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Instructor: Ms. Katrin Mae Ortega-Jacinto, RPh A.Y. 2022-2023



Ethics and Health Informatics Confidentiality

➔ Health care informatics, like other health professions, ➔ Confidentiality in health care refers to the obligation of
encompasses issues of appropriate and inappropriate professionals who have access to patient records or
behavior, of honorable and disreputable actions, and of communication to hold that information in confidence.
right and wrong. ➔ Confidentiality is recognized by law as privileged
➔ Students and practitioners of the health sciences, communication between two parties in a professional
including informatics, share an important obligation to relationship, such as with a patient and a physician, a
explore the moral underpinnings and ethical nurse or other clinical professional (Brodnik,
challenges related to their research and practice. Rinehart-Thompson, Reynolds, 2012)
★ What is Ethics? Privacy
○ Defined as a moral philosophy or code of
morals practiced by a person or group of ➔ Privacy, as distinct from confidentiality, is viewed as
people. the right of the individual client or patient to be let
★ What is Morality? alone and to make decisions about how personal
○ It is the standard of society used to decide what information is shared.
is right or wrong behavior. ➔ Health professionals, specially with the modern
technology, may result to sending health records to
What are the Principles of Health Ethics? their colleagues whenever they ask for another’s
➔ Principle of Autonomy opinion. This must be done only with the patient’s
➔ Principle of Equality and Justice permission.
➔ Principle of Beneficence Data security
➔ Principle of Non-Maleficence
➔ Principle of Impossibility ➔ Security refers directly to protection, and specifically to
➔ Principle of Integrity the means used to protect the privacy of health
information and support professionals in holding that
1. Principle of Autonomy information in confidence.
➔ All persons have a fundamental right to self- ➔ As the new normal turns more and more to electronic
determination. use, some people have concerns with their information
being hacked and compromised by other people.
2. Principle of Equality and Justice
Obligations and Standards for System Developers
➔ All persons are equal as persons and have a right to
and Maintainers
be treated accordingly.
➔ Users of clinical programs must rely on the work of
3. Principle of Beneficence
other people who are often far removed from the
➔ All persons have a duty to advance the good of others context of use. Users depend on the developers and
where the nature of this good is in keeping with the maintainers of a system and must trust evaluators who
fundamental and ethically defensible values of the have validated a system for clinical use.
affected party ➔ Purchasers, users, and patients must trust developers
4. Principle of Non-Maleficent and maintainers to recognize the potentially grave
consequences of errors in the system, because these
➔ All persons have a duty to prevent harm to other
are not just ordinary system but a health care system.
persons insofar as it lies within their power to do so
without undue harm to themselves. Liability

5. Principle of Impossibility ➔ Although there are few, legal precedents directly

involving harm or injury to patients resulting from use
➔ All rights and duties hold subject to the condition that it
of clinical software applications do occur.
is possible to meet them under the circumstances that
➔ Product liability applies only to harm caused by
defective products and is not applicable to services
6. Principle of Integrity rendered by the health professional. The primary
➔ Whoever has an obligation has a corresponding duty purpose of product liability is to compensate the injured
to fulfil that obligation to the best of her or his ability. parties rather than to deter or punish negligent
individuals .
Some ethical issues in Health Informatics
Professional-Patient Relationship
➔ 1. Confidentiality
➔ 2. Privacy ➔ If technology can improve professional–patient
➔ 3. Data security relationships, perhaps by improving communication,
➔ 4. Obligations and Standards for System Developers then we shall have achieved a happy result.
and Maintainers ➔ Although some still think negatively of technology
➔ 5. Liability being too infused with health.
➔ 6. Professional-Patient

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Instructor: Ms. Katrin Mae Ortega-Jacinto, RPh A.Y. 2022-2023


➔ “If reliance on computers impedes the abilities of 7. insurance and government evaluators
health professionals to establish trust and to ➔ Are members of all these groups appropriate users?
communicate compassionately, however, or further ➔ The appropriate level of training must be correlated
contributes to the dehumanization of patients then we with the question at hand.
may have paid too dearly for our use of these
Privacy, Confidentiality, and Data Sharing
machines” (Shortliffe, 1994).
Appropriateness of Applying Health Informatics Challenges of the Information Age

➔ Application of computer-based technologies in the ➔ Balancing two competing values:

health professions can build on previous experience in ★ free access to information, and
adopting other devices, tools, and methods. ★ protection of patients’ privacy and confidentiality
➔ Before clinicians perform most health-related ➔ Only computers can efficiently manage the nowvast
interventions (e.g., diagnostic testing, prescription of amount of information generated during clinical
medication, surgical and other therapeutic encounters and other health care transactions;
procedures), they generally evaluate appropriate (1) ➔ At least in principle, such information should be easily
evidence, (2) standards, (3) available technologies, (4) available to health professionals and others involved in
presuppositions, and (5) values. the administration of the care delivery system, so that
➔ Similar considerations determine the appropriate use they can provide effective, efficient care for patients.
of informatics tools. ➔ HOWEVER, access to personal health information
may be available to;
The Standard View of Appropriate Use 1. Curious health care workers who do not need the
➔ Excitement and enthusiasm often accompany initial information to fulfill job-related responsibilities, and,
use of new tools in clinical settings. Negative emotions 2. Other people who might use the information to
are also common. harm patients physically, emotionally, or financially
➔ Based on the uncertainties that surround any new How are we going to address the challenges?
technology, scientific evidence counsels caution and
prudence. As in other clinical areas, evidence and ➔ Clinical system administrators must balance the goals
reason determine the appropriate level of caution. of protecting confidentiality by restricting use of
➔ The standard view states: computer systems and improving care by assuring the
★ when adequate (and even exemplary) integrity and availability of data.
decision-support tools are developed, they should ➔ What is Privacy and Confidentiality?
be viewed and used as supplementary and ★ The terms privacy and confidentiality – NOT
subservient to human clinical judgment. SYNONYMOUS.
➔ Quite literally: they support decisions; they do not ★ Privacy - Generally applies to people, including
make them. their desire not to suffer eavesdropping.
➔ These tools should assume subservient roles because ★ Confidentiality - Best applied to information.
the clinician caring for the patient knows and ➔ Example:
understands the patient’s situation and can make ★ •If someone follows you and spies on you entering
compassionate judgments better than computer an AIDS clinic, your privacy is violated; if someone
programs sneaks into the clinic without observing you in
➔ Corollaries of the Standard View person and looks at your health care record, your
1. Practitioners have an obligation to use any record’s confidentiality is breached.
computer- based tool responsibly, through What are the reasons for protecting privacy and
adequate user training and by developing an confidentiality?
understanding of the system’s abilities and
➔ Privacy and confidentiality are widely regarded as
rights of all people, and such protections help to
2. Practitioners must not abrogate their clinical
accord them respect.
judgment reflexively when using computer-based
➔ Protecting privacy and confidentiality benefits both
decision aids
individuals and society
➔ Error avoidance and the benefits that follow from it
★ Patients who know that their identifiable health care
shape the obligations of practitioners.
data will not be shared inappropriately are more
➔ In computer-software use, as in all other areas of
comfortable disclosing those data to clinicians
clinical practice, good intentions alone are insufficient
to insulate recklessness from culpability. What are Legal Issues in Health Care Informatics?

Appropriate Users and Educational Standards ➔ Every aspect of the health informatics profession is
affected in some way by ethical and legal concerns.
➔ Potential users of such systems include:
➔ The issue essentially comes down to finding a way to
1. physicians,
balance the need to protect the security of patient
2. nurses,
information with the potential for better care and
3. physicians’ assistants,
outcomes associated with greater interoperability and
4. paramedical personnel,
improved ability to share records among healthcare
5. students of the health sciences,
6. patients, and

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Instructor: Ms. Katrin Mae Ortega-Jacinto, RPh A.Y. 2022-2023


How are Laws and Ethics connected? this Purpose a National Privacy Commission, and
for Other Purposes
➔ Ethical considerations apply in attempts to determine
★ A.k.a Data Privacy Act Of 2012
what is good or meritorious in accordance with higher
★ Personal information such as an individual's health,
health records are considered sensitive personal
➔ Legal principles are generally derived from ethical
ones but deal with the practical regulation of morality
➔ Joint Administrative Order No. 2016-0002
or behaviors and activities.
★ Privacy Guidelines for the Implementation of the
➔ Ethics offers conceptual tools to evaluate and guide
Philippine Health Information Exchange
moral decision making.
★ This Code is promulgated to prescribe the
➔ Laws directly tell us how to behave (or not to behave)
procedures and guidelines that ensure the
under various specific circumstances and prescribe
protection of the privacy of a patient.
remedies or punishments for individuals who do not
comply with the law (3) Copyrights, patents, and intellectual property
Legal Issues ➔ Intellectual property protection afforded to developers
of software programs, biomedical knowledge bases,
➔ 1. Liability under tort law;
and World Wide Web pages remains an
➔ 2. Legislation governing privacy and confidentiality;
underdeveloped area of law.
➔ Although there are long traditions of copyright and
➔ 3. Copyrights, patents, and intellectual property issues.
patent protections for non-electronic media, their
(1) Liability under tort law applicability to computer-based resources is not clear.
➔ Tort ➔ Copyright Law and Patents
★ A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury ★ Copyright law - protects intellectual property from
or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for being copied verbatim
which courts impose liability. ★ Patents - protect specific methods of implementing
★ In the context of torts, "injury" describes the or instantiating ideas.
invasion of any legal right, whereas "harm" ➔ Copyrights, patents, and intellectual property –
describes a loss or detriment in fact that an Philippines
individual suffers ★ Covered By REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8293
➔ Tort law in the Philippines ○ An Act Prescribing the Intellectual Property
★ Contained in Republic Act No. 386 Code and Establishing the Intellectual
○ An act to ordain and institute the civil code of Property Office, Providing for its Powers and
the Philippines Functions, and for other Purposes
○ a.k.a Civil Code of the Philippines ○ A.k.a. Intellectual Property Code of the
○ The general principle of civil liability is found in Philippines. What is the Copyrights, patents,
Art 2176, Civil Code of the Philippines: and intellectual property Law in Philippines
○ "Whoever by act or omission causes damage to
another, there being fault or negligence, is
obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault
or negligence, if there is no pre-existing
contractual obligation between the parties, is
called a quasi- delict”
➔ Three ideas from tort law potentially apply to the
clinical use of software systems
1. Harm by intention —when a person injures another
using a product or service to cause the damage,
2. The negligence theory
3. Strict product liability
★ Providers of goods and services are expected
to uphold the standards of the community in
producing goods and delivering services.
★ When individuals suffer harm due to
substandard goods or services, they may sue
the service providers or goods manufacturers to
recover damages.
(2) Legislation governing privacy and confidentiality –
➔ Republic Act No. 10173
★ An Act Protecting Individual Personal Information in
Information and Communications Systems in the
Government and the Private Sector, Creating for

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Instructor: Ms. Katrin Mae Ortega-Jacinto, RPh A.Y. 2022-2023


IT Applications in Drug Information Retrievals, ADR Monitoring and other health related information

A review on information technology ➔ Therefore, highly sophisticated informatics programs

with better user interface must be designed to assist
➔ The use of hardware, software, services, and healthcare professional to sift through the plethora of
supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information and utilize it in routine decision making
information using voice, data, and video process.
➔ The science and activity of using computers and other
electronic equipment to store and send information ADR Reporting Mobile Apps
➔ Impact of Informatics on Health ➔ Recent technological developments such as mobile
★ Construct computer health information systems by apps may increase ADR reporting and improve the
studying the needs of doctors, nurses, patients, communication of new safety issues.
and health care organizations ADR PvPI
★ Create health networks that allow doctors, nurses,
and pharmacists to share knowledge and best ➔ PvPI (Pharmacovigilance Programme of India) adverse
practices drug reaction reporting android application.
★ Create new methods of information delivery that ➔ Using PvPI adverse reporting android application,
motivate patients to follow treatment healthcare professionals or consumers can instantly
recommendations report any suspected Adverse Drug Reaction to PvPI
from any part of India.
Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring ➔ Adverse drug Reactions (ADRs) are reported from all
➔ A response to a medicinal product that is noxious or over the country to PvPI, which also work in
potentially harmful and unintended and which occurs at collaboration with the global ADR monitoring centre
doses normally used in human for prophylaxis, (WHO-UMC), Sweden to contribute in the global ADRs
diagnosis or therapy of a disease or for the data base.
modification of physiological function in which ➔ PvPI monitors the ADRs among Indian population and
individual factors may play an important role helps the regulatory authority of India (CDSCO) in
➔ ADR Monitoring: A common Post-marketing taking decision for safe use of medicines.
★ It is not possible to identify all safety-related
problems that may exist with drug during
premarketing test and evaluation.
★ For these reasons, it is obvious that safety
monitoring of a drug is carried out through the life
cycle of each medicinal product
○ Text text text
Role of Informatics in ADRs1
➔ Large scale data collection has generated vast amount
of information.
➔ For example, healthcare professionals are encouraged
to report possible ADR even if it is based on suspicion.
➔ This has created lot of noise and sifting through these
datasets for the detection of possible ADR signal
remains a challenge. Med Safety
➔ Informatics thrives on these kinds of large datasets
➔ The Med Safety app is a free smart phone app for
➔ Logical assumptions and hypotheses can assist in
reporting suspected adverse effects (or adverse drug
writing algorithms to develop software programs that
reactions) to National Competent Authorities
can fade background noise and detect potential ADR
(European Union).
➔ This simple tool lets you report adverse effects to
➔ Most of the software programs that are used as a part
medicines, keep track of previously reported
of electronic medical records systems are designed to
information and receive official news and alerts about
generate alert in order to prevent errors.
medicines you are taking or interested in.
➔ However, several studies indicated that frequent drug
➔ The Med Safety app has been developed as part of the
alerts result in “alert-fatigue” and can lead to overall
WEB-RADR project.
ignorance of such alerts by healthcare professionals.
➔ WEB-RADR is supported by the Innovative Medicines
➔ Further research is needed to grade ADRs based on
Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI JU) under grant
risk potential and to develop informatics programs that
agreement n° 115632, resources of which are
can generate only “high-value alerts”.
composed of financial contribution from the European
➔ Additionally, several studies suggested that even
Union's Seventh Framework Programme
though information is available, it is not optimally
(FP7/2007-2013) and EFPIA companies’ in kind
incorporated in the decision-making process.

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ADR Online Reporting Systems

➔ Philippines

➔ United States

➔ New Zealand

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Pharmacy Practice and Technology ➔ Verification of accurate medication administration while

electronically documenting all transactions
➔ As society’s use of technology continues to increase,
and as technology becomes more accessible and Prescribing
sophisticated, digital health is here to stay. ➔ Computerized provider order entry
➔ With technology changing current medical thought and ★ Direct entry of medical orders into a healthcare
practices, it is critical for pharmacists to embrace the system’s EHR* by licensed independent
use of technology to expand pharmacy services and practitioners or other staff with specific ordering
grow beyond traditional roles privileges, and not by clinical or administrative
➔ Automation support staff.
★ Any technology, machine or device linked to or ★ *EHR (Electronic health record)
controlled by a computer and used to do work. ○ software programs designed for use by
★ It is designed to streamline and improve accuracy healthcare systems to electronically place,
and efficiency of the medication use process. store, and retrieve clinical orders, results, notes,
➔ Technology reports, and other information related to the
★ Anything that is used to replace routine or repetitive care of patients.
tasks previously performed by people, or which ➔ E-PRESCRIBING (ERX)
extends the capability of people. ★ The electronic transmission of a drug prescription
Technologies & Automated Devices Applied directly to a pharmacy through EHR technology.
★ This is especially common due to the pandemic
throughout the Medication Use Process
this 2020.
➔ Prescribing ★ eRx has potential advantages in making
★ E-prescribing prescribing more efficient and safer:
★ Computerized prescriber order entry ○ calls from the pharmacist to clarify prescriptions
➔ Dispensing could be significantly reduced;
★ Carousel technology ○ it’s less likely scripts will be filled incorrectly;
★ Centralized robotic dispensing technology and
★ Centralized narcotic dispensing and inventory ○ clinicians should receive notifications at the
tracking devices point of care for potential interactions with
★ Decentralized automated dispensing devices medications prescribed by other physicians
★ IV and TPN compounding devices ★ What about e-prescription/ e-medicine in the
★ Pneumatic tube delivery system üUnit dose Philippines?
medication repacking system ○ Republic Act No. 8792 otherwise known as
➔ Administration the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
★ Bar code medication administration technology ➢ An Act Providing For The Recognition
★ Clinic decision support based infusion pumps And Use of Electronic Commercial And
➔ Monitoring Non-Commercial Transactions, Penalties
★ Electronic clinical documentation systems For Unlawful Use Thereof, And Other
★ Web–based compliance and disease management Purposes, also known as the "Electronic
tracking systems Commerce Act.
Medication-Use Process ➢ According to this law:
- Drugstores, pharmacies and similar
➔ Medication use Process is a complex process that outlets are now mandated to honor
comprises the sub processes of medication electronic prescriptions, but shall not
prescribing, order processing, dispensing, include prescriptions needing PDEA
administration, and effects monitoring. S2 license.
➔ It consists of five domains: - Electronic documents shall have
★ Purchasing/inventory management. → legal effects, validity as any other
Prescribing/medication determination → document
Medication, preparation, dispensing, and - Electronic signatures are recognized
counseling → Medication administration. → Patient and presumed to belong to the
monitoring/assessment. person it correlates to
What do the Automated tasks include? - Electronic prescriptions serve as
➔ Counting original document
➔ Inventory control (maintaining a perpetual inventory) DISPENSING
➔ Packaging ➔ Automated Dispensing Cabinets
➔ Compounding ★ A computerized drug storage device or cabinet for
➔ Labeling hospitals and many other healthcare settings.
➔ Distributing
➔ Dispensing •

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★ Allow medications to be stored and dispensed near medication bags and vials to eliminate bacterial
the point of care while controlling and tracking drug and fungal contamination.
distribution. ★ The device’s advanced technology also provides
★ Also called unit-based cabinets (UBCs), automated clean air flow that is critical to ensuring a sterile
dispensing devices (ADDs), automated distribution environment for compounding.
cabinets or automated dispensing machines ➔ Decentralized Automated Dispensing Devices
(ADMs) ★ Aka: unit-based dispensing cabinets
➔ Carousel Automation ★ are secure storage cabinets capable of handling
★ A medication storage cabinet with rotating shelves most unit-dose and some bulk (multiple dose)
used to automate dispensing. medications due to storage limitations.
★ must be interfaced with the pharmacy information ★ These devices are typically installed decentrally in
system. hospitals in patient care units, and are connected
★ The carousel utilizes bar code and pick-to-light via a real time interface to the hospital’s pharmacy
technology to improve the efficiency and accuracy computer system in an attempt to maintain control
of pharmacy technicians who pick and restock over drug dispensing.
medications. ★ The pharmacy focus of automated dispensing
★ Rotating shelves within the carousel bring systems is to provide prompt, real time availability
medications to the technician at one working level. of medications for the nurse and patient.
➔ Centralized Robotic Dispensing System ★ They can also help to improved controlled
★ Designed to automate the entire process of substance accountability, increase productivity,
medication dispensing including medication improve charge capture and documentation
storage, distribution, restocking, and crediting of accuracy, and reduce pharmacy and nursing labor
unit dose medications. costs.
★ Advantages: ★ In the Philippines, most organizations have not yet
○ Accommodates a very large online inventory. linked their pharmacy computer systems to
○ Automates medication restocking and removal automated dispensing devices.
of expired medications. ➔ Advantages:
○ Automates the credit process for any unused ★ Ability to add expansion (auxiliary) cabinets to
medication doses. increase capacity.
○ Easily integrated bedside medication storage ★ Ability to only allow access to a single dose of
systems. medication.
○ Initial platform for point-of-care bar code ★ Accommodate multiple dosage forms with flexible
medication administration and documentation drawer configurations.
system. ★ Automated controlled substance retrieval, inventory
○ Labor saving and improved restocking accuracy reconciliation and the process to resolve
by automating and the restocking of the discrepancies.
decentralized dispensing systems. ★ Automated medication charges increase the
○ Reduces pharmacists that are required to verify amount of charges captured.
technician filled medications, allowing a ➔ Disadvantages:
reallocation of time to focus on patient care ★ Accurate inventory quantities are difficult to
activities. maintain, resulting in medication stock outs.
○ Reduces technician labor required to fill unit ★ Downtimes may impact patient care.
dose medication carts and first doses. ★ Poor integration with bedside medication storage
○ Theoretical patient improvements. systems.
★ Disadvantages: ★ Duplicate inventory may increase costs and the
○ Dispensing accuracy is dependent on accurate amount of expires medications.
computer order entry. ★ The automated dispensing devices does not
○ Dispensing accuracy is dependent on accurate prevent all drug dispensing and administration
repacking. errors.
○ Does not accommodate refrigerated items. ➔ Potential for medication errors and suboptimal
üIncreased labor requirements for packaging therapy
medications because all doses require a bar ★ drawers with open access pockets may result in
coded package label. product selection errors.
○ Lack of standard bar codes in healthcare. ★ nurses may access medication before a pharmacist
➔ Robotic IV automation (RIVA) reviews the order.
★ A robotic device that automatically prepares ➔ Unable to accommodate all medications
medications for syringes and IV bags in a sterile ★ Because it is limited by medication size, cabinet
environment. Eliminates cross contamination and size, and risk level for a particular medication to be
errors in delicate medication preparations. stocked in a device.
★ The exacting robotic system not only automates ➔ Centralized Narcotic Dispensing and Record
crucial compounding processes that are vulnerable Keeping Systems
to human error, but uses UV pulse disinfection for ★ Is one of the most labor-intensive processes in a
central pharmacy.

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★ Can also generate bar-coded nursing “proof of use” ★ A device that administers drugs or nutrition to a
forms for patient care areas without automated patient through IV, SC, IM, intrathecal, epidural, or
dispensing devices. intra – arterial routes.
★ Can suggest reorder quantities based on past ★ Infusion pumps can administer fluids in very
usage, provide useful compliance reports for the controlled amounts.
Drug Enforcement Agency, and facilitate ➔ PROFILE
documentation of controlled substance waste. ★ Unique set of options and best practice guidelines
➔ Automation Impact on Pharmacy Manpower for a specific patient population.
★ Integrated delivery systems and automation will ➔ SCANNER
continue to provide pharmacists with opportunities ★ An electronic device that analyzes an object, such
to work more collaboratively with physicians and as a linear barcode, and digitally converts it into
other HCPs to assure appropriate drug therapy data.
decisions while positively impacting patient care. ➔ Smart Pump Technology
★ Newer infusion pumps are designed to alert the
user when there is a risk of an adverse drug
➔ BAR CODE interaction, or when the user sets the pump’s
★ A series of vertical lines and spaces of varying parameters outside of specified safety limits.
widths that encoded data to be scanned and ➔ Soft Limit
decoded through a computer. ★ Similar to hard limits but can be overridden and a
★ BAR CODE MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION dose can be programmed for delivery.
○ An in-patient system to assist caregivers with What is an NDC number?
the five rights of medication administration. ➔ As per the FDA mandate that took effect April 26,2004,
○ Provide warnings if any of the five rights are each unit of a product must contain NDC in a linear bar
comprised code format by April, 2006.
○ It also promotes right documentation. ➔ Linear bar codes contain a series of black and white
➔ BAR CODE TECHNOLOGY lines and spaces of varying thickness and distance
★ Implementation of barcode technology in the between the lines.
pharmacy has been shown to reduce overall error
★ Used in automated identification of drug products
being applied to compounding and dispensing
★ Automated counting machines, packaging
machines, inventory management technologies,
and dispensing machines all rely on barcodes as
medications move from the pharmacy to patients.
➔ Bedside barcoding
★ By using a mobile computer with barcode scanning
technology, staff can quickly scan a barcode on a ➔ The NDC is broken into three segments:
patient’s wristband and confirm the time, dosage ★ First segment may be four and represents the
and prescription at the patient’s bedside – reducing manufacturer or labeler of the product.
these costly errors and increasing patient safety ★ Second segment identifies the product and is four
○ Text text text digits.
What are some relevant terms to BCMA? ★ Third segment is two digits and identifies the
package size and type.
★ List of medications programmed in the smart pump
★ The library includes properties such as name,
dose, and concentration for each medication listed.
This is the list detected by the BCMA.
★ A dose that serves as the absolute limit for drug
administration by the pump. ➔ Bar code packaging systems are mainly designed for
➔ IMAGER oral solid dosage forms.
★ An electronic device similar to a scanner that ➔ They do not originally address the handling of oral
analyzes an image, including linear and liquid packages.
two-dimensional bar codes, and digitally converts it ➔ For products that do not have space for a large label, a
into data label with a tail, often referred to as rat tail, tadpole, or
➔ INFUSION PUMP flag label can be used and wrapped around the neck of
the product or affixed to allow the bar code to be

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➔ Bar codes can be scanned from a distance of up to 12 ➔ A method used in pharmacy practice in which a
inches, depending on the optimal focal length of the pharmacist utilizes telecommunications technology to
imager lens. oversee aspects of pharmacy operations or provide
➔ Although most codes can be read without difficulty, an patient-care services.
imager that is designed to read very small code may ➔ Telepharmacy operations and services may include,
have difficulty with focusing on very large codes, such but are not limited to:
as those on IV bags. a. drug review and monitoring,
Types of Bar Codes b. dispensing,
c. sterile and nonsterile compounding verification,
➔ Code 39 → A lineal, 1D, alphanumeric code with the d. medication therapy management (MTM), e. patient
ability to include the entire 128 ASCII character set and assessment,
extend to any length, only limited by the size of the e. patient counseling,
label. f. clinical consultation,
➔ Code 128 → this compact barcode is used extensively g. outcomes assessment,
in packaging and shipping applications worldwide. h. decision support, and
➔ Interleaved 2 of 5 →Commonly found in warehouse, i. drug information
distribution, and manufacturing.
➔ Universal Product Codes (UPC) → these barcodes
were originally created for grocery stores to provide
quick receipt printing and inventory tracking.
➔ International Article Number → these barcodes are
used specifically by booksellers, libraries, universities
and wholesalers for book traceability
➔ Data Matrix → It is a square in shape code and can
encode large – as in huge – amounts of information in
a very small space
➔ Inventory management systems
★ An inventory management system is the
combination of technology (hardware and software)
and processes and procedures that oversee the
monitoring and maintenance of stocked products,
whether those products are company assets, raw
materials and supplies, or finished products ready
to be sent to vendors or end consumers.
➔ Inventory management systems components:
1. A system for identifying every inventory item and
its associated information, such as barcode labels
or asset tags.
2. Hardware tools for reading barcode labels, such as
handheld barcode scanners or smartphones with
barcode scanning apps.
3. Inventory management software, which provides a
central database and point of reference for all
inventory, coupled with the ability to analyze data,
generate reports, forecast future demand, and
4. Processes and policies for labeling,
documentation, and reporting.
5. This should include an inventory management
technique such as Just in Time, ABC Analysis,
First-In First-Out (FIFO), Stock Review, or another
proven methodology.
6. People who trained to follow these policies and


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