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Cardiovascular Surgery

Correlates of Delayed Recognition and Treatment of Acute

Type A Aortic Dissection
The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD)
Kevin M. Harris, MD; Craig E. Strauss, MD, MPH; Kim A. Eagle, MD; Alan T. Hirsch, MD;
Eric M. Isselbacher, MD; Thomas T. Tsai, MD; Hadas Shiran, MD; Rossella Fattori, MD;
Arturo Evangelista, MD; Jeanna V. Cooper, MS; Daniel G. Montgomery, BS; James B. Froehlich, MD;
Christoph A. Nienaber, MD; for the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection
(IRAD) Investigators

Background—In acute aortic dissection, delays exist between presentation and diagnosis and, once diagnosed, definitive
treatment. This study aimed to define the variables associated with these delays.
Methods and Results—Acute aortic dissection patients enrolled in the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection
(IRAD) between 1996 and January 2007 were evaluated for factors contributing to delays in presentation to diagnosis
and in diagnosis to surgery. Multiple linear regression was performed to determine relative delay time ratios (DTRs) for
individual correlates. The median time from arrival at the emergency department to diagnosis was 4.3 hours (quartile
1–3, 1.5–24 hours; n⫽894 patients) and from diagnosis to surgery was 4.3 hours (quartile 1–3, 2.4 –24 hours; n⫽751).
Delays in acute aortic dissection diagnosis occurred in female patients; those with atypical symptoms that were not
abrupt or did not include chest, back, or any pain; patients with an absence of pulse deficit or hypotension; or those who
initially presented to a nontertiary care hospital (all P⬍0.05). The largest relative DTRs were for fever (DTR⫽5.11;
P⬍0.001) and transfer from nontertiary hospital (DTR⫽3.34; P⬍0.001). Delay in time from diagnosis to surgery was
associated with a history of previous cardiac surgery, presentation without abrupt or any pain, and initial presentation
to a nontertiary care hospital (all P⬍0.001). The strongest factors associated with operative delay were prolonged time
from presentation to diagnosis (DTR⫽1.35; P⬍0.001), race other than white (DTR⫽2.25; P⬍0.001), and history of
coronary artery bypass surgery (DTR⫽2.81; P⬍0.001).
Conclusions—Improved physician awareness of atypical presentations and prompt transport of acute aortic dissection
patients could reduce crucial time variables. (Circulation. 2011;124:1911-1918.)
Key Words: aorta 䡲 aortic 䡲 aneurysm 䡲 thoracic 䡲 diagnosis 䡲 imaging 䡲 surgery

A cute aortic dissection (AAD) represents a serious car-

diovascular emergency, with an associated mortality
rate of 1% to 2% per hour immediately after symptom onset
ment. The precise clinical and diagnostic factors that contrib-
ute to these delays are unknown.
Editorial see p 1902
in historical untreated patients.1–3 Timely diagnosis is essen-
tial for successful management. Nevertheless, it is known that
Clinical Perspective on p 1918
the relative infrequency of AAD, coupled with clinical The recent release of an inaugural set of guidelines for the
presentations that may mimic more common problems, such management of thoracic aortic disease by the American
as acute coronary syndromes, can impede prompt establish- College of Cardiology and American Heart Association Task
ment of the AAD diagnosis. Significant delays may exist Force on Practice Guidelines will further increase profes-
between hospital arrival and definitive diagnosis and treat- sional awareness of ideal AAD care standards.4 Determina-

Received November 9, 2010; accepted July 29, 2011.

From the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation at Abbott–Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, MN (K.M.H., C.E.S.); Cardiovascular Division
(C.E.S., A.T.H.) and Division of Epidemiology and Community Health (A.T.H.), School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis;
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (K.A.E., H.S., J.V.C., D.G.M., J.B.F.); Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston (E.M.I.); University of Colorado,
Denver (T.T.T.); University Hospital S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy (R.F.); Hospital General Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain (A.E.); and
University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany (C.A.N.).
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Kevin M. Harris, MD, Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, 920 E 28th St, Ste 300, Minneapolis, MN 55407. E-mail
© 2011 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.006320

1912 Circulation November 1, 2011

tion of the most important factors contributing to diagnostic adjusted P value for each variable of less than 0.10 being required to
and treatment delays is likely to improve the diagnostic and remain eligible for reintroduction to the model along with the next
category of variables. Initial demographics and medical history
decision-making process. Using the largest contemporary
variables were first introduced, followed by variables for presenting
AAD database, the International Registry of Acute Aortic symptoms, followed by variables for signs of aortic dissection.
Dissection (IRAD),5 this report examines clinical and diag- Collinearity statistics were monitored at each stage (including
nostic variables in relation to time to diagnosis and time variance inflation factor, condition index, and eigenvalues), and
between diagnosis and surgery in type A AAD patients. variables suspect for collinearity were examined and removed as
deemed appropriate to resolve the issue.
The coefficients of the multiple linear regressions predicting the
Methods natural log of delay times were used to estimate the relative delay
Subjects time ratios for those patients with the presence of an individual
IRAD represents an investigational collaboration that has collected variable compared with those without that variable. Those variables
information on unselected consecutive cases of AAD occurring at 24 with positive ␤ coefficients are associated with an increase in relative
aortic referral centers in 11 countries since January 1, 1996.5 Patients delay time (delay time ratios ⬎1.0); those variables with negative ␤
with spontaneous AAD are enrolled by physicians at presentation or coefficients are associated with a reduction in relative delay time
identified retrospectively via queries of hospital discharge diagnosis, (delay time ratios ⬍1.0). On the basis of year of admission, patients
surgical, and echocardiography laboratory databases. Diagnosis is were categorized as the early IRAD group (1996 –1999; n⫽581) or
based on clinical history, imaging results, direct visualization of the later IRAD group (2000 –2007; n⫽623).
surgically managed patients, and/or postmortem examination. Cases
of AAD that occur secondary to trauma are not included. Institu- Results
tional Review Board approval was obtained at each site, and The patient group consisted of 894 patients with time data
informed consent was provided by all participating patients. The available for presentation to diagnosis with a median age of
complete rationale, design, and methods of IRAD have been pub-
lished previously.5 62 years (Q1–Q3, 52–72 years); 294 patients (32.9%) were
female; and 653 (73.3%) were transferred from nontertiary
Data Collection and Measures care facilities. Seven hundred fifty-one patients were ana-
A 290-item data collection instrument5 was used to collect compre- lyzed for time from diagnosis to surgery, with a median age
hensive information on patient demographics, medical history, clin- of 60 years (Q1–Q3, 50 –70 years); 216 (28.8%) were female;
ical presentation, physical findings, imaging use and results, medical
and 571 (76.4%) were transferred. The median time from
and surgical management, and outcomes. Data were collected at
presentation or via physician review of records, and the coordinating arrival at the emergency room to diagnosis was 4.3 hours
center reviewed each submission for face validity, completeness, and (Q1–Q3, 1.5–24 hours) and from diagnosis to surgery was 4.3
clinical appropriateness. Pertinent to this study, data collection hours (Q1–Q3, 2.4 –24 hours).
included recordings of dates and times of symptom onset, initial The median time from arrival to diagnosis was 4.5 hours
presentation (ie, hospital arrival), interhospital transfer (if applica-
ble), diagnosis, surgery, and clinical outcome. (Q1–Q3, 1.6 –28.1 hours) in the early years (1996 –1999) and
The registry collects data on acute dissection only, ie, patients 4.2 hours (IQR, 1.5–24.0 hours; P⫽0.55) in the later years.
presenting within 14 days of symptom onset. Patients with type A Similarly, the median time from diagnosis to surgery was 4.8
AAD enrolled in IRAD from January 1, 1996, to January 29, 2007, hours (Q1–Q3, 2.5–24.0 hours) in the early years and 4.0
were included in this analysis (n⫽1204). Only surgically managed hours (Q1–Q3, 2.3–20.0 hours; P⫽0.19) in the later years.
patients with type A AAD were included in the analysis examining
factors responsible for delay in surgical repair. Patients were ex- Patients in the more recent time interval were more likely to
cluded from the analysis if presenting/diagnostic or surgical times be white (93% versus 88%; P⫽0.033), more likely to
were not available. Thirty-four iatrogenic type A AADs were undergo computed tomography (CT) imaging as the first
included, but their inclusion or exclusion did not affect the overall diagnostic test (68% versus 51%; P⬍0.001), and less likely to
results. Type A dissection represents any dissection involving the
ascending aorta. Abrupt onset of pain was defined as sudden pain in
undergo initial testing with transesophageal echocardiogra-
the chest, neck, or back with maximal intensity at onset. A chest phy (28% versus 44%; P⬍0.001).
x-ray was defined as abnormal if it demonstrated a widened
mediastinum, abnormal cardiac or aortic contour, displacement or Features Associated With Diagnostic Time
calcification of the aortic wall, or pleural effusion. The imaging test
described is the first imaging test the patient underwent. Times Demographics/History
analyzed included those times from the initial emergency department Table 1 outlines the demographic and historical features
presentation to diagnosis and time from diagnosis to definitive associated with delay to diagnosis of aortic dissection. Fe-
treatment (beginning of surgery). male patients, those transferred from nontertiary care hospi-
tals, and patients who had undergone prior cardiac surgery
Statistical Analysis required significantly longer time intervals to establish the
Summary statistics are presented as median time in hours with first
and third quartiles (Q1 and Q3). The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was diagnosis.
used for univariate comparisons. We used ␹2 analysis to compare
categorical variables when appropriate. Because time delay data had Signs and Symptoms
positively skewed distributions, natural log transformations of time Patients with typical signs and symptoms of aortic dissection
delay were used to create a more normal distribution of the data. A were diagnosed sooner than those without these clinical clues
multiple-stage backward stepwise regression method was used as a (Table 2). These symptoms included chest or back pain,
tool to create the final multiple-variable regression model. Candidate especially if described as worst ever, migrating, abrupt in
variables with values of P⬍0.05 from the univariate analysis were
selected for introduction to the model. Variables were introduced to onset, or leg pain. In contrast, those with mild or no pain, or
the model in stages on the basis of general categories of variables. A with atypical features such as fever, required longer time
backward stepwise regression was performed at each stage, with an intervals for diagnostic confirmation.
Harris et al Delays in Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection 1913

Table 1. Median Time to Diagnosis and Surgery for Type A Acute Aortic Dissection by Demographics and Medical History
Time From Presentation to Diagnosis (n⫽894), h Time From Diagnosis to OR (n⫽751), h

Median (Q1–Q3) Median (Q1–Q3)

Characteristic Yes No P Yes No P

Age ⱖ70 y 5.04 (1.77–28.13) 4.02 (1.50–24.00) 0.051 4.75 (2.13–22.13) 4.17 (2.39–24.00) 0.824
Female 6.40 (1.81–30.05) 3.94 (1.50–24.00) 0.001 4.64 (2.50–24.00) 4.22 (2.25–20.50) 0.105
White race 4.23 (1.52–24.00) 3.58 (1.18–27.54) 0.619 4.00 (2.33–19.25) 11.00 (4.50–47.84) ⬍0.001
Transferred from primary hospital 5.05 (2.00–28.28) 2.57 (1.00–10.78) ⬍0.001 4.83 (2.70–24.00) 3.21 (1.58–10.31) ⬍0.001
Hx of hypertension 4.25 (1.58–24.00) 4.23 (1.5–24.00) 0.534 4.50 (2.50–24.00) 4.02 (2.08–14.35) 0.154
Hx of Marfan syndrome 2.20 (1.17–12.42) 4.50 (1.51–24.00) 0.066 4.00 (2.50–29.70) 4.30 (2.35–24.00) 0.859
Prior cardiac surgery 18.25 (2.20–48.00) 4.00 (1.50–24.00) 0.001 17.80 (3.67–71.90) 4.00 (2.25–18.72) ⬍0.001
Prior aortic valve replacement 6.36 (1.63–24.00) 4.25 (1.50–24.00) 0.729 18.06 (2.88–144.00) 4.23 (2.33–24.00) 0.004
Prior mitral valve replacement 148.45 (25.75–216) 4.25 (1.50–24.00) 0.004 ... 4.33 (2.34–24.00) Not possible
Prior CABG 25.67 (4.73–80.41) 4.02 (1.50–24.00) ⬍0.001 24.00 (4.72–72.00) 4.12 (2.33–20.50) ⬍0.001
Prior catheterization/angioplasty 22.80 (3.15–49.08) 4.03 (1.51–24.00) ⬍0.001 5.82 (2.56–24.00) 4.00 (2.33–19.63) 0.099
Known aortic aneurysm 3.17 (1.39–24.25) 4.50 (1.56–24.00) 0.192 5.00 (2.09–24.00) 4.17 (2.33–22.00) 0.446
Prior aortic dissection 6.25 (1.97–24.00) 4.25 (1.50–24.00) 0.892 46.21 (3.83–143.46) 4.14 (2.33–20.10) 0.001
Hx of bicuspid aortic valve 11.00 (2.27–25.00) 4.5 (1.62–24.00) 0.376 7.12 (3.44–38.25) 4.00 (2.25–20.30) 0.025
Hx of aortic valve disease 7.50 (1.74–25.48) 4.00 (1.50–24.00) 0.136 5.23 (2.83–46.50) 4.14 (2.33–19.34) 0.023
Hx of diabetes mellitus 8.42 (2.25–51.88) 4.18 (1.50–24.00) 0.077 2.83 (1.43–4.26) 4.42 (2.42–24.00) 0.021
Hx of atherosclerosis 7.68 (2.25–47.25) 3.93 (1.50–24.00) ⬍0.001 4.96 (2.67–24.00) 4.03 (2.29–18.92) 0.044
OR indicates operating room; Q1, quartile 1; Q3, quartile 3; Hx, history of; cath, cardiac catheterization; and CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting.

Critically ill patients with hypotension, tamponade, signs Features Associated With Delay in Time From
of ischemic lower extremities (as evidenced by pulse defi- Diagnosis to Surgery
cits), coma, or altered consciousness were diagnosed sooner. Demographics
Conversely, presentation with congestive heart failure pro- Features associated with delays to surgery include nonwhite
longed the diagnosis significantly. race and prior aortic dissection (Table 1). The delays in
Imaging/Testing nonwhites (n⫽103) were observed in the European cohort
The initial diagnostic test and its results had incremental (3.3 hours for whites versus 4.9 hours for nonwhites;
impact on the time to diagnosis (Table 3). Patients with an P⫽0.013), but not at North American sites (4.4 versus 5.1
ECG suggestive of myocardial ischemia required more time hours; P⫽NS). In addition, patients transferred from nonter-
to establish the diagnosis of aortic dissection. Abnormalities tiary care facilities and those with prior cardiac surgery had
on the chest x-ray, such as a widened mediastinum, led to a significant delays.
more rapid diagnosis, whereas normal films and pleural
effusions led to longer time intervals. Pain characteristics had a significant impact on the time to
A diagnostic strategy including prompt chest CT scan as surgery; those patients without typical chest pain (abrupt or
the initial test was associated with the quickest diagnostic worst ever) arrived at surgery more slowly than those with these
times. In contrast, those whose initial test was magnetic characteristics. Critically ill patients who were hypotensive,
resonance imaging or catheter-based aortography required those in shock or tamponade, and those with ischemic limbs had
significantly longer diagnostic times. If any of the tests were shorter times from diagnosis to surgery (Table 2).
interpreted as normal, times were delayed in contrast to those
with typical imaging clues, such as the presence of a double Imaging/Testing
lumen or intimal flap. The finding of aortic intramural As shown in Table 3, patients whose initial evaluation
hematoma on any imaging test led to delays in diagnosis of consisted of an aortogram or a cardiac magnetic resonance
dissection. imaging went to the operating room more slowly than those
without. Imaging results triggering more rapid arrival at
Multiple Linear Regression of Variables Related to Delay surgery include an intimal flap, a pericardial effusion, or a
in Diagnosis periaortic hematoma.
Transfer from an outside facility, fever, and normotension
were the greatest relative predictors of delay (Table 4). In Multiple Linear Regression of Factors Related to Time to
contrast, patients with typical symptoms (posterior pain, the Operating Room
abrupt pain, and worst pain ever) were diagnosed twice as The variables related to the greatest delay in time to surgery
quickly as the others in this cohort. include race other than white, history of coronary artery
1914 Circulation November 1, 2011

Table 2. Median Time to Diagnosis and Surgery for Type A Acute Aortic Dissection by Clinical Signs and Symptoms
Time From Presentation to Diagnosis (n⫽894), h Time From Diagnosis to OR (n⫽751), h

Median (Q1–Q3) Median (Q1–Q3)

Characteristic Yes No P Yes No P

Presenting symptoms
Abrupt onset of pain 3.50 (1.41–23.93) 24.00 (4.35–84.72) ⬍0.001 4.00 (2.25–15.40) 20.52 (4.50–96.00) ⬍0.001
Presence of any pain 4.01 (1.50–24.00) 24.00 (2.38–119.25) ⬍0.001 4.17 (2.27–19.54) 19.34 (3.45–109.44) 0.001
Chest pain 4.01 (1.50–24.00) 7.07 (1.67–45.00) 0.017 4.12 (2.25–18.00) 5.17 (2.83–27.03) 0.015
Back pain 3.03 (1.33–15.00) 6.20 (1.77–28.13) ⬍0.001 4.17 (2.34–23.88) 4.37 (2.43–20.88) 0.945
Abdominal pain 4.20 (1.64–24.00) 4.25 (1.50–24.00) 0.999 4.46 (2.35–24.00) 4.22 (2.33–21.50) 0.916
Severity of pain: mild 17.00 (1.63–57.50) 3.78 (1.50–24.00) 0.008 4.08 (2.58–40.75) 4.00 (2.17–15.90) 0.329
Severity of pain: severe or worst ever 3.78 (1.5–24) 17.0 (1.63–58) 0.008 4.00 (2.17–15.90) 4.08 (2.58–40.75) 0.329
Leg pain 2.57 (1.01–6.56) 4.61 (1.55–24.00) ⬍0.001 3.88 (2.58–9.00) 4.25 (2.25–24.00) 0.292
Syncope 4.25 (1.40–24.00) 4.11 (1.50–24.00) 0.727 3.15 (1.95–6.08) 4.59 (2.50–24.00) 0.001
Febrile 32.50 (16.76–108.00) 4.10 (1.50–24.00) 0.001 7.92 (2.09–24.94) 3.96 (2.25–19.81) 0.173
Pulse deficit 3.00 (1.23–9.75) 4.65 (1.61–27.77) ⬍0.001 3.46 (2.05–10.83) 4.65 (2.50–24.00) 0.007
Murmur of AI 4.02 (1.50–24.0) 4.50 (1.62–24.0 0.35 3.87 (2.5–16.50) 4.83 (2.13–24.0) 0.236
Presenting with hypotension 2.50 (1.27–7.01) 4.58 (1.60–24.25) ⬍0.001 3.50 (2.17–7.00) 4.42 (2.33–24.00) 0.066
Presenting with shock 4.41 (1.56–24) 2.67 (1.33–20.25) 0.155 2.02 (2.92–5.42) 4.42 (2.43–24.00) 0.006
Presenting with cardiac tamponade 1.71 (0.69–5.86) 4.35 (1.58–24.00) 0.002 2.54 (1.31–6.71) 4.26 (2.42–21.69) 0.004
Ischemic lower extremity 3.00 (1.04–7.81) 4.57 (1.62–24.25) 0.002 3.46 (2.25–6.18) 4.58 (2.50–24.00) 0.038
Coma/altered consciousness 2.82 (1.26–22.63) 4.75 (1.62–24.25) 0.007 3.00 (2.17–5.13) 4.67 (2.50–24.00) 0.003
CHF as sign or symptom 23.28 (1.56–65.10) 4.07 (1.50–24.00) 0.005 8.12 (2.95–24.00) 4.25 (2.34–21.43) 0.062
Admission SBP ⱖ105 mm Hg 5.05 (1.83–26.17) 2.50 (1.17–8.94) ⬍0.001 4.75 (2.50–24.00) 3.33 (2.07–6.92) ⬍0.001
OR indicates operating room; Q1, quartile 1; Q3, quartile 3; AI, aortic insufficiency; CHF, congestive heart failure; and SBP, systolic blood pressure.

bypass surgery, and the time from presentation to diagnosis ECG and dyspnea),9 and the factors associated with delay in
(Table 5). Patients with shock, cardiac tamponade, and operative repair have not previously been evaluated. Prior
diabetes mellitus went to surgery far more rapidly than others data from tertiary referral centers suggested that in patients
in the cohort. with proven aortic dissections, a diagnosis other than dissec-
tion was first considered in more than one third of the
Discussion cases,10,11 and dissection was not discovered until postmor-
Significant delays exist between emergency department ar- tem examination in nearly one third of cases.10 Additionally,
rival and establishment of a definitive diagnosis of AAD. in up to two thirds of patients, ⬎1 test is necessary to
Variables associated with delayed diagnosis include female establish the diagnosis.12 As outlined in the American College
sex, the absence of typical historical features (abrupt-onset, of Cardiology/American Heart Association thoracic aortic
chest, or back pain), or high-risk examination findings, disease guidelines, high-risk historical features or conditions
including hypotension or pulse deficits. Patients initially (connective tissue disorders, Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz
presenting to nontertiary hospitals experienced delays in both syndrome, etc) or physical examination findings suggestive
recognition and surgery. Furthermore, delays from diagnosis of aortic dissection should be sought in all patients presenting
to surgery occur more commonly in nonwhite patients, those with symptoms that could represent AAD.4 In addition to
with a history of prior cardiac surgery, and those in whom the standard testing such as ECG and chest radiography, defini-
initial presentation is not complicated by typical high-risk tive diagnostic imaging (CT, transesophageal echocardiogra-
features such as shock or tamponade. phy, or magnetic resonance imaging) should be pursued in
patients at high risk for the disease based on the screening
Delays in Recognition process.4 Recognition of features associated with both typical
Prior analysis of the IRAD registry suggested that certain and atypical presentations of dissection is instructional for
variables are associated with delays between symptom onset improving rapid detection.
and diagnosis, including lack of pain, female sex, and
abdominal pain.6 – 8 To the best of our knowledge, the reasons Typical Clinical Features Associated
for delay in the time to diagnosis of aortic dissection have With Dissection
previously been evaluated in only 1 small study (pleural Classic features suggestive of acute dissection include the
effusion, troponin positivity, acute coronary syndrome like abrupt onset of severe chest pain, often of a tearing or ripping
Harris et al Delays in Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection 1915

Table 3. Median Time to Diagnosis and Surgery for Type A Acute Aortic Dissection by Diagnostic Testing
Time From Presentation to Diagnosis (n⫽894), h Time From Diagnosis to OR (n⫽751), h

Median (Q1–Q3) Median (Q1–Q3)

Characteristic Yes No P Yes No P

ECG normal 4.38 (1.33–28.33) 4.50 (1.67–24.0) 0.44 4.3333 (2.00–18.72) 4.1167 (2.50–24.00) 0.750
ECG with infarct, new Q waves, or 23.80 (2.45–46.25) 4.08 (1.51–24.00) 0.02 3.21 (1.75–19.69) 4.25 (2.44–20.50) 0.245
ST-segment elevation
ECG nonspecific ST-T changes 5.00 (2.00–25.57) 3.97 (1.40–24.00) 0.005 4.83 (2.50–24.00) 4.03 (2.33–18.68) 0.233
Preoperative myocardial ischemia 7.42 (1.67–28.1) 4.01 (1.55–24.00) 0.96 3.03 (1.75–5.50) 4.58 (2.50–24.00) 0.004
CXR findings
Normal 7.42 (2.25–40.79) 4.08 (1.50–24.00) 0.009 4.82 (2.03–22.69) 4.54 (2.58–24.00) 0.738
Widening of mediastinum 3.50 (1.59–24.00) 7.95 (2.00–48.00) ⬍0.001 4.25 (2.58–18.96) 5.07 (2.50–24.00) 0.203
Abnormal CXR without pain 3.00 (1.46–15.00) 4.50 (1.50–24.00) 0.02 3.42 (2.29–6.75) 4.75 (2.27–24.00) 0.035
Pleural effusion 7.05 (1.87–70.5) 4.23 (1.51–24.00) 0.01 5.17 (2.17–24.00) 4.50 (2.50–20.51) 0.213
First imaging test
CT 3.93 (1.50–24.00) 5.00 (1.61–30.50) 0.005 4.75 (2.58–21.74) 3.75 (2.00–22.75) 0.03
TEE/TTE 4.62 (1.50–29.00) 4.00 (1.50–24.00) 0.14 3.33 (2.00–18.17) 4.78 (2.67–24.00) 0.002
MRI 96.00 (25.97–156.00) 4.07 (1.50–24.00) 0.012 516.19 (72.10–996.00) 4.17 (2.33–20.50) 0.002
Aortogram 16.50 (3.11–28.30) 4.00 (1.50–24.00) 0.014 7.23 (3.19–21.40) 4.17 (2.33–22.06) 0.33
Imaging result
Normal image 8.92 (3.89–74.41) 4.10 (1.50–24.00) 0.042 4.94 (1.68–19.13) 4.33 (2.37–24.00) 0.627
Any test showed double lumen 3.50 (1.50–24.00) 6.32 (2.06–28.01) ⬍0.001 4.06 (2.38–19.00) 4.88 (2.08–24.00) 0.302
Any test showed partial 8.17 (1.77–45.38) 3.50 (1.33–24.00) 0.004 6.97 (3.27–63.95) 4.00 (2.25–13.28) ⬍0.001
false lumen thrombosis
Any test showed pericardial 4.16 (1.50–24.00) 4.05 (1.50–24.00) 0.842 3.57 (2.00–15.00) 5.00 (2.66–24.00) 0.001
Any test showed intramural 6.5 (1.9–48.0) 4.0 (1.5–24.0) 0.007 5.4 (2.1–24.0) 4.2 (2.4–20.0) 0.051
OR indicates operating room; Q1, quartile 1; Q3, quartile 3; CXR, chest x-ray; CT, computed tomography; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; TEE, transesophageal
echocardiography; and MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

character, with radiation to the back and physical examination clinical characteristics of the pain (abrupt, posterior, and
findings such as pulse deficits and a murmur suggestive of worst ever) are present. In patients with life-threatening limb
aortic insufficiency.13 However, in reality, although chest ischemia or shock, the diagnosis of aortic dissection is
pain of severe nature and its abrupt onset are present in more achieved more quickly because multiple diagnostic tests are
than three quarters of patients with type A AAD, the obtained concurrently. Our finding that hypotension is asso-
remaining 25% do not have typical features.5,13 Our data ciated with a more rapid diagnosis is consistent with an
provide supportive evidence that emergency department cli- earlier study.9 Once diagnosed, patients with typical symp-
nicians are more likely to establish the diagnosis when typical toms, pulse deficits, cardiac tamponade, or shock undergo

Table 4. Time From Presentation to Diagnosis (Multiple Table 5. Time From Diagnosis to Surgery (Multiple
Linear Regression) Linear Regression)
Delay 95% CI for Delay 95% CI for
Time Delay Time Time Delay Time
B P Ratio Ratio B P Ratio Ratio
Transferred from primary hospital 1.206 ⬍0.001 3.34 2.38 to 4.69 Log normal of hours from 0.342 ⬍0.001 1.35 0.235 to 0.371
Female sex 0.550 0.001 1.73 1.27 to 2.36 presentation to diagnosis
Chest pain, posterior ⫺0.500 0.001 0.61 0.45 to 0.81 White race vs other 0.150 ⬍0.001 2.25 0.402 to 1.223
Worst pain ever ⫺0.632 0.001 0.53 0.36 to 0.78 History of diabetes mellitus ⫺0.113 0.003 0.42 ⫺1.459 to ⫺0.293
Febrile 1.631 ⬍0.001 5.11 2.07 to 12.62 History of CABG 0.139 ⬍0.001 2.81 0.469 to 1.600
Abrupt onset of pain ⫺0.848 0.002 0.43 0.25 to 0.73 Presenting shock ⫺0.083 0.031 0.63 ⫺0.887 to ⫺0.042
Admission SBP ⱖ105 mm Hg 0.895 ⬍0.001 2.45 1.80 to 3.33 Presenting tamponade ⫺0.090 0.020 0.48 ⫺1.348 to ⫺0.117
CI indicates confidence interval; SBP, systolic blood pressure. CI indicates confidence interval; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting.
1916 Circulation November 1, 2011

surgery faster than their counterparts. The wide variation in D-dimer assay, these tests are not yet available in emergency
presenting symptoms between individuals contributes to phy- departments.20
sicians’ difficulty in establishing this diagnosis. Interestingly, Chest x-ray is standard in patients presenting with chest
an aortic aneurysm, Marfan syndrome, or the presence of an pain. Our findings suggest, however, that clinicians may be
aortic insufficiency murmur, each of which may offer clues to falsely reassured by a normal chest x-ray, and the diagnosis of
the diagnosis of dissection, was associated with earlier dissection is delayed in this group. Although typical radio-
diagnosis but failed to reach statistical significance. graphic findings of type A AAD include widening of the
mediastinum or aortic knob, in fact, ⬎20% of patients with
Atypical Presentations and Contributors to confirmed AAD lack abnormalities of the mediastinum or
Delayed Recognition aortic contour.5,13 The relatively nonspecific finding of a
Our data highlight several groups of patients with a delayed pleural effusion was also seen in those with longer diagnostic
diagnosis who deserve emphasis. First, as a group, women are times.9
diagnosed more slowly. The recognition of delayed diagnosis The development of an evidence-based strategy to exclude
of dissection in women has previously been reported and was aortic dissection in patients presenting with chest pain would
attributed to atypical presenting symptoms.7 Women are at be useful because ⬎4.6 million Americans annually present
particularly high risk for mortality from dissection; thus, to emergency departments with chest pain. A strategy of a
earlier recognition is paramount. Second, patients with heart low threshold for CT scanning would need to be balanced by
failure, perhaps related to concomitant aortic insufficiency, the potential harm resulting from long-term effects of radia-
can lead clinicians down other diagnostic and treatment tion and contrast-induced nephrotoxicity. Rapid diagnosis of
algorithms, thereby delaying the true diagnosis. Third, a fever dissection is most likely when CT or echocardiography is part
at presentation, not a common symptom of dissection, may of the diagnostic testing. In contrast, when magnetic reso-
lead to alternative diagnostic strategies.5,13 nance imaging or an aortogram was performed, the diagnosis
Other groups experience delay in recognition and treat- was delayed, often significantly. In our series, the use of
ment. Patients without pain of any type are typically not magnetic resonance images, which are not widely available
diagnosed or treated as quickly. In fact, prior analysis especially on an emergent basis, likely represents cases in
suggests that patients with painless dissection have a height- which an alternative diagnosis was initially contemplated.3
ened risk.6 Patients with prior cardiac surgery have delayed Patients with aortograms as part of the testing regimen may
diagnosis and treatment.14 In fact, although 1 in 6 patients represent patients who are being evaluated for an acute
coronary syndrome that may be complicating a dissection.
with aortic dissection has had prior cardiac surgery, it may
Patients with normal initial studies are less likely to have a
not be widely recognized that this constitutes a risk factor for
quick diagnosis of dissection, and physicians should realize
dissection.14 Patients with prior surgery may have abnormal-
that tomographic imaging is excellent but not 100% sensitive
ities of their aortic wall from aortic cross-clamping, aortic
or specific. If there is a high index of suspicion, a second test
valve implantation, or insertion of proximal bypass grafts that
may be needed in individual cases.12,21 Intramural hematoma,
predispose them to recurrent dissection. In addition, if they
an important type of aortic dissection, made up 8.2% (n⫽72)
had bicuspid aortic valve disease, they may have an inherited
of this data set. These patients may not always be recognized
tendency to proximal aortic aneurysm and/or dissection.
as having a variant of aortic dissection requiring similar
These patients may present with atypical symptoms. Patients
treatment and thus not surprisingly were associated with
initially presenting to nontertiary hospitals experience delays
delays in both recognition and treatment.22,23
in both recognition and treatment. Once recognized, interho-
spital transfer adds time and requires coordination between Delays to the Operating Room
hospitals.15 Nonwhite patients experience delays in surgical As outlined above, our study shows that some patient groups,
treatment for reasons that are uncertain. They may be related such as patients who transfer from other hospitals, those
to access to care, but this merits further investigation. The without pain, nonwhites, and those with prior cardiac surgery,
delays in the nonwhites were seen primarily in Europe and are prone to delays in treatment. In addition, those with
may be related to language barriers, ie, not speaking the delays in presentation to diagnosis also had delays in the time
native language of the European countries. to surgery. Those centers with delays in diagnosis and surgery
likely represent nontertiary hospitals that have overall less
Diagnostic Testing familiarity with dissection. Patients with prior surgery are
The incidence of AAD is far lower than that of acute coronary often managed medically, perhaps because of a perceived
syndromes.5,16,17 Furthermore, the ECG, which is routinely excessive risk of surgery.14 However, why other features are
performed when patients present with chest pain, suggests an associated with longer delays is not well understood, but may
acute coronary syndrome in more than one fourth of patients be a reflection of the surgeon’s individual preferences.24 That
with acute aortic syndromes.18 As corroborated by this an earlier diagnosis of AAD and initiation of definitive
analysis, an abnormal ECG leads to delays in diagnosis.9 In treatment are associated with improved survival has never
AAD, the abnormal ECG may be the result of hypotension, been definitively proven, although a systematic rapid opera-
compromise of coronary ostia, or preexisting coronary dis- tive approach is associated with excellent outcomes.25 It has
ease.19 Although preliminary evidence suggests a possible been postulated that the delay in recognition may partially
diagnostic role for plasma biomarkers, aside from the explain the increased mortality in certain subgroups of
Harris et al Delays in Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection 1917

patients with dissection, including women and those without Hewlett Foundation, Mardigian Foundation, and GORE, Inc. The
pain.6,7 Although it is logical to presume that, on average, sponsors had no role in the design and conduct of the study; the
collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or
more prolonged aortic dissection would be associated with
the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.
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Sources of Funding 99:852– 856.
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System, Varbedian Fund for Aortic Research, Hewlett Foundation, Evangelista A, Isselbacher EA, Suzuki T, Nienaber CA, Gilon D, Oh JK.
Mardigian Foundation, and GORE, Inc. Choice of computed tomography, transesophageal echocardiography,
magnetic resonance imaging and aortography in acute aortic dissection:
Disclosures International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection. Am J Cardiol. 2002;
Dr Eagle has received grant/research support from Bristol Myers
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Squibb, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan, GORE, Hewlett JAMA. 2002;287:2262–2272.
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Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Pfizer, Sanofi- Pape LA, Eagle KA, Mehta RH; International Registry of Acute Aortic
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1918 Circulation November 1, 2011

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An acute aortic dissection is a surgical emergency with a high mortality if left untreated. Given the varied presentations,
including similarity to the far more common acute coronary syndromes, diagnosis and appropriate treatment are often
delayed. This report evaluates the reasons for delay in the diagnosis of 894 patients in the International Registry of Acute
Aortic Dissection Registry. Patients with the most typical presenting signs and symptoms, including abrupt onset of severe
chest pain, and those with pulse deficits or hypotension, were diagnosed more quickly. In contrast, patients transferred from
referral hospitals had significantly longer times to diagnosis and ultimately to surgery, perhaps related to the physician’s
experience with dissection at these hospitals. Delays from diagnosis to surgery also occurred in nonwhites, those with prior
cardiac surgery, and those without ongoing shock or hypotension. Education directed at recognition of both typical and
atypical presentations of aortic dissection, particularly to those centers with low exposure to aortic emergencies, may be
of benefit. The fact that the median times from presentation to diagnosis and from diagnosis to surgery exceeded 4 hours
suggests that there is substantial room for improvement. The development of systematic care pathways for diagnosis and
management of aortic dissection, similar to those in place for acute myocardial infarction, may be of benefit. The focus
of these pathways should include recognition of both typical and atypical presentations, with rapid diagnostic imaging in
appropriate candidates and prompt transfer and surgery.

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