EE 3111 Module

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EE 3111



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Course Learning Outcomes 4

Course Introduction 5
MODULE and Unit Topics 5
Course Study Guide 7
Study Schedule 7
Evaluation 12
Technological Tools 14
Specific Guidelines 14
Task Guide 17
Contact Information of the Facilitator 18


Unit 1: Construction and Arrangement of the Parts DC Generator and 21
A. Generator and Motor Construction 22
B. Types of Armature Winding 27
C. Armature Winding Parameters 30
D. Armature with More Commutator Segments than Slots 47
E. Multi-element Winding 47
F. Dead/Dummy Elements in Armature Winding 49
G. Equalizer Connection for Lap Windings 51
H. Frog-leg Winding 54
Exercises 1.1 57
Unit 2: Direct Current Generator and Motor Principles 59
A. Principle of Generator Action 59
B. General Voltage Equation for DC Generator 60
C. Direction of Generated Voltage 62
D. The Elementary Alternating-Current Generator 65
E. Commutation in DC Generator 67
F. Principle of Motor Action 71
G. Force and Torque Developed by DC Motors 73
H. Commutation in DC Motors 75
Discussion Questions 1.2 76
Exercises 1.2 76


A. Types of DC Generators 81
B. No-load (Open-Circuit) Characteristics of DC Generators 83
C. Building-up the Voltage of a Self-Excited Shunt Generator 87
D. Behavior of Shunt Generator Under Load 91
E. Behavior of a Cumulative Compound Generator Under Load 94
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Degree of Compounding Adjustment 96
Behavior of Series Generator under Load 99
Voltage Regulation 100
Magnetic Action of the Armature 101
Some Corrective Methods to Counteract the Effects of Armature 104
K. Need for Operation of Generators in Parallel 111
L. Efficiency of DC Generators 121
Discussion Questions 2 132
Exercises 2 133


A. Operating Differences between Motors and Generators 138
B. Classification of Direct Current Motors 140
C. Counter Electromotive Force 140
D. Starting a DC Motor 143
E. Effect of Loading a Motor on Speed and Armature Current 151
F. Torque Characteristics of DC Motors 152
G. Speed Characteristics of DC Motors 157
H. Speed Regulation of DC Motors 160
I. Speed Control of DC Motors 163
J. Reversing the Direction of DC Motors 167
K. Armature Reaction in DC Motors 167
L. Efficiency of DC Motors 168
Discussion Questions 3 173
Exercises 3 174

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EE 3111


At the end of the module, you should be
able to:

1. Distinguish the difference between

generators and motors

2. Familiarize with the different types of

direct current generators and motors

3. Analyze the characteristics of direct

current generators and motors

4. Evaluate the efficiencies of dc

generators and motors


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Course Introduction
This course is designed for BSEE students to attain an in-depth understanding of the design,
construction and working principles of direct current motors and generators. The course
begins with a discussion of the principles of motor and generator actions, construction as
well as the different parts of dc electromechanical rotating machines (dynamo).
Succeeding topics cover the different types, operating characteristics and efficiency of dc
generator and motors.

Module and Unit Topics

Three learning modules are developed to guide the students through the course content
and assessments to ensure that students can demonstrate the course learning outcomes at
the end of the semester.

MODULE 1: Principles, Construction, and Parts of Direct Current Machines

Direct current (DC) machines are characterized by their versatility. By means of various
combinations of shunt-, series-, and separately-excited field windings, they can be designed
to display a wide variety of voltage-load or speed-torque characteristics. The versatility of
dc machines will ensure their continued use in a wide variety of applications.

This module introduces and discusses the principles underlying the operations as well as the
construction and the arrangement of the various parts of the direct current (DC) machines.
At the end of this module, learners should be able to:

 Know the construction and the arrangement of the different parts of the dynamo
 Calculate the different armature winding parameters
 Know the principles of generator and motor actions

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MODULE 2: Direct Current Generator Characteristics

The generator performance deals primarily with the relation between excitation, terminal
voltage, and load. These relations can be best exhibited graphically by means of curves
known as generator characteristics. These characteristics show at a glance the behavior of
the generator under different load conditions. Furthermore, it is of great importance in
judging the suitability of generator for a particular purpose.

In this module, you will learn the different types of dc generators and how each type
behaves under different operating conditions. Specifically, at the end of this module, you
should be able to:

 Differentiate the types of DC generators and know their operating characteristics

 Solve problems related to the operating characteristics of DC generators
 Know the causes and effects of armature reaction and the methods to correct them
 Solve problems related to parallel operations of DC generators
 Evaluate the performance of DC generators based on losses and efficiency

MODULE 3: Direct Current Motor Characteristics

Until today, DC motors continue to provide solutions for many industrial applications,
particularly those requiring constant torque across the motor’s entire speed range. Each
type of motor has very definite operating characteristics in so far as starting torque, overload
capacity, and speed variation with changes in loads are concerned. The arbitrary
classification of motors on the basis of these characteristics is important in connection with
the problem of selection and application. These characteristics are investigated to
determine the performance and suitability of a motor for a particular purpose.

In this module, you will learn the different types of dc motors and how each type behaves
under different operating conditions. Specifically, at the end of this module, you should be
able to:

 Differentiate the types of DC motors and know their operating characteristics

 Solve problems related to the operating characteristics of DC motors
 Know and differentiate the different techniques to control the speed of a dc motor
 Evaluate the performance of DC motors based on losses and efficiency

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Course Study Guide

“Learning is not the product of teaching.

Learning is the product of the activity of the learners.”
-John Holt

Learning diligently, intelligently and independently is the key to successfully finish this course.
You have to be a self-motivated, active, results-driven, and target-oriented learner. These
qualities will not only help you meet the content and the performance standards of this
course but more importantly you will realize that you hold within you everything you need to
achieve all the success that you desire.

The following guides and house rules will help you to be on track in your learning process:

1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every part of the modules.
2. Be very conscious of your study schedule. Learn to manage all the activities given to
you in all your courses.
3. Engage all possible resources to help you understand the readings and other tasks
given to you. You can reach out to your classmates or your instructor as soon as
possible for clarification rather than trying to do it on your own.
4. Perform your task religiously. Students who create a study routine and have the
discipline to stick to it can study over a longer amount of time and complete work
5. Read and understand the assessment tools before you start doing your tasks. Always
aim at achieving the highest standards in doing your assigned tasks.
6. You are free to browse and read the different units of the modules even before doing
the tasks in each unit. However, you need to ensure that you will not miss any part of
the module, especially the activity in every unit as scheduled.
7. Write legibly in answering all the assessment and evaluation activities. When you are
asked to explain something, you should write in complete and grammatically correct
sentences. Be clear and direct with your main points.
8. You will be required to submit through correspondence the accomplished
requirements on or before the deadline. Make sure to follow it up with your instructor
through text or any other media available for you.
9. While waiting for your instructor’s feedback of your accomplished modules, continue
doing the task in the succeeding units of the modules.
10. Always stay mentally and physically healthy.

Study Schedule
To help you create a framework for time management, below is your complete weekly
schedule for the attainment of the intended topic learning outcomes vis-à-vis the activities.

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Module 1
Week Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
Unit 1: Construction and Arrangements of the Parts of DC Generator and Motor
Engage & Explore:
Weeks 1, 2 TLO 1: Know the construction Read topics on:
and 3 and the arrangement of the  Generator and Motor
different parts of the dynamo Construction
 Types of Armature Winding
TLO 2: Calculate the different  Armature Winding Parameters
armature winding parameters  Armature with More Commutator
Segments than Slots
 Multi-element Winding
 Dead/Dummy Elements in
Armature Winding
 Equalizer Connection for Lap
 Frog-leg Winding

You can also watch the following video

clip for a simple explanation of the
construction and working principle of a
DC machine.
 DC Machine: Construction and
Working Principle
 Examine worked-examples
 Test your skills by working on the
given exercises.
 Work on Graded Quiz No.1
Unit 1 Evaluative Assessment: Graded Quiz No. 1
Unit 2: Direct Current Generator and Motor Principles
Engage & Explore:
Weeks 4, 5 TLO 3: Know the principles of Read topics on:
and 6 generator and motor actions  Principle of Generator Action
 General Voltage Equation for DC
 Direction of Generated Voltage

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 The Elementary Alternating-
Current Generator
 Commutation in DC Generator
 Principle of Motor Action
 Force and Torque Developed by
DC Motors
 Commutation in DC Motors

You can also watch the following video

clips for a simple explanation of the
working principles of a DC generator
and motor.

 Working Principle of a DC
 DC Motors: How Do They Work?
Construction & Working Principle
of a DC Motor
 Examine worked-examples
 Test your skills by working on the
given exercises.
 Work on Graded Quiz No. 2
Unit 2 Evaluative Assessment: Graded Quiz No. 2
Preliminary Examination

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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

Module 2
Week Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
Engage & Explore:
Weeks 7, 8 TLO 4: Differentiate the types of DC Read topics on:
and 9 generators and know their operating  Types of DC Generators
characteristics  No-load (Open-Circuit)
Characteristics of DC
TLO 5: Solve problems related to the Generators
operating characteristics of DC  Building-up the Voltage of a
generators Self-Excited Shunt Generator
 Behavior of Shunt Generator
TLO 6: Evaluate the performance of Under Load
DC generators based on losses and  Behavior of a Cumulative
efficiency Compound Generator
Under Load
 Degree of Compounding
 Behavior of Series Generator
under Load
 Voltage Regulation
 Examine worked-examples
 Test your skills by working on
the given exercises.
 Work on Graded Quiz No. 3
Unit 1 Evaluative Assessment: Graded Quiz No. 3
Weeks 10, TLO 7: Know the causes and effects of Engage & Explore:
11 and 12 armature reaction and the methods Read topics on:
to correct them  Magnetic Action of the
TLO 8: Solve problems related to  Some Corrective Methods to
parallel operations of DC generators Counteract the Effects of
Armature Reaction
TLO 9: Evaluate the performance of  Need for Operation of
DC generators based on losses and Generators in Parallel
efficiency  Efficiency of DC Generators
 Examine worked-examples
 Test your skills by working on
the given exercises.

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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

 Work on Graded Quiz No. 4
Unit 1 Evaluative Assessment: Graded Quiz No. 4
Midterm Examination

Module 3
Week Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
Engage & Explore:
Weeks 13, TLO 10: Differentiate the types of DC Read topics on:
14 and 15 motors and know their operating  Operating Differences
characteristics between Motors and
TLO 11: Solve problems related to the  Classification of Direct
operating characteristics of DC Current Motors
motors  Counter Electromotive Force
 Starting a DC Motor
 Effect of Loading a Motor on
Speed and Armature Current
 Torque Characteristics of DC
 Speed Characteristics of DC
 Speed Regulation of DC
 Examine worked-examples

 Test your skills by working on
the given exercises.
 Work on Graded Quiz No. 5

Unit 1 Evaluative Assessment: Graded Quiz 5

Engage & Explore:
Weeks 16, TLO 12: Know and differentiate the Read topics on:
17 and 18 different techniques to control the  Speed Control of DC Motors
speed of a dc motor  Reversing the Direction of DC
 Armature Reaction in DC
TLO 13: Evaluate the performance of Motors
DC motors based on losses and  Efficiency of DC Motors
efficiency Explain:
Examine worked-examples
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Test your skills by working on the
given exercises.
Work on Graded Quiz No. 6
Unit 2 Evaluative Assessment: Graded Quiz 6
Final Examination


The course modules have formative and summative assessment activities to determine the
progress of your learning in the course. This is a way for you to recognize your strengths and
where improvement is needed.

Formative Assessment Activities

Formative assessments are ungraded activities that you need to accomplish to monitor your
learning experience and provide feedback to improve both your learning approach as well
as your instructor’s instructional approach.

• You are required to answer all the self-assessment activities (in the form of
exercises) found in the module, but your scores will not be included in the
computation of your final grade. However, the completeness of your answers to
the self-assessment activities will still be checked and will be part of your course
completion. Self-assessment activities are designed as a review management
tool to prepare you for the graded quizzes and examinations. Engaging
yourselves in such activities will serve as prompts to tell you if you need to study

Summative Assessment Activities

The evaluative assessments are graded activities designed to determine if your acquisition
of learning and performance in tests is at par with standards set at certain milestones in this

Quizzes and Major Examinations

Graded quizzes and major examinations are essential to determine whether your
performance as a student is at par with standards/goals that need to be achieved in
this course. Therefore, you MUST:
1. Submit all graded quizzes.
2. Take all major examinations.

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Rubric for Evaluation (Problem-Solving)
The rubric provided below will be used to score problem-solving activities in quizzes
and major examinations.

Criteria Weight Exemplary Good Poor

(% of the (100% of the given (50% of the given (0 – 20% of the given
maximum weight) weight) weight)
score per

An A given strategy An inappropriate

Solution 85% appropriate/effective/ or approach to strategy or approach
Finding efficient strategy or solve the was used.
approach to solve the problem or Solution contains
problem or develop a develop a multiple errors
solution is applied. solution is Unfinished Solution
A complete/detailed applied but with Misses multiple steps
and logical solution to some minor in solving the
the problem is errors than can problem
presented. potentially lead No solution
to incorrect final
The presented
solution is not
detailed. A few
steps are
Final Results/ 15% Final results/answers Calculated Incorrect results
Answers are correct with proper values are No final answers
units. correct but
expressed with
improper units
(or without

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Grading System
The scores obtained from each of the graded activities will contribute to your final grade,
the weights of which are presented in the table below:

Assessment Methods Preliminary Period Midterm Period Final Period

Quizzes 40% 40% 40%
Major Exam 60% 60% 60%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Final Grade = (33.33%Prelim + 33.33%Midterm + 33.33%Final)

To obtain a passing grade in the course, you must obtain at least 50% of the total scores
in all graded quizzes and major examinations.

Technological Tools
To be able to accomplish all the tasks in this course, you will need a computer or a laptop
with but not limited to the following software applications: Word Processing and pdf
reader/viewer. These applications do not require an internet connection for you to use them.

If you are a student online, you can access the institutional Google Classroom using your
institutional account. You will receive an invitation to join the Google Classroom through the
SLU Student Portal and your institutional email account. Make sure to activate your
institutional email account. It is imperative that you check your SLU Student Portal account
at least twice a week and activate your Gmail Notifications on your mobile phone and
computer. Links to quizzes and examinations can be accessed through the Google
Classroom. The Google Meet App will also be used as a medium for consultation with the

Feedback and clarifications will also be facilitated through text messaging and voice calls.
Hence, you need to have regular access to a cell phone. If need be, you can reach your
instructor by calling or texting him. (The contact info of the course facilitator is found below.)
Your instructor is very much willing to attend to your queries.

Specific Guidelines
(Reference: Policies and Guidelines on Student Behavior during Online and
Correspondence-based Learning as of January 12, 2021)


1) Students who chose online-based learning are expected to regularly, at the least
weekly, log in their portals and University-provided emails for updates from the
University and schedules of online classes as applicable from the faculty.

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2) Required online activities such as but not limited to mutually agreed upon online class
meetings, submission of school work and the like, uploading of requirements, posting
discussion, and e-mailing professors, shall be used to verify one’s class attendance.
Faculty members should accomplish the digital SLU OSA Faculty Referral Form once
a student has not been responding to three consecutive or five accumulated
instructions. A student seeking readmission for absences should accomplish the digital
SLU OSA Absence Slip specifying details of their absence/s and supporting documents
if available or email


1) When corresponding online with any member of the SLU workforce or fellow
schoolmates, the use of University-provided email is compulsory.
2) It is especially important for each student to ask professors questions throughout the
term and for the students to respond to the questions of professors. It is important for
each student to demonstrate progress in the assigned course work.

Netiquette Guidelines
Password sharing, reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or
posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of SLU-made instructional materials, such
as but not limited to modules and examinations, without the prior permission of SLU, are
strictly prohibited. All members of the SLU Community have a collective duty to uphold the
Republic Act 8293 or known as the Philippine Copyright Law and RA 10173 or known as the
Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Academic Honesty

A reiteration of the SLU Student Handbook on the General Academic Regulations

and Procedures is provided as follows:

1) A student, must at all times, observe honesty during examination and as a

general policy, a student who is caught cheating during an examination is
given a score of zero (0) for that particular examination.
2) A student who cheats during a quiz gets a zero (0) score for that particular
3) In the Code of Discipline, cheating during examinations and quizzes, or
plagiarism in connection with any academic work or abetting the
commission of the same is sanctioned accordingly, as follows:

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1st Violation Warning with invalidation of grade
2nd Violation Censure to Suspension with invalidation of grade
3rd Violation Suspension to Dismissal / Non-readmission with invalidation of grade

Students caught allegedly cheating by their professors shall undergo the due process at
the Office of Student Affairs upon receipt of the incident report from the professor. After
careful processing, sanctions shall be meted following the above cited disciplinary

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Task Guide

I. Output

This course requires a lot of problem-solving activities. As an output, you are expected to
submit a complete solution to each problem covered in the different topics in the module.

II. Rationale

Problem-solving activities/tasks provided in the module will allow you to develop

understanding and explain the processes used to arrive at solutions to dc machines-related
problems, rather than remembering and applying a set of procedures. You will become
more engaged and appreciate the relevance and usefulness of the concepts you
acquired. It serves an opportunity for you to learn new concepts and skills or reinforce the
skills you already acquired. Dedicating your time and effort answering the problems
provided in the module will give feedback of your progress towards the stated learning
outcomes, and your mastery of the material. Devoting enough thought to solving the
problems will develop in you, little by little, the basic skills in the analysis of direct current

III. Materials
The quizzes and examinations are available online in the Google Class materials. You
may consult all your reference materials and notes while solving the problem set. You will
also need clean sheets of short bond paper where you can write your complete solutions.

IV. Specific Guidelines

• Click on the link to the specific quiz/exam in our Google Classroom.
• Read all the instructions carefully before starting any of your solutions.
• Write your solutions on clean sheets of bond paper in your own handwriting.
• Organize your solutions in a logical order. Enclose all your final answers.
• Avoid erasures.
• For the online submission of your problem set, scan/take a photo of your solutions and
organize it in chronological order in a portable document format (pdf).
• Submit the pdf file of your solution by uploading it to our Google Classroom.

V. Evaluation Tool
Kindly refer to the Rubric for Evaluation found in the previous section.

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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

Contact Information of the Facilitator
EE 3111 Course Facilitator

Cellphone : +63925 3334424

Institutional email address :

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