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NOTING that mental illnesses, psychological and related problems exist in our communities
unattended to such sufferers together with their families undergo marked distress.

HAVING REALISED THAT persons with mental and psychological problems face problems
peculiar to them.

WHEREAS there is mental health service provision at referral hospitals and at the national
referral hospital butabika, there seem to be few or even none service providers actively
advocating for the mental health In karamoja sub region. Advocacy, coordination and resource
mobilization for the mentally ill and their families at the districts still remains an issue.

REALISING THAT poverty, illiteracy, incapacitation and several socio-economic issues hinder
their efforts.

NOTING THAT there is no substantive and operational association for those suffering in
karamoja sub region.

CONVINCED THAT we can better address the minority of persons with psychiatric and
psychological symptoms through advocacy, enhancing access to services and providing services
with good coordination and joint effort as an organized group.

We the several members whose names are subscribed hereunder attached do constitute ourselves
into M.A.A.T.A fellowship karamoja.

NOW THEREFORE, we the same members hereunder attached do hereby adopt and bind
ourselves and posterity with this constitution.


1.1 The name of the organization shall be mental health advocacy, access, treatment and
awareness fellowship (MAATA-fellowship) hereinafter referred to as the organization.

1.2 The Offices of the organization shall be located in Kotido Abim, Moroto and Kaabong
Districts. (P.O box email addresses; yet to be acquired).

1.3 The Organization shall be non-profit making, non-partisan and non-religious


1.4 The organization shall be deemed to have come into force after registration at the District
by the Community Based Services Department.


To offer general mental health services, support mental health care services in the communities,
conduct mental health related research.


MAATA fellowship aims to be a leading mental health advocate and service provider
within Karamoja, giving holistic healthcare and respect to all who need or come for help
no matter their tribe, origin, political affiliation, marital status, gender or age. As we
attend to our community, we look to improve their quality of life, reduce the impact of
handicapping mental symptoms and serve them physically, mentally and spiritually


MAATA fellowship uses the following core values to drive the work:
• Selflessness. We serve our community selflessly .
• Compassion. We care for others and show them unconditional love through our work.

• Integrity and transparency. We are honest, trustworthy, transparent and accountable for
all that we do.

• Excellence. We pursue excellence in our work, ensuring that the expectations of the
patients and community are surpassed.
• Teamwork. All members of MAATA work as a team to ensure we provide high quality
care. We value our unity and look to share and encourage a sense of family within the

• Continuous learning. We are aware that we do not know everything, and are dedicated
to ensuring we keep up-to-date with our knowledge.


3.1.1 To improve knowledge of mental health and promoting resilience to mental illness within
the community
3.1.2 To improve surveillance on newly occurring mental disorders and provide basic
treatment and prompt referrals

3.1.3 To coordinate mental health activities the extension workers and other higher levels of

3.1.4 To increase collaboration plans with other organizations, bodies or individuals whether
national or international but having advocacy strategies for the similar cause as laid

3.1.5 To increase awareness about mental illness and to promote the rights of the mentally ill

3.1.6 To provide basic treatment and care and promote rehabilitative services to the mentally ill
within the community.


3.2.1 School health and advocacy

3.2.2 Outpatient services for adolescence and drug abuse counselling.

3.2.3 Proactive outreaches and sensitization exercises through peer support system, drama
groups, sports, education and entertainment.

3.2.4 Basic treatment and referrals.

3.2.5 Follow up of cases, home base care and rehabilitative services(psychosocial)

3.2.6 Capacity building


4.1 A person shall qualify for membership if;

a) He/she is a resident within karamoja and familiar with common issues within karamoja

b) He/she is an adult according to the laws of Uganda

c) He/she subscribes to the objectives of the organization.


5.1 Every member of the organization shall;

(a) Pay a membership fee that shall be determined from time to time by the General Assembly.

(b) Pay an annual subscription fee that shall be determined from time to time by the General

(c) Comply with the provisions of this constitution and resolutions of the Executive committee
and General Assembly.

(d) Promote, develop, implement and protect the interests of the organization.

(e) Meet all the obligations as shall be from time to time be determined by the organizations.

(f) Do such work as shall be assigned to him or her by the Executive Committee.


6.1 A person shall cease to be a member of the organization if he/she;

(a) Dies,

(b) Resigns,

(c) Is certified to be of unsound mind by a recognized medical practitioner.

(d) Is expelled from the organization provided that members shall not be expelled unless the
Executive committee has heard and given written warning.

7.1 The executive committee shall have powers to suspend any member from the
organization if such a member acts and/or conducts himself in a manner prejudicial to the
interests of the organization.

7.2 The duration of such suspension shall be at the discretion of the executive committee
provided it shall be reasonable in the circumstances.

7.3 The suspended member shall have the right to appeal to the General assembly within
three (3) weeks from the date of the decision of the executive committee.

7.4 The General Assembly shall have powers to reinstate, further suspend or expel such a

7.5 In case of a disagreement with the decision of the General Assembly, the aggrieved party
shall be at liberty to petition the District Community Based Department or the courts of
law for further management of the matter at hand.


8.1 The organs of the organization shall be;

(a) The General Assembly.

(b) The Executive Committee.

8.2 The General Assembly shall be the over all governing body of the organization.

8.3 There shall be a patron of the organization who shall be a person of high moral standing,
integrity and competent as the members of the organization shall determine.

8.4 The patron shall be ex-officio on the Executive Committee and General Assembly.



9.1 There shall be an executive committee of the organization comprising of the Following

(a) Chairperson

(b) Vice Chairperson

(c) Secretary

(d) Treasurer

(e) Publicity Secretary

(f) 2 Committee members

(g) Patron (Ex-Officio)

9.2 The Executive Committee shall have the following duties;

(a) Act for and on behalf of the organization in its day-to-day operation.

(b) Implement and execute decisions and policies passed by the General Assembly.

(c) Discuss and decide on all important matters affecting the organization and bear collective
responsibilities of all such matters discussed and agreed upon.

(d) Mobilize and manage organization funds and finances.

(e) Establish sub committees from it to carry out specific functions.

(f) Have powers to suspend any of their members pending approval or otherwise of the General
Assembly as provided for by article 7 and temporarily fill vacancies in the executive
committee pending elections during the General Assembly.

9.3 The Chairperson shall;

(a) Be the overall administrative head of the organization.

(b) Call and preside over all executive committee meetings and the General Assembly.

(c) Summon all emergency meetings of the organization whenever deemed fit.

(d) Coordinate all the activities of the executive committee.

(e) Be the principal signatory to the organization bank account.

9.4 The Vice Chairperson shall;

(a) Perform the chairperson’s duties in his absence apart from withdrawing money on the bank

(b) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the executive committee or General
9.5 The Treasurer shall;

(a) Present audited accounts and financial reports at annual general assembly meetings.

(b) Be responsible for the finances of the organization.

(c) Perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the executive committee or General

(d) Keep proper books of accounts preserve the books and make them available for inspection by
those authorized to do so.

(e) Receive and disburse money belonging to MAATA and shall obtain receipts for all money
paid out by him.

(f) Collect all subscription fees, membership contributions to the capital fund and all other
money to which MAATA is entitled.

(g) Deposit cash and cheques of MAATA to the bank agreed upon by the General Assembly.

(h) Be a mandatory signatory to all financial documents of the organization.

9.6 The secretary shall;

(a) Keep up-to-date register of all member of MAATA Give notice of meeting.

(b) Take and keep records of all meetings.

(c) Perform other duties as maybe assigned by the Executive Committee or General Assembly.

(d) Signatory to the organization bank account.

9.7 The Publicity secretary shall

(a) Sensitize and market the organization.

(b) Pass information to concerned members of the organization as per the scheduled meetings.

(c) Play the role of publicity and public relations.

9.8 The two committee members

(a) Execute any duty that may be assigned to them by the Executive Committee or General


10.1 All Offices bearers may hold such for a period not exceeding two consecutive terms.

10.2 Subject to the provisions of this Constitution a term limit shall be equal to two years.

10.3 Unless as the context may otherwise require, elections of the offices bearers shall be held
during the General Assembly.

10.4 Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the method of voting during Executive and
General meetings shall be by secret ballot.

10.5 The Executive committee shall have powers to nominate three competent persons to an
extraordinary general meeting among whom the presiding officer for the general elections
shall be selected one month before the elections provided that no such person shall have
connections with or be part of the organization.

10.6 Handling and taking over of offices shall be done within five working days from the date
of elections.


11.1 There shall be executive committee meetings following the procedures below;

(a) The executives committee shall meet monthly to conduct business at such times and places
the chairperson shall choose.

(b) The quorum at the Executive Committee meeting shall be two thirds of the members.

(c) The committee may invite any persons of specialized training and knowledge to its meetings
for purposes of advising the committee provided that such persons shall not have powers to

(d) Subject to the provisions of this constitution, the Executive Committee may regulate these

11.2 There shall be general meetings organized in the following manner;

(a) The organization shall convene an annual general meeting to be known as the general
assembly and this shall be specified in the notice calling the same.

(b) At the general meeting, the general assembly shall be presided over by the chairperson of the
Executive Committee.
(c) The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall circulate the notice of the meeting and the
agenda one month before the meeting.

(d) Determination of any issue at the general assembly shall be by a simple majority vote of the
registered members present in person and no proxies shall be allowed. The chairperson shall
have a casting vote at the general assembly in the event of a tie.

(e) The quorum at any general assembly shall be one half of the total full numbers.

(f) The general meetings or general assembly shall take place at such places and time and dates
as the Executive Committee may appoint, provided that where the Executive Committee fails
to do summons the meeting by fourteen calendar months without reasonable cause, any
registered member may cause call of the general assembly by petitioning the Secretary and
serving copies to all Executive members.

(g) Subject to the provisions of this constitution, the general assembly may regulate its


12.1 The general assembly shall have the following;

(a) Receiving and approving reports from the chairperson of the Executive committee on the
activities of the organization for the previous year.

(b) Receiving annual reports on projects.

(c) Receiving and approving audited financial reports from the treasurer.

(d) Deliberating any issue, which may be raised by the members

12.2 Attendance at the general assembly;

The annual general assembly shall be attended by;

(a) Members of the executive committee.

(b) All registered members of the organization.

(c) Any persons or organizations that may be sharing aspirations with the organization and are
sympathetic to the aims and objectives of the organization at invitation of the Executive
Committee provided that this category shall not have powers to vote.

12.3 Extraordinary General Assembly

An extraordinary meeting of the general assembly to conduct urgent business may be convened

(a) The chairperson of the Executive Committee.

(b) The quorum at the extraordinary general assembly shall be one third of the registered
members of the organization.

(c) Subject to the provisions of this constitution, the extraordinary general assembly may
regulate its own procedures


The funding sources of the organization shall include but not limited to the following;

(a) Money contributed by members.

(b) Money accruing from fundraising activities.

(c) Donations from donors and beneficiaries.

(d) Loans.

(e) Government and its line ministries.

(f) Profits from output sales.

(g) Any other lawful source.


14.1. Bank account(s) of the organization shall be opened with any bank agreed upon by the
General Assembly. The same members may further decide on such other financial
institutions deemed fit.

14.2. Except as may otherwise be authorized by the General Assembly, the following Executive
Committee members shall each, be signatories to the organizations bank account(s) at any
material withdrawal.

(a) The Chairpersons.

(b) The Secretary

(c) The Treasurer.

14.3. In the event of an intention to withdraw money exceeding Uganda Shillings 500,000 or its
equivalent, 2/3 of the Executive Committee shall have to first approve such.

14.4. Unless as may otherwise be authorized by the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall not
keep in either his official or personal custody any organization money received or not spent
for a period exceeding five working days.


15.1 There shall be a seal for the organization the design of which shall be approved by the
Executive Committee.

15.2 The seal shall be kept by the Secretary of the organization and shall be used by the
Executive Committee to authenticate the official documents of the organization or documents
to which the organization is party by its duly authorized officer(s).


16.1 A member wishing to propose any amendment to this constitution shall give notice of
such proposal by sending it to the secretary of the Executive committee at least two months
before the meeting of the General Assembly.

16.2 On receipt of such proposal, the secretary shall circulate copies of the same to all

16.3 An amendment shall be affected by a majority vote of two thirds of the members present
but entitled to vote


17.1 In the event of an admission that the objectives of the organization have failed to be
attained by two thirds of the registered members, any member may upon such a basis move a
motion of dissolution during the General Assembly.

17.2 Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the matter of dissolution shall only be
affected if the motion is duly debated and carried by three quarters of the registered members
provided that the proposal to move such a motion shall have been included on the agenda.

17.3 In the event of dissolution and after settlement of the liabilities of the organization, the
General Assembly shall appoint a caretaker committee to dispose off the assets of the
organization in a manner to be determined by the General Assemb

18.1. Any disputing arising out of the interpretation of this constitution that may fail to be
settled by the Executive Committee or the assembly shall be referred to a group of five
competent and eminent persons to be appointed by the General Assembly.

18.2. In this constitution unless the context otherwise requires, any references to the male sex
includes the female sex.

We the members of MAATA do hereby adopt this Constitution and agree to be bound by the
terms contained here in above by countersigning on our respective names and titles.

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