Age of Mythology Mod Ide1

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Age of mythology mod idea

Theros pantheon


This mod is base don the universe of Magic the gathering that belongs to wizards of
the coast


This mod pretends to add the Theros pantheon from magic the gathering to aom.

Civilization overview:

 This civilization is very similar to the greeks (after all the theros set is based on
greek mythology) but with some diferences:
 They gather favor both worshiping in a temple and also slaying mythical units,
they receive 5 favor for each mythical unit killed)
 Don´t have siege machines (except Ephara who gives an exclusive unit called
godfire thrower)
 Buildings:
 Akroan barracks ( train human units) (avaliable in classic age)
 Setessan lodge (trains ranged and fast units) (avaliable in classic age)
 Aeronaut stables (trains mounted units that can fly) (avaliable in heroic age)
 Meletian docks (produce naval units) (avaliable in classical age)
 Meletian academy (produce magical units) (avaliable on mythic age)
 Stadium ( produce specialist units) (avaliable on heroic age)
 Forge (produce upgrades for human units) (avaliable on classical age)
 Granary ( serves as a drop point for food)
 Warehouse (serves as a drop point for lumber and gold)
 Temple ( gathers favor by citizens praying on it and creates mythical units)
 Market plaza (allows resource trade and trader caravan creation)
 House (provides 10 of population)
 The therian starts with 400 of food, 300 of Wood and 500 of gold.

Mayor gods:
Heliod (god of the sun)
Favors infantry units
God power: sun´s fury. Area power that burns a group of units for 4 seconds
instantly kills infantry and archer units and workers, does médium damage to
mythical units and cavalry
Mythic upgrade: Khrusor (Akroan Barracks). Heliod grants his spear to Akroan
Hoplytes, and Akroan Phalanx increasing their attack against cavalry :

Mythic Bonus:
• All infantry units recruit a 15% faster tan usual
• Towers have an increased vission range
• All infantry units have increased attack against mythical units
• Favor for killing mythical units increases to 10
Wonder: Sun of Olantin : A miniature sun that shines permanently

Ephara goddess of the poleis

Favor buildings, construction and walls
Divine power: Walls of the poleis (transforms a set of walls in to the walls of
the poleis wich are stronger to siege weapons and have the face of the goddes
sculpted in

Exclusive unit: godfire thrower (heroic age) avaliable on the meletian academy)
throws an urn of a special fire that burns enemy estructures usefull against
buildings, ships and siege weapons.

Mythic Bonuses:
• Workers build a 20% faster
• Walls and towers have more Hp and are more resistant to siege
• Upgrades research speeds 10%

Wonder: Poleis protector a giant statue of Ephara pouring a nyx substance from
a vessel

Erebos: god of the dead

Favors: gold ,favor, and myth units

Divine power: gloom (cover the map with a darkness that makes enemy untis
reduce their stats)
Mythic tech: gold of the underworld: each time a human unit dies grants 2
Exclusive building: misera (builds an impaled statue of a soul that emits an
aura that makes any enemy units that passes will see their stats reduced.

Mythic Bonuses:
 Mythical units can provide 5 of favor by killing military units.
 VIillager gather gold faster and caravans provide more
 Killing hero units grants 10 of favor

Wonder: Palace of erebos: a ruinous palace surrounded by the souls of the dead
and with a gloomy light.

Classical age:

Karametra: goddes of the harvest

God power: fertile lands (3 casts) creates a farm on an empty space (cooldown 1

Focus: food gathering, settesan lodge units.

Myth unit: Unicorn (horse that has an impalment attack with it´s horn)

Mythic bonuses:

 alseid´s touch (karametra blesses your fields with the alseid´s touch making
them produce more food.
 Amatrophon training: Karametra increases the health points of all units
recruited in the setessan lodge

Nylea goddess of the hunt

God power: cariatid transformation transforms a group of units into trees (3 casts)

Focus: ranged units and hunt

Myth unit Amphisbaena: double headed serpent that poisons enemies and rolls to

Mythic bonuses:

 Ephixis: Nylea grants his bow to the Bassara tower archers improvig their
reach by 15%
 Hunter´s boon: Hunted animals don´t loose food.
 Keen eye: Reverent archers archers deal 10% more damage

Thassa: goddes of the sea

god power: Thassa´s devourer :summons an elemental creature that devours every
unit near it (3 casts)

Focus: ships

Myth units:

Benthic giant: amphibian unit that can travel both by land and sea it´s special
attack destroys a ship with his fists.

Bane of the fleets: giant octopus whose special atacks consists on summon several
tentacles to attack various ships

Mythic bonuses:

 The calapheia: your ships move 20% faster

 Meletian Craftsmanship: you ships have more HP adn 15% more deffense
against attacks
 Tromokratis spawn: the bane of the fleets increases his stats

Heroic age

Purphoros: god of the forge:

Focus: armory

God power: demolish (destroys a building causing damage to nearby units (three

Mythical unit: gold forged guardian (clockwork ram that gores a single unit)

Ox of Agonas: massive fire ox that shouts fire from his nouseholes

Mythic bonuses:

 Molten bronze skin: increases the deffence of all human units

 Volcanic forge: reduces the Price of all armoury upgrades
 Armament of nyx: increases attack of human units against mythical units

Pharika goddes of affliction:

Focus: healing and poisons
God power: lybation (when used on your own units heals them over time,
contrary when used on enemy units it posions them slowly (3 casts last 2
minutes and 1 minute cooldown)
Myth units:
Gravebreaker lamia: snake woman that slithers towards her enemies and
poisons them.
Aracnir: hybrid between spider and human that inmobilizes it´s prey

Mythic bonuses:
 Nyx infusion (units heal over time)
 Nyx poison (gravebreaker lamia´s poison makes more damage)

Phenax god of deceit

Focus: returned
God power: returned phalanx summons a group of undead spearmen that
attack anyone who comes close cannot move ,useful against cavalry but
very fragile.

Mythic units:
Returned palamnite: returned armed with a sword and shield
Returned kakomantei: undead sorcerer that casts bolts of energy.

Mythic bonuses:
 Hatred of the returned: increases attacks of all the returned
 Golden mask: increases stats of the returned.

Mythic age:

Iroas god of victory:

Focus: Stadium units

God power: glory of battle: inreases attack and favor ammount you gain on

Mythic unit:
fleece mane lion: massive lion that deals great ammount of damage his
roar inspires nearby unit

Mythic bonuses:
 Armory of Iroas: increases stats of all stadium units
 Iroan games: decreases the cost of stadium units.
 Teachings of Kelephne: The hero of Iroas deals more damage to mythical

Mogis god of slaughter

Focus: Mythic units

God power: slaughter: increases attack of all units both friendly and enemy,
you gain favor by killing worker units.

Mythic unit:
Mogis warhound: massive two headed dog that increases attack of nearby
units has high hp

Mythic bonuses:
 Androphagia: when a mythic unit kills a human units recovers a small
ammount of HP
 Rage runes: your mythic units have increased attack
 Red eye of Mogis: your human units have increased damage

Athreos god of passage:

Focus: deffense
God power: deny passage: for three minutes your units cannot die even
when they are at 0 HP

Myth units:
Phylaskia: skeletal warrior with high ressistance and an amount of HP
Rotted hulk: Amphibian beast compossed by shipwrecked boats.

Mythic bonuses:
 Aegis of the gods: increases deffense of all human units
 Solyssia´s advice: increases HP of human units

Human units:

Recruited on Akroan barracks:

Akroan hoplite (classical age) versatile unit strong against mounted units

Akroan line braker (avaliable on heroic age) fast and resistant unit strong against all
kinds of infantry

Akroan phalanx (avaliable on heroic age) heavy armored unit but slow increases it´s
deffence when they are near the same unit can take a lot of damage but are expensive

Recruited on the Setessan lodge:

Bassara tower archer: ranged unit with high reach specially effective against air units
and infantry. (avaliable on classical age)

Hyrax tower scout:

Fast unit, with a great range of sight secially efective against light mythical units
( avaliable on heroic age)

Reverent hunter (heroic age) archer with a great range and attack but fragile in hand to
hand combat specially effective against flying units and infantry.

Recruited on the Meletian academy:

Battlefield thaumaturge:

Specialist unit that can cast lightning bolts to attack but is very fragile

Meletian astronomer:

Specialist unit that can reveal any part of the map for a few seconds

Recruited on the aeronaut stables

Wingsteed rider :

light calvary unit fast and useful against light infantry

Skyspear cavalry:

Medium aerial unit that swoops over units effective against infantry but it´s weak
against archers.

Dawnbringer charrioteers

Unique unit tan can fly, very tough but slow and expensive useful against archers and

Trained in the stadium:

Soldier of the Pantheon (heroic age)

Light heroic unit strong against mythical units grants 10 of favor each time he slays a
mythical unit.

Hero of iroas (heroic age)

Heavy specialist unit strong against mythical units grants 15 of favor each time he kills
a mythical unit.

Hero of the games (mythical age)

Heavy infantry unit strong against all units can only recruit one, everytime he kills a
mythical unit grants 20 of favor

Recruited on Meletian docks:

Fisher boat (gathers fish form water)

Meletian trirreme (classical age)

Fast and versátil naval unit can ram other boats, can transport up to 10 units

Meletian galley( heroic age)

heavy ship effective against other naval units

The moonsoon (only avaliable why worshiping Tassa in classical age): legendary ship
excepcionally good agains mythical units

Recruited at the market plaza:

Trader caravan: generates gold by creating routes between the market plaza and an
ally or player´s town center.

Titan unit: Colossus of Akros

Scout unit: Thaumaturge´s familiar (a mechanical owl)

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