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Ghefira Firdaus Tsamara

Cikarang, Bekasi | +6285710355449 |

A Bachelor Degree of Resort and Leisure Management with passion for people, diversity and
self-development. Freshly Graduated from Indonesia University of Education in 2022 by
studying tourism and leisure activity, planning, and management. Pursuing career as Tourism
and Leisure Management such as accounting staff, tourism and leisure planner, and human
resources staff.

Bachelor of Resort and Leisure Management - GPA 3.72 out of 4.00 Faculty of Social Science
Education, Indonesia University of Education | 2018-2022
● Creating Tourism and leisure plan, compile plans for tourism and leisure activities,
itineraries and research matters related to tourism plan.
● Make paper research related to tourism such as whether a place suitable for tourism
purpose, what activities are suitable to be applied, and how to sell it to customers.
● Manage Hotel and Tourism management such as accounting (room rate and revenue),
sales and marketing, and human resources (how hotel management works).
● Creating event with research done, promote it to people and sponsors, made a
proposals, run the event, and doing final evaluation.

Cikarang Pusat 1 Senior High School | 2015-2018

● Part of Cerdas Istimewa Class with minimum IQ 130.
● Participate in PMR (Palang Merah Remaja) and Journalism extracurricular.

Angklung Podjok MRL, Indonesia Univercity of Education | 2018 - 2020.
● Participated in angklung performances several times as a guest on other departement event.

College Field Practice to Garut as Member of Consumption Division | March 2019 – April 2019
● Contribute doing research on restaurants and their menus to then develop that into a plan.
Resort Festive 2019 as Volunteer of Comsumption Division | Mei 2019 – June 2019
● Contribute helping the staff to pick up the food and distribute it.
College Field Practice to Yogyakarta as Head of Consumption Division | July 2019 – August 2019
● Doing research on restaurants and their menus to then develop that into a plan.
● Compile a budget plan for student and lecturer consumption.
● Reach each of the restaurant to make a reservation.
● Coordinate with staff members of the consumption division, with heads of other divisions,
lecturers, and all parties involved
TRAIMOR Departement’s Ospek 2019 as Volunteer of Logistics Division | September 2019 –
November 2019
● Prepare logistical needs for the event.
● Helping other division as the ospek committee for the continuity of the ospek event.
Online Event Committee “Lomba Online Tari Tunggal Jaipong MRL” as Vice Chairman | March
2019 – April 2019
● Plan the event starting from the theme and concept.
● Do some research for the event such as make an initial survey to find out people’s interests and
find a suitable sponsor.
● Develop a budget plan for the event,
● Contact several parties involved such as jury, sponsors, and all parties involved.
● Promote the evet to several schools and become a contact person for participant.
Community Service: Planning and Management of Tourism Activities in Cipada Tourism Villages |
June 2022 – September 2022
● Contribute doing research on Cipada Tourism Village to find a suitable activities for tourism
● Arrange the activities into a tour package with budget plan and itinerary.
● Assist the villagers to carry out the tourism activity plan.
● Trying out the tourism activities that have been planned for several students, including foreign

Batiqa Hotel Jababeka as Accounting Intern | June 2021.
● Updating the stock of the goods in the warehouse.
● Issuing goods for hotel needs with Store Requisition with FIFO rules (First In First Out).
● Receiving incoming goods and compiling notes based on the Purchase Order form.
● Calculate the stock of the goods for mothly audit.


Languages : - Bahasa Indonesia

(Oral: Very Good, Writing: Very Good)
- English
(Oral: Good, Writing: Good)
- Japanese
(Oral: Basic, Writing: Basic)
- Korean
(Oral: Basic, Writing: Basic)
Skills : 1. Computer Skills
- Microsoft Office Word (Very Good)
- Microsoft Office Excel (Good)
- Microsoft Office Power Point (Very Good)
2. Other
- Canva (Good)
- VHP (Good)
Personality : Time management, responsible, good communication skill, good
attitude, honest, willing to learn, adaptable, and be able to Work with
Team or Individually.

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