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It is the first crisis in the reign of Macbeth.

Banquo now reveals his suspicions because more than anyone else Banquo has knowledge of what may lie behind Macbeths rise to power. Line 1-3 ,Thou, has it all now. King Cawdor, Glamis, and all. As the weird women promised and I fear /thou playds more foully . But rather than going public, Banquo just remains silent. He could have told Duncan of Macbeths meeting with the witches and their prophecy. However, Banquo decides to remain silent to see if the predictions come true for him. The relationship between Banquo and Macbeth has upto now been one of two equals. They were friends but on the night of the murder in Act II scene 1, Macbeth blurted out a strange request that if Banquo would side with him, it would bring him honour. However, later, Macbeth and his wife, both called Banquo to be their chief guest at a big state dinner. For his part, Banquo sounds like the loyal subject,line 15 Let your highness command upon me. This is the same kind of assurance of loyalty that both Macbeth and Banquo gave to King Duncan. Macbeth takes an inordinate interest in what Banquo is going to be doing that afternoon. With Macbeth willing to change his plans according to Banquos convenience. The fact that Banquo doesnt change his schedule suggests that he is putting on a slight attitude. He may feel that he has got special knowledge about Macbeth that gives him some impunity. Macbeth also asks Banquo line 35 Goes Fliance with you Remember, its important that Banquo and his son both die to head off the witches prophecy about Banquo founding a line of kings.. Though Macbeth expresses regret for having to kill Banquo, they are not enough to stop his continuing evil, nor the way he will manipulate the killers to carry out his plan. The opening speech on line 48 is revealing. Macbeth thought that killing Duncan was sufficient, but it proves to be wrong as the course for the rest of his life is laid out. A series of murders designed to protect what he was reluctant to achieve in the first place. His next target was Banquo for several reasons. Banquo has a nature which make him seem like a king and therefore to be feared. We recall that frequent motive of the ill fitting clothes, Macbeth feels uncomfortable as a king and sees Banquo as someone who would do a better job. In line 53 and 54, Macbeth feels that just his presence constraints him and makes him unsure. He compares hi sense of inferiority around Banquo to th Beginning line 60, he explains the significance of the witches prophecy. They halied him father to a line of kings/ upon my head they placed a fruitless crown.. no son of mine succeeded . Macbeth still believes that he will have an heir to carry on the family name. In fact, the idea of his having ceased the throne for a possible future lineage becomes even more important. Line 65, Banquos issue have I defiled my mindfour line..underline gracious Duncan have I murderedput hatred in the vessel of my peaceonly for them and my soul.. We see how how painful Macbeths sins have been for him. Macbeth must stop the witches prophecies from coming true rather than stopping himself, Macbeth descends into a further course of evil as he sees himself as the warrior who will fight to the very last to keep what he has achieved. Macbeth has already killed three people unlawfully and he meets with two murderers who would be assigned to kill Banquo. He offers royal favour in exchange for the murders with the indirect promise of more tangible rewards. In lines 86-91 he uses crude sarcasm to arouse their anger. He tells them he needs the murder done tonight

and that fliance must also die. The scene ends with a harsh rhyming couplet at lines 141 and 142 it is concluded Banquo, thy souls flight/ if it find heaven must find it out tonight.

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