April (Synthesis)

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This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of online learning modality to the skills based
According to Christopher D.C Francisco and Marites C. Barcelona (2020) typical learning usually
happens inside the classroom setting and having face to face interactions with their teachers . but
when typhoons, calamities, floods and other emergencies come in. What teachers do so as not
compromises learning?. Other countries like Japan, Singapore ,Hongkong, Taiwan and other parts of
Asian countries have already advanced their technological capabilities in terms of the delivering
quality intructions. Web - based learning refers to the type of learning that uses the internet as an
intructional delivery tool to carry out various leraning activity also web - based learning is any where ,
any time intructions delivered over internet or a corporate intranet to browser - equipped and its
benefits both saves money and time , learners can be more participating anytime and any where. It
can take the form of pure online learning in which the curriculum and learning are implemented
online without face to face meeting between the instructor and students.

Using Online learning modality students are encouraged to learn on their own time by using
modules. The development of greater self - study or study skills is one of the advantages of employing
modules for training and also Online education enables the teacher and the student to set their own
learning pace , and there’s the added flexibility of setting a schedule that’s fits everyones agenda. As a
result. Using online educational platforms allows for a better balance of work of studies , so there’s no
need to give anything up.

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