Toys and Colors First Grade Learn To Make Questions

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A) Lesson Plan Information

Subject: English

School: Grades: Date:

San Francisco 1 to 4
st th

El Ocote 1st 2nd and 3rd

La Granja 1st to 4th

Unit: IV My toys
Topic: colors and toys review Time: 90
What color is it? It’s _____
What is it? It’s a _______
Is it a ____? Is it color ___? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t
Performance Indicators
The student identifies words about toys & colors when listening short simple

B) Learning Strategies

Opening Activities (8 minutes)

Warm up: sing and dance all together the cha cha cha song.
Review: Show the students the toys flashcards and the colors flashcards and ask them:
What is it? Or What color is it? have them say it’s a ____ or it’s ____.
Put the yes, it is, no it isn’t and the toys flashcards on the board and choose some
volunteers, show them different pictures of toys, and ask them is it a ___? Or is it color
___? Encourage them to answer yes, it is or no it isn’t.
Middle Activities: Free Practice
Speaking (10 minutes): Give each student a sheet of paper and tell them to draw the
same toy on both sides of the paper. Tell them to color the toy with different color on each
side. Collect the drawings. Display one of the drawings on the board. Have the students
name the toy and then ask what is it? Have the class answer together. Then say Splish,
splash, splosh! And turn the paper over to reveal the same toy in a different color. Ask
what color is it now. And have the class answer together. Repeat by using drawings of
different toys and colors.
Put the questions what is it and is it a doll? On the board and have students repeat
after you
Speaking (10 minutes): Put the drawings the students made at the beginning of the class
in a box. Have the class sit in a circle. Explain that they will pass around the box as they
listen to music. When the music stops, the student with the box will pull out a drawing and
and you will ask them What is it? The student has to answer, then what color is it? Then
turn over the draw nad ask what color is it? When the student answer, you will play the
music again, do the same 3 times.
Then when the music stops the student with the bag in his hands has to ask to the class
what color is it? And the class will answer. Then the class say splish, splash, splosh and
the student with the picture turns the drawing over and ask what color is it? For the class
the class to answer. Repeat several times. Provide assistance as need it.
Writing (25 minutes): Give each student a sheet of paper. Explain to the class that they
will make a class spinner. Have them look the picture on page 38 and ask a volunteer to
tell you what materials they need. Ask them to look for a big circular object in the
classroom to use to trace the circle. Model how. Then tell them to use a ruler to trace an x
inside the circle. Model how. Them tell them to choose four toys to draw and color inside
each section of the circle.
Play Five questions (10 minutes): Guide student’s attention to the children in the picture.
Explain to the class that they will work with a partner and take turns playing with their toy
spinners using a colored pencil as the spinner, as shown in the picture activity 2. Explain
that they are going to ask no more that five questions about the toys.
Listening and Speaking (10 minutes): Have the class stand in a circle whisper a color or
toy word to the student next to you. Explain that this student will whisper the word to the
student at his or her right. Students will whisper the word to the student to their right until it
gets to the last student in the circle. That student will ask a question to verify what he or
she heard, such as is it a doll? or is it green? Have the first student answer yes, it is or no,
it isn’t.
Speaking (10 minutes): Have students sit in a circle, explain them that you will turn a
bottle and the student that the bottle point has to stand in the middle of the circle, then give
the students a bag with different toys and colors, you will play a music and the students
have to pass the bag around the circle, when the music stops the student with the bag in
their has to pick up a picture and the student in the middle of the circle has to ask What is
it? The student has to answer, the what color is it? When the student answer, the student
in the middle has to join to the circle and you will turn the bottle again to choose another
student to ask.
Speaking (5 minutes): Play some music and have students walk around the classroom
with their toy spinners. Stop the music and tell students to point to a toy in the toy spinner
of the student who is nearest and ask a question about it. The other student has to answer
correctly. Play the music again and continue the game.

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