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Review Article

Oxygen Delivery Devices in Covid‑19 Patients: Review and

Avishek Roy, Abhishek Singh, Puneet Khanna
Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has become a matter of concern all over the world. This virus
caused acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) in almost 67% of patients, with 71% of total patients requiring mechanical ventilation.
Oxygen therapy is prudent for patients suffering fromSARS-CoV-2 at different stages of the disease. The choice of different oxygen delivery
devices depends on the patient’s status and its availability. In this review we will discuss the pros and cons of several oxygen delivery devices,
as well as the safety precautions and personal protective equipments.

Keywords: Coronavirus pandemic, oxygen delivery devices, prevention of transmission

Introduction and upper airway during coughing, sneezing, and during

aerosol‑generating procedures  (AGPs), such as intubation,
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‑2
bronchoscopy, bag‑mask ventilation, and tracheotomy. [5]
(SARS‑CoV‑2) pandemic has become a matter of concern
Although the choice of different oxygen delivery devices
for general public and health‑care professionals. As per the
depends on the patient’s status and availability, their use has
WHO, until March 24, 2020, among 2,549,632 confirmed
to be weighed against their aerosol‑generating potential.
cases, this virus has led to the death of 175,825  patients.
Among 72,314 confirmed SARS‑CoV‑2 patients in China, 81% Here, we will discuss the pros and cons of different oxygen
had mild symptoms, nearly 14% develop severe symptoms delivery devices. All of the above procedures require safety
such as dyspnea and hypoxia, 5% became critically ill, and precautions, such as personal‑protective equipment (PPE) for
1%–3% required intubation. [1] Among critically ill patients, HCWs, negative pressure isolation rooms, proper donning,
this virus caused acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and doffing areas.[6]
in almost 67% of patients, with 71% of total patients requiring
mechanical ventilation with a 28‑day mortality of 61.5%.[2] Low Flow and Low‑Performance Devices
Overall case fatality rate ranges between 2.3 and 7.2% among
various countries.[1] Nasal cannula and nasal catheters and Blow over devices
The nasal cannula and catheters provide low to a moderate
Oxygen therapy is prudent for patients suffering from
SARS‑CoV‑2 at different stages of the disease. Oxygen
delivered through different devices creates different amounts
of aerosols and pose the threat of nosocomial infection to Address for correspondence: Dr. Abhishek Singh,
health‑care workers (HCW) and other patients. Although the AB8, Eight Floor, Main Building, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi ‑ 110 029
exact definitions of droplets and aerosols are blurry, droplets India.
can be considered to be larger, causing a direct person‑to‑person E‑mail:
spread within close proximity, whereas aerosols are smaller
Submitted: 26‑Apr‑2020 Revised: 14-Apr-2020
suspended infective particles causing airborne spread.[3,4] Accepted: 25-May-2020 Published: 13-Jul-2020
Larger aerosols of size ≥10 µm are generated from the larynx
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DOI: How to cite this article: Roy A, Singh A, Khanna P. Oxygen delivery
10.4103/BJOA.BJOA_62_20 devices in Covid-19 patients: Review and recommendation. Bali J
Anaesthesiol 2020;4:S3-7.

© 2020 Bali Journal of Anesthesiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow S3

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Roy, et al.: Various methods and devices for oxygen therapy in Covid‑19 patients

fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 0.240.4 at oxygen flows High Flow Devices, Reservoirs, and Noninvasive
of 1–6 L/min, as higher flows are associated with nasal crusting
and irritation. The nasal cannula has the advantage that it can Ventilation
be used with a face mask/N95 mask. Blow over devices are Partial rebreathing mask, nonrebreathing mask, and
made with the help of masks or paper drinking cups and are venturi mask
used for infants and small children. They provide FiO2 < 0.3 All require higher flows of at least 10 L/min. Partial rebreathing
at flows of at least 10 L/min. mask having a reservoir bag leads to some air entrainment
Aerosol generation and can deliver FiO 2 of 0.4–0.7 at 10–15  L/min flows.
All these devices produce aerosols. The nasal cannula can Nonrebreathing masks (NRMs) have an additional one‑way
cause the aerosol spread of up to 0.42 m laterally and up to valve that prevents room air entrainment and rebreathing of
1 m toward the end of the bed. While in quiet patients, flows of exhaled gases. It can deliver FiO2 above 0.8, provided there
1 L/min cause aerosol spread up to 0.3 m, the distance increases is a good mask fit, and airflow is more than three times of
to 0.42 m in patients with respiratory distress requiring higher minute ventilation. Venturi masks  (VM) blend oxygen and
flows of 5 L/min.[7] An aerosol spread can further increase to room air depending on the desired FiO2 but require moderate
0.8 m with coughing and sneezing.[8,6] to high flows.

Recommendation Aerosol generation

In mild‑to‑moderate symptomatic patients, nasal cannula and With a tight‑fitting mask, the aerosol spread is only about 0.1 m
blow over oxygen can be used at flows of 4–6 L/min, with the for NRMs. VMs generate aerosol up to 0.4 m at desired FiO2
patient’s face covered with N95 or equivalent face mask along of 0.24 and up to 0.33 m at desired FiO2 of 0.4.[7] Exhalation
with other precautions applicable for AGPs. filters can be used to curtail the spread of aerosols in above
Simple face mask and nebulizers
Simple Hudson facemask delivers FiO2 of 0.35–0.5 at flows Recommendation
of 5–8 L/min and is used for the moderate duration of oxygen Rebreathing masks can be used to provide moderate‑to‑high
therapy, for example, postanesthesia, after extubation in the FiO2 for moderate duration, e.g., before intubation
intensive care unit. Nebulizers function and form droplets of and postextubation. NRMs are the preferred mode for
different sizes to deliver the drugs. Depending on different preoxygenation before intubation. VMs can be used to provide
manufacturers, nebulizers generate the droplets of varying lower and fixed FiO2. Nasal cannula combined with NRM can
sizes. be used to provide higher FiO2.[14]

Aerosol generation High‑flow nasal cannula and OxyMask

In normal quiet‑breathing patients requiring 4  L/min of High‑flow nasal cannula  (HFNC) provides heated
oxygen flows, a simple face mask may lead to the aerosol humidified oxygen at flows from 10  L/min up to
spread of up to 0.2 m.[9] However, in sick patients requiring 50  L/min. At high flows, it provides positive pressure.
flows ≥10 L/min, the maximal aerosol spread can occur beyond It has been used in the conditions such as respiratory
0.4 m.[10,11] Simple face mask application can be difficult for distress, preoxygenation, and apneic diffusion of oxygen
disoriented patients and with N95 respirators. With the advent in airway procedures, in both adult and pediatric age
of this pandemic, nebulizers have to be used with caution.[12,13] groups. [15] A combination of HFNC and noninvasive
In human’s lung simulation study, jet nebulization caused ventilation (NIV) mask has shown to reduce re‑intubation
aerosol spread up to 0.45 m in normal healthy lungs, while in rates at day 7 postextubation in critically ill patients, as
severely injured lungs, aerosol spread occurred beyond 0.8 m.[7] compared to high‑flow nasal oxygen alone.[16] Using HFNC
Patients who require nebulizers mostly have asthma, or chronic interchangeably with NIV can also reduce the patient’s
obstructive pulmonary disease  (COPD) as the underlying discomfort as compared to using NIV alone.[17] Although
disease, and therefore, more likely to cough, which, combined widely used in patients suffering from SARS‑CoV‑2
with high flows of jet nebulizer produces a huge number of pneumonia, around 41% of patients with PaO2/FiO2 (P/F)
aerosols. Although debatable, nebulization with normal saline ratio  ≤200  mmHg had failure with HFNC therapy and
may act to heat the air‑fluid interface of the airway and increase required either NIV or intubation.[18] OxyMask is a specially
droplet size thus decreasing the distance covered.[4] designed mask used to provide higher FiO2, although initial
studies showed its superior efficacy as compared to HFNC,
Recommendation this notion has been questioned, as flows above 20 L/min
Only in co‑operative patients with mild‑to‑moderate respiratory haven’t shown to increase FiO2.[14]
distress, facemask can be used. Open nebulizers should be
avoided; rather a metered‑dose inhaler with spacer device or Aerosol generation
manual in‑line nebulization should be used. Nebulization with By increasing the flows from 10 L/min to 60 L/min, HFNC
normal saline may be used to increase droplet size and thus has shown to increase aerosol spread from 65 to 172 mm in the
prevent distant spread of droplets. sagittal plane. It can also cause air leakage around the mask up

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Roy, et al.: Various methods and devices for oxygen therapy in Covid‑19 patients

to 620 mm.[19] Some recommend avoiding the use of HFNC.[20] Bag‑Mask Ventilation, Supraglottic Devices, and
Aerosol dispersion can be lessened using a surgical mask and
asking patients to breathe through nose with mouth closed.[17] Intubation
In a human patient‑simulator model, use of a surgical mask Bag‑mask ventilation  (BMV) is done before intubation,
during normal cough reduced aerosol spread from 68 cm to especially in apneic patients. The use of supraglottic devices
30 cm, and further reduction of diffusion distance was noted is still being advocated in difficult airway scenarios.[20,24]
with the use of N95 mask.[8] Although there are no specific guidelines for intubation
in SARS‑CoV‑2  patients, keeping a low threshold for
Recommendation intubation is advised. Intubation is generally advised in
HFNC can be used to provide oxygen, preferably in patients the following scenarios: rapid progression over hours, lack
with acute respiratory failure with P/F ratio ≥200 mm Hg. It of improvement with noninvasive methods, hypercapnia,
should be ensured that the nasal reservoir used with HFNC is hemodynamic instability or multiorgan dysfunction, and
snugly fit, and the patients are instructed to wear surgical/N95 altered neutrophil‑lymphocyte ratio.[25] As much as 1%–3% of
masks and breathe nasally. OxyMask should be used at total infected cases and 15% of total patients requiring some
flows ≤20 L/min. form of oxygen therapy were intubated.[1,18]
Noninvasive ventilation Aerosol generation
Both Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and Bilevel Bag and mask ventilation, as well as intubation, leads to the
positive airway pressure (BiPAP) have been used for the acute generation of significant amounts of aerosols. Intubation
exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) and acute congestive heart has the highest hazard ratio for aerosol spread to HCWs.
failure (ACHF). Patients with a P/F ratio of 100–200 mm Hg Other intubation‑associated procedures such as placement
and sequential organ failure assessment score ≤2 should be of nasogastric tube have a lesser chance of aerosol spread.[5]
treated with BiPAP therapy with some modifications. Those Supraglottic devices should be preferred to BMV to provide
patients in whom HFNC therapy failed, NIV caused an positive pressure ventilation as they generate lesser aerosols as
increase in P/F ratio and a decrease in respiratory rate; thus, compared to BMV.[20] Experienced personnel is less likely to
alleviating intubation.[18] However, in severely symptomatic spread aerosols during the airway management. Other modalities
patients with viral pneumonia, its use is limited as it may only such as providing continuous suction rather than intermittent
delay intubation and lead to mortality.[2] Furthermore, the lack suction, administration of sedatives or paralytic agents to reduce
of properly fitting masks and accessories preclude the use of cough in patients, have shown to reduce aerosol spread.[26]
NIV in many settings.[21]
Aerosol generation For lessening aerosol spread during intubation and mechanical
CPAP of 5–10 cm H2O may lead to aerosol generation up to ventilation, methods such as head‑up position, rapid sequence
332 mm depending on different manufacturers.[19] NIV generates induction, use nonrebreathing masks for preoxygenation, use
aerosols of more than 10 µm diameter, especially in patients of supraglottic devices instead of BMV for positive pressure
with symptoms.[13] With increasing inspiratory pressures, BiPAP ventilation, minimizing ventilator disconnections, use of
leads to significant aerosol generation. At constant expiratory in‑line suction and nebulization, ensuring proper cuff seal,
pressures of 4 cm H2O, increasing inspiratory pressures from using two HEPA/heat moist exchanger filters, for example, one
10 cm to 18 cm H2O increases aerosol spread from 0.65 m to between Y‑piece and patient end and another at the expiratory
0.85 m. Whisper swivel adapter, a one‑way valve to prevent port, decreasing number of machine checks and change of
rebreathing, further increases aerosol spread beyond 1 m.[13] In suction tubing, should be advocated. During extubation,
comparison to oral/nasal masks, the use of a helmet for NIV applying lignocaine jelly over the cuff of an endotracheal tube
can curtail the aerosol spread.[22] Adequate precautions should or covering a wet‑gauge piece over the patient’s mouth might
be taken before applying NIV.[23] decrease aerosol spread. Extubation should only be done only
when the viral load has decreased, and the risk of aerosol spread
Recommendation is minimized. Flush of any kind should be avoided.
NIV can be used in the conditions such as cooperative patients
In the absence of NIV with closed circuit and NRMs, gentle bag
with AECOPD or ACHF due to COVID infection, taking all
and mask ventilation with low‑tidal volume, using both thenar
precautions related to the airborne spread. Inspiratory pressures
prominence to create a good seal and using two filters, can
should be kept at a minimum level, preferably ≤10 cm H2O. Air
significantly reduce aerosol spread as well as recontamination.
leak should be minimized by the use of snuggle‑fitting masks
or helmet. Whisper swivel adapter and vented masks should
be avoided. Breathing circuits should be used with exhalation Conclusion
port high‑efficiency particulate (HEPA) filters. In addition to Oxygen therapy is a major pillar in treating patients suffering
the above devices, chest physiotherapy and compression can from SARS‑CoV‑2 infection. The use of individual oxygen
lead to droplet generation of size ≥10 µm, and thus, should delivery methods should be tailored to individual patient needs,
be avoided in the absence of adequate health precautions.[7] their availability. Table  1 shows the maximum exhaled air

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Roy, et al.: Various methods and devices for oxygen therapy in Covid‑19 patients

Table 1: Different oxygen delivery devices and aerosol generation

Classification Individual devices FiO2 Aerosol spread by distance Use
Low flow Nasal cannula 0.24‑0.4 ++ (increases with cough and sneeze) At flows 4‑6 l/m, with facemask
devices Blow over <0.3 ++, + Flows higher ≥10 l/m, low performance device only
used for children
Simple Hudson <0.35‑0.5 ++ Additional (, ++) Significant leak around the mask; proper fitting
facemask±nebulizer +++++ (nebulizer) important; open nebulization avoided
High flow PRM and NRM 0.35‑>0.8 ++ (PRM) NRM should be used wherever possible especially
devices and + (NRM) preoxygenation
reservoirs HFNC >0.8 +++ Proper fitting important; to be used with surgical mask
OxyMask 0.4‑0.8 +++ Higher flows beyond 20 l/min avoided
NIV >0.8 +++ Should be avoided wherever possible/used with lower
+++++ (swivel adapter/higher inspiratory pressures; with exhalation valve
inspiratory pressure)
Mechanical BMV Up to 1.0 +++++ Avoided/used with lower‑tidal volume, good mask
ventilation seal, and two filters
Int intubation Any FiO2 +++++ (during intubation) Avoid circuit disconnection, open suctioning; ensure
+‑‑ (during ventilation) proper cuff seal, use close suctioning
+ indicates aerosol dispersion properties. The increase in + denotes more severe dispersion. +- indicates negligible or no aerosol dispersion. FiO2: Fraction
of inspired oxygen, PRM: Partial rebreathing mask, NRM: Nonrebreathing mask, NIV: Noninvasive ventilation, BMV: Bag‑mask ventilation, HFNC:
High‑flow nasal cannula

Financial support and sponsorship

Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.

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