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Module 88


R. Magsaysay HS
Participating Schools

A. Herrera ES

M. Ponce ES

J. Sum ulong ES

C. Apostol ES

A. Bonifacio ES

Bo. Obrero ES

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Number of Participants

A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development
To the Learner

Hi! It’s time for you to learn about bar graphs.

This module will help you.

Let’s Learn This

Reading and interpreting data presented in a bar graph

using the following parts:
a. Title
b. Legend
c. Labels

Let’s Try This

Your previous lessons tell us some information that can be taken

accurately or inaccurately through standard or non-standard means.

1. What will you use to measure the lengths and the widths of an
2. How do you find the weight of an object?
3. How do you find the area of the plane figures like square,
rectangle, parallelogram and triangle?
4. How do you measure the volume of a container?

This time, you will learn another source of information that will
provide data at just one glance by means of bars drawn to scale. We
call this a bar graph.

Let’s Study This

Study the following situation and the bar graph that illustrates
the information:

Legend: (Source of the data)

The Fort Aguinaldo Elementary School (FAES) will undertake a

Lakbay-Aral Project. Most of the pupils signified to join the field trip.
They are as follows:

Preschool 60 pupils
Grade I 300 pupils
Grade II 275 pupils
Grade III 250 pupils
Grade IV 350 pupils
Grade V 210 pupils
Grade VI 175 pupils
1 620 pupils

Title: Number of Participants in the Lakbay-Aral Project of FAES, SY




No. of Participants






PS Gr. I Gr. II Gr. III Gr. IV Gr. V Gr. VI
Label Grade Level

Answer each question:

1. What is the title of the bar graph? Number of Participants in the

Lakbay-Aral Project of FAES, SY 2003
2. What information is found in the horizontal scale? Grade Level
3. Which grade has the second greatest number of participants?
Grade I
4. Which grade has the greatest number of participants? Grade IV
5. Which grade has the least participants? Preschool
6. How many pupils participated in all? 1 620 pupils

Let’s Do This

Study closely the following graph and take note the information
given in the horizontal and vertical scales. Answer the questions that

Summary of Boy Scouts Christmas Camp Participants

District 3-A, Manila Council

R. Magsaysay HS
Participating Schools

A. Herrera ES

M. Ponce ES

J. Sum ulong ES

C. Apostol ES

A. Bonifacio ES

Bo. Obrero ES

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Number of Participants

Answer the questions.

1. What is the title of the graph?
2. What information does it have on the vertical scale?
3. What do the numbers on the horizontal scale represent?
4. What school has the greatest number of scouts?
5. What school has the smallest delegation?
6. How many secondary schools participated in the camp?
7. How about in the elementary schools?
8. How many boy scouts participated in all?

Let’s Remember This

A bar graph is a graph which uses horizontal or vertical bars to

represent data.

When a bar graph has bars which extend from left to right, it is
called a horizontal bar graph.

On the other hand, if the bars extends from bottom to top, it is

called a vertical bar graph.

A bar graph uses:

- bar lines to present the data.
- horizontal and vertical lines.
- numbers on the horizontal or vertical
- numbers presented on a scale of 1’s, 2’s,
5’s, 10’s, 50’s, 100’s, etc. depending
upon the data.

Let’s Do More

Study the bar graph below and answer the following questions.

Scores of
Five Pupils in a Ocariza Mathematics Quiz.

5 10 15 20 25 30
1. What is the title of the graph?
2. What does the vertical line tell?
3. Who gets the least score?
4. Who got the same number of points in a quiz?
5. What is the total scores of the five pupils?

Let’s Test Ourselves

Study the bar graph and answer the questions:

Number of Absentees per Grade Level for the Month of October,


No. of Pupils

Grade Level

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the title of the graph?

2. What do the data on horizontal scale represent?
3. In what month was the data gathered?
4. How many absentees are there in Grade I?
5. What grade has the greatest number of absentees?
6. What two grade levels when added would equal to the number of
absentees in Grade VI?

Check your answers with the answer key. If you get….

5-6 - Excellent! You may now proceed to the next lesson.

4 - You need to review the items you missed.
0-3 - You need to repeat the module.
Ask your teacher or elder to help you.

Answer Key

Let’s Try This

1. Use a ruler, meter stick or tape measure.

2. Use a weighing scale.
3. To find the area of the following plane figure.
a. Area of a square is to multiply the side by itself. In short,
A = S x S or S 2

b. Area of a rectangle is to multiply the length by its width.

A = lw

c. Area of a parallelogram is to multiply the base by its

A = bh

d. Area of a triangle is to multiply the base by its height or

altitude then divide it by 2 or get ½ of the base and
A = ½ (bh) or A = bh/2 or A = bh ÷ 2

4. To measure the volume of rectangular containers is to

multiply the length by its width and by its height.
For a cube, multiply its sides three times.
For a cylindrical container, get first the area of the base then
multiply it by its height.
The answer must be specified in cubic unit of measure.

Let’s Do This

1. Summary of Boy Scouts Christmas Camp Participants District

3 – A, Manila Council
2. Participating Schools
3. Number of Participants
4. C. Apostol Elementary School
5. A. Herrera Elementary School
6. One only or 1
7. Six or 6
8. 215 Scouts

Let’s Do More

1. Scores of Five Pupils in a Mathematics Quiz

2. Names of Pupils
3. Tinapay
4. Malazarte and Ocariza
5. 115

Let’s Test Ourselves

1. Number of Absentees per Grade Level for the Month of

October, 2003.
2. Grade Level
3. October
4. 10
5. Grade VI
6. Grades Iand III


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