Receipt Notice Verifitication Mail Training

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When cheking receipt of notice on Airtable.

We must check we have received the USCIS Receipt Notice for the case.

Then we write on the notes:

Mail AT Review

Reviewed mail AT and confirmed we received USCIS Receipt Notice for Form _____

(depending on the form, for example. Form N-400, etc)”

The category we select is gonna be Administrative Services.

Then we go to the Documents tab and we must verify that the document has the correct name: For
example I751FilingReceipt

And then we’re gonna let the client know.


And click on New Message.

And we type something like:

Saludos cordiales, Sr. ____. Le escribimos para confirmar que hemos recibido el recibo de Inmigración
de su caso. Su caso está pendiente con Inmigración.

And then we add a new activity entry:

Follow Up Text to Client

I texted the client that we have received the USCIS Receipt Notice for FORM 400

And then I write on VA Notes on Airtable next to the case matter:

03/24/23 = Sent client a text via Clio confirming receipt of USCIS receipt notice.

Mail AT Review

Reviewed mail AT and confirmed we received USCIS Receipt Notice for Form _____

Saludos cordiales, Sr. ____. Le escribimos de La Liga Defensora para confirmar que hemos recibido el
recibo de Inmigración de su caso. Su caso está pendiente con Inmigración.

Follow Up Text to Client

I texted the client that we have received the USCIS Receipt Notice for Form ___

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