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Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2014. Editorial update, 2019. Joint Task Group: Donald J. Reish (chair), Mary Ann Rempel-Hester, J. Daniel Farrar.

8510  A. Introduction

1. Characteristics and Ecology Hirudinea are leeches, either free-living or parasitic, that
inhabit fresh or marine waters. They have not been used in tox-
The phylum Annelida includes 3 classes: Polychaeta, Oligo- icity testing.
chaeta, and Hirudinea. Polychaetes are an important, often pre-
dominant, component of marine and estuarine biota.1 In subtidal 2. Test Applications
benthic environments, they comprise about 30% to 75% of mac-
roinvertebrate species and individuals. They include a variety The following procedures serve as guidelines for using poly-
of feeding types, with the majority being either filter or detritus chaetes and oligochaetes in various toxicity tests. These proce-
feeders. Polychaetes affect surface sediments because of their dures also can be, and have been, adapted to testing sediments.
burrowing and irrigating habits. They are important food for Other toxicity tests for annelids have been published.2,3
snails, large crustaceans, fish, and birds. Many species of poly-
chaetes have short life cycles.
Oligochaetes are among the most common benthic inverte-
brates in all types of aquatic environments. Particular species 1. Shain DH. Annelids in Modern Biology. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley-Blackwell;
assemblages are recognized indicators of environmental quality. 2009.
In grossly polluted freshwater habitats, oligochaetes dominate 2. Standard guide for conducting acute, chronic, and life-cycle aquatic
benthic fauna, while in estuarine areas, they and polychaete toxicity tests with polychaetous annelids; ASTM E1562-00. In: Annual
worms are often the most common benthic organisms. They feed Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 11.06. West Conshohocken, (PA):
mainly on bacteria, although other feeding types occur.1 They ASTM International; 2013.
affect surface sediments, as do polychaetes. Oligochaetes are an 3. Standard guide for conducting sediment toxicity tests with polychaet-
important primary or alternate food for leeches, crustaceans, fish, ous annelids; ASTM E1611-00. In: Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
and birds. Vol. 11.06. West Conshohocken (PA): ASTM International; 2013.

8510  B. Selecting and Preparing Test Organisms

1. Selecting Test Organisms Other species used in toxicity tests but not discussed include
Hediste diversicolor, Arenicola cristata, Abarenicola pacifica,
In accordance with the criteria listed in Section 8010 E.1, the and Armandia brevis.
recommended test species include (but are not restricted to) the b. Freshwater oligochaetes:
following: 1) Family Tubificidae
a. Marine polychaetes: Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (cosmopolitan)
1) Family Nereidae Tubifex tubifex (cosmopolitan) (Figure 8510:3A)
Neanthes arenaceodentata (Neanthes acuminata and Neanthes Branchiura sowerbyi (cosmopolitan) (Figure 8510:3B)
caudata of some authors) (New England, Florida, and California 2) Family Lumbriculidae
coasts; Europe) (Figure 8510:1A) Stylodrilus heringianus (holarctic) (Figure 8510:3C)
Alitta succinea (formerly Neanthes) (all US coasts) Lumbriculus variegatus (holarctic)
Neanthes virens (east US coast) c. Marine oligochaetes:
2) Family Spionadae Family Tubificidae
Polydora cornuta (Polydora ligni of some authors) (Atlantic, Monopylephorus cuticulatus (NE Pacific).
Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico) (Figures 8510:1B and C) Tubificoides fraseri (all North American coasts)
3) Family Capitellidae Tectidrilus verrucosus (all North American coasts)
Capitella capitata (cosmopolitan) (Figures 8510:1D and E) d. Other freshwater and marine oligochaetes used in toxicity
4) Family Dinophilidae tests but not discussed include Quistadrilus multisetosus (Figure
Dinophilus gyrociliatus (cosmopolitan) (Figure 8510:2A) 8510:3D), Spirosperma ferox, Spirosperma nikolskyi, Rhyacodri-
5) Family Dorvilleidae lus montana, Varichaetadrilus pacificus, Ilyodrilus frantzi, Nais
Ophryotrocha diadema (west US coast) (Figure 8510:2B) communis, Paranais frici, and Paranais litoralis. 1
8510 ANNELIDS - B. Selecting and Preparing Test Organisms

Figure 8510:1. Marine polychaetes. A—Neanthes arenaceodentata, anterior end, dorsal view; B—Polydora cornuta, anterior end, dorsal view;
C—Polydora cornuta, posterior end, dorsal view; D—Capitella capitata, female, anterior end, dorsal view; E—Capitella capitata, male, anterior end,
dorsal view.

and the fouling communities on pilings, boat floats, or submerged

objects. Subtidal collections can be made using one of the sam-
pling devices described in Section 10500 B. Worms can be sep-
arated from sediment as directed in Section 10500 C. To obtain
worms, bring the substrate or fouling material into the laboratory,
place in white enameled pans, and cover with seawater. After the
worms come to the surface, remove them with a fine brush and
transfer them to petri dishes containing seawater. Examine each
specimen under a dissecting microscope, and discard all injured
worms. Transfer uninjured specimens to 4-L aquariums or shal-
low trays.
2) Polydora cornuta inhabits intertidal sand-mud flats or sub-
tidal waters. It lives in tubes constructed of fine sediments. Inter-
tidal worms can be collected with a shovel and washed through
a 1.0-mm sieve. Tubes can be transferred to a petri dish so the
species can be verified and its condition examined under a dis-
secting microscope.
3) Ophryotrocha and Dinophilus occur on fouling organisms
attached to floats and pilings. Because these species are minute,
use a dissecting microscope to look for them. Because only a
small number can be collected at one time, establish a laboratory
colony [8510 B.3a3)].
b. Freshwater and marine oligochaetes: Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri
and Tubifex tubifex inhabit muddy sediments and are particularly
common in areas of gross organic pollution. To positively identify
this species, analysts usually must examine preserved specimens
and compare them. In live culture, these species can be separated
based on the presence (T. tubifex) or absence (L. hoffmeisteri) of
hair setae. Branchiura sowerbyi is a larger worm with gills on pos-
terior segments; it is common in muddy, warm-water areas. Stylo-
Figure 8510:2. Marine polychaetes. A—Dinophilus gyrociliatus, adult; drilus heringianus is common in areas of clean, fine sand and is
B—Ophryotrocha diadema, adult. identified by the presence of extra rings and nonretractable penes.
The marine species Monopylephorus cuticulatus, Tubificoides
fraseri, and Tectidrilus verrucosus are found in muddy sediments
2. Collecting Test Organisms and are separable based on size (M. cuticulatus > T. fraseri > T.
verrucosus), setae (M. cuticulatus has occasional irregular hair
a. Marine polychaetes: setae), and color (T. verrucosus has a papillate skin and greenish
1) Neanthes arenaceodentata, Alitta succinea, and Capitella tinge; the others are dark red). To positively identify this species,
capitata inhabit intertidal and subtidal mud flats in estuarine areas analysts must examine preserved specimens and compare them. 2
8510 ANNELIDS - B. Selecting and Preparing Test Organisms

Figure 8510:3. Freshwater oligochaetes. A—Tubifex tubifex, adult; B—Branchiura sowerbyi, adult; C—Stylodrilus heringianus, adult; D—Quistr-
adrilus multisetosus.

To obtain worms, sieve sediments through a 0.5-mm sieve America. Collect in large quantity, wash with seawater, freeze,
and sort them under a dissecting microscope. Discard damaged and store indefinitely. Before use, soak the algae in seawater and
worms. Transfer uninjured specimens to aerated aquariums or knead to separate individual filaments. Other macroalgae (e.g.,
shallow trays for holding and feeding. Ensure that worms are cultured brown Ectocarpus siliculosus) produce excellent results
collected from an uncontaminated area because they can develop in polychaete cultures but are less convenient to use. Place suffi-
rapid resistance to some toxicants.1 cient macroalgae in culture containers to allow worms to construct
tubes. Add commercially prepared diet (Prawn Flakes, Plankton
3. Culturing Flakes, TetraMarine or equivalent) to worm cultures 3 times
weekly. Vigorously mix flakes with a small amount of seawater
a. Marine polychaetes: to moisten, and break them up before adding them to the cultures.
1) Condition of animals—Discard animals injured during To minimize overfeeding, examine each culture container before
collection. Some species (e.g., Neanthes arenaceodentata) can adding the commercial diet. If most of the food is uneaten, do not
regenerate a tail, so it is not always necessary to discard worms add more, and add less food at subsequent feedings.
missing tails when establishing a culture. Save worms with gam- A powdered diet is suitable for small species (e.g., Capitella
etes in the coelom for starting cultures, but normally do not use capitata, Ophryotrocha diadema, and Dinophilus gyrociliatus)
them for toxicity tests. and the larvae of N. arenaceodentata. Prepare a fine powder from
2) Food and feeding—Cultures of the polychaete species men- dried Ulva spp. or one of the commercial diets by grinding the
tioned here can be maintained without sediment; therefore, the dry material in a blender and sieving to obtain particles less than
worms must be fed, as should worms in long-term experiments 0.06 mm.
(see 8510 C.4a). Cultures of larger species (e.g., N. arenaceoden- Feed living Dunaliella spp. to larval A. succinea until the lar-
tata) have better survival, growth, and tube production if fed a vae settle. For culturing instructions, see Section 8010 E.4c.1b.
mixed diet that consists of a macroalga for tube construction and Feed Dunaliella spp. at least 2 million cells/L of worm culture or
a commercially prepared invertebrate, rabbit, or fish diet for nutri- at a rate large enough to maintain a green color in the seawater.
tion. Green algae [Ulva (syn. Enteromorpha) spp.] are convenient After larvae settle, feed filamentous Ulva spp. until the swimming
because they grow abundantly in most estuarine areas of North reproductive epitoke stage is reached. 3
8510 ANNELIDS - B. Selecting and Preparing Test Organisms

Figure 8510:4. Life stages of Capitella capitata. A—Female incubating developing embryos; B—Recently hatched trochophore larva; C—Metatro-
chophore stage, ready to settle.

3) Producing test organisms

a) Capitella capitata—Laboratory-cultured specimens begin

to mature between 15 to 25 d after hatching. A mature female
develops white masses of eggs in the coelom from approximately
segment 10 posteriorly, and a mature male develops specialized
setae on the dorsal surface of segments 8 and 9. The female lays
fertilized eggs along the inside lining of her tube, where larval
development continues until the trochophore larvae emerge 4 to
6 d later (Figure 8510:4). To obtain free-swimming trochophore
larvae, examine tubes under a dissecting microscope to detect
those containing eggs or larvae. Recently fertilized eggs appear
white, but as they mature they become grey-green and can be seen
moving about. Place tubes containing larvae in a petri dish. Under
a dissecting microscope, open the tubes to free trochophores. One
female provides 200 to 300 trochophores. Remove and discard
the female and the tube containing any larvae that did not swim
Figure 8510:5. Neanthes arenaceodentata. Adults of same sex in a fight-
free. Use free-swimming larvae in tests or let them develop for
ing position.
later use.
Sibling species of C. capitata have been described;2 however,
the taxonomic status of this species complex is still in question. c) Neanthes arenaceodentata—Before spawning, either the
b) Alitta succinea (formerly Neanthes)—Take nearly mature male or female enters the tube or burrow of another worm. If
epitokes from the field or laboratory colony and hold until they the worms are of different sex, they remain together and spawn
complete sexual metamorphosis. Mature epitokes swim to the in the tube. The female dies within 1 d after spawning, and the
water surface and release gametes. If fertilization is successful, male incubates the eggs for about 3 weeks, when they have 18 to
separate zygotes into several 4-L jars containing aerated water 21 setigerous segments. Then the young worms leave the tube,
and let them develop to the 3-setiger stage (about 1 week). These begin feeding, and construct their own tubes. Feed them filamen-
larvae are ready for use in tests. One fertilization provides more tous Ulva [as indicated in ¶a2) above]. Under laboratory condi-
than 2000 larvae. tions (20 °C), sexual maturity is reached in 3 to 4 months. It is 4
8510 ANNELIDS - B. Selecting and Preparing Test Organisms

Figure 8510:6. Life stages of selected marine polychaetes. A—Dinophilus gyrociliatus, three female and one
male (small) embryos in a developing capsule; B—Ophryotrocha diadema, developing embryos in egg capsule;
C—Ophryotrocha diadema, larva recently emerged from egg capsule.

impossible to distinguish the sex of immature forms morpholog-

ically. Distinguish by observing whether they fight when placed
together (Figure 8510:5). Like sexes fight; unlike sexes do not.
Use a female with maturing eggs in her coelom as a known indi-
vidual to identify the sex of immature worms. The most conve-
nient time to obtain young juveniles is shortly after they have left
the parent’s tube and have begun to feed.
d) Dinophilus gyrociliatus completes its life cycle in 7 to 10 d
at 20 °C. The female lays 2 to 5 eggs in a capsule. The larger eggs
develop into females and the smaller ones into males. The male
mates with the female before hatching from the capsule (Figure
8510:6A), then dies. Large colonies can be maintained with min-
imal care.
e) Ophryotrocha diadema (Figure 8510:2B) completes its life
cycle in 30 to 40 d at 20 °C. This species is hermaphroditic, with
Segments 3 and 4 containing the male elements. The remaining
segments posterior to Segment 4 are female. Ten to 14 eggs are
laid in a loose jelly capsule (Figure 8510:6B); they hatch from Figure 8510:7. Life stages of Polydora cornuta. A—Egg capsules taken
the capsule in 8 d as a 4-segmented larva (Figure 8510:6C) and from tube of female; B—Pelagic larvae.
begin feeding the next day. Large colonies can be maintained with
minimal care; however, subcultures should be established every 5
to 6 weeks in clean containers. the time of release (Figure 8510:7B). The larvae begin tube con-
f) Feed Dunaliella spp. or a 1:1 mixture of ground TetraMa- struction within a week. The life cycle is completed in 1 month.
rine and powdered Ulva spp. to both larvae and adult Polydora Sperm are stored in the female, and she produces more than one
cornuta. Feed several times a week at the rate of 2 mg per worm. string of capsules.
Larvae will settle and begin tube construction, using food parti- b. Freshwater and marine oligochaetes:
cles for material. 1) Condition of animals—Oligochaetes show great regenera-
g) Polydora cornuta (Figure 8510:1C) completes its life cycle tive abilities, so it is not always necessary to discard injured spec-
in 28 d under laboratory conditions at 20 ± 2 °C.1,2 The sexes are imens. Mature individuals with well-developed clitellar regions
separate, and the sperm (contained in a spermatophore) are trans- are particularly important for culture establishment. Keep cul-
ferred to the female. Fertilized eggs are laid in capsules in the tures in the dark or under natural light:dark regimens.
female’s tube (Figure 8510:7A), which occur between Segments 2) Food and feeding—Oligochaetes feed mainly on bacteria in
14 and 21. The number of eggs in a capsule varies from 35 to 63 sediments, so in experiments with natural sediments, additional
under laboratory conditions. Larvae develop in the capsule and feeding is unnecessary. Short-term experiments do not require
are expelled in 4 d. Swimming larvae have at least 3 segments at feeding; for long-term experiments (>10 d), provide sediment. 5
8510 ANNELIDS - C. Toxicity Test Procedures

Condition sterile sediments by preparing an inoculum of fil- References

amentous Ulva (for marine worms) or lettuce (for freshwater
worms) consisting of the aqueous material remaining after plant 1. Klerks PL, Levinton JS. Rapid evolution of metal resistance in
fibers decay in diluent water. Add inoculum directly to culture a benthic oligochaete inhabiting a metal-polluted site. Biol Bull.
containers in a volume not to exceed 10% of the total. Prefer- 1989;176(2):135–141.
ably use sediments of fine sand with some silt content, rather 2. Grassle J, Grassle JF. Sibling species in the marine pollution indicator
Capitella (Polychaeta). Science 1976;192(4239):567–569.
than more muddy sediments in which worms are difficult to find.
Check cultures periodically for spoilage; if this occurs, clean cul-
tures and restart. Oligochaetes have no larval stage. No separate Bibliography
feeding regimen is required for juveniles.
3) Producing test organisms—Gravid worms in culture lay Baily HC, Liu DHW. Lumbriculus variegatus, a benthic oligochaete, as
a bioassay organism. In: Eaton JC, Parrish PR, Hendricks AC, eds.
eggs that hatch in 3 to 14 d, depending on species and tempera-
Aquatic toxicology; ASTM STP 707. West Conshohocken (PA):
ture. Newly hatched worms lack the full component of adult setae ASTM International; 1980.
but rapidly develop these. Chapman PM, Brinkhurst RO. Lethal and sublethal tolerances of aquatic
Freshwater species generally grow better in mixed culture. The oligochaetes with reference to their use as a biotic index of pollution.
following combinations are recommended: L. hoffmeisteri and T. Hydrobiologia. 115(1):139–144.
tubifex, L. hoffmeisteri and B. sowerbyi, T. tubifex and B. sower- Milbrink G. Biological characterization of sediments by standardized
byi, and S. heringianus and L. hoffmeisteri. Tubificoides fraseri is tubificid bioassays. Hydrobiologia. 1987;155:267–275.
a parthenogenic species that is particularly amenable to culturing; Pesch CE Schauer PS. Flow-through culture techniques for neanthes
T. verrucosus, L. variegatus, and M. cuticulatus can be cultured arenaceodentata (annelida: Polychaeta), including influence of
as pure species. diet on growth and survival. Environ Toxicol Chem. 1988;7(12):
Carr RS, Williams JW, Fragata CTB. Development and evaluation of a
4. Parasites and Diseases novel marine pore water toxicity test with the polychaetous Dinophi-
lus gyrociliatus. Environ Toxicol Chem. 1989;8(6):533–543.
Microbial growth can result from overfeeding, improperly condi- Smith DP, Kennedy JH, Dickson KL. An evaluation of a naidid oli-
tioned food, or insufficient dissolved oxygen (DO). Prevent fungal gochaete as a toxicity test organism. Environ Toxicol Chem.
growth by providing sufficient aeration. To minimize overfeeding, 1991;10(11):1459–1465.
examine each aquarium before feeding. Do not add more food if Jenner HA, Bowmer T. The accumulation of metals and toxic effects in
most of the diet is uneaten, and add less food at subsequent feed- Nereis virens exposed to pulverized fuel ash. Environ Monit Assess.
ings. Generally, there is adequate DO in 4-L aquariums; however,
Foss HE, Forbes VE. Effects of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon flu-
aeration can be increased to correct for any deficiency. The internal oranthene on growth rate and nucleic acid composition of Capitella
protozoan parasitic gregarines have been observed to reduce the sp. I. Marine Biol. 1997;129(3):489–497.
vitality of some species of laboratory populations of polychaetes. Reish DJ, Gerlinger TV. A review of the toxicological studies with poly-
Gregarines are common in polychaetes and oligochaetes, but it is chaetous annelids. Bull Marine Sci. 1997;60(2):584–607.
not known if they cause similar problems in these species.

8510  C. Toxicity Test Procedures

1. General Procedures concentration. During a test, do not allow salinity to vary by more
than ±3 ppt. Filter seawater through a 0.45-μm membrane filter.
Use exploratory tests (see Section 8010 D) to determine tox- c. Distilled or tap water: Determine quality (hardness, alkalin-
icant concentrations for short-term tests. Prepare dilution water ity, chemical constituents) and report routinely. Use near-neutral
and toxicant solutions and introduce them into test containers (as (pH 7.0) water.
described in Section 8010 F).
3. Exposure Chambers
2. Water Supply
a. Marine polychaetes: Use 4-L aquariums or glass jars for
a. Artificial seawater: See Section 8010 E.4b2). Use a salin- short-term and intermediate static and renewal tests, and for long-
ity of approximately 35 ppt and a pH of approximately 7.8 for term tests where flow-through facilities are inappropriate. Cover
marine populations; lower salinities may be used for estuarine aquariums to keep foreign materials out. Do not add more than
worms. Neanthes arenaceodentata can be tested at salinities of 2.5 L test solution to each 4-L aquarium. Use 500-mL Erlenmeyer
28 to 35 ppt (see section 8510 D below), D. gyrociliatus at salin- flasks (containing 100 mL seawater) for either short-term or long-
ities of 25 to 35 ppt, and P. cornuta at salinities of 10 to 35 ppt. term experiments when only one organism is placed in each flask.
Acclimate estuarine species to the selected test salinity before test Close the flask with a no. 7 TFE stopper fitted with a glass tube
initiation, changing the salinity by no more than 3 ppt per day. for aeration. Use 30-mL Stender dishes for larval tests. For flow-
b. Natural seawater: Determine and report quality routinely. through tests, use exposure chambers [described in Section 8010
Maintain dilution-water salinity at or near selected or normal F.1c)]. In the case of cannibalistic species [e.g., Neanthes 6
8510 ANNELIDS - C. Toxicity Test Procedures

Table 8510:1. Summary of Ecological and Test Conditions for Neanthes arenaceodentata
Condition Emergent Juvenile Sediment Toxicity Test Early Life Stage Sediment Toxicity Test1
Geographical distribution North America, Europe, South Pacific Ocean2
Habitat Burrows in intertidal and subtidal sands and silts2
Length of life cycle 3–4 months in laboratory3
Duration of test: 20 d 28 d
Age of animal at start of test 2–3 weeks post emergence, 0.25–1 mg/individual ≤7 days post-emergence
(0.5–1 mg preferred)
Test temperature 20 ± 2 °C average 20 ± 2 °C average
20 ± 3 °C instantaneous
Salinity 28–35 ppt, not varying more than ± 3 ppt 30 ± 2 ppt average
30 ± 3 ppt instantaneous
pH 7–9 7–9
Dissolved oxygen ≥60% saturation ≥50% saturation
Feeding 40 mg Tetramarine per chamber every other day 2 mg Tetramarine per chamber on Tuesdays and
2 mg Tetramarine and 1 mg of alfalfa per
chamber on Fridays
Light cycle 16:8 or 12:12 L:D 12:12 L:D
Test chamber size 1L 300 mL
Sediment depth (volume) 2 cm 2 cm (75 mL)
Overlying water volume 750 mL 125 mL
Number of organisms per chamber 5 1
Number of replicates 5 10
Renewal of overlying water 50% renewal every 3rd day 50% renewal once weekly
Aeration Trickle flow (<100 bubbles/min); >50% saturation Trickle flow (<100 bubbles/min); >50% saturation
Endpoints Survival and growth rate (ash-free dry weight Survival and growth rate
growth rate optional)

Control acceptability criteria

 Survival ≥90% ≥80%
 Growth 0.38 mg/individual/d Positive growth
Reference toxicant (CdCl2) 9.4 ± 4.4 mg/L Cd 96-h LC50 5.7 ± 0.75 mg/L Cd 96-h LC50
Farrar DJ, Bridges TS. 28-day chronic sublethal test method for evaluating whole sediments using an early life stage of the marine Polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata.
In: DOER Technical Notes Collection; ERDC TN-DOER-R14. Vicksburg (MS): U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; 2011.
Pettibone MH. Marine polychaete worms of the New England region. U.S. National Museum Bulletin, No. 227. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1963.
Reish DJ, Gerlinger TG. The Effects of cadmium, lead and zinc on survival and reproduction in the polychaetous annelid Neanthes arenaceodentata (F. Nereididae).
Sydney (Australia): Linnean Society of New South Wales; 1984, p. 383.

arenaceodentata (Figure 8510:5)], isolate individuals during test- duplicate tests. Worms can be tested individually, with 20 individ-
ing. Container size depends on biomass; maintain loading densi- uals for each test concentration. For flow-through tests, consider
ties lower than 0.5 g/L for static conditions and lower than 0.5 g/L/d using or adapting exposure chambers [described in Section 8010
for flow-through tests at 20 °C. For tests with sediment, use glass F.1c)].
crystallizing dishes of the appropriate size for species tested and
number of individuals per dish. Fill dishes with 1 to 4 cm of sedi- 4. Conducting Toxicity Tests
ment. Let clean seawater flow over the top of the sediment.
b. Freshwater and marine oligochaetes: Conduct test similar to a. Test chamber setup: Set up static and renewal tests as
that described for polychaete larval tests. Use shallow disposable described in Section 8010 D. In short-term tests, do not clean
polyethylene petri dishes with covers for static or replacement exposure containers. In long-term tests in which the organisms
tests. Container size depends on biomass; maintain loading densi- are fed, remove unused food and other materials as described in
ties below 0.5 g/L, and preferably below 0.2 g/L. Place 10 worms Section 8010 E.4d2). It is unnecessary to provide a bottom sub-
in each container for each test concentration and the controls. Run strate for any but long-term oligochaete toxicity tests. Photoperiod 7
8510 ANNELIDS - C. Toxicity Test Procedures

The duration of long-term tests depends on the organism’s

life-cycle. For example, for polychaetes it varies from about 1
month (C. capitata and P. cornuta) to 3 or more months (A. suc-
cinea, N. virens, and N. arenaceodentata).
c. Test organisms: See 8510 B.
d. Testing procedure:
1) Short-term tests—Set up and conduct renewal tests as
described in Section 8010 D.2. Determine the survival of adults
by checking exposure chambers at 1, 2, 4, 8, 18, and 24 h, then
once or twice daily thereafter. Dead specimens generally are
pale and swollen and lie on the bottom; live specimens usually
respond to physical stimulation. If the tests last more than 4 d,
renew solutions, preferably daily but at least every 4th day. In
short-term tests with polychaete larvae, determine survival after
96 h by microscopic examination. The absence of larvae gener-
ally indicates death because small larvae rapidly decompose.
Figure 8510:8. Capitella capitata. Abnormal larva.
2) Intermediate tests—Set up test chambers described in para-
graph a above to determine adult lethality (LC50 or incipient LC50).
Examine test containers daily to determine survival. If no organ-
and light intensity do not appear to be factors in polychaete tests; isms are killed after a certain exposure period, report the period
however, test oligochaetes either in the dark or with a natural beyond which there is no further kill and the percentage killed in
light:dark simulation.1 Keep temperatures within 2 °C of the nat- each test concentration. For contaminated sediment tests, sieve
ural habitat unless testing the effect of temperature on worms. contents of each replicate dish and count number of survivors. If
1) Marine polychaetes—Use at least 20 worms for each test a graded series of mixed sediments has been used, calculate LC50
concentration. Place 2, 5, or 10 worms in each container (depend- based on percentage of contaminated sediment.
ing on biomass and container size; see Section 8010 F.3c). For 3) Polychaete life-cycle tests beginning with the trochophore
tests with sediments, use at least 3 replicate dishes per sediment larval stages—Set up as described previously in this section. Con-
concentration and at least 5 worms per dish. Individuals of canni- duct test through sexual maturity, with test periods varying from 3
balistic species do not have to be separated when placed in dishes to 4 weeks (C. capitata) or from 2 to 3 months or longer (N. aren-
containing sediment. Table 8510:1 summarizes the ecological and aceodentata, A. succinea, and A. virens). Feed larvae as described
test conditions for Neanthes arenaceodentata. in 8510 B.3a2). Determine survival at least twice weekly for C.
2) Freshwater and marine oligochaetes—Use at least 20 worms capitata and once a week for Neanthes and Alitta. During the
for each test concentration, preferably in 2 replicates of 10 worms early part of the study, count the organisms on the bottom of the
each. Although the worms will intertwine when healthy, toxified exposure chambers. If a renewal test is being conducted, decant
individuals remain separate and toxic effects (e.g., the progressive the supernatant fluid, examine under a dissecting microscope, and
disintegration of posterior segments) will be manifest. replace the fluid with fresh test solution. For flow-through tests,
b. Duration and type of test: remove chambers from the exposure box, count organisms, and
1) Short-term tests—The length of short-term or acute tests replace chamber. If no organisms are observed by the third exam-
depends on the organism’s life cycle (see Section 8010 F.3a). ination, terminate that test chamber.
Short-term tests may be conducted under static conditions (recom- When C. capitata is the test organism, remove test chambers
mended for tests <4 d) or with periodic renewals (for tests >4 d). after approximately 15 to 16 d and every 2 d thereafter to check
2) Intermediate tests—Use intermediate tests to determine adult for eggs in the coelom, and later, zygotes along the sides of the
polychaete survival. For most species, conduct these renewal or tube (use a dissecting microscope for these observations). Remove
flow-through tests for 20 to 28 d.2 females when developing eggs are in the trochophore stage and
3) Long-term tests—Long-term tests are either partial or full count the larvae. Discard females and larvae after counting larvae,
life-cycle tests. Partial life-cycle tests begin with the polychaete and record the number of dead and deformed larvae. Continue to
trochophore larval or oligochaete egg-case stage and end with examine each exposure chamber every 2 d to detect females incu-
sexual maturity. Full-life-cycle tests also begin with the larvae bating larvae until all females have been removed and the total
or egg-case stage but continue through reproduction and the off- number of larvae recorded.
spring’s subsequent egg production or larval settlement. Because Abnormal larvae of C. capitata (Figure 8510:8) have been
of the long duration, conduct these tests using either periodic observed during life-cycle tests when exposed to sublethal con-
renewal or flow-through conditions. centrations of chromium, zinc, or detergents.3
Select and prepare test concentrations as described in Section For A. succinea, set up exposure chambers as described in para-
8010 F.2b. Measure and mix dilution water and stock toxicant graph a above, with 25 larvae in each 1-L exposure chamber or 10
solutions via proportional diluters and deliver to exposure cham- larvae in each flow-through exposure chamber. Use 10 chambers
bers as described in Section 8010 F.1. Perform tests in flow- per concentration tested. Because these worms fight and are can-
through exposure chambers similar to those described in Sections nibalistic when crowded, prepare additional exposure chambers
8740 C.3 and 8010 F.1. Renewal tests using up to 4-L exposure or reduce each test-chamber population to 5 individuals after the
chambers may be necessary if flowing water is unavailable. first month. Continue tests until animals reach the epitoke stage, 8
8510 ANNELIDS - D. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Marine Polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata

then determine individual lengths and total weights and compare Bibliography
with those in the control.
4) Polychaete life-cycle tests beginning with the newly set- Bellan G, Reish DJ, Foret JP. The sublethal effects of a detergent on the
tled larval stage—These tests will vary in duration from about 1 reproduction, development, and settlement in the polychaetous anne-
month (C. capitata) to 3 months or more (N. arenaceodentata). lid Capitella capitata. Marine Biol. 1972;14(3):183–188.
Set up tests as described previously with newly settled larvae. Use McLeese DW, Burridge LE, van Dinter J. Toxicities of five organochlo-
rine compounds in water and sediment to Nereis virens. Bull Environ
a minimum of 2 specimens per flask and 10 flasks per concentra-
Contam Toxicol. 1982:28(2):216–220.
tion. As tests progress, count organisms as above. Examine for Pesch CE, Hoffman GL. Interlaboratory comparison of a 28-day toxic-
survival once or twice per week as in paragraph d3 above. ity test with the polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata. In: Bishop
For N. arenaceodentata, use recently emerged juveniles with WE, Cardwell RD, Heidolph BB, eds. Aquatic toxicology and haz-
approximately 18 to 21 setigerous segments. If a renewal test is ard assessment, 6th Symposium. West Conshohocken (PA): ASTM
conducted, place 4 worms in each of five 4-L exposure chambers International; 1983, p. 482–493.
with 2.5 L test solution. Set up 5 containers for each test concen- Chapman PM, Brinkhurst RO. Lethal and sublethal tolerances of aquatic
tration and control. For flow-through tests, place 2 larvae in each oligochaetes with reference to their use as a biotic index of pollution.
of 10 exposure chambers for each test concentration and the con- Hydrobiologia. 1984;115:139–144.
trols. At 25 d, look through the container to examine worms for Chapman PM, Mitchel DG. Acute tolerance tests with the oligochaete
Nais communis (Naididae) and Ilyodrilus frantzi (Tubificidae). Hyd-
eggs in the coelom. If necessary, move mature worms among the
robiologia. 1986;137(1):61–64.
replicates of a given treatment to pair males with females. Mature Pesch CE, Schauer PS, Balboni MA. Effect of diet on copper toxicity to
eggs reach 450 μm diam and are yellowish-orange. Examine at Neanthes arenaceodentata (Annelida: Polychaeta). In: Poston TM,
5-d intervals until eggs are noted and then at 2- to 3-d intervals to Purdy R, eds. Aquatic toxicology and environmental fate, 9th Sym-
determine whether eggs are being laid. The females die within 1 posium. West Conshohocken, (PA): ASTM International; 1986, p.
d of laying eggs, and the males incubate them for about 3 weeks. 369–383.
The life cycle is complete when juvenile worms emerge from the Wiederholm T, Wiederholm AM, Milbrink G. Bulk sediment bioassays
parental tube. Remove males and count the larvae. with five species of fresh-water oligochaetes. Water Air Soil Pollut.
5) Oligochaete life-cycle tests—Set up as described above. Test 1987;36(1-2):131–154.
duration depends on test conditions and endpoints chosen. Use Moore DW, Dillon TM, Suedel BS. Chronic toxicity of tributyltin on the
marine polychaete worm, Neanthes arenaceodentata. Aquat Toxicol.
procedures similar to those for polychaetes.
Reish DJ, Lemay JA. Toxicity and bioconcentration of metals and organic
References compounds by polychaetous annelids. In: M.E. Petersen & J.B.
Kirkegaard, eds. Ophelia (suppl 5): Systematics, biology and mor-
1. Reish DJ. The effect of different pollutants on ecologically important phology of world Polychaeta. Proceedings of the 2nd international
polychaete worms; EPA 600/3-80-053. Narragansett (RI): U.S. Environ- Polychaete conference in Copenhagen. Helsingor (Denmark): Oph-
mental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory; 1980. elia Publications; 1986, p. 653.
2. Dillon TM, Moore DW, Reish DJ. A 28 day sediment bioassay with Meller M, Egeler P, Rombke J, Schallnass H, Nagel R, Streit B. Short-
the marine polychaete Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata. In: Hughes term toxicity of lindane, hexachlorobenzene, and copper sulfate
JS, Biddinger GR, Mones E, eds. Environmental toxicology and risk to tubificid sludgeworms (Oligochaeta) in artificial media. Ecotox
assessment, third volume. West Conshohocken (PA): ASTM Interna- Environ Safety. 1998;39(1):10–20.
tional; 1995, p. 201-215.
3. Reish DJ, Piltz F, Martin JM, Word JQ. Induction of abnormal poly-
chaete larvae by heavy metals. Mar Pollut Bull. 1974;5(8):125-126.

8510  D. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Marine Polychaete

Neanthes arenaceodentata

1. General Procedures iment test with N. arenaceodentata, conduct preliminary tests to

become familiar with the test procedures below. See Table 8510:1
Two chronic sediment test procedures with the polychaete for a summary of ecological and test conditions for this species.
Neanthes arenaceodentata are detailed below. The 20-Day Emer-
gent Juvenile Sediment Test measures survival and growth effects 2. Water Supply
on 2- to 3-week post-emergence juvenile worms, and has been
used routinely for a number of years in parts of the United States, a. Artificial seawater: See Section 8010 E.4b2. Use a salinity
Canada, and Hong Kong.1 The US Army Corps of Engineers has of approximately 28 to 35 ppt, not varying more than ±3 ppt from
more recently developed the 28-Day Early Life Stage Sediment the target salinity, and a pH of 7 to 9 for the 20-d test. Use an
Test, which measures survival and growth effects on 7 day or average salinity of 30 ± 2 ppt and a pH of 7 to 9 for the 28-d test.
younger post-emergence worms.2 While the test is longer, the use b. Natural seawater: Determine and report salinity routinely.
of younger worms and one worm per chamber increases sensitiv- Salinity and pH requirements are the same as described for arti-
ity and decreases food competition, increasing the potential for ficial seawater. During the test, do not let salinity vary more than
detecting effects on growth.2,3 Before conducting a definitive sed- ±3 ppt (instantaneous) for either test. 9
8510 ANNELIDS - D. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Marine Polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata

5. Conducting the 20-Day Emergent Juvenile Sediment

Toxicity Test

a. Test chamber setup: Use 5 replicates with each sediment

sample. Add sufficient sediment to each beaker to make a 2.0-
cm layer. Carefully add approximately 750 mL seawater to each
beaker with minimal physical disturbance of sediment. Aerate at
the rate of about 1 to 2 bubbles per second. Prepare sediments and
overlying water the day before beginning the test to provide time
for sediment and seawater to adjust to test temperature.
b. Environmental conditions: Although photoperiod is not crit-
ical, usually perform sediment tests with N. arenaceodentata at
either 16 h light:8 h dark or 12 h light and dark. Perform tests at
20 ± 2 °C. Porewater ammonia from the bulk sediment should be
115 mg/kg or less, and overlying (water immediately above sedi-
ment layer) ammonia at test initiation should be 10 mg/L or less.
Overlying sulfide levels at test initiation should be 3.4 mg/L or
less. If ammonia or sulfide levels are higher, it may be necessary
to purge with up to 2 water renewals daily until levels are below
those listed above to ensure ammonia and sulfide levels are not a
source of toxicity.4
c. Test animals: The male N. arenaceodentata incubates the
developing embryos in his tube for approximately 3 weeks after
fertilization. Embryos do not feed during this time; they sub-
sist on the yolk in the embryo. At 21 to 24 d, juvenile worms
leave the male parent’s tube and begin feeding. In the sediment
test, use juvenile worms (Figure 8510:10) that are 2 to 3 weeks
Figure 8510:9. Experimental setup for sediment testing.
post-emergent (approximately 5 to 6 weeks after fertilization)
and 0.25 to 1.0 mg/worm dry weight (0.5 to 1.0 mg/worm pre-
ferred).5 [See 8510 B.3a3)c).] Place all juvenile worms to be
tested in a white, enamel pan together and select uniform-sized
worms. Generally, place 20% to 30% more worms than needed
3. Sediment in the pan and discard the larger and smaller ones. Place five
worms in a petri dish with seawater; the number of petri dishes
a. Collection: Collect sediment with a benthic grab (e.g., a van equal the total number of replicates to be tested plus 5 additional
Veen bottom sampler) [see Section 10500 B.3a3)]. Collect mul- dishes, each containing 5 worms. Choose 5 dishes at random and
tiple samples at a site to obtain at least 4 L of sediment. Press weigh the 5 worms together to obtain initial dry weight (see ¶ e
sediments (using no water) through a 1.0-mm sieve to remove below). Select additional worms for the reference toxicant test
macroscopic invertebrates, if necessary. Place all sieved sedi- (see ¶ f below).
ments in a plastic bucket and mix later in the laboratory. Hold Randomly distribute worms to the beakers, making sure that all
sediments in the dark at 4 °C until start of test; use within 2 weeks 5 worms are removed from the petri dish. The test begins when
of collection, if possible. Collect uncontaminated or reference worms are added to the sediment.
sediments from an area with similar-sized particles free from Add 1 mL food slurry solution to each test container every
contaminants. other day. To make this solution, grind food (TetraMarine, or
b. Sediment chemistry: Analyze sediments for grain size, total equivalent; widely available in aquatic pet supply stores) into a
organic carbon, metals, organic compounds, total Kjeldahl nitro- fine powder and mix with seawater at a ratio of 1.0 g food to 25
gen, interstitial salinity, pH, porewater sulfide, and total ammonia mL seawater. When feeding and water changes occur on the same
concentrations. day, add food after the water change.
d. Test monitoring: During the test, examine beakers daily to
4. Exposure Chambers ensure that aeration is adequate. On days 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18
for the 20-d test, replace one half of the seawater in each bea-
For the 20-Day Emergent Juvenile Sediment Test, use as a test ker with clean seawater. Measure DO, temperature, pH, and
chamber a 1-L glass beaker with an internal diameter of 10 cm. salinity on first days, last days, and water-change days (before
For the 28-Day Early Life Stage Sediment Test, use a tall-form the change). Measure overlying ammonia on the first day, day 3
300-mL glass beaker. Cover beaker with a watch glass or other before water change, and last day, and measure overlying sulfides
device to minimize evaporation and reduce contamination. Aerate on first and last days.
each chamber through a 1-mm-opening glass pipet that extends e. Termination of the test: On day 20, remove worms from
between the beaker spout and the watch glass cover to a depth each test container, count, place in a small, clean petri dish, and
of not closer than 2 cm from the sediment surface. See Figure wash in distilled water. Place worms from each replicate in a pre-
8510:9. weighed aluminum pan and dry at 60 °C until constant weight 10
8510 ANNELIDS - D. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Marine Polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata

(overnight); record dry weight of worms in each pan. Record as

the dry weight per worm per day as calculated using the formula:

G  Wt  Wi  /T

G = estimated individual growth rate (mg dry weight/d)
Wt = mean estimated individual dry weight (mg, at termination
of test)
Wi = mean estimated individual dry weight, (mg, at start of test)
T = exposure time (d)

Using the mean individual growth rate per worm per day facil-
itates comparison of results between different sediments tested
and with other experiments. Because each test is not started with
exactly the same size worm (weight), expressing growth as a rate
function rather than absolute mass per worm normalizes results.
There has been some indication that the grain size, and thus
the density, of the sediment in the gut at test termination can
skew growth rate results.6 If the test is being performed on sed-
iments with large variations in grain size, it may be beneficial to
record ash-free dry weight (AFDW) growth rate, which removes
the weight of gut sediment, in addition to standard dry weight
growth rate. Before test termination, place empty weigh pans into
a muffle furnace set at 550 °C for 2 h. Carefully remove the pans
and place into a desiccator until the temperature equilibrates, then
weigh. Terminate the test as described in the paragraph above.
Once the dry weight has been determined, pinch the pans closed
to prevent loss of ashes. Place the pans in a muffle furnace set
at 550 °C for 2 h. Carefully remove the pans and place into
a desiccator until the temperature equilibrates. Weigh the pans.
The AFDW is the difference between the weight of dried worms
plus the pan and the weight of ashed worms plus the pan. Divide
the AFDW by the number of worms in the pan then proceed to
calculate the mean individual growth rate, as described above.
NOTE: To determine the AFDW mean individual growth rate, the
worms used to determine initial weight on day 0 will also need
to be ashed.
f. Reference toxicant test: Make a reference toxicant test (pos-
itive control) concurrently with the sediment test and use it to
check the test animals’ health. Use reference test animals from the
same batch as those used in the sediment test. Cadmium chloride
(expressed as cadmium) is commonly used as the reference tox-
icant; however, other chlorides of metals or organic compounds
Figure 8510:10. Neanthes arenaceodentata. Larva
may be used. The reference toxicant test is a standard 96-h test
recently emerged from male parent’s tube.
without sediment.
g. Control acceptability criteria: Survival in the control must
be 90% or greater. The mean individual growth rate in the control per second. Prepare sediments and overlying water the day before
must be 0.38 mg/ind/d or greater for the test to be considered beginning the test to provide time for sediment and seawater to
valid. Ideally, the growth rate will be 0.72 mg/ind/d or greater.5 adjust to test temperature.
b. Environmental conditions: Maintain photoperiod at 12 h
6. Conducting the 28-Day Early Life Stage Sediment Test2 light:12 h dark. Perform tests at a pH of 7 to 9, DO >50% satura-
tion, an average temperature of 20 ± 2 °C (20 ± 3 °C instantaneous)
a. Test chamber setup: Use 10 replicates with each sediment and an average salinity of 30 ± 2 ppt (30 ± 3 ppt instantaneous). The
sample. Set up 2 additional surrogate chambers per sample to total ammonia concentration in the porewater from the day-0 sur-
measure porewater ammonia on day 0 and day 28. Add sufficient rogate chamber must be less than 20 mg/L for each sample before
sediment (~75 mL) to each beaker to a depth of 2 cm. Carefully test initiation. If ammonia is not a contaminant of concern (e.g.,
add 125 mL seawater to each beaker with minimal physical dis- dredged sediment testing), perform up to 2 water exchanges daily
turbance of sediment. Aerate at the rate of about 1 to 2 bubbles until the desired ammonia level is achieved in all test treatments, 11
8510 ANNELIDS - D. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Marine Polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata

then proceed with test initiation. It may be necessary to set up more 3. Bay S, Greenstein D, Young D. Evaluation of Methods for Measuring
surrogate chambers to monitor porewater ammonia reduction if Sediment Toxicity in California Bays and Estuaries; Technical Report
ammonia levels are high. 503. Costa Mesa (CA): Southern California Coastal Water Research
c. Test animals: Use worms that are a maximum of 7-day Project; 2007.
4. Kendall D, Barton J. DMMP clarification paper: ammonia and sul-
post-emergent larvae (approximately 3 to 4 weeks after fertiliza-
fide guidance relative to the Neanthes growth bioassay. Seattle, (WA):
tion). Place more juveniles than necessary in a white pan then U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; 2004. https://usace.contentdm.oclc.
place one randomly selected worm into a 50-mL beaker. The org/digital/collection/p266001coll1/id/9149/rec/1. [accessed 2019
number of beakers required will equal the total number of test Aug 13]
chambers required. Randomly place 5 worms each into 5 addi- 5. Kendall D. Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis Program/Sedi-
tional beakers and set aside for initial weight determination. After ment Management Standards Clarification Paper: Neanthes 20-Day
all the worms are added to all beakers, observe each to determine growth bioassay—further clarification on negative control growth
that all worms are present and healthy. Then, add worms to the standard, initial size, and feeding protocol. Seattle (WA): U.S. Army
test chamber by gently pouring the contents of beaker into the test Corps of Engineers; 1996.
chamber. Test animals may be trapped in the surface tension of docs/civilworks/dredging/Updates/1996-neant.pdf. [accessed 2019
Aug 13]
the water. Animals can be freed of surface tension by gently drop-
6. Kendall D, McMillan R, Gardiner B, Hester B, Word JD, Puget Sound
ping water from a pipet onto the animal. The test begins when Dredged Disposal Analysis Program. Sediment management stan-
worms are added to the sediment. The worms from the 5 beakers dards clarification paper: bioassay endpoint refinements—bivalve lar-
set aside for preweight determination are washed in deionized val and Neanthes growth bioassays. Seattle (WA): U.S. Army Corps
water, placed on pans, dried in an oven at 60 °C for 24 h, and of Engineers; 2013. http://www.nws.
then weighed to determine individual dry weight for calculation civilworks/dredging/Updates/2013-bioassay-endpoint-refinements.
of growth rate. pdf. [accessed 2016 Jul 12].
d. Test monitoring: Each organism is fed 2 mg of Tetramarine
on Tuesdays and Fridays and 1 mg of ground alfalfa on Fridays. Bibliography
Water renewals (50%) are conducted once weekly before feed-
ing. Measure DO, pH, temperature, ammonia, and salinity before Pesch CE, Munns WR Jr, Gutjahr-Gobell R. Effects of contaminated sed-
water change on 3 rotating replicates per treatment. Observe iments on life history traits and population growth rate of Neanthes
each chamber twice a week for animal activity and condition of arenaceodentata (Polychaeta, Nereidae) in the laboratory. Environ
sediment. Toxicol Chem. 1991;10(6):805.
e. Termination of the test: On day 28, measure DO, pH, tem- Moore DW, Dillon TM. The relationship between growth and reproduc-
tion in the marine polychaete Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata
perature, and salinity on 3 replicates per treatment. Additionally,
(Moore): Implications for chronic sublethal sediment bioassays. J
measure porewater ammonia in one surrogate chamber per treat- Exp Marine Biol Ecol. 1993;173(2):231–246.
ment. Sediment from each chamber is gently poured through a Dillon TM, Moore DW, Reish DJ. A 28 day bioassay with the marine
425-μm sieve and organisms recovered. Determine survival by polychaete Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata. In: Hughes JS, Bid-
gently prodding the animal and observing presence or absence dinger GR, Mones E, eds. Environmental toxicology and risk assess-
of movement. Calculate growth rate following the procedures in ment, 3rd Volume. ASTM STP No. 128. West Conshohocken (PA):
8510 D.5e. ASTM International; 1995, p. 201–215.
f. Reference toxicant test: Follow instructions in 8510 D.5f. Bridges TS, Farrar JD, Duke BM. The influence of food ration on sedi-
g. Control acceptability criteria: Control survival must be 80% ment toxicity in Neanthes arenaceodentata (Annelida: Polychaeta).
or more, and growth rate must be positive. Environ Toxicol Chem. 1997;16(8):1659–1665.
Murdoch MH, Chapman PM, Johns DM, Paine MD. Chronic effects of
organochlorine exposure in sediment to the marine polycheate Nean-
References thes arenaceodentata. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 1997;16(7):1494–
1. Puget Sound Estuary Program. Recommended guidelines for conduct- Reish DJ, Gerlinger TV, Fanizza M, Soong K, Armstrong JL. Effect
ing laboratory bioassays on Puget Sound sediments. In: Puget Sound of marine sediments associated with the Orange County, Cali-
protocols and guidelines. Olympia (WA): Puget Sound Water Quality fornia, ocean outfall on the survival and growth of juvenile Nean-
Authority; 1995. thes arenaceodentata (Annelida: Polychaeta). Water Environ Res.
2. Farrar DJ, Bridges TS. 28-day chronic sublethal test method for evaluat- 1999;71(7):1268–1275.
ing whole sediments using an early life stage of the marine Polychaete Lee BG, Griscom SB, Lee JS, Choi HJ, Koh CH, Luoma SN, Fisher NS.
Neanthes arenaceodentata. In: DOER Technical Notes Collection; Influence of dietary uptake on reactive sulfides on metal availability
ERDC TN-DOER-R14. Vicksburg, (MS): U.S. Army Engineer from aquatic sediments. Science. 2000;287(5451):282–284.
Research and Development Center; 2011. 12
8510 ANNELIDS - E. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Marine Polychaete Polydora cornuta

8510  E. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Marine Polychaete

Polydora cornuta

1. General Procedures of 2 to 3 bubbles per second. The pipet should not be closer than
2.0 cm from the sediment surface. See Figure 8510:9 for a similar
The following procedures are for a short-term (14-d) test. setup.
Before conducting a definitive sediment test with the polychaete
Polydora cornuta, conduct preliminary tests to become familiar 5. Conducting the Sediment Toxicity Test
with the test procedure. See Table 8510:2 for a summary of the
ecological and test conditions for this species. a. Test chamber setup: Use at least 5 replicates for each sedi-
ment sample. Add approximately 50 mL of sediment to make a
2. Water Supply 2.0-cm layer.
b. Duration and type of test: 14 d.
See 8510 D.2. c. Test organism: Animals used in the test should have been
released from the capsule for 3 to 4 weeks (Figure 8510:7A)
3. Sediment and have established a mucoid tube. Take worms from the stock
colony and gently wash the sediment through a 1.0-mm sieve.
See 8510 D.3. Tubes retained on the sieve should be gently transferred with
a fine brush to a shallow pan containing seawater. Worms will
either emerge from their tubes or remain within them. Gently
4. Exposure Chambers
probe the tube with a fine brush to determine the worm’s health;
discard any injured or unhealthy worms. Test worms should be
As a test chamber, use a 300-mL glass beaker covered with a
of similar size.
watch glass to minimize evaporation. Continuously aerate each
d. Testing procedure: Place 5 worms in a small dish and ran-
chamber overnight via a 1.0-mm opening glass pipet, at the rate
domly assign them to a test chamber. Transfer worms to the
test chamber via a pipet. Verify the number of worms in each
chamber. The air supply should be turned off during the trans-
Table 8510:2. Summary of Ecological and Sediment Test Conditions for fer. Raise the water level in each container to 250 cm. Resume
Conducting Tests with Polydora cornuta1 aeration and cover the dish. Set aside 3 groups of 5 worms each
to determine the initial dry weight for a reference (see 8510
Condition Description
Geographical distribution North America, Europe e. Test monitoring: Examine each chamber frequently—daily if
Habitat Conducts silt tubes in intertidal or possible. Look for worms emerging from their tubes and lying on
subtidal estuarine environments the sediment surface. The water should be changed once during
Type of test: sediment the experiment. Worms should be fed according to the procedure
in 8510 B.3a2).
 Chronic 14 d f. Termination of the test: End the test on day 14 and follow the
  Life cycle 3–4 weeks, capsule number; procedures outlined in 8510 D.5e.
post-emergence larval count; g. Reference toxicant test: See 8510 D.5f.
not a standard test
Test temperature 20–22 °C Reference
Salinity 30 ± 4 ppt
1. Biological test method: test for survival and growth in sediment using
Feeding 1:1 mixture of ground fish food flakes spionid polychaete worms (Polydora cornuta); Rep. EPS 1/RM/41.
(Tetramarine) and powdered Ulva Ottawa (CA). Environment Canada; 2001.
spp. at the rate of 2 mg/worm, pub?id=9.579405&sl=0 [accessed 2019 Jul 12].
3 times/week
Light cycle No special requirements Bibliography
Control mortality Not to exceed 20%
Rice SA. The life history of Polydora ligni, including a summary of
Endpoints reproduction in the family Spionidae [masters thesis]. Long Beach
  14-d test Death (CA): California State University; 1975.
Sebesvari Z, Esser F, Harder T. Sediment-associated cues for larval
  Life cycle Number of young
settlement of the infaunal spionid polychaetes Polydora cornuta
Reference and Streblospio benedicti. J Exper Marine Biol Ecol. 2006;337(1):
Biological test method: test for survival and growth in sediment using spionid 109–120.
polychaete worms (Polydora cornuta); Rep. EPS 1/RM/41. Ottawa (CA): Reish DJ, Pernet B. Annelid life cycle cultures. In: Shain DH, ed. Anne-
Environment Canada; 2001. lids in modern biology. New York (NY): John Wiley and Sons, Inc.;
[accessed 2019 Jul 12]. 2009, p. 47–64. 13
8510 ANNELIDS - F. Sediment Test Procedures Using Pristina leidyi, Tubifex tubifex, and Lumbriculus variegatus

8510  F. Sediment Test Procedures Using the Freshwater and Marine Oligochaetes
Pristina leidyi, Tubifex tubifex, and Lumbriculus variegatus

1. General Procedure replicate and 10 of L. variegatus. Place worms for each replicate
in a petri dish with water, with the number of petri dishes equaling
The following procedures comprise short-term acute tests. Oli- the total number of replicates to be used. Select additional worms
gochaetes also can be used to measure reproductive effects1,2 and for the reference toxicant test. See 8510 D.5f.
in combined toxicity and bioaccumulation tests.3 Randomly distribute worms to beakers, making sure that all
Before conducting a definitive sediment test with the oligo- worms are removed from the petri dish. The test begins when the
chaetes, Pristina leidyi, Tubifex tubifex, or Lumbriculus variega- worms are added to sediment.
tus, conduct preliminary tests to become familiar with the test Do not feed animals during the test.
procedures given below. d. Test monitoring: Measure DO concentration and temperature
on the first and last days, and on any day when water changes are
2. Water Supply made.
e. Termination of the test: On day 10, remove worms from each
Use fresh water for all tests. It may be moderately hard syn- test container and count the number of survivors. Record sepa-
thetic water prepared with a commercially available system (Mil- rately the number of survivors from each replicate.
lipore Milli-Q, or equivalent), deionized water and reagent-grade f. Reference toxicant test: See 8510 D.5f.
chemicals, receiving water, or synthetic water modified to reflect
receiving water hardness. References

3. Sediment 1. Reynoldson TB, Thompson SP, Bamsey JL. A sediment bioassay

using the tubificid oligochaete worm Tubifex tubifex. Environ Toxicol
Chem. 1991;10(8):1061–1072.
Collect sediment with a benthic grab (e.g., a van Veen or 2. Reynoldson TB. A field text of a sediment bioassay with the oli-
Ekman sampler). See Sections 10500 B.3a3 and 10500 B.3a6, gochaete worm Tubifex tubifex (Muller, 1774). Hydrobiologia
and 8510 D.3. 1994:278:223–230.
3. Phipps GL, Ankley GT, Benoit DA, Mattson VR. Use of the aquatic
4. Exposure Chambers oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus for assessing the toxicity and bio-
accumulation of sediment associated components. Environ Toxicol
Use a 250-mL beaker with a 6-cm internal diameter as a test Chem. 1993:12(2):269–279.
chamber. Cover beakers with a watch glass to minimize evapora-
tion and reduce contamination. Aeration is unnecessary. Bibliography

5. Conducting the Sediment Toxicity Test Bailey H, Lui DNW. Lumbriculus variegatus, a benthic oligochaete, as
a bioassay organism. In: Eaton JC, Parrish PR, Hendricks AC, eds.
Aquatic toxicology; ASTM STP No. 507, West Conshohocken (PA):
a. Test chamber setup: See 8510 D.5a, but add only about ASTM International; 1980, p. 205–215.
100 mL water to each beaker. Ankley GT, Benoit DA, Hoke RA, Leonard EN, West CW, Phipps GL,
b. Environmental conditions: Set lighting for a 16 h light:8 h Mattson VR, Anderson LA. Development and evaluation of test
dark photoperiod at an intensity of 550 to 1050 lux (50 to 100 methods for benthic invertebrates and sediments: effects of flow rate
ft-c). Make tests with P. leidyi at 24 ± 1 °C and with T. tubifex and and feeding on water quality and exposure conditions. Arch Environ
L. variegatus at 20 to 25 °C. Contam Toxicol. 1993;25(1):12–19.
c. Test animals: Use specimens of mixed age in these tests. Evaluation of dredged material proposed for discharge in waters of the
Place worms in a white enamel pan and select healthy-appearing United States. Testing manual; USEPA-823-B-98-004. Washington
DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of
specimens. Generally, place 20% to 30% more worms than
Engineers; 1998.
needed in the pan. Use 5 worms of P. leidyi and T. tubifex per 14
8510 ANNELIDS - G. Data Evaluation

8510  G. Data Evaluation

1. Short-Term and Intermediate Adult Survival Studies toxicant concentrations at levels below the LC50. They provide
a more subtle measure of effects than the LC50. Record life-
Determine the LC50 values for each exposure period (as cycle data for each concentration of toxicant as follows: number
described in Section 8010 G.1a). A useful supplementary mea- of females forming eggs, number of females laying eggs, and
sure is to determine LT50 (time to 50% mortality) in comparative number of eggs and live offspring produced. Compare these data
exposures to single toxicant, effluent, water, or sediment concen- (expressed as percentages) for all test concentrations with those
trations. LT50 values also provide useful ancillary information for obtained from the controls. Use statistical and reporting tech-
LC50 studies. niques described in Sections 8010 G and 8010 H.

2. Polychaete Life-Cycle Studies Beginning with the

Trochophore and Settled Larval Stages

The number of females forming and laying eggs, and the

number of offspring produced are inversely related to sublethal

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: December 20, 2019 15

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