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Alum: Vega Medina Yosmel Marchelo

Three things a job applicant should know before the interview:

Research the company: Before the interview, it is essential to research the company. Learn
about their mission, values, products or services, organizational culture, and any relevant
information. This will give you a deeper understanding of the organization and help you stand
out during the interview by demonstrating your interest and knowledge.
Answer Preparation: Take the time to prepare answers to common interview questions. Think
about your strengths, weaknesses, past accomplishments, challenges overcome, and how your
previous experience relates to the position for which you are applying. It is also helpful to
practice answering out loud or doing a mock interview with a friend or family member to build
Professional Dress and Appearance: Be sure to dress appropriately and professionally for the
interview. Dress should be appropriate to the work environment and reflect your interest in the
position. Also, pay attention to your personal hygiene, hairstyle, makeup (if applicable) and
avoid excessive use of accessories. A neat and professional appearance is important to making
a good first impression.

Determining aspects when hiring an employee:

Relevant Competencies and Skills: Employers look for candidates who have the necessary
competencies and skills to perform in the role. They will assess your work experience, technical
knowledge, specific skills, and your ability to adapt to the role and contribute to the success of
the company.
Attitude and motivation: In addition to technical skills, employers value the attitude and
motivation of the candidate. They look for people with a positive attitude, proactive, decisive
and who show enthusiasm for the job. Motivation and commitment are indicators that an
employee will work hard and be dedicated to fulfilling their responsibilities.
Cultural fit: Organizational culture is key to the success of an employee in a company.
Employers look for people who adapt and fit well with the values, work ethic and environment
of the organization. They will assess how the candidate aligns with the existing culture and
whether they can work effectively as a team.

How to make a good impression in a video job interview:

Technical preparation: Make sure you have a stable internet connection and test the
equipment (camera, microphone, speakers) before the interview. Choose a quiet, well-lit
location for the interview, where there are no visual distractions or external noises that could
interrupt communication.
Dress and Body Language: Dress professionally as you would for an in-person interview.
Appropriate appearance helps project a professional image. Also, maintain positive body
language, maintaining an upright posture, maintaining eye contact with the camera, and
avoiding nervous gestures or unnecessary distractions.

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