Teks Moderator TVD 4 Nov 2022

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Teks – TVD Group Discussion

Welcome to our TVD Group Discussion session this afternoon.

Please use aacthe virtual background and mute your audio.
As TVD Group Discussion is about to begin.
The Honourable,
Director of Valuation, Mr. Arik Hariyono,
Dear all Distinguished colleagues and honourable participants

Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh, good afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is......... . It’s a precious
chance for me to be your host/moderator on this very special occcasion “TVD Group Discussion Session about
Green Buildings: do they really have higher value than the conventional? “ today, 15th of July, 2022 through online
media meetings. First of All, let’s say Thanks to God, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, healthy, and mercy,
so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles.

Before we proceed to our group discussion, let’s take a silent moment and pray. Let the prayer begin. thank you.
We hope we are all granted with good health and we all pray that the pandemic which is currently hitting us in every
continent will disappear soon.

ladies and gentleman …

I will read out the agenda this afternoon.  Our  agenda  today  is as follows:
1.  The opening
2.  Speech from  ……..
3.  Sharing  which  will be led  by special speaker
4. Question and answer session
5. and cover

To mark the opening of our Group Discussion session today, we humbly ask ………to deliver the opening speech for this
session. For that, with all due respect, please welcome. Mr. …….
Thanks to Mr….. over his remarks, let us towards the core event.
Thank you MC…

Carrying on the next part, Without further a due, I will accompany you through the whole event, presentation, until
Question and Answer session afterwards.

Ladies and gentlemen, Our speaker today is Ms. Restya Rahmaniar, and we might call her Ms. Rere. Currently she is
Conservation Analyst at Directorate of Marine Conservation and Biodiversity, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries,
she earned his Master of Science − Environmental and Natural Resources Economics, University of Rhode Island, USA
and Bachelor of Marine Science − Marine Science and Technology, IPB University.

Before the presentation starts, let me tell you how the presentation will go. First, Ms rere will be invited to present the
material. After that, there will be a question and answer session followed by a conclusion. All of the participants may
ask directly with raised hand or write your question on chat column in this zoom meeting.

Now allow me to welcome the speaker to make his presentation.

Ms rere please welcome to explain the material.
-------------------------------------------------------------SETELAH PEMAPARAN--------------------------------------------------------------------

Thank you very much Ms Rere for giving such an informative and interesting presentation.
Ladies & gentlemen now we’re going to the next session, which is discussion or time for the question and answer
session. I would like to have 3 questions from the participants. Please don’t be shy or hesitate to ask. Okey, to
questioner please raise your hand and mention your name before giving opinion, question or answer. Any questions

Next turn!

-Maybe two questions is enough for us now

Ladies and gentlemen, I have ____ (Total Questions) questions here. The first one came from _______ (Questioner
Name 1), was asked about _____ (Question 1). The second from ______ (Questioner 2), was asked about _____
(Question 2). And the last one of ______ (Questioner Name 3) was asked about ______ (Question 3).

Ms rere, ready to answer?

Please time is yours, Ms rere.

(Jika Tidak ada pertanyaan, dan moderator ingin bertanya)

If there’s no one questioner, I’d like to ask about …..

Ladies and gentlemen, finally we come to the end of this group discussion. Before closing the discussion I want to draw
conclusions from what the speakers said. The conclusion of presentation to day is ……

I would like to thank the speakers for their informative and interesting presentation and all the participants for their
very active participation. Hopefully the presentation will give benefit for us. Finally, applaud the speaker and all of you.
Thank you.

I give it back to the MC.

-------------------------------------------------------------SETELAH DISKUSI---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The discussion session regarding Green Building has ended, isn’t the discussion fun ? I'm certain it is.

Dear Friends and colleagues, As the question and answer session comes to an end, it too marks the end of our group
discussion for today. It has surely been a delighted moment for us as we can enrich our knowledge related to green
building and valuation.

On behalf all the committee and all colleagues behind the screen, we would like to thank the the speaker, Mr wawan n
and the participation of all members who have been very enthusiastic through the whole event.

ladies and gentleman, this concludes the whole event for today, we do apologize if there is any mistake or something
that make uncomfortable during this session. We’re looking forward to see you in the future event. Stay safe, stay

I’m Cindy signing off, Wabilahitaufik walhidayah, wasalahmualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatu.

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