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I. Choose the correct form of the Verb.

1. Every summer Ethan and Hannah __________ their relatives in Bohol.
a. Visit b. visited c. will visit d. visiting
2. In April and May 2020, they _____________ to visit them because of the corona virus.
a. Fail b. failed c. will fail d. failing
3. Nowadays, Ethan always ___________ his time helping his father in the farm.
a. Spends b. spent c. will spend d. spending
4. The fear of corona virus __________ them stay at home in the last few months.
a. Makes b. made c. will make d. making
5. Since he is not used to working in the farm, he easily ______ tired every now and then.
a. Gets b. got c. will get d. getting
6. Father _____ vegetables in the yard since last summer.
a. Has planted b. had planted c. will have planted d. will had planted
7. He ______ most of his free time taking care of them for almost a year now.
a. Has spent b. had spent c. will have spent d. will had spent
8. The children _____ him water the vegetables before the sun rose.
a. Have helped b. had helped c. will have helped d. will had helped
9. They said that they ______ watching the plants grow.
a. Have enjoyed b. had enjoyed c. will have enjoyed d. will had enjoyed
10. Fortunately, father _____ all the fruits and vegetables when news about the typhoon came.
a. Has harvested b. had harvestedc. will have harvested d. will had harvested
11. I ______ to Boracay by next year.
a. Have been b. has been c. will have been d.will has been
12. She _____ my classmate before the party started.
a. Will have met b. will meet c. had met d. has meet
13. The bus _____ by the time I arrive of the station.
a. Has left b. shall have left c. had left d. has leave
14. They ______ the course by next semester.
a. Have completed b. will have completed c. had completed d.has complete
15. The teachers ________ the modules by the time the classes started.
a. Have made b. will have made c. had made d. has make
16. For three days, Ana and her friends ____ the fire victims in their community.
a. Have helped b. had helped c. will have helped d. has help
17. Since the first day, Anika ______ for help from her parents.
a. Has asked b. had asked c. will have asked d. has ask
18. The parents ____ their support to their children by the time they need it.
a. Have offered b. had offered c. will have offered d. has offer
19. They ______ their assistance to the needy for several days
a. Have given b. had given c. will have given d. has give
20. After a few days, they _____ a lot of grocery and food supply.
a. Have collected b. had collected c. shall have collected d. has collect

II. Pick out the Progressive verbs used in the following sentences.
21. I was planning to visit my grandparents in Butuan.
22. They will be celebrating their wedding anniversary.
23. I was talking to mom about my surprise gift for my grandparents when father came.
24. They are feeling excited to know what my grandparents’ reaction would be.
25. I was saving a lot for this since last year.

III. Complete the sentences by forming the correct progressive tense of the Verb in the parenthesis.
26. The visitors (enjoy) ____________ the food at the moment.
27. They (stay) ____________________ in our hometown for two weeks.
28. Cassandra and Eduardo (prepare) ________________ their cleaning materials before they proceeded to the school
garden this afternoon.
29. Next Saturday, I (join)__________ the online class.
30. They (have) ______________ a meeting this afternoon regarding our graduations.

IV. Identify whether the sentence given is in simple present, simple past or simple Future.

31. Everybody struggles to live a new normal life.

a. Simple Present b. Simple Past c. Simple Future
32. Life remains beautiful to live.
a. Simple Present b. Simple Past c. Simple Future
33. they started implementing the National Executive Orders in the middle of March 2020.
a. Simple Present b. Simple Past c. Simple Future
34. The group of benevolent people will distribute food packs in the remote barangays next week.
a. Simple Present b. Simple Past c. Simple Future
35. Jane spent her leisure time knitting for these past few weeks.
a. Simple Present b. Simple Past c. Simple Future
V. Use the correct coordinating conjunction inside the box.
And for or yet but nor so

36. Having her as our teacher _____ as second mother is a blessing.

37. Our teacher always scolds us ________ she loves us.
38. She is not biased _____ unfair.
39. She is our Science teacher _____ our class adviser, too.
40. We are afraid of her ______ we admire her.

VI. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adverb to form a meaningful sentence.
41. Greg and Glenda visit their grandparents in their province ( yesterday, every Friday)
42. They enjoy working with their grandparents ( in the farm, in the beach)
43. They help them to the house chores ( for weekends, sometimes)
44. Glenda helps her grandmother cook food (in the kitchen, in the garden)
45. Greg helps grandfather cultivate plant and vegetables ( in the kitchen, in the garden)
VII. Identify the Kind of Adverb in each sentence. Write Adverb of Degree, Adverb of Frequency, Adverb of
affirmation or Negation.

46. ______________ it is quite hot here in plaza during summer.

47. ______________ My friends and I usually go to the river for a swim to cool ourselves.
48. ______________ We always bring our pets with us when we go for a swim.
49. ______________ Summer in the Philippines undoubtedly the best.
50. ______________ There is nothing I could ever ask for when I’m in my hometown.

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