Busi 1110 Assignment 1 - News Story Summary

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Please include the following information:

Article title: Insert title of the article/ story

Source/Author: Where was this published? When? Who wrote the article/story?
Accessed: Insert date you accessed this story/ article and provide the electronic link
to the story.

1. Summarize the story in your own words.

2. Discuss the major issues or opportunities that exist in the situation described.
• If there is a problem or opportunity the business (or industry) is facing
what do you think should be done about it (or what do you think will
3. Discuss at least 2 concepts that directly tie into the class material (in-class or
textbook) *note when describing the concepts be sure to cite/refer to the text (or other sources)

You will be marked on the following:

• Summary (complete yet concise, accurate, in your own words, source provided
appropriately etc.) /2
• Grammar and spelling /2
• Identified problem or opportunity and discussed solution /3
o Note: some articles may not have an identified problem. For instance, you may
review an article that discusses a merger or acquisition that recently occurred.
Since you would be hard pressed to find a glaring ‘problem’ associated with this,
you may discuss the opportunity that caused this business transaction to occur.
What is the logic behind it? Why would this particular company want to engage
in this transaction?
• Accurately discussed at least 2 concepts (see instruction above) /3

Length and Format:

• 2 pages max (exhibits, citations are not included in 2-page limit)
• APA citation format
• Please submit in PDF file format, *not MS Word or anything else! If you do,
I will not grade it until it is resubmitted in the correct format.

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