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LESSON 14 Art Improvisation

Art Improvisation
Lesson 15
Theater Improvisation
At the end of the lesson, you shall have:
• discussed the concept of art improvisation; and,
• identified examples of art improvisation.
• compared different forms of art.
T heater Improvisation is a form of live theatre in which the plot, characters and
dialogue of a game, scene or story are made up in the moment (May, 2020).
Often improvisers will take a suggestion from the audience, or draw on some
other source of inspiration to get started. Improv is unique in that if you see a
performance, that is there will never be another show exactly like it ever done
again. Improv is different every time (Adams, 2007).


Improvised performances originated since the

dawn of entertainment itself. However,
improvisational theater first started its
influence during the 16, 17, and 18th
centuries in Italy. These theater games
started off as rehearsal-room activities, which
quickly evolved into an independent form of
acting that became worthy of prime-time
entertainment (Adams, 2007).


Improvisational theater introduces an interactive relationship between the cast

and the audience. For instance, most improv groups will engage the audience
by asking questions or pulling volunteers from the crowd to induce excitement
(Erickson, 2015).

Improvisational performers work together to define the rules of the scene.

Different props, uniforms, and settings are used to co-create the storyline.
Depending on the nature of the performance, various character names and
roles will be assigned to each actor and actress. Some of the cast may
purposefully block, or break out of character, in order to induce a comedic
effect. Most improvisational performances aim to create a humorous vibe,
usually by creating unrealistic scenes (Erickson, 2015).

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LESSON 14 Art Improvisation


Improvisational theater can help people gain

the necessary experience and knowledge in
real life situations. It increases the overall
presence on the platform when delivering
public speeches, presentations, and scripted
performances. Improvisers have reported
having a surge of confidence,
communication skills, enhanced acting
abilities, developing social comfort in various
settings, refined cognitive abilities, improved
listening and observational skills, improved
interpersonal development, and creative
thinking skills (May, 2020).

Five Distinctive Approaches to Improvisation (Erickson, 2015)

1. Basic Performance Improvisation

This type of improvisation is used to introduce improvisation to students,

or to create comedy sketches which will be performed for a formal or informal

2. Devised Theater

This type of improvisation is used to create longer works of original

theater. This work can be used for classroom sharing or can grow into works
for performance in front of an audience.

3. Applied Theater

This type of improvisation is not focused on entertainment, but rather

facilitates the exploration of an idea, theme, conflict, or question by a group of
people. The purpose is communication among the participants. People who
are trained or untrained in the arts can participate in applied theater, and it
happens in a variety of community settings.

4. Drama in the Classroom (Creative Drama)

Whenever students are acting a story without a script, or making up

their own stories based on history, science, or a favorite book, they are
improvising. Teachers who engage students in drama in the classroom without
having students memorize a set script are already teaching improvisation.

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LESSON 14 Art Improvisation

5. Improvisation as Scripted Theater Rehearsal

This type of improvisation is used by stage directors to illuminate a

character’s backstory or the hidden subtext in a script. This improvisational
technique can help students dig deeper into their character traits and
motivations, understand the impact of setting and environment, uncover the
meaning of plot points, or build relationships among characters in a play.

Each of these approaches can evolve into and inform any of the others.
The lines between the approaches are not always crystal clear. This
“messiness” is acceptable as theater continues to be an evolving art form that
sprang thousands of years ago from improvisation.


Adams, Kenn (2007). How to Improvise a Full-Length Play: The Art of

Spontaneous Theater. Allworth Press. New York.

Erickson, Karen (2015). Improvisation: Five Approaches.

Improvisation Theatre and Presentation [Online Image]. (2013).

May, Bruce (2020). A Guide to Improvisational Theater.

What is Improv? [Online Image]. (2013).

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LESSON 14 Art Improvisation

© 2021 Caraga State University ArtApp (Art Appreciation) 32

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