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MGMT 8320 Stakeholder Management

Group Presentation – 20% of Overall Grade


A. Choose a project from the list provided and research information related to the topic.
Provide a project overview and stakeholder communications strategy that you would
present to an executive team in order for the project to be approved.

B. To find a Project:

 Go to the XLSX provided in Week 10 of your eConestoga portal. The project is

focused on the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDG’s)
 Browse each of the tabs. Each tab represents a category and within it each row
represents a specific objective.
 As a group decide on the very important social goal you would like to research and
plan for.

Before you begin, you MUST provide your instructor/professor with the project of choice.
Instructors/Professors will give you approval to start that project.

C. Your slide presentation must include ALL of the following sections:

1. Project Overview
2. Budget
3. Schedule
4. Resourcing
5. Risks
6. Communication Plan

ASSUME and provide specifics (i.e.: RISKS will likely not have this information on the site)

The objective is to convince Conestoga Executives to approve and support your

project. Assume Conestoga has a sustainability budget.

Determine a budget between $100,000 and $250,000.

Determine your timeframe somewhere in the range of 3 months to 9 months.
Ensure your scope is realistic for the timeframe.

Number of Group Members: 3 min, - 5 max

Length of Presentation: 10 minutes (min) – 15 minutes (max)

Presentation Delivery: Live presentation in-class.

Powerpoints are to be uploaded to your assigned dropbox on by Week 10 (1 hour before your
live workshops)

Marked on:

 Structure of presentation /10

 Design of slides /10
 Presentation technique (REMOTE DELIVERY CLASSES: particularly the transition of
presenting from one co-host to another using Zoom/ Teams) /10
 Overall impression /5
 References Slide(s)/APA Format /5

Total Marks: /40

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