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your metabolism I call “metabolic fusion”.

Fusion is the process of combining two or more elements to

create a synergistic-multiplier, making it thousands of times
more powerful than each of them separately. It creates some of
the most powerful energy in the universe, like stars and
hydrogen bombs.

And the great news is...

I’ve Discovered How To Activate

Metabolic Fusion To Rapidly Accelerate
The Fat Burning Process...

Let me explain with a simple example.

Most people would agree that an apple is a healthy

food. After all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away,

right? Not necessarily.

You see, while an apple contains many valuable nutrients, it

can also spike your insulin.
Insulin spikes train your body to store fat EVEN if you’re in a
calorie deficit…

Increase hunger so you end up eating more…

AND slow your metabolism.2

Yet if you combine that same apple with other foods that block
your insulin from spiking…

None of that happens.

That same apple transforms from making you fat… to making
you both healthy and fit.

By making ONE small tweak, which actually happens to be

eating MORE food :)

See what I mean about eating strategically?

You can actually eat the same or MORE calories…

Yet experience wildly different results while enjoying the


How To Induce “Permanent Fat-Burning Mode” Through

Nutrient Synthesis

Most people understand the basic theory that when your body
is in a caloric deficit, it burns fat for energy.
BUT there’s a wrinkle that most people don’t realize…

And that has to do with insulin.

When you eat carbs or sugar, it sends your blood sugar

soaring. Your body then releases insulin to transport that sugar
into your muscles and liver as a source of energy.

But if your muscles don’t need that energy, it redirects that

sugar into your fat cells.

Unfortunately, if too much insulin is in your bloodstream, insulin

blocks access to your fat reserves.

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