire sparks lost stars up to a sky with a moon that

that tries to repent what was before. The beach is bronze and the sand has

flawless bugs that dances on yellow particles. Three kids and three stories.

Maja thinks about Heaven Nor Hell and remembers Volbeat songs.

”I don’t care if you don’t like prostitutes”, Maja throws out at them.

The sea breeze three faces and balances a campfire with gentleness.

Maja watches flawless bugs on a sand and wants to kill one of them.

She sees traffic lights and remembers a youth on busy street corners.

”Why do you work at a post office, Olle?”, Maja asks him, nervously.

She picks up a green lighter with a skull on it and lights a frozen cigarette

between two lips and laughts at the creepy skull on it. She inhales smoke and

smoke makes her think smoky stories. Why did she ever do things that one

shouldn’t do? She thinks, and thinks, and thinks. After that, she toasts a bottle of

alcohol to the others under a drunken moon. Finally, two lips drinks.

She throws a cigarette at Olle and thinks that she is a cigarette on a beach.

The cigarette looks at Maja, Maja looks at a cigarette; together, burnt stuff.

Maja picks on holes in the jacket. The bugs watches when she wonders what

will fill those holes. She wonders if those holes is the price she pays as a hooker.

She closes her eyes and watches holes in a soul. After that, she sees bugs with

flawless shells, wings, and tails on the beach. Maja picks up a bug from the sand

and lets it creep into a hole and the insect fills her with a lantern at sea.

”Go and fuck yourself”, Maja says to Olle and the air is silent by this sea.

She remembers The Drugs Don’t Work and remembers those symphonies.

She eyes the ocean and sees herself out there with two headlamps at night.

She stares at Olle with two horrible eyes that wants to tell horrible stories.

She scents burnt wood from a campfire and imagines that she is a dragon.

”Don’t you want a real job, Olle?”, she asks him and runaways up a night.

She thinks about universities. Those who affords jackets without holes in

them. She curses them with a fist up to the moon and remembers a purple dress

she wants from a store. She sees marks on her arms from yesterday. She sees his

face up in the moon in the sky. She sees scars that never heals. After that, she

thinks about universities. Then, pretty jackets without holes in souls.

Olle frowns at Maja. He touches his a eyebrow. He smokes a cigarette.

”I work at the post office to avoid silly questions”, Olle says honestly.

His eyes moves him to the water on the sea and the sea breathes him in.

”I am going to become a pirate”, he says, ”I am going to steal your heals.”

He draws his fingers along the strings of his guitar. Olle just gives Maja that

look that tells Maja that he knows what she does after school. He is just like a

principle in this company. His hands touches the guitar and he plays a melody

like a oily light in a darkness. His eyes float out to the sea. He doesn’t think.

”When I am done with that”, Olle says, ”I will chain you on my ship.”

Olle gazes across the sea and sees small waves by a horizon at night.

The campfire tries to talk to them like a secret observer in their hearts.

The sand under their feets contains their innocent souls from the sky.

”Now listen to this melody, tenderly”, Olle says to Maja and plays.

Olle closes his eyes. He sees a guitar. A melody plays. The sea is still.

Terese opens her eyes in the night. She picks up her antique novel from the

sand and reads her notes in the margins of chapter eight. The chapter was about

three people that were too dark to find themselves in the present. She forgets the

past and looks into the campfire. She longs for a city on speed. After that, she

reads through the chapter again and imagines a breeze in Greece at sea.

”You two are a satire for hopeless people with loose hearts”, Terese says.

She throws a boot into a campfire. Then, she throws her second one in.

”If you would only notice that we are three by this campfire”, she says.

The burnt leather boots spark sparks tells Terese that her past is gone, then it

tells her that it won’t to be found here, and after that she spin to the bugs, to the

sea, to the moon, and back to burnt wood, with cigarettes, beers and bugs on

drugs, and she lets ears flutter out to the winds at sea, and out there, she maybe

sees a sailor on a ship that will save her from selfish friends in a horny city.

”You have barely noticed that I am here”, Terese says and heaves a beer.

Terese whispers to the bugs on the sand. Then, she puts on her new shoes.

Shoplifted today. She is a rebel, too. With speed way the hell up her nose. Yes, she

wanted to ask Maja for some money. But, she don’t like dirty money. She wants

to be like flawless bugs. A waitress with silk gloves at restaurants.

”These bugs are too weird to live and too rare to die”, she laughs out.

She looks at her expensive boots and think that her youth was lovely. She ties

beautiful shoes on her innocent feets and feels a horrible past. She touches her

boots and remembers a spectrum of colors inbetween her tender bones.

Terese draws three speedy lines up a nose and sees sharp stars in a sky.

”Can you just ask each other out?”, she says and transcends this reality.

Terese wants to save Maja from the prostitution. She thinks about that when

she see the lights from cars that drives through the tree bransches. After that, she

swirls around in her head and thinks about Olle. She imagines him working at

the post office like a solider just to get home to his apartment. But, then she

bounces back to Maja . She imagines Maja, a city, melodies, and red lights.

”Don’t sell yourself again”, Terese says, ”It’s not worth the sleepless scars.”

Terese puts on Mad World by Gary Jules in her earphones and zooms out.

Olle smoke cigarettes, drinks beer bottles, and snorts speed, and smokes.

Bugs listen to three delinquents like curious children that listens to stories.

Maja chats with a client. She snorts, laughs and chats. Three kids by a fire.

”Sometimes you have to”, she says, ”We are not flawless bugs all of us.”

The traffic drums memories to three kids by a campfire. They dash three

shadows on the sand that dances to melodies in their hearts. The bugs on the

bronze sand rests to a campfire and three kids. The sea breathes. It’s Maja, Olle,

and Terese. They share cigarettes, speed, and beers at a crazy beach. Three kids

throws seaweeds into a campfire that sparks up memories to a moon.

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