Stem Cell Aging Presentation

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SC IE N CE OF TH E TOTA L E N V IR O N ME N T 3 92 ( 20 0 8 ) 5 0–5 8

a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / s c i t o t e n v

Autophagy as an ultrastructural marker of heavy metal toxicity

in human cord blood hematopoietic stem cells

Mario Di Gioacchino a,b,⁎, Claudia Petrarca a,b , Angela Perrone a,b , Massimo Farina d ,
Enrico Sabbioni d , Thomas Hartung d , Simone Martino e , Diana L. Esposito a,c ,
Lavinia Vittoria Lotti e , Renato Mariani-Costantini a,c
Aging Research Center, “G. d'Annunzio” University Foundation, Via Colle dell'Ara, 66100 Chieti, Italy
Medicine and Science of Ageing University of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini 1, 66100 Chieti, Italy
Oncology and Neurosciences University of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini 1, 66100 Chieti, Italy
European Commission, Institute of Health and Consumer Protection, ECVAM Unit, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Varese, Italy
Department of Experimental Medicine, University La Sapienza, Viale Regina Elena 324, 00161 Rome, Italy


Article history: Stem cells are a key target of environmental toxicants, but little is known about their
Received 20 June 2007 toxicological responses. We aimed at developing an in-vitro model based on adult human
Received in revised form stem cells to identify biomarkers of heavy metal exposure. To this end we investigated the
26 October 2007 responses of human CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells to hexavalent chromium (Cr[VI])
Accepted 5 November 2007 and cadmium (Cd). Parallel cultures of CD34+ cells isolated from umbilical cord blood were
Available online 31 December 2007 exposed for 48 h to 0.1 μM and 10 μM Cr(VI) or Cd. Cultures treated with 10 μM Cr(VI) or Cd
showed marked cell loss. Ultrastructural analysis of surviving cells revealed prominent
Keywords: autophagosomes/autophagolysosomes, which is diagnostic of autophagy, associated with
Autophagy mitochondrial damage and replication, dilatation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and
Cadmium Golgi complex, cytoplasmic lipid droplets and chromatin condensation. Treated cells did not
Chromium show the morphologic hallmarks of apoptosis. Treatment with 0.1 μM Cr(VI) or Cd did not
CD34+ cells result in cell loss, but at the ultrastructural level cells showed dilated endoplasmic reticulum
Stem cells and evidence of mitochondrial damage. We conclude that autophagy is implicated in the
Umbilical cord blood response of human hematopoietic stem cells to toxic concentrations of Cr(VI) and Cd.
In-vitro assay Autophagy, which mediates cell survival and death under stress, deserves further
Toxicity evaluation to be established as biomarker of metal exposure.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction dysfunction, cardiovascular disease and increased risk of cancer

(EEA, 2005). However, various factors can confound associations
Heavy metals are bio-persistent toxic pollutants that accumulate between exposure to heavy metals and diseases (Goyer, 1986;
in organisms at the top of food chains (Scheifler et al., 2006). Their Hirano and Suzuki, 1996). Furthermore, as is the case of other
widespread environmental diffusion, due to industrial and toxicants, risk assessment is hindered by the lack of a toxicity test
consumer waste and leakage from soils, raises concerns about that faithfully reproduces human conditions (Combes and Balls,
health hazards (Hirano and Suzuki, 1996). Human exposure occurs 1999). At present, in vivo tests entail inter-species extrapolation,
through polluted air, water and/or food and has been linked to while in-vitro assays fail to identify non-genotoxic carcinogens
neurodegenerative and developmental disorders, reproductive and, being mostly conducted on immortalized cell lines, may not

⁎ Corresponding author. Aging Research Center, “G. d'Annunzio” University Foundation, Via Colle dell'Ara, 66100 Chieti, Italy. Tel.: +39
0871 541291; fax: +39 0871 541300.
E-mail address: (M. Di Gioacchino).

0048-9697/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
SC IE N CE OF TH E TOTA L E N V I RO N ME N T 3 92 ( 20 0 8 ) 5 0–5 8 51

reflect the responses of normal human cells (Combes and Balls, Chromium and cadmium salts (10 mM) were dissolved in MilliQ
1999). Accordingly, new in-vitro models for carcinogenicity, based water, the freshly-prepared mother solutions were sterilised using
on human cells, need to be developed in order to better understand 0.2-μm filters (Millipore, Italy) and diluted in complete culture
the mechanisms of cell transformation and carcinogenesis medium to obtain sub-toxic (0.1 μM) and IC50 (10 μM) concentra-
induced by metal compounds. tions of each metal ion. These concentrations were selected based
Increasing evidence indicates that adult stem cells (ASCs), on previous studies conducted in human and murine cell systems
which are progenitor cells capable of both self-renewal and multi- (Burastero et al., 2006; Mazzotti et al., 2002; Ceriotti, in press).
potent differentiation (Rando, 2006), have been implicated in
chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer (Reya et al., 2001; 2.2. Purification of CD34+ UCB HHPCs
Dalerba et al., 2007; Dietrich and Kempermann 2006). ASCs may
represent a key target of toxicants due to their comparatively UCB samples (20–60 ml) were collected, with informed consent of
relaxed DNA repair functions, which could facilitate mutagenesis donors, from full-term deliveries at the Department of Gynaecol-
after toxic exposures (Trosko and Tai, 2006). The toxicological ogy and Obstetrics, SS. Annunziata Hospital, Chieti. UCB was
responses of ASCs are relatively unknown, but might differ from drained by gravity and gentle squeezing from the maternal end of
those of other cells because of ASCs' unique biological properties the severed cord into sterile flasks filled with 40 ml of endotoxin-
linked to their role in tissue renewal and repair (Rando, 2006), and free phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 (Celbio, Milan, Italy)
the early stage of their biochemical processes and intracellular containing 1% D-glucose (Invitrogen, Milan) and 10 U/ml heparin
compartments (Inoue et al., 2002). Therefore, assays based on (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Milan). Samples were promptly mixed,
human ASC models could improve risk assessment of exposure to adjusted to 3/1 medium/UCB volumes if necessary and stored at
heavy metals. Human hematopoietic stem cells (HHPCs), which 4 °C up to 12 h.
are easily isolated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) without Mononuclear cells were then isolated by density gradient
discomfort or risks to donors, could be a well-characterized ASC centrifugation on lymphocyte separation medium with a density
model (Davila et al., 2004) for toxicological and carcinogenicity of 1.077 (Lymphoprep, Sentinelle, Milan), washed twice with
studies. running buffer containing 2 mM EDTA and 0.1% BSA in PBS, pH
The aim of our study was to investigate whether ex-vivo 7.4 (Miltenyi Biotech, Bologna, Italy), and re-suspended in the same
expanded UCB HHPCs could be used to evaluate the cytotoxicity buffer. CD34+ cells were isolated using the magnetic immunose-
induced by exposure to toxic metals. In particular, we studied the paration MACS system (Miltenyi Biotech), according to the
toxicity of hexavalent chromium (Cr[VI]) and cadmium (Cd), two of manufacturer's specifications. Collected cells were counted and
the best known toxic and carcinogenic heavy metal ions (ATSDR an aliquot of 1.0×105 cells in 200 μl was analysed by flow
1998, 1999). cytofluorimetry as described below. Remaining cells were
Cr[VI] and Cd are powerful oxidizing agents that readily enter expanded in culture.
cells, where they are subject to metabolic reduction. Endogenous
oxidants generated by this process may attack the cellular protein 2.3. Ex-vivo expansion and Cr(VI) and Cd treatments
machinery, organelles and nucleic acids (Pritchard et al., 2005;
Rossi and Wetterhahn, 1989; Wetterhahn et al., 1989; Stearns and CD34+ HHPCs were cultured at densities between 2.5 and 5.0×105/
Wetterhahn, 1994; Yano and Marcondes, 2005). In turn, damaged ml in 24-well plates (Diagramma, Pescara, Italy) containing 1.5 ml
mitochondria, by producing superoxide, may further enhance of StemSpan serum-free medium (StemCell Technologies, Van-
oxidative stress, eventually leading to apoptotic cell death couver, Canada) supplemented with 100 units/ml penicillin G,
(Blankenship et al., 1994; Evan and Vousden, 2001; Golstein and 0.1 mg/ml streptomycin (Celbio), and Stemspan Cytokine Cocktail
Kroemer, 2007). CC110 (StemCell Technologies) containing 100 ng/ml of each
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that Cr(VI)- cytokine stem cell factor, of thrombopoietin and of flt-3 ligand.
and Cd-exposed UCB HHPCs respond by activating autophagy, a Cells were expanded at 37 °C in humidified atmosphere with 5%
specific intralysosomal degradation pathway that controls cell fate CO2. Adherent cells (possible non-hematopoietic contaminants)
by allowing the turnover of damaged long-lived cellular macro- were discarded. Cultures were observed in phase contrast every
molecules and organelles (Cuervo, 2004; Levine and Klionsky, 2004; 3 days and images were recorded with a digital camera. Cells were
Abedin et al., 2007). counted (as described below) and diluted 1:2 with complete fresh
HHPCs grown in 24-well plates (5×105 cells/well in 1.5 ml of
2. Materials and methods complete culture medium) were exposed in parallel for 48 h to 0.1
and 10 μM Cr(VI) and Cd. Untreated cultures were set-up in parallel
2.1. Chemicals and counted every 24 h. At the end of the exposure period, treated
and control cultures were examined at the phase contrast
Sodium chromate (Na2CrO4·4H2O, [10034-82-9]) and cadmium microscopy, floating cells were harvested, and cell viability and
chloride, two highly soluble salts containing Cr(VI) and Cd number assessed by trypan blue exclusion. To minimize cell
respectively, were supplied by Alpha Aesar (Karlsruhe, Germany). waste, cells were carefully re-suspended, 20 μl of cell suspension
The salts were analysed for elemental impurities and, in the case were diluted 1:1 in PBS-0.4% trypan blue and 20 μl of the mix was
of chromate, for oxidation state by HPLC-inductively coupled used to fill a Neubauer counting chamber. Unstained and stained
plasma mass spectrometry (Perkin-Elmer SCIEX, Ontario, Canada). cells were counted. Data are reported as mean of triplicate
These analyses (data not reported) showed that both salts had a independent counts. Aliquots from each culture were used for
high degree of purity. All other chemicals were of analytical grade. cytofluorimetry and TEM.
52 SC IE N CE OF TH E TOTA L E N V IR O N ME N T 3 92 ( 20 0 8 ) 5 0–5 8

2.4. Cytofluorimetry parameters were used to exclude dead cells and debris. Data were
analysed with the CELLQuest software (Becton Dickinson). At
Analyses were conducted on both freshly isolated and ex-vivo least 10,000 events were collected for each analysis.
expanded cells (days 3, 5, 7, 10 of culture). Cr(VI)/Cd-exposed
cultures were analysed before (day 5) and after (day 7) exposure. 2.5. TEM
Cells (1×105) were incubated with 5 μl of either fluorescein-
isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated anti-CD34 MoAb (AC136, Milte- HHPCs were fixed overnight at 25 °C in 2% paraformaldehyde-2%
nyi Biotech) or FITC-conjugated, isotype-matched control MoAb glutaraldehyde in PBS, post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in
(MOPC-21, Miltenyi Biotech) in 100 μl of PBS for 20 min at 4 °C in veronal acetate buffer (pH 7.4) for 2 h at 25 °C, stained with uranyl
the dark. Cells were collected by centrifugation (10 min at 200 ×g), acetate 2% (5 mg/ml), dehydrated in acetone and embedded in
re-suspended in 200 μl PBS and analysed using a FACScalibur Epon 812. Thin sections were examined under a Philips CM10
instrument (Becton Dickinson, Milan). Forward and side scatter TEM after post-staining with uranyl acetate and lead hydroxide.

Fig. 1 – Ex-vivo expansion of CD34+ UCB HHPCs. Panel A: Phase contrast microscopy of cells from the same well at days 1 and 5 of
culture. Cell proliferation and cluster formation are clearly evident (original magnification ×10). Panel B: growth curves of HHPC
cultures from 5 different donors. Exponential growth rates were observed from day 4 of culture.
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Fig. 2 – CD34+ FACS profiles of HHPCs from two donors (CB#9, CB#10), after isolation (day 0) and at day 7 of culture. A decrease in
CD34 expression with time of culture is shown by the lower mean FL1-H value of profiles at day 7. Note the significant decrease
in CD34+ cells and the appearance of a CD34− sub-population in CB#10.

Fig. 3 – Conventional electron microscopy of thin sections of ex-vivo expanded HHPCs at day 7 of culture. Cells show round or
slightly indented nuclei and secretory compartments formed by the Golgi apparatus with emerging granules filled by
electron-dense material and vesicular structures. Numerous well-conserved mitochondria are evident. PM: plasma membrane,
N: nucleus; G: Golgi, M: mitochondria, er: endoplasmic reticulum, bar = 1 μm.
54 SC IE N CE OF TH E TOTA L E N V IR O N ME N T 3 92 ( 20 0 8 ) 5 0–5 8

2.6. Ethics committee started at day 4 of culture and cells were 5–20-fold expanded by
day 10 (Fig. 1B). Phenotypic heterogeneity, inherent to all normal
The experimental protocol and the use of cord blood stem cells, reflected inter-donor variability and differentiation during
cells were approved by the “G. d'Annunzio” University Ethics culture. CD34 expression, initially high in terms of both positive
Committee. cell percentages (96–98% purity) and fluorescence intensities,
decreased over time, although with relevant inter-sample
differences (Fig. 2). CD34− sub-populations appeared in some
3. Results samples. These observations are in accordance with a previous
report (Mayani and Lansdorp, 1998).
3.1. Establishment of HHPC cultures
3.2. Ultrastructure of ex-vivo-expanded HHPCs
Ten fresh UCB samples were obtained after full-term deliveries.
Total HHPCs retrieved after MACS selection ranged from 0.3×105 At day 7 of culture, most HHPCs appeared as round villous cells
to 0.9×105, corresponding to 0.4–1.3% of the isolated mononuclear that had a large nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio and an immature
cells. Freshly-isolated HHPCs were round, medium to large cells morphology (Fig. 3). Cells had an indented euchromatin-rich
that tended to aggregate in clusters (Fig. 1A). Exponential growth nucleus and light cytoplasm with scattered ribosomes, single

Fig. 4 – Phase contrast microscopy of parallel cultures of CB#10 CD34+ HHPCs (day 7) exposed or not to 0.1 or 10 μM Cr(VI) and Cd
for 48 h. The cultures treated with 10 μM Cr(VI) or Cd show cell loss and inhibition of cluster formation. Treatment with 0.1 μM
Cr(VI) or Cd had no appreciable effect (original magnification ×40).
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profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and numerous microscopy (Fig. 4) and significant decreases in live cell numbers
mitochondria with electron-transparent matrix and thin tubular (CB#9: 43–64%; CB#10: 30–48%) were confirmed by trypan blue
cristae. Budding of the outer mitochondrial membrane, regarded exclusion assay (Fig. 5). Sample CB#10, which showed more
as ultrastructural evidence of mitochondrial duplication (Shaw marked cell loss after 10 μM Cr(VI) exposure, revealed a higher
and Nunnari, 2002; Matarrese et al., 2005; Chan, 2006), was frequency of differentiated cells in the control culture by FACS
occasionally observed. Golgi complexes with hypertrophied sacs profile (Figs. 2 and 5). As in the other samples treatment with
and associated multi-vesicular structures, empty or filled with 0.1 μM Cr(VI) or Cd had no appreciable effect on cell numbers or
electron-dense material, were also present, which suggests cluster formation (Figs. 4 and 5).
secretion vacuoles at various stages of maturation (Fig. 3A, B).
Some cells had more eccentrically polarized nuclei, more 3.4. Ultrastructural alterations
extensive protein synthesis machinery and greater numbers of
multi-vesicular structures, suggestive of more advanced HHPCs treated with 10 μM Cr(VI) or Cd manifested marked
differentiation. alterations of subcellular structures, which tended to be more
severe in Cd-exposed cells (Figs. 6 and 7). Strikingly, cells showed
3.3. Cd and Cr(VI) exposure multiple double-membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles of var-
ious sizes that sequestered portions of the cytosol and mem-
Parallel HHPC cultures from 10 UCB samples were exposed for branes, most probably from captured cytoplasmic organelles
48 h (days 5–6) to 0.1 μM and 10 μM Cd and Cr(VI). Cell loss after (Fig. 6A, C, D and Fig. 7A). These vacuoles frequently showed signs
exposure ranged from 70% to 40% with 10 μM Cr(VI) and from 70% of fusion with lysosomes (Fig. 6A and Fig. 7A). Double-membrane-
to 35% with 10 μM Cd. No cell loss was detectable with 0.1 μM Cr bound cytoplasmic vacuoles (autophagosomes) sequestering
(VI) and Cd. No relationship between CD34+ cell yield and metal cytoplasmic structures targeted for degradation after fusion
toxicity was evident. Cultures of UCB samples #9 and #10 (Figs. 4 with lysosomes (autophagolysosomes) are diagnostic of autop-
and 5) exemplify typical ranges of cytotoxicities observed in our hagy (Cuervo, 2004; Levine and Klionsky, 2004; Eskeline, 2005;
experiments. The cultures treated with 10 μM Cd or Cr(VI) showed Golstein and Kroemer, 2007). Hypertrophy of the RER, dilatation of
inhibition of cluster formation as observed by phase contrast the Golgi complex (Fig. 6A and Fig. 7A), increased electron density

Fig. 5 – Total live cell counts of parallel CD34+ HHPC cultures (day 7) from two donors (CB#9 and CB#10), exposed or not to 0.1 or
10 μM Cr(VI) and Cd for 48 h. The cultures treated with 10 μM Cr(VI) or Cd show marked decreases in live cell numbers.
Treatment with 0.1 μM Cr(VI) or Cd had no appreciable effects.
56 SC IE N CE OF TH E TOTA L E N V IR O N ME N T 3 92 ( 20 0 8 ) 5 0–5 8

of the mitochondrial matrix, dilatation of the intercristal spaces hypertrophied and dilated RER and/or condensed mitochondria
(Fig. 6A, F) and occasional lipid droplets were also observed, with swelling of the intercristal spaces (Figs. 6B and 7B).
mainly in Cd-treated cells (Fig. 6E). Budding of the outer
mitochondrial membranes was more frequent in treated than
in control cells (Fig. 6F), which suggests increased mitochondrial 4. Discussion
replication (Matarrese et al., 2005). The nuclei of both Cd- and Cr
(VI)-treated HHPCs tended to manifest convoluted profiles and We aimed at establishing CD34+ HHPCs from UCB (Davila et al.,
different patterns of chromatin condensation at the nuclear 2004) as an ASC model for the assessment of toxicity by heavy
membrane, ranging from thin peripheral margination to forma- metals. Under the short-term culture conditions used, CD34+
tion of relatively large geometric blocks (Figs. 6A and 7A). Some HHPCs maintained a high degree of purity and showed an
nuclei also showed centrally condensed chromatin. Nuclei with immature ultrastructural morphology (Rubinstein and Trobaugh,
diffuse chromatin condensation, reminiscent of pyknosis, 1973; Servida et al., 1996). To our knowledge there are no
occurred less frequently. The above-described cytoplasmic and published data about dose-related toxicity of metal compounds
nuclear alterations tended to vary in degree from cell to cell. In in HHPCs. The two metal concentrations tested in our study were
some cells the cytoplasmic changes were less evident and the chosen based on reported evidence that 0.1 μM Cd and Cr have no
nuclei had normal-appearing granular chromatin. Treated cells detectable cytotoxic effects on BALBc/3T3 cell cultures, while
did not show morphologic hallmarks of apoptosis, namely 10 μM is clearly a toxic dose. In fact, in the BALBc/3T3 model, IC50
apoptotic bodies, pyknotic nuclear fragmentation, cell membrane values for Cd and Cr(VI) are 3.6 and 3.0 μM respectively (Mazzotti
blebbing and degradation of actin filaments (Leist and Jaattela, et al., 2002). Therefore, cultures were exposed for 48 h soon after
2001). HHPCs exposed to 0.1 μM Cd or Cr(VI) showed only the beginning of the exponential growth phase to sub-toxic

Fig. 6 – Conventional electron microscopy of thin sections of HHPCs at day 7 of culture, after 48 h exposure to 10 μM (panels A, C,
D, E, F) or 0.1 μM (panel B) Cd. Cells exposed to 10 μM Cd show hypertrophied endoplasmic reticulum (er), dilated Golgi
complex, convoluted nuclei with heterochromatin margination and partial clumping (panel A). Mitochondria appear electron-
dense; intercristal spaces are dilated and there is frequent budding of the outer mitochondrial membrane, suggesting
mitochondrial duplication (panels A, F). Some cytoplasmic lipid droplets were observed (panel E). Double-membrane-bound
vacuolar structures (“autophagosomes”) that sequester portions of the cytosol and membranes can be seen forming (panel C)
and at various stages of development (panel D, arrows). Cells exposed to 0.1 μM Cd display mitochondrial condensation and
dilatation of intercristal spaces (Panel B and inset). PM: plasma membrane, N: nucleus; G: Golgi, M: mitochondria. Panels A–B,
D–E, bar = 1 μm; panels C and F bar = 0.5 μm.
SC IE N CE OF TH E TOTA L E N V I RO N ME N T 3 92 ( 20 0 8 ) 5 0–5 8 57

Fig. 7 – Conventional electron microscopy of thin sections of HHPCs at day 7 of culture, after 48 h exposure to 10 μM (panel A) or
0.1 μM (panel B) Cr(VI). Cells exposed to 10 μM Cr(VI) contain many autophagosomes at various stages of maturation and have
convoluted and indented nuclei with geometric heterochromatin clumps (panel A and inset). Cells exposed to 0.1 μM Cr(VI)
show mainly hypertrophied and dilated endoplasmic reticulum and condensed mitochondria. PM: plasma membrane, N:
nucleus; G: Golgi, M: mitochondria, er: endoplasmic reticulum, bar = 1 μm.

(0.1 μM) and toxic (10 μM) concentrations of each metal ion. The depending on cell type and triggering factor (Abedin et al., 2007;
cultures treated with 10 μM Cr(VI) or Cd underwent cell loss. We Golstein and Kroemer, 2007).
found no relationships between CD34+ cell yield from UCB and Blankenship et al. (1994) found that apoptosis is the major
metal toxicity. However, we cannot exclude that the more marked mode of cell death in rodent ovarian cells after brief exposure
Cr(VI) cytotoxicity observed in CB#10 could be related to a higher (2 h) to high Cr(VI) concentrations (150–300 μM). However, Ord
frequency of differentiated cells, as evidenced by the FACS profile. et al. (1990) reported that increased efficiency in autophago-
The open question is whether differentiation influences metal cytosing damaged cell components is associated with the
cytotoxicity in the human hematopoietic cell compartment. acquisition of Cd resistance in deer fibroblast cell lines. In our
Treated cells did not show the morphologic hallmarks of study, in which HHPCs were exposed to lower Cd and Cr(VI)
apoptosis (Leist and Jaattela, 2001; Ziegler and Groscurth, concentrations, we found no evidence of apoptosis. While
2004), whereas autophagosomes and autophagolysosomes, additional studies are clearly needed also to explore mechan-
characteristic of autophagy (Eskeline, 2005) were promi- istic aspects, our results suggest that reparative autophagy is
nent. The other subcellular alterations we found in treated characteristic of the response of HHPCs to Cr(VI) and Cd. In
cells (i.e., dilatation of the RER and Golgi, mitochondrial this respect, autophagy, by enhancing the cell's tolerance,
damage and replication, lipid accumulation and chromatin could provide a second tier of defence against oxidative stress
condensation) coincide with previous reports of an associa- (Abedin et al., 2007; Golstein and Kroemer, 2007). Autophagy
tion of these alterations with autophagy (Cuervo, 2004; has been implicated in cancer, degenerative disorders, aging,
Levine and Klionsky, 2004; Eskeline, 2005; Golstein and and modulation of immune functions (Abedin et al., 2007;
Kroemer, 2007). Treatment with 0.1 μM Cr(VI) or Cd did not Deretic, 2006). Thus, upregulation of autophagy in ASC
affect cell growth, but RER dilatation and mitochondrial compartments could contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic
damage were detected at ultrastructural level. Such altera- diseases associated with exposure to heavy metals. It is not
tions represent evidence of some level of toxicity and possible, based on the evidence of the present study, to assess
suggest that human hematopoietic progenitor cells could whether the autophagic response to metals in the context
be sensitive to metal concentrations not regarded as toxic in of HHPC cultures is adaptive or death-related. Autophagy
other cell systems (Burastero et al., 2006; Mazzotti et al., deserves further evaluations, such as quantitative or semi-
2002; Ceriotti et al., in press). This issue requires further quantitative measurements and concentration–effect rela-
studies. tionships, to be established as biomarker of metal exposure.
Autophagy is a major lysosomal catabolic pathway that, by
recycling damaged cytosolic macromolecules and organelles, is
crucial for cell survival under conditions of environmental stress Acknowledgements
(Cuervo, 2004; Edinger and Thompson, 2004; Eskeline, 2005). The
relationships between autophagy and apoptosis remain unclear We thank the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, SS.
(Cuervo, 2004; Gozuacik and Kimchi, 2004; Levine and Klionsky, Annunziata Hospital, for cord blood collection, D. Kempuraj
2004; Golstein and Kroemer, 2007). While autophagy may prevent for help in cell isolation and M. Iezzi for digital images, and
apoptosis, in many situations apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy Jean Ann Gilder for text editing. This work was supported by
all contribute to cell death, with the role of each process EC grant n. 2004/S 83-070342.
58 SC IE N CE OF TH E TOTA L E N V IR O N ME N T 3 92 ( 20 0 8 ) 5 0–5 8

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