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Senior High School

Practical Research 1
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Lesson 2: Nature of Research
Practical Research 1- Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Quarter- Module 2: Nature of Research
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer : Rogel Zamora Aro
Reviewer : Clavel D. Salinas
Illustrator : Rogel Zamora Aro
Layout Artist: Rogel Zamora Aro
Evaluator : Henry D. Espina Jr.
Moderator : Arlene D. Buot
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Marilyn S. Andales, CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents:
Cartesa M. Perico
Ester A. Futalan
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Chief, CID : Mary Ann P. Flores
EPS in LRMS : Mr. Isaiash T. Wagas
PSDS/SHS Division Coordinator : Clavel D. Salinas

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Department of Education, Region VII, Division of Cebu Province
Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
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Senior High School

Practical Research 1
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Lesson 2: Nature of Research

Key Message
For Educators:

Learning is a constant process. Amidst inevitable circumstances, Department

of Education extends their resources and looks for varied ways to cater your needs
and to adapt to the new system of Education as a fortress of Learning Continuity Plan.
One of the probable solutions is the use of Teacher-made Educational Modules in

You are reading the Practical Research 1 – Senior High School: First
Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Shares research experiences
and knowledge (CS_RS11-IIIa-1)” as written and found in the K-12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies.

The creation of this module is a combined effort of competent educators from

different levels and various schools of Department of Education-Cebu Province. In
addition, this module is meticulously planned, organized, checked and verified by
knowledgeable educators to assist you in imparting the lessons to the learners while
considering the physical, social and economical restraints in teaching process.

The use of Teacher-made Educational Module aims to surpass the challenges

of teaching in a new normal education set-up. Through this module, the students are
given independent learning activities, which embodies in the Most Essential Learning
Competencies based from the K-12 Curriculum Competencies, to work on in
accordance to their capability, efficiency and time. Thus, helping the learners acquire
the prerequisite 21st Century skills needed with emphasis on utmost effort in
considering the whole well-being of the learners.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body
of the module:

As the main source of learning, it is your top priority to explain clearly on how
to use this module to the learners. While using this module, learner’s progress and
development should be recorded verbatim to assess their strengths and weaknesses
while doing the activities presented independently in safety of their homes. Moreover,
you are anticipated to persuade learners to comply and to finish the modules on or
before the scheduled time.

For the Learners:

As a significant stakeholder of learning, Department of Education researched

and explored on innovative ways to address your needs with high consideration on
social, economic, physical and emotional aspects of your well being. To continue the
learning process, DepEd comes up with an Alternative Delivery mode of teaching
using Teacher-Made Educational Modules.

You are reading the Practical Research 1 – Senior High School: First
Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Shares research experiences
and knowledge (CS_RS11-IIIa-1)” as written and found in the K-12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies.

This module is especially crafted for you to grasp the opportunity to continue
learning even at home. Using guided and independent learning activities, rest assured
that you will be able to take pleasure as well as to deeply understand the contents of
the lesson presented; recognizing your own capacity and capability in acquiring

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

The first part of the module will keep you on

track on the Competencies, Objectives and
WHAT I NEED TO KNOW Skills expected for you to be developed and

This part aims to check your prior knowledge

WHAT I KNOW on the lesson to take.

WHAT’S IN This part helps you link the previous lesson to

the current one through a short exercise/drill.

The lesson to be partaken is introduced in this

part of the module creatively. It may be
WHAT’S NEW through a story, a song, a poem, a problem
opener, an activity, a situation or the like.

A brief discussion of the lesson can be read in

WHAT IS IT this part. It guides and helps you unlock the
lesson presented.

A comprehensive activitiy/es for independent
practice is in this part to solidify your
knowledge and skills of the given topic.

This part of the module is used to process your

WHAT I HAVE LEARNED learning and understanding on the given topic.
A transfer of newly acquired knowledge and
skills to a real-life situation is present in this
WHAT I CAN DO part of the module.

This activity assesses your level of mastery

towards the topic.

In this section, enhancement activities will be

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES given for you to further grasp the lessons.

This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References Printed in this part is a list of all reliable and valid

resources used in crafting and designing this module.

In using this module, keep note of the fundamental reminders below.

1. The module is government owned. Handle it with care. Unnecessary

marks are prohibited. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering all
the given exercises.

2. This module is organized according to the level of understanding.

Skipping one part of this module may lead you to confusion and

3. The instructions are carefully laden for you to understand the given
lessons. Read each item cautiously.

4. This is a Home-Based class, your reliability and honour in doing the
tasks and checking your answers are a must.

5. This module helps you attain and learn lessons at home. Make sure
to clearly comprehend the first activity before proceeding to the next

6. This module should be returned in good condition to your

teacher/facilitator once you completed it.

7. Answers should be written on a separate sheet of paper or notebook

especially prepared for Practical Research 1 subject.

If you wish to talk to your teacher/educator, do not hesitate to keep in touch with
him/her for further discussion. Know that even if this is a home-based class, your
teacher is only a call away. Good communication between the teacher and the
student is our priority to flourish your understanding on the given lessons.

We do hope that in using this material, you will gain ample knowledge and skills
for you to be fully equipped and ready to answer the demands of the globally
competitive world. We are confident in you! Keep soaring high!


Good day dear learner!

This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons befitted
in your grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are carefully made to suit
your level of understanding. Indeed, this learning resource is for you to fully
comprehend Research experiences and knowledge (CS_RS11-IIIa-1).
Independently, you are going to go through this module following its proper sequence.
Although you are going to do it alone, this is a guided lesson and instructions/directions
on how to do every activity is plotted for your convenience.

Using this learning resource, you are ought to Share research experiences
and knowledge (CS_RS11-IIIa-1) as inculcated in the K-12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies.

Using separate modules, this competency is divided into two lessons, as

Lesson 1: Nature of Inquiry
Lesson 2: Nature of Research
At the end of this module, you are expected to achieve the following objectives:

 identify the nature of research;

 classify the different types of research
 create an informative essay on the purposes of research;
 demonstrate perseverance in carrying out all the activities in this


Directions: Below are some well-known tourist spots in the Philippines.

Examine the following photographs to answer the questions that follow.

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4

Picture 5 Picture 6

*All photographs are originally captured by the writer.

Directions: Complete the puzzle below by identifying the names of some well-known
tourist spots in the Philippines which are shown on the previous page. Clues are
provided below which will help you to complete this task.

6. It is one of the top beaches in the Philippines and
is blessed with a long stretch of powdery white sand
beach, crystal clear and azure waters, a stunning
sunset and more.
1. It was provisionally chosen as one of the New 7
Wonders of Nature on November 11, 2011.
2. Is known to be the world’s most perfect volcanic
cone because of the symmetry of its shape. It has a
base 80 miles (130 km) in circumference and rises to
8,077 feet (2,462 meters) from the shores of Albay
3. A multi-layered waterfall system located in
Barangay Matutinao in the town of Badian, Cebu.
4. A coastal paradise group of islands strategically
situated at the heart of Davao Gulf in the Southern
part of the Philippines and is known for the acronym
5. Have been recognized as one of the wonders of
the world located in Ifugao Province, Cordillera


Directions: Based on the presented photographs on the previous task, answer the
following questions intelligently.

1. Which of the above scenic places interests you the most? Why?

2. Would you like to know more about these scenic places? Why?

3. How do you think to be more knowledgeable about your favorite or most

loved places?


4. Do you agree that research is one of the techniques or ways in becoming

knowledgeable about a lot of things in this world such as those within your
own world, among your friends, schoolmates, loved ones, and so on?



Directions: Identify which of the statements below is true about the nature of
research. Write C if the statement is correct and I if it is incorrect.

________ 1. Research is something based on assumptions, beliefs, theories, or

untested generalizations.
________ 2. Research employs reporting format which utilizes various modes for
transparency of process (text, graphs, tables, appendix)
________ 3. Research analyzes data statistically or by the chunk and code method.
________ 4. Research is based on the works of others – not a copy of their works.
________ 5. Research is a quick activity.
________ 6. Research outlaws personal bias.
________ 7. Research is based on some logical rationale and tied to theory.
________ 8. Research is merely reorganizing or restating what is already known and
has already been written.
________ 9. Research is based on the shallow study of the respective subject.
________ 10. Research generates new questions or is cyclical in nature.
________ 11. Research employs literature review.
________ 12. Research discusses findings to present justification for relevant factors.
________ 13. Research is merely information gathering (discovery).
________ 14. Research is an apolitical activity intended for the betterment of society.
________ 15. Research uses one or more data collection strategies.


What is research? A number of

books on research define this term in
many ways, but such varied
definitions boil down to the primary
meaning of this word, which is:

Research is a process of executing various mental acts for

discovering and examining facts and information to prove the accuracy or
truthfulness of your claims or conclusions about the topic of your research.
Research requires you to inquire or investigate about your chosen
research topic by asking questions that will make you engage yourself in
top-level thinking strategies of interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing,
criticizing, appreciating, or creating to enable you to discover truths about
the many things you tend to wonder about the topic of your research work.
(Litchman 2013)

Research is analogous to inquiry, in that, both involve investigation

of something through questioning. However, the meaning of research is
more complicated than inquiry because it does not center mainly on raising
questions about the topic, but also on carrying out a particular order of
research stages. Each stage of the research process is not an individual
task because the knowledge you obtain through each stage comes not
only from yourself but other people as well. Thus, similar to inquiry,
research involves cooperative learning.

Central to research is your way of discovering new knowledge,

applying knowledge in various ways as well as seeing relationships of
ideas, events, and situations. Research then puts you in a context where a
problem exists. You have to collect facts or information, study such data,
and come up with a solution to the problem based on the results of your
analysis. It is a process requiring you to work logically or systematically
and collaboratively with others.
To sum up your concepts about the nature of research, the
following will give you the characteristics, purposes, classification, types of,
and approaches to research. (Badke 2012; Silverman 2013; De Mey 2013)


To elevate your mental

abilities by letting you think
in higher-order thinking
strategies (HOTS) of
inferring, evaluating,
synthesizing, appreciating,
To have an in-depth
applying, and creating
knowledge of To improve your
something reading and writing

To be familiar with the

basic tools of research
To learn how to and the various
work scientifically techniques of gathering
or systematically Purposes of data and of presenting
Research research findings

To free yourself, to a
certain extent, from the
To learn how to domination or strong
work influence of a single
independently textbook or of the
professor’s lone viewpoint
or spoon feeding


• Is the research applied to theoretical or practical issues? If it deals with

concepts, principles, or abstract things, it is a pure research. This type of
Based on research aims to increase your knowledge about something. However, if
Application your intention is to apply your chosen research to societal problems or
of issues, finding ways to make positive changes in society, you call your
Research research, applied research.

• Depending on your objective or goal in conducting research, you do any of these types of
research: descriptive, correlational, explanatory, exploratory, or action.
• Descriptive Research – This type of research aims at defining or giving a verbal portrayal
or picture of a person, thing, event, group, situation, etc. This is liable to repeated research
because its topic relates itself only to a certain period or a limited number of years. Based
on the results of your descriptive studies about a subject, you develop the inclination of
conducting further studies on such topic.
• Correlational Research – A correlational research shows relationships or connectedness
of two factors, circumstances, or agents called variables that affect the research. It is only
Based on concerned in indicating the existence of a relationship, not the causes and ways of the
Purpose development of such relationship.
of the • Explanatory Research – This type of research elaborates or explains not just the reasons
Research behind the relationship of two factors, but also the ways by which such relationship exists.
• Exploratory Research – An exploratory research’s purpose is to find out how reasonable
or possible it is to conduct a research study on a certain topic. Here, you will discover
ideas on topics that could trigger your interest in conducting research studies.
• Action Research – This type of research studies an ongoing practice of a school,
organization, community, or institution for the purpose of obtaining results that will bring
improvements in the system.

• The kind of data you want to work on reflects whether you wish to do a quantitative or a
qualitative research.
• Qualitative research requires non-numerical data, which means that the research uses
words rather than numbers to express the results, the inquiry, or investigation about
people’s thoughts, beliefs, feelings, views, and lifestyles regarding the object of the study.
These opinionated answers from people are not measurable; so, verbal language is the
right way to express your findings in a qualitative research.
Based on
• Meanwhile, quantitative research involves measurement of data. Thus, it presents
research findings referring to the number or frequency of something in numerical forms
of Data (i.e., using percentages, fractions, numbers).
Needed • The data you deal with in research are either primary or secondary data. Primary data are
obtained through direct observation or contact with people, objects, artifacts, paintings, etc.
Primary data are new and original information resulting from your sensory experience.
However, if such data have already been written about or reported on and are available for
reading purposes, they exist as secondary data.


Directions: Identify the specific type of research for each given topic/statement by
entering the letter of the research type in the correct column. Likewise, below the letter
representing your answer, write the importance of such research in your day-to-day

Action Pure Applied Descriptive Explanatory Correlation

a. Improve Agricultural Crop Production

b. Bridging the Gap Between Families and School
c. Treat or Cure a Specific Disease
d. College Assessment Practices
e. Theory of Relativity
f. Peer and Cross-Age Tutoring
g. Reasons Behind Tuition Fee Increases
h. Occupation and longevity
i. Why and how stress leads to heart disease?
j. Internet use and depression
k. Market researchers that want to observe habits of consumers
l. Archimedes’ Principle of Buoyancy


Directions: Express your judgment or decision about each line by checking the box
representing your choice. On the lines provided, write your reasons to justify your
agreement or disagreement on the given statement. Use separate sheet of paper in
answering this activity.

1. Your zero or poor knowledge of research means you are not in a quality school.

Agree Disagree


2. To have a rich understanding of every aspect of your research means to approach

it in a naturalistic way.

Agree Disagree


3. You can quantify people’s worldviews.

Agree Disagree


4. Research is exactly the same as inquiry.

Agree Disagree


5. You behave like a scientist in research.

Agree Disagree



Directions: Using the given template below, create an informative essay highlighting
the purposes of research as presented in this module and also based on your
personal experiences. Be guided with the criteria given in constructing your essay.

Informative Essay Format

Five (5) paragraphs – No more, No less

1st Paragraph – Introduction

- “attention getter”
- Thesis statement (one (1) sentence, three (3) reasons)

2nd Paragraph – Explain/Expound on 1st reason from thesis

3rd Paragraph – Explain/Expand on 2nd reason from thesis

4th Paragraph – Explain/Expand on 3rd reason from thesis

5th Paragraph – Conclusion

- restate your thesis sentence in a different way

- give a broader implication of your thesis statement

Grading Rubric: 15 points

5 Points – Structure/Organization
- Does your essay contain 5 paragraphs?
- Does each paragraph have 3 to 5 sentences?
- Is the thesis statement ONE sentence with THREE reasons?
- Do paragraphs 2-4 explain the reasons from the thesis IN
10 Points – Content
- Does introduction have “attention getter?”
- Do paragraphs 2-4 explained/expand on ONE reason?
- Does the conclusion restate thesis in a DIFFERENT WAY?
- Does the conclusion give a broader implication for your


Directions: Think of your own topics for each research type. Keeping in mind what
you have learned from this lesson, clearly elaborate the reasons to justify the specific
research type for each chosen topic. Give at least 2 topics per research type.

Applied Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________
Pure Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________
Exploratory Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________
Correlational Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________
Action Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________
Applied Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________
Descriptive Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________
Exploratory Research
Topic 1 : ___________________________________________________
Topic 2 : ___________________________________________________
Explanation : ___________________________________________________


Directions: In the space provided, make your own graphical presentation of the
classification and types of research. Use separate sheet of paper in answering this

the Answers Vary Part.
The teacher will check all
Notes to the Teacher!
1. Underground River
2. Mayon Volcano
3. Kawasan Falls
4. Samal Island
5. Banaue Rice
6. Boracay Island
WHAT I HAVE Answers Vary
LEARNED a. - Applied
Answers Vary WHAT’S NEW
b. - Action
1. I
c. - Applied
d. - Descriptive
Answers Vary 3. C
e. - Pure
4. C
f. - Action
g. - Explanatory
Answers Vary 6. C
h. - Correlation
7. C
i. - Explanatory
j. - Correlation
k. - Descriptive
Answers Vary 10. C
l. - Pure
11. C
12. C
13. I
14. C
15. C
16. C
17. I
18. C
19. C
20. C

Published Books

Baraceros, E. (2016). Practical research 1 (1st ed.). Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book
Store, Inc.

Buensuceso, D., Dacanay, D., Manalo, G., & San Gabriel, N. (2016). Practical
research 1 (1st ed.). Pasig, Philippines: Department of Education-Bureau of
Learning Resources

Electronic Resources

Muzones, G. (n.d.). Best boracay travel guide: everything you need to know. Retrieved

Banaue rice terraces. (n.d.). Retrived from

Kawasan falls. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Mayon volcano. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Puerto princesa underground river. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The nature and tools of research. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Other Resources

K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with Corresponding CG Codes

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education, Region VII, DepEd-Cebu Province
(Office Address) IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
Email Address:


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