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Appendix E.

Plant Design Development and Execution

This appendix discusses general site and plot plan layout considerations from the
point of view of an efficient piping installation.
The piping layout practices are mainly applicable to major processing facilities such
as refineries, large gas plants, and large scale commercial chemicals production
facilities. However, the information is applicable to any facility where high-value
processing equipment handling flammable materials is concentrated in close quar-
ters. Included are several checklists that will help design engineers cover the many
considerations a large plant design requires.

Contents Page

E1.0 Site Selection E-2

E2.0 Site Layout E-3
E2.1 Preliminary Equipment Layout Studies
E2.2 Prelayout Study
E2.3 Equipment Arrangement Study
E2.4 Equipment Layout
E2.5 Maintenance Considerations
E2.6 Other Layout Factors
E3.0 Final Equipment/Piping Layouts E-12
E4.0 Making Design Decisions E-13
E5.0 Project Management E-14
E5.1 Design Bases
E5.2 Project Definition
E5.3 Communication
E5.4 Execution of Design
E5.5 Model Design and Construction Specification
E5.6 Project Planning Chart
E6.0 Site Selection Checklist E-18
E7.0 Design Decisions Checklist E-22
E8.0 Project Planning Chart E-33

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Appendix E Piping Manual

E1.0 Site Selection

There are three basic situations in which site and plot layout work are required:
• Developing a “grass-roots” project
• Adding a new plant, or several plants, to an existing facility
• Replacing existing plant equipment or adding new items to an old plant
Although there are some differences, many site and plot plan related problems are
common to all three situations.

Early Site Selection

Early site selection is of great importance. Basic parameters need to be set so that
the many phases of work can proceed efficiently. Early site selection gives many
different agencies (process engineering, design engineering, operations, mainte-
nance, procurement, and construction) a basis for beginning productive work on the
Once a site has been selected, negotiations with local utilities can begin, soils inves-
tigations can proceed, local transportation availability can be established and local
services can be ascertained. Facility layout studies can be started, and facilities
infrastructure studies can begin. Basic design data can be developed that allow
process design to be finalized. Plot plan studies can start. Even before process plans
are available, studies involving location of roads, pipelines, offices, shops, and utili-
ties can be started. Once preliminary process designs are known, including equip-
ment size and number of pieces, internal plot studies also can be started. Material
procurement and construction planning can proceed.
When the location of new facilities is determined and when some idea of the
process is known, preliminary studies can proceed. Sometimes historic information
on similar existing facilities can be used to develop plans for new plants. Prelimi-
nary studies include:
• Plant(s) area requirements
• Plant(s) orientation
• Location of entering/exit lines (pipeways)
• Off-plot facilities
• Maintenance/administrative facilities (shops/ offices)
• Utilities
A “grass-roots” facility may be more complex than an addition to an existing instal-
lation, because a grass-roots facility has no existing infrastructure. On the other
hand, with a grass-roots facility there is more freedom to arrange components in
optimum relationships to each other.
Section E6.0 is a Site Selection Checklist, with further details to be considered
when choosing a site for new facilities. This checklist can be used to organize
thinking when selecting a site for a new facility or for a new plant site at an existing

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E2.0 Site Layout

Considerable thought and study must take place before the plot plan is ready to be
drawn. It is one of the basic drawings developed for the design and construction of a
plant. Along with piping and instrument diagrams and electrical one-line diagrams,
it becomes the basis for all physical aspects of the plant. What needs to be done, and
how is the plan developed?
Usually the earliest plot plan studies are merely block-form diagrams that show
rough plant objectives together with adjacent process units, boiler plants, tankage,
pipeways, etc.
Upon approval of the general arrangement, more complete studies are made of each
plant to determine the actual size and layout. To keep costs down, every attempt is
made to keep a plant as compact as possible.
In the case of an alteration or an addition to an existing facility, there is much less
leeway in determining the size of the addition or alteration. Available space will
generally determine the size of the new plant, although it is not uncommon to relo-
cate some existing facilities if this is the only way to provide adequate space.

E2.1 Preliminary Equipment Layout Studies

The development of the plot plan begins with preliminary equipment layout studies.
These studies are used to obtain initial agreement on the general layout of the plant.
This step may be bypassed for simple facilities, but for complex plants, making
these quick layout studies prior to committing a detailed plot plan to paper can save
significant time.
There are various techniques for quickly developing alternate equipment arrange-
ments. The most prevalent is the use of “paper dolls” or cutouts of the various
equipment or equipment groupings. Those cutouts can be moved around on a back-
ground of the available plot space. The background may show perimeter roads,
existing facilities, and/or any other items of interest to the plot plan study. Once the
arrangement has been deemed acceptable, the cutouts can be glued or traced to the
background and the process repeated until all arrangement alternates have been
Another method is to build three-dimensional block models of the equipment. The
models can be made from plastic, styrofoam, cardboard, wood or any other material
that can be shaped easily. They do not need to represent the exact shape of the
equipment, as their purpose is only to assist in the visualization of the equipment
arrangement. The pieces can be easily moved around the background and photo-
graphed to record the various alternative arrangements.
Piping routing sketches and isometric drawings may be necessary for more complex
portions of the facility to provide alternate arrangements with the lowest piping cost.

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E2.2 Prelayout Study

Before the initial plot plan study is started, there are some basic questions that need
to be resolved.
1. What are the desired setback dimensions from the edge of roads?
2. Does the plant need any additional road access beyond what may already exist?
3. What are the desired equipment setback lines from the plant boundary?
4. Will there be separation from adjacent plants where roads are not planned?
5. Is there a local setback requirement or preferred location for any fired
6. Are there any unusual clearance requirements for maintenance of special equip-
ment? Will large cranes be needed?
7. What are the space clearance requirements for equipment that contains
hazardous liquids (acids, caustic, or volatile fluids)?
8. What are the space requirements for servicing and maintaining equipment using
catalysts, filtering clays, pall rings, or other items requiring frequent replace-
9. Establish need for structures for elevated equipment. Will the structure have
stairway access? Will it have interconnected walkways between adjacent
10. Will the pipeway be overhead? Will the pipeway be single deck or multiple
11. What pumps and compressors will be spared?
12. Will a relief drum be required on-plot?
13. Where will plot limit manifolding be located? Is it required? Will multiple plot
limits be allowed? Will plot limit manifolding be elevated or at grade?
14. Will the plant have its own control house? Is there a preferred location?
15. Will the control house serve more than one plant?
16. Will the control house contain other facilities, such as lunch room, offices,
training rooms, etc.? Will there be any other buildings?
17. Will space for switchgear and transformers be included? Will conduit be over-
head or underground?
18. Are there any unusual features required for construction (for example, railroad
spur to offload a very heavy reactor, crane access, vessel laydown access, etc.)?
19. Will the plot plan include space for future expansion? In what end of the plant
will the expansion take place?

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20. Will air coolers (fin fans) be placed over pipeways?

21. Are there any special material requirements that would suggest short coupling
between equipment?
22. What is the normal wind pattern? Will this affect equipment location?
23. What utilities will be allowed underground? Will trenches be allowed?
24. Are there any special containment requirements for chemicals or hydrocarbons
stored or handled on site?

E2.3 Equipment Arrangement Study

Once the answers to the above questions are in hand, the equipment arrangement
study can be done.
In most refinery facilities the available plot space (i.e., area within the plant bound-
aries) is either determined by the local site conditions or is developed by deter-
mining the most economical plant arrangement (as detailed below). Where the
available plot space is not limited, experience has shown that a two-sided plant (i.e.,
equipment on both sides of the pipeway) is most economical. For sites that are long
and narrow, the equipment will typically be laid out on one side of the pipeway. For
sites that are irregular in shape, the pipeway may be L-shaped, U-shaped, or
arranged in some other way that fits it the available area.
To minimize piping costs, it is best to lay out plot plans with the logic of the main
process flow sequence in mind. However, the fire protection, maintenance,
construction, and operations needs must also be taken into consideration.

Fire Protection Considerations

A first consideration in laying out a facility is a knowledge and understanding of the
laws and regulations concerning fire protection design and public safety which may
apply to the plant site. Refer first to the Fire Protection Manual for fire protection
considerations in the layout of a plant.
Most codes and ordinances can be met by adhering to Company standards.
However, it is still necessary to know any special local, state, or federal regulations
that may apply to the plant site. These legal requirements may impose limitations
that affect plant layout. Legal requirements must be followed unless variances or
other specific approvals for deviation are obtained from the enforcing authority.
The Fire Protection Manual contains a table that recommends minimum distances
for various situations where fire protection spacing is necessary. However, if it is the
judgment of the responsible design engineer that any situation presents higher than
normal risks, he must increase the distances accordingly.

Equipment Setback Lines

Almost all plants have equipment setback lines. Setback lines establish the
minimum distance from the edge of an access road to the face of equipment. The
space between the setback line and the access road provides room to perform

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general maintenance and plant shutdown work, and provides access for firefighting
equipment. Each facility dictates its own setback dimensions, but usually a
minimum of 5 to 15 feet is used. Platforming designed later may project beyond the
equipment setback line, as it will be elevated.
Some plants are designed without full-length plant setback lines. These plants
provide random width space adequate for servicing and maintaining the equipment,
on an individual basis.
Generally, equipment is set within the bounds of the equipment setback line and
some inner limit such as a pump row aisle. Equipment that occupies little space
between these limits is normally set as close as practical to the inner limit.
It is sometimes advantageous to locate groups of equipment on a common center-
line, when there is no compelling reason to do otherwise (such as when equipment
setback lines take precedence). Locating equipment on a common centerline is a
step toward simplicity. It can reduce susceptibility of errors in coordinate locations
on plot plans, models, drawings and isometric piping details.
Where the equipment edge is near the setback line, it should be moved out or spaced
so that it falls on that line. Lining up equipment on the setback line gives an orderly
appearance or a neat edge to the plant. It is acceptable provided it does not increase
Where such an arrangement leaves enough space between the setback line and the
equipment for possible future equipment, this potential should be recognized and
the plant arrangement designed accordingly.

E2.4 Equipment Layout

Both horizontal and elevation spacing is extremely important with regard to equip-
ment. It has been general procedure for processing units to place much of the equip-
ment above grade to provide access around units and underneath pipe runs and other
equipment. Though this is an accepted procedure, the excessive elevation of equip-
ment can be costly, and the pros and cons must be taken into account in the begin-
ning stages of the project.
The first attempts at laying out equipment should be sketchy. Use simple circles and
rectangles to represent the equipment. Too much attention to detailed shapes and
exact spacing of equipment at this point limits the ability to see the overall picture.
Keeping things simple saves time and solves problems more quickly. It is pointless
to have half the equipment shown precisely and then discover there is not enough
room for the rest of the equipment. A drawing showing equipment in the simplest
form can easily be started over again without a great loss of time.
As has been noted, the horizontal spacing between equipment is a major aspect of
the layout of structures and equipment for the processing unit. The following guide-
lines apply to the layout and design of a process petrochemical unit.

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Columns and Vertical Vessels

Column-to-pump relationships usually dictate that columns be close as practical to
pumps serving them. The pumps are usually located in a row beneath the edge of
the pipeway. Too much distance between the two may create pump suction prob-
lems because of greater pressure drop in the suction line. In this regard, pump
groups can be moved along the pipeway or individual pumps can be shifted to
obtain better position.
Generally, the best use of space results when column and vessel groups are set in a
row perpendicular to the pipeway and extending to the equipment setback line. It
may be desirable in some instances to set a pump group serving such equipment at
right angles to the main pipeway.
Columns with reboilers need access for tube bundle removal; “packed” vessels need
access for loading and unloading.
It is sometimes possible to stack vessels; this has an advantage where plot space is
limited. However, there may be some client objection because higher instrument
location causes the operator to climb a greater distance.
When setting columns and vessels next to each other at right angles to the pipeway,
a walk-through space should be provided. Foundations between two vertical vessels
generally project six inches beyond each skirt outside diameter. In addition, control
valve manifolds normally occupy space at the base of columns. With this grade
level “clutter,” spacing such equipment at four to five feet between outside diame-
ters is not unreasonable. Vertical equipment with a four- to five-foot clear space
allows for combining platforms at the upper levels later.
Whether vertical equipment is to be set on a common centerline or on a tangent line
is best determined later during the detail study period.
Be sure that furnace stacks and columns with platforms higher than those stacks are
separated. Locate the column platform upwind of the stack.

Always check to be sure that pumps that handle volatile liquids, and are located
under pipeways are located with their liquid ends completely outside the edge of the
pipeway. This may be required if air coolers are located above the pipeway, or if
electrical and instrument conduits and trays are to be located near the pipeway edge.
Very large pumps may require a greater distance from the pipeway edge to the face
of foundation in order to maintain width for crane access under the pipeway. Groups
of pumps should have their face of foundation on a common line facing outward
from the pipeway.
Pumps handling hot liquids are susceptible to cavitation due to flashing of liquid.
This usually dictates that vessels from which they draw suction be elevated to
provide the necessary net positive suction head (NPSH). (See the Pump Manual.)
Give thought to the location of pumps with respect to the equipment they serve.
Locating pumps symmetrically about the centerline (or one pump on the centerline) of

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a column handling hot liquid may cause flexibility problems later when the piping is
laid out. Pumps offset from the column centerline allow more piping flexibility.
Walking aisle space between pumps is required for plant operations and for mainte-
nance access for pump, coupling, and motor parts. The minimum clear passageway
between pump foundations or piping is 2 ft-6 in. Spacing of 4 to 5 feet or greater is
not uncommon because of foundations and auxiliary piping occupying grade level

Compressors must have sufficient walk space all around, and must have crane
access for removal and replacement of heavy parts. Larger compressors usually
require platforms, which makes the overall space allocation greater.

Shell-and-tube exchangers need space for tube bundle removal. They should be
located with the channel end facing outward toward the plant boundary, normally on
the equipment setback line. If tube bundle removal is accomplished with a tube
bundle puller, clearance between adjacent exchangers must be provided.
Stacking exchangers is a way of saving space. More than likely, the unit shown on
the flow diagram (or early P&ID) does not indicate the number of exchangers
comprising the unit. Once the design of these exchangers is complete, many of the
exchangers may have more than one shell. This usually results in some groups of
exchangers becoming stacked without necessarily such stacking having been a
consideration of the initial plot plan. Because of this, investigate exchangers with
heavy duties or large temperature differences for possible multiple units. Normally,
stacking of exchangers is limited to two high for ease of operation and maintenance.
Air coolers are usually located over the pipeway. Make sure they are not “boxed in”
by tall equipment, preventing crane access for tube section removal. Do not use the
space (beneath or around) that has been allocated to air coolers located at grade as
walk-through access to other pieces of equipment.
Hairpin exchangers must have at least enough space to be slid out of their location.
Piping connections should be located on the end away from the plant boundary or
setback line. (This is the opposite of shell-and-tube type exchangers.) Units
comprised of multiple hairpins with shells in series can be stacked nozzle to nozzle
vertically. Hairpin exchangers with shells in parallel are set side by side without
space between the individual units.

Furnaces normally need additional space for tube removal, which requires heavy
equipment such as a mobile crane. A horizontal box furnace with forty-foot tubes
needs more than forty feet for tube removal. Tubes in vertical furnaces can be
removed by pulling them straight up.

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Two or more furnaces are usually grouped together to take advantage of centralized
operations or a common stack, (particularly if a very tall stack is required because of
regulations concerning emission of pollutants).
It is not good practice to set furnaces at the end of the plant pipeway. This can make
it difficult to provide flexibility for large hot furnace piping. (See Section 320.)
Due to their inherent hazards, furnaces must be located to provide easy access by
firefighting equipment. The Fire Protection Manual contains a table that estab-
lishes separation distances between furnaces and other equipment. This usually
dictates that furnaces be located at an end or corner of the plant rather than between
equipment. Refer to the Fired Heater and Waste Heat Recovery Manual for further
details on furnace layout.

E2.5 Maintenance Considerations

To reduce costs, equipment layout planning should consider maintenance require-
ments. Plant design should incorporate the experience of refinery maintenance
personnel concerning spacing and accessibility of equipment and the need for fixed
material handling facilities.
Many conditions will arise which cannot be detailed here. However, the general
principle is to consider the specific maintenance jobs which must be performed, the
hand and power tools used, and the arrangement, access, and space required.
In considering space required, the designer should realize that crane access or lifting
facilities are needed for any equipment part that requires cleaning or repairs and
cannot be lifted conveniently by two men (approximately 150 pounds maximum in
easy-to-reach locations). Lifting facilities, if required, should be permanent unless
maintenance is infrequent and use of a temporary A-frame is satisfactory.

Access to Plants
Provide access on three sides of a plant with 15-foot minimum width roads. Roads
should have 22 feet minimum overhead clearance. The fourth side of most plants
usually has one or more overhead pipeways. These should be 12 feet high to permit
a hydraulic crane to maneuver under the pipeway for pump and piping maintenance
during shutdowns.

Work Area Outside

Provide a work area, at least 20 feet by 100 feet, adjacent to the plant for a shut-
down office trailer, tool wagon, pipe machine, and for welding. Provide an area for
pipe, lumber, staging, brick, and other materials. These area requirements must not
conflict with crane or truck access to equipment requiring maintenance.

Spacing For Access

Space major components to allow mobile cranes to reach all equipment that must be
cleaned or repaired. This reduces the cost for permanent lifting gear and provides
for truck access where required. Consider clearance for crane booms in locating
overhead lines and tall structures.

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Power Lines
Keep power lines clear of all locations where cranes may be active to allow compli-
ance with applicable state safety orders. Move existing lines if necessary. Consider
placing cable in buried or pipeway-supported conduit rather than on pole lines.

Use floodlights rather than individual lights to the extent that adequate lighting is
obtained and first cost is equal. Provide access to floodlights for relamping. Place
individual lights close to or directly over a platform to facilitate relamping.

Slope For Drainage

Provide a minimum slope of 1/4 inch/foot in all paved areas to facilitate drainage.
Greater slopes may be justified in case of heavy stocks or special hazards. (See the
Civil and Structural Manual.)

Plant Shutdown
Provide for a portion of the plant being down, as in many cases a single column or
reactor may be taken out of service without bringing the whole plant down. In
spacing equipment and laying out lines for such cases, consider the fire hazard of
cranes required for maintenance and also the consequences of a mishap while
removing equipment from the area.

Future Expansion
Crowding and consequent high maintenance cost can be avoided by advance plan-
ning for future additions of pumps, lines, exchangers, vessels, etc.

E2.6 Other Layout Factors

Plant equipment arrangement can be affected by factors which are often forgotten in
the rush to approve the layout. Be alert for problems related to the following:

Cooling Towers
Place this unit with its pumps and chemical equipment downwind from a plant. In
colder climates, the mist and condensation produced can be a nuisance.

Steam Trap Manifolds

Be sure to provide adequate space.

Control Rooms
Anticipate the preferences of the client in locating control rooms. The client may
sometimes have definite ideas that can cause problems in equipment arrangement.
Control houses should be located in a nonhazardous portion of the plant.

Sewers, Underground Cooling Water, Electrical Conduits

Provide space for these facilities. A little foresight can help prevent later problems.

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Fire Protection Equipment

Provide required locations and clearances for fire water headers, fire hydrants, and
monitors. This equipment is critical to the safe operation of a plant.

Allow space for the buried portion of foundations of tall or heavy pieces of equip-
ment. These foundations can be extensive, especially if piles are not specified.
Spread footings can affect the spacing on your layout. Also consider combining
spread footings in order to save space.

Safety Showers
In compact plants, safety showers with eye washes can be a problem if some
thought has not been given to the space they require. Safety showers can be 30
inches by 60 inches. Generally, both the number and location of safety showers need
approval of the operator. However, the need for them can be anticipated where
hazardous materials such as acid or caustic are part of the process.

Analyzer Buildings
Analyzer shelters require spaces up to 6 feet by 10 feet.

Control Valve Manifolds

During the plot plan study stage, anticipate the space needed for control valve and
other manifolding. Such piping usually finds its way alongside horizontal equip-
ment and at base of vertical equipment. Without the benefit of a P&ID, it is difficult
to tell exactly what will go where. When planning an aisle space between a stack of
exchangers and a horizontal drum, space should be included for such piping. Two
feet added to each side of a three-foot aisle space is a reasonable figure.

Establishing Width of the Main Pipeway

As a practical matter, time available to produce a reasonable plot plan may not
allow for establishing the pipeway based on any more than an educated guess based
on experience and assumptions.
Reasonable pipeway widths can be anywhere from 20 to 45 feet. What is reason-
able for a particular plant depends on several considerations, such as size of plant,
what utilities will be needed, whether anything prevents double-decking, and
whether crane access be needed under the pipeway.
At this point, it is generally best to assume that all lines in the pipeway will be 6 to
10 inches in diameter (including insulation) and that they will be spaced at
12 inches on the pipeway. Add 10% to this for contingency and 25% for future
A width increase of 5 feet can usually be accommodated later by looking closely at
equipment during the study stage. Increasing the width of a double-decked pipeway
by 5 feet will produce 10 feet of additional pipe space.

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Branch Pipeways
Spacing on the plot plan must take into account locations of branch pipeways to
serve equipment on either side of the main plant pipeway. These branch pipeways
should not be routed over equipment; space should be allowed on the plot plan for
them. However, this does not preclude having them pass over the pump row paral-
leling the main pipeway.

E3.0 Final Equipment/Piping Layouts

Once the general arrangement studies have been completed and a plot plan concept
has been agreed upon, it is necessary to finalize that arrangement and fix the exact
equipment location. This is done by laying out the interconnecting piping. Section
300 of this manual presents good piping practices that are generally valid for all
petrochemical facilities. In addition, several standard drawings have been devel-
oped to provide recommended guidelines for piping layout design. They are:
GF-A1241 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Notes (3 sheets)
GF-A1242 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Cross Section
Thru Plant
GF-A1243 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Columns
GF-A1244 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Vertical Vessel
GF-A1245 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Horizontal
Vessel at Grade
GF-A1246 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Stacked
Exchangers at Grade
GF-A1247 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Grade Level
Plot Limit Manifold
GF-A1248 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Sections—
Grade Level Plot Limit Manifold
GF-A1249 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Overhead Plot
Limit Manifolds
GF-A1250 General Arrangement Standards—Plant Facilities—Control Valve
GF-L99958 Guide Sheet for Piping of Pumps—End Suction-Top Discharge—
Centrifugal Pumps
GF-L99959 Guide Sheet for Piping of Pumps—Top Suction-Top Discharge—
Centrifugal Pumps

These drawings can be used to provide the basis for the plant piping layout. They
are not intended to solve all piping layout issues. However, they do provide guide-
lines for many typical layout problems.
As an aid to the development of plot layout specifications, several standard forms
are available. They are similar to the above standard drawings, but with spaces to

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allow the engineer to insert the dimensions for spacing for the various types of
access and machinery which the project has decided upon. These forms are:
PIM-EF-579 Planning Drawing—Proposed Process Plant—Cross Section—
Equipment and Pumps on Same Side of Pipeway
PIM-EF-580 Planning Drawing—Proposed Process Plant—Cross Section—
Equipment Separated From Pumps by Pipeway
PIM-EF-883 Planning Drawing—Proposed Process Plant—Cross Section—
Two-sided Plant With Air Coolers

The above drawings are included in Corporation Piping Specification GB-135169

inthis manual.

E4.0 Making Design Decisions

Section E7.0 is a Design Decision Checklist. This checklist is intended to stimu-
late and clarify the design engineer’s thinking in the early stages of a project,
whether the later detailed design is performed in-house or by a contractor. Use of
this checklist will ensure that all areas are considered and all important decisions are
Obviously, none of these decisions should be made in a vacuum—clear communica-
tions are essential. The design engineer should consult with Operations, Mainte-
nance, technical experts, contractors, and vendors to gain an overall perspective on
the critical issues to be settled. He must sort through facts, opinions, and recommen-
dations; explore constraints; and examine the risks associated with each aspect of
the design. The Design Decision Checklist can be used to help the design engineer
consider all the various factors as he does the early planning.
When the design engineer arrives at an overall plan, he should play devil's advocate
and try to pick apart the final plan. He should be willing to discard an entire care-
fully conceived solution and start over if necessary. The final plan must be cost-
effective, and must also be acceptable to the client (the party for whom the design is
being created).
The checklist is not all-inclusive. For most projects some items should be deleted
and others will need to be added. The checklist is divided into the following topics:
• Plot Plans
• P&IDs
• Piping Standards
• Basic Design Data Sheets
• Equipment and Material Specifications
• Materials Selections
• Acceptable Vendor Lists
• Process Designs
• Capacity Review
• Operability/Maintenance/Safety

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• Equipment and Materials

• Piping
• Instruments
• Electrical
• Civil
• Environmental
• Fire Protection
• Conservation
• Utilities

E5.0 Project Management

This section discusses the sequencing of technical effort in process plant design to
ensure consistent and timely design decisions, and the participation of the client in
these decisions.

E5.1 Design Bases

One of the most important factors affecting the efficiency of project design is the
establishment of firm design bases prior to application of significant design
manpower to the job.
Design of any aspect of a project must be based on firm definition. Early resolution
of alternatives and variables minimizes rework due to changing bases. This
approach should be obvious, yet in practice it is often ignored. It is important to
recognize, however, that design work can proceed in one area while definition is
pursued in another—indeed, completion of a project on schedule demands that this
be done. The objective is to identify those variables in each area of plant design that
affect progress in other areas.
To minimize execution time it is important to determine those design functions
which must be started immediately and those which can and should be delayed until
all design bases are established. An example of this concept is the need to start
development of plot plans, P&IDs, and equipment design as early as possible, while
delaying development of piping, structural, electrical, and instrument details until a
sufficient design base is established. Plot plans, P&IDs, and equipment design must
be started early because they are basic to all aspects of a project—in effect they are
part of the “definition” of all subsequent design effort.
It is not the intent of this section to encourage delay in the starting of design until all
necessary bases are established and design alternatives resolved. Design should
proceed as soon as possible, provided the effects of a change are not significant.

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E5.2 Project Definition

Definition of the project is accomplished by devoting adequate attention to the
1. Basic Design Data. Establish design information unique to the location of the
plant. The basic design data sheets record information as to the economics of
the plant location, quality desired by the client, and standard practices or equip-
ment. Prompt attention to the basic design data sheet is necessary at the outset
of a project, since it forms the foundation for all subsequent technical work.
2. Engineering Studies to resolve equipment alternatives, utility alternatives,
plant layout and systems requirements.
Closely allied with resolution of alternatives is the establishment of accurate
plant investment estimates. A definitive cost estimate for the plant must be
established as early as possible to allow evaluation of the cost of alternatives
against their value to the project. This definitive cost estimate should be used as
the basis for defining “changes” as described later.
3. Design Specification. Develop a written specification to establish design
philosophy, operating philosophy, and local practice. A written specification is
encouraged when the operating representative and/or the project engineer are
somewhat inexperienced, or where the project is unusual enough to require
significant departure from established practices (or application of new tech-
niques). Use of the Company's Model Design and Construction Specifica-
tion is ideal for this purpose. However, be sure the effort devoted to a design
specification does not exceed its value to the project.
4. Equipment Design. Place equipment orders early enough to support the estab-
lished construction schedule and to establish configurations and sizes for
obtaining suppliers' prints, as required to support the “design studies” phase.
5. Design Studies. Establish piping, instrumentation and conduit routing, as well
as platform, stairway and ladder locations.
6. Piped-up Scale Models. Models serve as a three-dimensional “picture” for
improving communication between the various design groups during the
“design studies” phase and for reducing the number of construction drawings
and potential interference errors. Models also serve as a tool for operator
training and as an aid to field construction.

Chevron Corporation E-15 October 1989

Appendix E Piping Manual

E5.3 Communication
Communication between the project engineer and the eventual owner/operator
(client) must remain open, objective, and timely. The following elements are basic
to achieving good communication:
1. Client Representative Responsibilities. Project team members and the client
representative work together to establish the review and approval steps that will
ensure the minimum number of changes after a decision has been made.
2. Description of Project Execution. The client representative should under-
stand the organization, procedures, tools, etc., so he can decide how he partici-
pates in the design effort, where he resides, etc.
3. Early Assignment of Key People. Identify key people early in the planning
phase. This promotes useful communication early enough in the job to estab-
lish definition of facilities. Key people include the Project Manager, Project
Engineer, Drafting Lead, and engineers in charge of P&IDs, piping layout, and
major equipment purchases.
4. Decision Making Process. Describe and schedule the “milestones” necessary
for efficient execution by using the attached Project Planning Chart or other
similar device. This ensures timely participation of the client representative or
his management in basic project decisions.

E5.4 Execution of Design

The following control devices are useful in gaging design progress and in fore-
stalling delays.
1. Contracting and Construction Plan. Recognize the constraints of contract
type, cost, and schedule on overall project execution early enough to permit
adjustments to be made in approach and timing.
2. Change Orders. Use a change order system to highlight cost and delay brought
about by requests for changes to designs in progress. A change order system
should emphasize the necessity for objective consideration of alternatives
before a decision is made, not after.

E5.5 Model Design and Construction Specification

The Model Design and Construction Specification, when used together with the
Project Planning Chart, helps the engineer to define the variables that must be
resolved and establish a schedule for decision making that is consistent with overall
project schedule, and it promotes awareness of changes that can stall the design
The CRTC’s Materials and Equipment Engineering developed the Model Design
and Construction Specification based on a great deal of experience. It is a distilla-
tion of design requirements for the entire Corporation. For contractor-designed
plants, this “model” is tailored to include only the appropriate specific require-

October 1989 E-16 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

ments. It is issued to contractors for bidding purposes and serves throughout the
project as the basic design tool. For contractual purposes, it is the definitive docu-
ment for determining plant quality.
Because of its concise treatment of Company design requirements and preferences,
the model specification is useful as a starting point for agreement on plant quality.
Since the model specification includes items which do not apply to all projects, a list
of applicable paragraphs or a tailored version of the specification should be
prepared for each specific job. The document should be limited to the paragraphs
that are technical in nature; portions of the model that deal with administrative
aspects of the job should be dealt with separately from this technical design plan-
ning effort. The specification should then be submitted to the client for comments
and for approval.
On some jobs special techniques, design criteria, approaches, etc., are required.
These peculiarities are not covered in the model specification or in Company
manuals. It is important to define the use of these special techniques at the outset of
the project so that both project members and the client understand their applica-
bility, limitations, and advantages. Such special techniques should be discussed
openly and the approval of all concerned should be gained.

E5.6 Project Planning Chart

Section E8.0 is a Project Planning Chart. Its purpose is to encourage continuous job
planning and evaluation with the objective of reducing engineering and drafting
manpower without sacrificing quality or delaying plant completion. Use of the
chart will help minimize design rework and keep projects on schedule and within
This chart includes most of the basic design decisions which must be resolved
before the design effort can proceed. Although it covers many critical areas, it is not
intended to be all-inclusive.
The chart is tailored to on-plot facilities, but it can also be used for off-plot facili-
ties. For specific projects, delete or add items as necessary. Obtain the client’s agree-
ment as to responsibility for conducting studies and making decisions.
The Project Planning Chart can be used to create a logical step-by-step schedule that
illustrates the interdependence of function and decisions, as well as shows the effort
needed to complete each function. Such a schedule helps in coordinating efforts
among various design groups. It also helps in describing to the client the steps in a
design effort and his part in review and approval.
The chart highlights the project phase in which each activity should be completed.
The items are divided into three project phases:
1 — Planning
2 — Engineering development
3 — Drafting development

Chevron Corporation E-17 October 1989

Appendix E Piping Manual

The planning phase starts with project approval and goes up to receipt of final
process designs. The engineering development phase begins with receipt of
process designs and goes through completion of basic design documents (plot plan,
one-line diagrams, P&IDs, paving layout). The drafting development phase starts
with receipt of process designs and goes through approval of the plant model (or
other drawings showing layout concepts and schemes).
The project phase for each item should be reviewed as to both scope and timing in
light of the circumstances surrounding a particular project. This should be done
even though inaccuracies may arise, since the thought process is as valuable as the
final document that emerges.
These phases are time periods in which specific effort is concentrated, but they do
not have rigid start and end points. In the course of most jobs the three phases
overlap. On some jobs the start of the planning phase may have to be delayed until
receipt of process designs. In any event, clear definition of project scope and appro-
priation approval (or management directive) are required before effort is devoted
to any aspect of project work.
While the purpose of the chart is to act as a reminder so that significant items are
not forgotten, it should also be used to identify studies that can be avoided. Many
decisions can be made on the basis of past experience or recent local studies. This
practice is encouraged as an important way to improve design efficiency without
sacrificing quality.

Engineering Questions
The Project Planning Chart also functions as a listing of recurring plant design ques-
tions. Individual items may or may not be applicable, and the list must be screened
to be meaningful for a specific project. The screening should be done with the client
representative, and agreement should be reached as to how any particular item is to
be resolved, whether by study or by arbitrary decision. Add to the list items that
arise from the client review of the model specification. Also, each project has
unusual aspects which need study, and these should be added to the list as necessary.

E6.0 Site Selection Checklist

While this checklist is intended for selection of a site for a “grass-roots” installa-
tion, many of the items listed apply to the location of a new plant site within an
existing facility. Since every site is unique, individual listings may or may not apply,
and some locations may need additional items.

October 1989 E-18 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

Site Suitability
Land Purchase (Note 1): Availability of land, size and shape, future
Site Development (Note 2): Topography, soil conditions, ground water,
Climate (Note 3): Temperature, rainfall, wind, severe conditions (hurri-
canes, tornados).
Geological Problems (Note 4): Active fault, flood plain.
Additional Tankage (Note 5): Supply change, local requirements.
Character of Area (Note 6): Urban (industrial, commercial, residential);
rural (virgin, farmland, recreational).

Public Services
Utilities (Note 7): Water (sources, quality, quantity); electric power
(purchase, generate, gas).
Communications (Note 8): Telephone, telex, mail.
Fire Protection (Note 9).

Labor Environment
Cities, Towns (Note 10): Distance from site, size.
Labor Availability (Note 11): Construction, refinery operation.
Effect on Local Economy (Note 12).

Transportation (Note 13)

Main Highways.

Business Climate
Local Codes (Note 14): Building requirements, unusual safety
Local Zoning (Note 15): Existing, proposed.
Local Taxes (Note 16): Penalties, incentives.
Local Politics (Note 17).
Legal Procedures.

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Appendix E Piping Manual

Public Relations (Note 18)

Local Attitude: Business and industry, refineries, pollution.
Salesmanship Required: Extensive studies, public hearings.

Pollution Controls (Note 19)

Existing Environment: Level of pollution, capacity to absorb wastes.
Local Regulations: Existing, proposed.
Water Treatment: Primary, secondary.
Stack Height: Local regulations, unusual site conditions (topographical,
Overall Appearance: Natural shielding, extensive landscaping.

Service Organizations
Local Contractors (Note 20).
Support Facilities (Note 21): Maintenance, repair.

Availability Of Material (Note 22)

Construction: Equipment, materials (fill, concrete).
Refinery: Equipment, materials (electrical, piping).

Community Facilities (Note 23):


Crude Supply and Product Distribution (Note 24)

Marine Terminal: Approach conditions (open or channel, traffic, restric-
tions); terminal site (distance from refinery, deep water distance, bottom
conditions, meteorological conditions, oceanographic conditions,
terminal exposure, onshore site development).
Pipe Line: Existing pipeline (available capacity, distance to tie-in); new
pipeline (length, size, topography).
Product Distribution (Note 25): Product pipeline, tankcar and tanktruck
loading racks, marine terminal.

1. Finding suitable land at a reasonable price is a first consideration. Enough land
should be acquired initially to allow for future development, or assurance
should be obtained that more will be available at a later time. A reasonably flat

October 1989 E-20 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

site is needed for process facilities; in addition, there must be room for
construction activities and material storage.
2. Natural drainage is an important early consideration. Crude and product storage
must be located so any released materials flow away from processing facilities.
Soil conditions must be known in order to determine the need for piled founda-
tions. The need for and the availability of imported soil needs early resolution.
3. Climate at the site affects all phases of design, construction, and operations. It
should be understood early since it is a significant factor in deciding on a
particular site.
4. Earthquake activity in an area has an important impact on foundation and
equipment design. The frequency and severity of storms can have a major
impact on drainage system designs.
5. The storage requirements for feedstocks and products need early definition, as
the area for tankfields can be extensive.
6. In determining the overall suitability of a given site, the general characteristics
of the area need consideration. Location near residential or recreational areas
frequently has an effect on design and on operations in the long run.
7. The availability of local public utilities can affect the selection of a new plant
site. New supply lines can be a significant cost. Also quantities available need
to be matched against new plant requirements.
8. Availability of local telephone lines may be a problem if the system is nearly
loaded. Long delays in obtaining service can result.
9. The extent of internal fire protection provided by the plant may be determined
by availability of local fire protection.
10. Pleasant, convenient local communities are particularly important in attracting
a quality labor force to operate new facilities.
11. Consider availability of local labor for construction and operations when
selecting a plant site.
12. Sometimes it is possible to negotiate concessions with government agencies
when new facilities will enhance local economy.
13. A major factor in selecting a plant site is the availability of transportation.
There must be practical forms of transport to bring in construction materials.
When the plant is in operation there must be economical ways to bring in feed-
stocks and supplies and to distribute products generated by the facility.
14. Before final site selection is made, applicable local building codes should be
well understood. Also any special or unusual safety requirements should be
15. Local zoning restrictions enter into the site selection process. If possible, some
insight into possible future changes is useful in making the final decision.

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Appendix E Piping Manual

16. In some locations it may be possible to negotiate tax concessions if the area is
interested in attracting new business.
17. The decision to locate a facility at a given site may be influenced by the exist-
ence of strong political factions that could affect construction and operations.
18. Satisfying permit requirements has become a major project activity, often on
the critical path. Maintaining good public relations has become even more
important than in the past.
19. The handling of all potential pollutants that may emanate from new facilities
needs to be considered during site selection. Both the types of potential pollut-
ants and the quantities of each must be addressed.
20. The availability of local contractors to perform work during construction
should be addressed during site selection. If the supply is limited it may be
necessary to import a work force on a temporary basis and perhaps provide
some infrastructure to support them. The long-term availability of local
contractors to support maintenance and miscellaneous construction after the
facility is in operation also should be considered.
21. The availability of local shops and parts supply warehouses needs investigation
from both a construction and an operations standpoint.
22. Locally available material (particularly minor materials such as pipe, valves,
electrical materials, concrete, etc.) provides a site with more flexibility both
during construction and later when the facility goes onstream.
23. Good local community facilities attract and hold people that are the potential
work force for a new installation.
24. One key to the site selection process is the determination of how feedstocks
will be supplied. Product distribution is of equal importance in this study.
Crude oil usually comes in by tanker ship or pipeline, although it sometimes
comes via rail tankcar. A need for water access can have a significant bearing
on site selection, as water terminal facilities are limited in location. Also they
can be very expensive if the plant location is remote.
25. Product distribution is unique to each location. Selection is partially dictated by
existing infrastructure such as product pipelines, railroads, and highway
systems. Also affecting selection is the customer’s ability to receive product.
Most off-plot facilities are affected by the method and size of shipments. For
instance, marine shipments often require much more tankage for finished stock.
Since off-plot requires the largest part of the geographic area of the site, it can
play a significant role in site selection.

E7.0 Design Decisions Checklist

The Design Decisions Checklist is designed to be used in the early stages of a
project to ensure that all important decision areas are considered.

October 1989 E-22 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

Plot Plans

Overall Plant Layout

Fire, safety, and operational continuity.
Construction: Laydown and staging areas. Trailers.
Off-plot facilities: Tankfields, pipeways, flares, waste treatment, land-
farming, etc.
Support facilities: Shops, warehouses, administrative, parking, finished
product shipping.
Access facilities: Rail, truck, water, air, pipeline.
Site development: Planned future construction.
Adjacent facilities: Residential, industrial, highways. Setback distances.
Visibility (public view) of plant. Noise limitations.

Plant Sizing
Double- or single-sided plant (and other shapes).
Length (controlling elements).
Width (controlling elements).

Equipment Layout and Spacing

Layout sequence: Process flow—alloy piping—utilities.
Spacing: Maintenance, rigging operations, construction, fire, and safety.


Functional Elements Review

Hazop studies to critically analyze P&IDs.
Instrumentation, piping, utilities, support systems (lube-oil, oil-mist,
chemical addition, BFW, etc.), relief, insulation, protective systems.
Systems isolation, interaction, and redundancy.

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Appendix E Piping Manual

Operational and Maintenance Review

Review the requirements—provide the features to accomplish operational and main-
tenance functions.
Steamout, flush, wash, purge, dryout, heatup, charge, regenerate, startup,
run, turndown, shutdown, cleanup, dump, sampling, in-service testing
and repair of critical instrumentation.

Emergency Response Review

Provide simple, foolproof, rugged, intrinsically safe systems. These must be cost-
effective—balance risk vs. cost. Avoid gimmicks. Design out the need for shut-
down systems.
Upset: Level, temperature, flow, pressure, vibration, composition.
Confirm the philosophy for instrument systems and alarm systems
response to upsets.
Failure: Instrument air failure, motive power failure, control power
failure, instrument failure, equipment failure, valve failure (stuck or
frozen), coolant failure. Confirm the philosophy for: instrument
systems, alarm systems, relief systems, and shutdown systems response
to failures.
Catastrophes: Fire and explosions. Leaks and spills. Wind, earthquake
and flood. Blast-resistant control houses, fireproofing, elevation of crit-
ical facilities above flood levels, etc.

Layout and Organization

Consider client's operations and training needs in arranging P&IDs. Do
not crowd P&ID sheets.
Firm up line, instrument, and equipment numbering systems early. Late
changes require revisions to many drawings.

Piping Standards
Local Plant Usages. Match and alter standards to suit local plant prac-
tices where possible (usually very little accommodation required).
Critical Piping. Watch services that are hot, hazardous, high pressure,
and/or corrosive. Look closely at the location of critical piping (espe-
cially LPG lines), underground piping, piping in a vibrating service and
piping which includes expansion joints.
Instrument Piping. Piping standards do not cover instrument piping.
Make sure it is compatible. Tubing fittings must be from same manufac-
turer as those currently used in the facility.

Basic Design Data Sheets

Be Critical. Occasionally they may be in error, incomplete, or out of date.

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Piping Manual Appendix E

Equipment and Material Specifications

Check to be sure that they are the latest revisions.
Compare against Contractor’s specifications. His specifications may
cover new or different problems based on his experience on previous
projects which may not have come to our attention.

Materials Selection
Almost always prepared by the facility’s Materials Specialist or the
Engineering Technology Department’s Materials Group.
Difficult to design for all permutations and special cases. Talk with the
Materials Specialist frequently.

Acceptable Vendor Lists

Acceptable Suppliers. Request bids only from qualified suppliers as
authorized by the local Purchasing Group. Other suppliers may be added
with justification.
Limiting Suppliers. Rarely, a decision may be made to limit suppliers
where ultimate quality, reliability or special expertise is required. Be
sure that an improved specification or a consultant would not serve
better, at lower cost.
Client Needs. Check equipment to be furnished for compatibility with
Client’s maintenance experience and capabilities. Limit vendor lists as
necessary to conform.

Process Designs
Early Participation. Client and Project Engineers participate—
preferably as early as possible.
Kickoff Meeting. As a minimum, hold an early overall review meeting
with the Client. Be certain critical process considerations are recog-
nized and weighed.
Process changes during the Mechanical Design. Accommodate
changes in the Process Design unless and until they impede the progress
of the Mechanical Design.
Approvals. Obtain review and approval from the Process Designers for
all P&IDs, equipment, designs and Vendor drawings that impact the
Process Design.
Final process P&ID reviews. Hold a joint Client-Engineering-
(Contractor) final process P&ID review just prior to releasing the P&IDs
for procurement and construction.

Capacity Review
Make spot checks on the adequacy of each of the items listed below under the various
conditions of operations, process equipment or utility guarantees notwithstanding:

Chevron Corporation E-25 October 1989

Appendix E Piping Manual

wash, flush, startup, run, turndown, shutdown, emergency, etc. (Develop rapport with
the Contractor through a mutual understanding of design objectives.)
Pumps and Drivers. NPSH, suction specific speed, head, horsepower,
minimum flow. (Provide additional capacity over and above process
requirements, to allow recirculation—at or above minimum flow—as
Exchangers and Air Coolers. Duties, areas, coolant temperatures, heat
transfer coefficients, fouling factors, motor duties. Size motors so they
will not overload under cold weather conditions with fan blades pitched
for maximum summer cooling. Select fan speeds for noise control.
Columns, Drums, and Vessels. Check residence times for instrumenta-
tion and upsets and reaction times for alarms and shutdowns.
Compressors. Capacity, gas composition and temperature ranges (size
motor to handle density variations), speed, and temperature limits.
Check for capability of run-in on nitrogen, if required.
Furnaces. Duties, heat liberation volumes, flame impingement limita-
tions, flux rates, stack and burner capacities, fuel gas or oil heating
values. (Process Design handles much of this.) Ensure that emissions
comply with Permit to Construct.
Desalters, treaters, filters.
Cooling Towers and Cooling Water Supply System. Cooling towers
should receive exhaustive capacity evaluation by the Contractor.
Chemical addition, quench, and water makeup systems.
Transformer, Motor Control Center Capacity and Sparing. Divide
spared pump and motor loads.
Utility Systems. Steam, air, condensate, BFW, etc. (Use extra care on
condensate systems.)
Control Valves. Review sizing criteria philosophy. Valves must accom-
modate upset conditions and turndown without excessive noise.
Drainage Systems. Size for maximum storm runoff and/or fire loads.
Pipeways. Spare capacity for future.
Instrument Panel. Spare space.
A/C and refrigeration requirements.
Spare underground conduits and MCC slots.
Catalyst Volumes. (Process Design will check).
Plot space for future equipment.
Relief System. Design philosophy. Tabulate and record loads on P&IDs
for all conditions considered.

October 1989 E-26 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

Access. Aisles, ladders, walkways, platforms, stairs. Rigging. Columns,
vessels, (catalyst loading), exchangers, pumps, compressors, furnaces,
reactors, air coolers, filters, machinery, control valves, instrumentation,
electrical, alarms and shutdowns.
Pipeways and Structures. Cross bracing, clearances, pipe stanchion
Plot Limit and Piping Manifolds. Location, emergency accessibility,
sizing, and arrangement.
Accessories. Sample, utility, firefighting equipment, removable spools,
blinds, flanges, vents, bleeders, drains, water drawoffs, flush, washout,
steamout, pumpout, lubrication systems.
Elevated Equipment and Instruments. Consider providing stair
access where operator attention is needed once per shift.
Noise, odor, and hazardous chemicals control.

Equipment and Materials

Check sizing, particularly if Contractor has no process or utility guarantee.
Check quality and reliability. Consider sparing. Talk to competing
vendors. Check users in other companies. Keep Operating Representa-
tive involved. Do not pioneer; use only commercially proven equip-
ment. Check for conformance to specifications. Stipulate instrument and
electrical equipment suppliers.
Check ease and frequency of maintenance.
Check materials of construction.
Rotating Equipment. Check capacity, suction conditions, service rating
(gears), instrumentation and auxiliary systems. Pumps, compressors,
gears, turbines, fans, etc. Witness testing.
Pressure-containing Equipment. Thermal and pressure ratings
(shutoff, bypassing, upset) design vs. operating. Winterization. Check
codes—boiler code application can vary by states.
Air Coolers. Platforms should be laid out by the Contractor (and
supplied by A/C Vendor) to minimize coordination problems.
Fired Furnaces. Concentrate on all elements exposed to heat: Tubes,
tube supports, tube sheets, insulation, insulation supports, and particu-
larly hanging roof details.
Fire Protection. Columns, vessels, reactors.
Meetings. Attend major Contractor/Vendor pre-award and coordination
Auxiliary systems design. Check layout, design, instrumentation, mate-
rials and piping of auxiliary systems, in particular, lube-oil systems.

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Appendix E Piping Manual

P&IDs, models, and isometrics.
Accessibility. Operability and maintenance. (Minimize flanges in
hazardous services.)
Piping Standards. Materials, flange facings, type of gaskets, grease
seal valves, unions, pressure seal and welded bonnets.
Pressures and Stresses. Pressures and stresses during upset—power,
cooling, and BFW failure. Pressure surges. Slugging from two-phase
flow or pulsating flow. Snubbers may be required.
Flexibility. Anchors, guides, supports and expansion loops. Avoid
bellows expansion joints. Provide tiebacks for “Dresser coupling” slip
Safety and fire.
Steam trap schedules and layouts.
Electric or steam tracing. Thermal cement (Thermon).
Insulation. Thickness chart. Stainless steel or aluminum covering.
Flange and manway treatment. Valve blankets. Protection against corro-
sion under insulation.
Hydrotest schedules and procedures.
Pickling. Lube-oil, compressor suctions, etc.
Construction support. An early materials takeoff (and ordering) may
be required for specialty, alloy, or large valves with long delivery times.

Control, alarm, and shutdown philosophy. System design philos-
ophy. Fail-safe design.
Control system. Distributed control. Monitoring (data acquisition).
Computer. Programmable logic. Pneumatic vs. electronic instrumenta-
tion; computer compatibility. Spare capacity. Intrinsically safe instru-
Field vs. house indication and/or recording.
Special installation details. Instrument piping standards. Purge
Logic and loop diagrams.
Instrument field locations.
Numbering system, labeling, tagging.
Acceptable instruments and manufacturers (names and model
series). Include approved instruments lists when instruments are
supplied as part of a major equipment package.

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Piping Manual Appendix E

Test facilities and procedures for testing all alarms and shutdowns.
Requirements for in-service testing and repair of critical valves and
Fire detection devices.
Conduit routing and support.
Process data: specific gravities, viscosities, pressure drops, flow rates.
Safety. Boiler, furnace, reactor, compressor, etc., control systems.

Type of system. Power source(s). Generation, transmission, and main
substation. Reliability. Sparing. Automatic load transfer. Transformers,
switchgear, etc.
In-plant power generation. Steam, diesel, gas turbine, cogeneration
facilities, etc.
Facility-wide distribution system.
Large load interaction with existing facility. (Study early.)
Load layout.
One-line diagrams.
Area classification drawings.
Short-circuit study.
Motor starting voltage drop study.
Plant substation. Transformers, switchgear, and MCCs. Layout, sizing
(load shedding), specifications, data sheets, location, conformance to
specifications. Special features: control power, battery backup, heaters,
interlocks, enclosures, etc.
Plant distribution system. Conduit routing and support. Overhead vs.
underground. Piles? Spare conduits for underground banks.
Coordination of protective devices.
Power factor correction. Capacitors. Synchronous motors. Harmonics
Special control systems and wiring diagrams. (Pay particular atten-
tion to the operational functions required of control systems.)
Electrical/instrumentation systems separation. Protection of low
voltage instrumentation systems from transient voltage spikes.
Motor specifications and data sheets. XP, TEFC, WP, chemical
service. Voltage Speed Synchronous, Varispeed. Heaters, winding
temperature monitors, etc.
Emergency and standby power systems. Uninterruptable power
supplies, standby generators, and unit equipment.
Lighting. Spacing, flood, emergency, voltage drop.

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Communication systems. TV, radio, telephone, computer network.

Fire protection.
Electric heat tracing.
Cathodic protection.
Construction power.
Grounding and bonding.

Platforms, stairways, ladders, walkways. Layout, access and imposed
loads on equipment. Spot check critical details: handrails, toe boards,
decking, etc. Maximize use of side step ladders.
Structural. Permitting requirements. Wind and earthquake designs.
Vibration. Fireproofing. Tall stacks. Stanchions in walkways, tripping
hazards, head-knockers, cross bracing, etc.
Plant paving. Layout, extent, shape, drainage and ability to handle
heavy equipment. Concrete vs. asphalt. Pile support? Graveled or
shelled setback areas.
Roads. Clearances, guard posts, guard rails, width, load-carrying design,
truck turning radii.
Underground systems. Conduit banks. Sewers. Interferences. Plan
work to minimize dirt handling.
Drainage Systems. Layout, usage, sealing, and arrangement. Process,
area, sanitary, sample stations, safety showers, analyzers, drinking
fountains, etc. Segregation: oily, storm, chemical, sanitary. Storage
Control house and buildings. Layout, facilities, plumbing, electrical
systems, lighting, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, blast-
Foundations and piling. Provisions for future expansion. Conform-
ance to specifications. Steel vs. wooden piles.
Soils investigation. Allowable soil bearing pressure vs. piles. Soil
contamination check.
Tankfields and impounding basins.
Site Preparation. Fill availability and hauling costs. Spoil disposal.
Contaminated soils and debris.
Waste treatment facilities. Often a significant civil effort.

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Piping Manual Appendix E

Air. Dispersion modeling.
Ground. Leak detection systems.
Flora and Fauna.
Waste. Reduction, treatment, disposal.
Noise Control.

Fire Protection
Facility fire systems. Pumping, distribution, looping, emergency
backup. Fire trucks.
Tankfields. Impounding basins. Storage of large volumes of
Access. Facility and in-plant.
Near and in-plant firefighting facilities. Hoses, hydrants, monitors.
Fire water (“First Aid”) systems, foam systems, deluge systems, Halon
Relief systems. Equipment design temperatures and pressures: design
for operating, upset, startup and shutdown. Consider higher design pres-
sures for equipment handling hazardous materials (e.g., H2S) to prevent
release except under blocked-in fire conditions.
Isolation valving. Provide large block valves for isolation of tanks,
impoundment basins, pumps, and large on-plot hydrocarbon contain-
ment vessels (50 barrels or more). Locate valves where they will be
accessible in an emergency and/or provide remote operation. Identify
with red paint.
Fail-safe design. Determine how each control valve should fail in case
of loss of power: fail closed, fail open, fail in position.
Cooling water system safeguards. To guard against high pressure
exchanger tube ruptures, provide cooling water piping rupture disks.
Also provide for gas venting at the inlet to cooling tower distribution
Paving and drainage. Design for firefighting loads. Provide sealing and
isolating systems. Drain flammable liquids away from critical equip-
ment to remote impoundment.
Fireproofing. Structures, vessel skirts and saddles, instruments, and
Shutdown systems.
Electrical area classification drawings.
Intrinsically safe instrumentation.

Chevron Corporation E-31 October 1989

Appendix E Piping Manual

Fire alarm systems. Flame and heat detectors (U.V. monitors aimed at
line of pumps). Hydrocarbon vapor detectors. Early warning systems.
Alarms which differentiate between minor and major emergencies.
Blast-resistant control houses. Instrument and computer fire protec-
tion systems.

Heat recovery.
Hydraulic (pressure) recovery.
Water, condensate and steam recovery.
Hydrocarbon loss prevention.
Furnace and equipment efficiencies.
Steam turbines vs. electrical drives.
Steam turbines vs. letdown stations.
Air cooler and cooling tower overcooling.
Cooling water fouling.
Variable speed (and 2-speed) motors.
Steam generation.
Cogeneration facilities.
Secondary containment. Leak detection systems.

Steam. 15-lb., 150-lb., 400-500-lb., 800-900-lb. Boiler plants. Water
treating. Desuperheating. Steam balances.
Condensate. Recovery systems. Header sizing. Traps vs. control valves.
Process water. Demineralizers. Potable water for safety showers and
Boiler blowdown systems.
Quench Water. Chloride-free wash water for hydrotest (for stainless
steel piping and equipment).
Cooling Water. Treating, distribution, blowdown. Cooling water vs. air
Closed loop cooling water systems.
Instrument Air. Nonlubricated compressors, dryers, and distribution.
High pressure motive air. Utility air.
Fuel gas. Centralized mix drum, natural gas backup distribution, in-
plant knockout facilities, cleanup facilities, hydrate formation, steam
tracing, and insulation.
Fuel Oil.
Nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, inert gas generation, storage, distribution.

October 1989 E-32 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

Chemicals. Safe storage. Caustic, catalysts, sulfuric acid, phosphoric

acid, hydrofluoric acid, ammonia, boiler and cooling tower water treat-
ment chemicals, sulfur, etc.

E8.0 Project Planning Chart

The letters and categories used in this chart follow those of the Model Design and
Construction Specification, and in most cases follow the classification codes for the
standard drawings. Note that not all letters are used.

Project Phase

1 2 3

A. General

Layout Considerations

1. Establish plant size requirements, site boundaries and grade. X

2. Establish location of aboveground off-plot tie-ins (process, utility, relief, chemical lines, X
etc.), underground off-plot tie-ins (sewers, cooling water lines, etc.), and source of electric

3. Establish construction and maintenance requirements as they affect plot layout. X

4. Establish air cooler location restrictions. X

5. Establish provisions required for future expansion. X

6. Establish main process and auxiliary equipment locations. X

7. Establish on-plot storage requirements for chemicals, catalyst, lube-oil, etc. X

8. Decide how catalyst and chemicals will be loaded. X

9. Establish need for special maintenance facilities (e.g., monorails, catalyst conveyors, etc.— X
see also E. Exchangers, Item 1).

10. Establish underground interferences. X

11. Establish any special access requirements. X

12. Determine effect of local noise restrictions on equipment locations. X

13. Determine need for routing process lines underground. X

14. Develop plot plan alternatives, including equipment spacing and location requirements. X
Obtain client approval.
Project Phase Key: 1 = Planning 2 = Engineering Development 3 = Drafting Development

Chevron Corporation E-33 October 1989

Appendix E Piping Manual

Project Phase

1 2 3
Systems Development

15. Review preliminary process designs for possible savings from mechanical standpoint. X
Resolve differences with process engineers.

16. Establish degree of reliability required for plant and various subsystems. X

17. Establish equipment sparing concepts, including types of drivers to be used. X

18. Establish plant operating requirements during power failure, including need for emergency X
power system.

19. Establish plant cleanup requirements and need for special systems and connections. X

20. Develop preliminary plant startup and shutdown procedures. X

21. Establish plant turndown requirements. X

22. Develop P&IDs and obtain client approval. X

Procurement Considerations

23. Establish availability of surplus equipment. X

24. Determine preferences for equipment make (manufacturer). X

25. Establish needs for spare parts that should be ordered at same time as equipment. X

26. Determine extent of inspection required. X


27. Develop materials of construction, including determination of need for special work such as X
lab tests, development of fabrication techniques, etc.

28. Start preparation of Safety Instruction Sheets. X

29. Review governmental regulations that affect design (including proposed regulations) and X
establish applicable design criteria. Initiate contacts with official agencies and determine
procedures and required schedules for obtaining permits.

30. Prepare Basic Design Data Sheets. X

B. Utilities

1. Select utility levels and determine source of supply. X

2. Prepare utility balance in sufficient detail to permit selection of types of drivers for all X
significant equipment.
Project Phase Key: 1 = Planning 2 = Engineering Development 3 = Drafting Development

October 1989 E-34 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

Project Phase

1 2 3
C. Columns and Vessels

1. Determine applicability of minimum pressurizing temperature and select value to be used X

for each vessel.

D. Tanks

1. Develop requirements for inert blanketing and vapor containment. X

E. Exchangers

1. Determine stacking limitations. X

2. Establish basis for choosing air- or water-cooled exchangers. X

3. Decide between induced and forced draft air coolers. X

4. Determine whether tube bundle extractor will be used and/or requirements for permanent X
handling facilities (davits, monorails, etc.).

F. Furnaces

1. Determine acceptable configuration (if not dictated by process or service) e.g., passing X
arrangement, need for convection section, air preheater, etc.

2. Establish fuel types. X

3. Decide type of headers (e.g., are tubes to be mechanically cleaned?). X

4. Determine need for soot blowers (consider future soot blowing lanes). X

5. Establish burner piping configuration and location. X

6. Determine need for steam-air decoking facilities. X

7. Establish basis for determining stack height. X

8. Decide whether stack should be lined or unlined. X

G. Pumps and Drivers

1. Establish type of pump to be used for each service. X

2. Determine preferences for mechanical seal types. X

3. Determine preferences for coupling types. X

4. Determine type of lubrication (central lube system, mist oil, etc.). X

5. Establish requirements for auxiliary piping. X

Project Phase Key: 1 = Planning 2 = Engineering Development 3 = Drafting Development

Chevron Corporation E-35 October 1989

Appendix E Piping Manual

Project Phase

1 2 3
J. Instruments

1. Decide between pneumatic and electronic instruments. X

2. Determine need for special analyzers. X

3. Establish data logging and closed loop computer control requirements. X

4. Establish winterizing philosophy. X

5. Determine size, shape, and density of the control panel and need for graphic or semi- X
graphic display.

6. Establish underground or aboveground routing of instrument/electrical conduit and atten- X

dant fire protection requirements.

7. Establish extent and type of instrument test facilities. X

K. Compressors

1. Establish sparing philosophy (2-100%, 3-50%, etc.). X

2. Establish unusual (purge, regeneration, etc.) operating requirements. X

L. Piping

1. Establish equipment bypassing philosophy. X

2. Develop Piping Specifications. X

3. Establish philosophy for separating utilities from process systems (i.e., drop-out spools, X
double block and bleed, etc.).

4. Establish plot limit philosophy (single block, Hamer blinds, double blocks, etc.). X

5. Establish winterizing philosophy. X

M. Structures

1. Determine minimum height to obstruction under pipeway. X

2. Determine whether pipeways will be single or double decked. X

3. Determine whether stanchion and structures will be concrete or steel and where bracing is X

4. Establish philosophy regarding access to valves, flanges and instruments (platforms X

requirements, etc.).

5. Establish requirements for stairs instead of ladders, including operator walk patterns. X
Project Phase Key: 1 = Planning 2 = Engineering Development 3 = Drafting Development

October 1989 E-36 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual Appendix E

Project Phase

1 2 3
N. Insulation

1. Establish internal and external insulation requirements, economic thickness, and materials. X

2. Establish fireproofing requirements. X

P. Electrical

1. Determine location of switchgear and motor control centers. X

2. Develop electrical area classification drawing. X

3. Establish concepts of degree of double ending of substations, separate electrical supply, etc. X

4. Determine extent to which main and spare equipment should be on spare busses. X

5. Establish extent of spare capacity required in switchgear, motor control centers and X
conduit banks.

6. Establish need for emergency power system and generator. X

Q. Foundations

1. Commission a soils study and prepare foundation design recommendations. X

R. Buildings

1. Establish need for locker rooms, showers, etc. X

2. Determine need for blast-resistant control house. X

3. Establish requirements for housing of compressors from a weather shelter and noise X

4. Determine need for auxiliary buildings (tool shed, analyzer sheds, laboratories, etc.). X

S. Miscellaneous

1. Establish paving and grading concepts, including fire protection considerations. X

2. Establish materials and coatings for underground lines. X

3. Determine need for segregated sewer systems. X

T. Catalyst and Chemicals

1. Determine method of delivery and quantity as guide to sizing tankage, pumps, etc. X
Project Phase Key: 1 = Planning 2 = Engineering Development 3 = Drafting Development

Chevron Corporation E-37 October 1989

Appendix E Piping Manual

Project Phase

1 2 3
W. Waste Disposal

1. Establish general waste (including chemicals) disposal scheme and whether systems are X
separate or combined, and how combined.

2. Establish relief load, method of disposal, and location of relief drums. X

Z. Noise

1. Determine proper noise specification for the plant locale and client’s willingness to make X
extra expenditures to attain goal.
Project Phase Key: 1 = Planning 2 = Engineering Development 3 = Drafting Development

October 1989 E-38 Chevron Corporation

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