Annex 3 NPU Student Selection Report

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Report on Split Ph.

D Students’ Selection in NPU

In order to implement the selection of Split Ph.D student successfully, NPU has promoted the
activity widely. This was undertaken via project website, by giving presentation to attract more
potential candidates to apply NPU publicized the contents of the project, handing out information
about the program and the research areas in European partner’s institutions to the potential split
Ph.D student candidates, etc. to all Ph.D students in the School of Mechatronic Engineering and
the School of Materials Science. Many students show interests in the program and made inquire
about the project.

In total eleven students have been chosen to be considered as the potential candidates from the
split PhD training. The selection is based on the criteria listed in the project contract and
followed the procedure specified in the project. In addition, the filed of student study, practical
skills through the knowledge of their supervisors, research background and English language
were taken into account. Among them, eight students are from mechanical engineering area.
They are Yang GAO, Zhiqiang CAI, Ruiting TONG, Quanren ZENG, Gang Zhang, Yang Ma,
GangGang Niu and Xiaoyi YU. Two of them are from material science background. They are
Fang Zhang and Fei He. One student, Jiaqi Duan is from electronic and information area. The
total number is more than the original number of six candidates for three split PhD training
allocated to NPU, but due to an increase in the available numbers from the project, hence more
candidates were selected.

Students’CV and their research proposals are attached in the appendix of this document.

Detailed information of these students then was sent to European partner for their consideration.
After several rounds of discussions and corresponding with European partner regarding the
student current research areas and their future research areas, four students have been chosen to
study in European partner’s institutions.

Mr. Gang Zhang was selected to study at the University of Strathclyde. He has been accepted by
the department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management of SU and started his
studying in SU from November, 2007.
His research area covers: embedded software system and operation system; modeling distributed
systems and software project management.

Mr. Quanren Zeng was selected to study at the University of Strathclyde as well. He is accepted
by SU and started his study in SU from Jan, 2008.
His research area covers: contact mechanics; finite element method; computer aided design and
simulation and optimization of dynamics for gear system.

Mr. Jiaqi Duan was selected to study in University of Strathclyde. He has been accepted by SU
and will start his study in Feb. 2008.
His research area covers: Embedded System Design; Signal & System for mechatronic system
design and simulation.

Mr. Ganggang Niu was selected to study in Troyes University of Technology. He will start his
study in UTT in Feb, 2008.
His research area covers: modeling and optimizing of discrete manufacturing management flow;
intelligent optimizing technique for Job-shop scheduling and Manufacturing Execution System
(MES) on complex production.
Research Proposal
(draft, detailed will send later)


Supervisor: Dr. Xiu-Tian YAN ( Strathclyde Unniversity)
Prof. Haicheng YANG( Northwestern Polytechnic University,
Chief Enginner of China Aerospace Sci. and Tech. Corp.)

1. Why product design enginnring important? And Why multi-criteria


2. Objective
 To produce a new visualization technique of the design optimization space,
efficiency improvement of the constraint solver.
 To derive constraint expressions from complex design requirements and
develop decision making support system using the derived solutions.
 To develop a generic framework solution to solve many complex design
 consider the challenge of modelling other aspects of a product in the global
option of a product design. These could include life-cycle considerations,
customer’s requirements, etc.
The above will require a clear understanding of the design objectives and ultimate
objective function you will be considering. It is therefore important to have an
objective understanding of a design problem and the optimization technique you
develop will assist designers to make informed and optimized solution based on
their chosen criteria.

3. Research Mothods:
Using System Enginnring principle, such as System Modeling and simulation,
Multi Domain Optimization,etc, to establish a design qulility model, mainly focus
on product functionality, performance against reliablity and safety. Those
characters of a designed product will be measured using a unified measurements ,
in product design cost in life cycle aspect.

4. Reseacher’s background:
using modeling and simulation methods to optimization space data system,
develop a modeling and simulation tool to fasten the procedure,
software enginnering method research and CASE(Computer Aided Software
Enginnering) tool
Design Inspection in aerospace software project,
Deep understanding of aerospace product safety and reliblity.

5. Reseach Plan:
1) Reaearch Information collection: 1.5 months
2) optimization space design:3 months
3) constraint expression in the decision support system(dss):4 months
4) check the above rule in a project : 2 months
5) conclusion and thesis representation: 1.5 months

 To analyze the dynamic and complex factors of actual scheduling problem in a systemic

method; to present the expression and measurement of the factors; to select the

representative factors for a general scheduling model.

 To propose nonlinear scheduling models with stochastic variables and (or) fuzzy variables.

 To apply intelligent searching algorithms, such as immune algorithm (IA), genetic

algorithm (GA), evolutional algorithm, etc, to solving dynamic complex scheduling

problems in practice.

 To analyze scheduling stability so as to get a solution not only result in optimal objective

values but also has good performance in constraints satisfaction. More over, by watching

variables (parameters) in constraints with less constraints satisfaction, disadvantages can

be eliminated in advance.

 To study how to make scheduling flexible, in addition to generate flexible solutions, more

attentions should be paid to production process controlling.

 Validate the efficiency of the models and algorithms via representative problems or

Research Proposal
Prepared by Duan Jiaqi

I. Proposed Research Topic

The research of system simulation and its application.

II. Introduction
The simulation course not only provides students with the knowledge required to
effectively use simulation in the design and analysis process but also, through the use
of projects, gives students needed experience in proposal preparation and in research
management. A number of MATLAB-based examples, demonstrations and analysis
programs are being developed as a part of this effort.

Simulation is a way of imitating, and possibly predicting the behavior of a real world
system over time. Simulation is often used in modeling manufacturing systems, air
traffic control, telecommunication networks, and VLSI circuits. There are many
different types of simulation, discrete event simulation is one of the primary methods
for modeling a system as it evolves over time.

Over the past twenty years there has been considerable research and development of
simulation algorithms that execute efficiently in parallel. There are some distributed
simulation algorithms which can be executed over a heterogeneous network of
workstations, but most (parallel) algorithms have been developed for special
multiprocessor machines. Shared memory parallel computers are very expensive, a
4-processor shared memory multiprocessor may cost ten to twenty times as much as a
single processor desktop and will never result in more than a 4 times speedup over
sequential execution. In general, it is not possible to achieve more than an n-fold
speedup on n-processors. Often speedup is logarithmic in the number of processors
due to the increasing cost of communication between processors.
Simulation is a tool that can be used to help make decisions. For example, a scientist
might use simulation to decide whether a particular modification to the TCP protocol
will improve network throughput. This will require running multiple simulation
experiments since both protocols must be tested and compared under varied network

So we must to find appropriate simulation algorithm and structure to imitate the real
world system and to show the process of system to the students directly.

III. Literature Review

Discrete Event Simulation

There are two books [1, 2] which have provided my primary background reading in
discrete event simulation. These were followed by a third book specific to the
implementation of parallel and distributed simulation systems [3]. In general, it is
desirable for simulations to execute as fast as possible, however; there may be some
situations, e.g. emulation [4], in which executing just fast enough to keep up with
real-time is adequate. My research focuses primarily on as fast as possible simulation.

Central Event List Algorithm

The central event list (CEL) algorithm is probably the most common sequential
synchronization algorithm. This algorithm maintains causal relationships by using a
single (global) priority queue to order the execution of all events. The smallest
timestamped event is removed from the central event list, simulation time is updated
to the timestamp of that event, and then the event is executed. Processing of an event
with timestamp t can only result in scheduling of new events with timestamps greater
than or equal to t. This guarantees that no causal relationships will be violated.

Parallel Discrete Event Simulation

The main challenge in writing a parallel simulation kernel is guaranteeing casual
correctness. Fujimoto [5] describes the local causality constraint (LCC) as follows.
A discrete-event simulation, consisting of logical processes (LPs) that interact
exclusively by exchanging timestamped messages obeys the local causality
constraint if and only if each LP processes events in non-decreasing timestamp
The above condition is sufficient but not necessary to guarantee that no causality
errors occur. If two events are independent then it is not necessary to execute these
events in time stamp order. In a parallel simulation a synchronization mechanism is
required to ensure causal correctness for concurrently executed events. Reynolds [6]
introduced the terms risk and aggression to help classify the different synchronization
algorithms. Aggression is a property of synchronization algorithms which execute
events before causal ordering is guaranteed. Risk is a property of synchronization
algorithms which dispatch events before the causal order of the generating event is
guaranteed. Without aggression, there can be no risk.

Conservative Synchronization
Conservative synchronization algorithms strictly avoid causality errors by adhering to
the local causality constraint. The optimistic algorithms exhibit aggression and risk to
varying degrees, this requires that they detect and recover from any causality errors
that might occur. There are two main classes of conservative synchronization,
asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous algorithms must address the issue of
deadlock; synchronous algorithms avoid it by repeatedly starting and stopping the

Deadlock Avoidance (Asynchronous)

Chandy, Misra [7], and independently Bryant [8] developed some of the first
conservative synchronization algorithms. These algorithms assume a static
specification of channels (the logical connections between communicating LPs). They
also assume that events are sent down a channel in non-decreasing timestamp order
(this allows an LP to determine a lower bound on the timestamp of the next event to
arrive on that channel). The channel clock is defined to be the timestamp of the first
event in the queue, or the timestamp of the last processed event if the channel is

Deadlock Detection & Recovery (Asynchronous)

Chandy and Misra presented an algorithm based on detection and recovery in [9],
again there was a lot of emphasis on the correctness of this algorithm and an
interesting property that the memory requirement was bounded and would be no
greater than for the corresponding sequential simulation.

Fujimoto [3] presents a version of the Dijkstra/Scholton algorithm for deadlock

detection. This algorithm assumes that there is a “controller LP” capable of
recognizing a deadlock situation. Given that all LPs are blocked (ie. no new events are
being generated) it is always safe to process the event in the system with the smallest
timestamp. The controller LP broadcasts a message asking each LP to report their
minimum timestamped event. Once the controller has this information it determines
the events which are safe to process, and instructs the corresponding LPs to begin

A synchronous simulation protocol cycles through two phases of execution. During
the global synchronization phase, each LP is able to determine which events are safe
to process. This is accomplished via a barrier synchronization operation, which
basically waits for all LPs to stop executing. During the event processing phase each
LP executes all of its “safe" events.

It might seem strange to keep starting and stopping the LPs, but this has an advantage
over certain asynchronous protocols. For example, a deadlock recovery/detection
algorithm (such as the one presented in the previous section) can degenerate into a
sequential computation if it takes a long time for the deadlock to finally occur. It is
possible that most of the simulation is deadlocked while a small portion continues to
make progress. A situation like this can drastically degrade simulator performance 1 .
On the other hand, a synchronous simulation protocol has more control over the
amount of computation performed during each cycle of execution.

A barrier is a construct for parallel programming that can be used to synchronize the
execution of multiple processes. Three different types of barriers are presented in [3]:
centralized barriers, tree barriers, and butter barriers. Centralized barriers require a
central controller (LP) and the technique does not scale well to a large number of LPs.
Tree barriers solve the scalability issue but still require broadcasting a message to
indicate when global synchronization has been achieved. The butter barrier is nice

because there is no need for a central controller. After each LP has performed log 2 N

pair wise barrier synchronizations global synchronization has been achieved.

The majority of my reading has been focused on discrete event simulation (DES) and
associated algorithms for its efficient parallel execution. I recognize that my survey is
still incomplete, I have not reviewed much of the literature specific to sequential
simulation algorithms. I will endeavor to correct this before proceeding further with
my research.

IV. Methodology
1). Conduct a literature review on system modelling and simulation.
2). Observe and analyse the theory, composing, structure and process of the system.
3). Design and programme the signal acquiring and processing system on software
platform such as MATLAB and LabVIEW
4). Test the simulation in the training of engineers.
5). Write a research report that combines my experiences and understanding of the
V. Proposed Research Time-Table
Prepare proposal by 10 December
Complete literature review by 20 January
Complete observe and analysis by 10 March
Complete designing by 10 April
Complete programming by 1 June
Complete testing by 1 October
Complete final report by 20 November

VI. Reference
[1] J. Banks, J. Carson, and B. Neslon, Discrete Event System Simulation. Prentice
Hall Inc., New Jersey, 2nd ed., 1996.
[2] A. Law and D. Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis. McGraw Hall Inc., 3rd
ed., 2000.
[3] R. Fujimoto, Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems. John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 2000.
[4] R. Simmonds, R. Bradford, and B. Unger, “Applying parallel discrete event
simulation to network emulation,” in Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, pp. 15-22, 2000.
[5] R. M. Fujimoto, “Parallel discrete event simulation,” Communications of the
ACM, vol. 33, no. 10, pp. 30-53, 1990.
[6] P. Reynolds, “A spectrum of options for parallel simulation,” 1988.
[7] K. Chandy and J. Misra, “Distributed simulation: A case study in design and
verification of distributed programs,” 1999.
[8] R. E. Bryant, “Simulation of packet communication architecture computer
systems,” Tech. Rep. MIT/LCS/TR-188, 1997.
[9] K. M. Chandy and J. Misra, “Asynchronous distributed simulation via a sequence
of parallel computations," Communications of the ACM, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 198-206,
[10] B. D. Lubachevsky, “Efficient distributed event-driven simulations of
multiple-loop networks,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 111-123,
[11] D. Nicol and J. Liu, “Composite synchronization in parallel discrete-event
simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 13, pp.
433-446, May 2001.
Research Proposal (NPU)


Path planning is a key issue to successful applications of mobile robot systems. It is a
method for mobile robot to find a safe path to the target position even though there are many
obstacles. If there is no any prior knowledge about the environment, then the path planning
method for the mobile robot is called local path planning. Besides, there is also a global path
planning, which is used when information about the environment (like a map) has been given
Obviously local path planning is much more difficult because the robot should try to get
the knowledge of the environment through the sensor data which is acquired in real-time and
often noisy. But this situation is often the one we faced in applying the mobile robot systems.
Many researchers have studied this problem and proposed many different approaches. In
1985, Khatib presented the concept of artificial potential fields, which was the first real-time
local path planning algorithm for mobile robots as well as for manipulators. How ever it has
many shortcomings like local minima problem and unstable motion under narrow
environment. In order to overcome these shortcomings, Borenstein then developed the Vector
Field Histogram (VFH), a method that looks for gaps in locally constructed polar
histograms .VFH was less likely to get trapped in local minima and allowed robots to travel
at faster speeds without becoming unstable. Due to its advantages, VFH became a popular
local path planning algorithm. However, many shortcomings has also been discovered later,
then they developes two improved version VFH+ and VFH* method. The underlying
problem is that purely local systems only consider the immediate effects of their selected
trajectory so it may lead to a undesirable trajectory. The VFH* method that uses look-ahead
verification to consider more than the robot's immediate surrounding may dealing with such
problematic situations. How ever it needs the map of the environment.
From Dec.2005, I become a member of soccer robot team of NPU and responsible for
path planning & obstacle avoidance model while the soccer robot competition is exactly
processed in a unkonwn and dynamic environment. So I chose this topic in order to develop a
local path planning algorithm that doesn’t need the map.
Two months for: English learning, Familiar with the environment
One months for: Discussion on the detailed research plan , Preparation of materials
Two months for: Materials reading, Theory research.
Four months for: Code writing, Simulation, Experiment
Two months for: Further improvement, Publishing 1 papers
One months for: Discussion on the possible extension of this research plan,
Prepare to back to china
Research Proposal (NPU)

1 Topic

Multiscale Methods for Micro/nano Contact Mechanics

2 Principle investigator

Name: Ruiting Tong

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1981/12/20
Position: Ph.D. student of mechanical engineering

3 Research Proposals

The research plan is stated in the following:

(1). Understanding the fundamental of basic techniques such as multiscale

modeling, and molecular dynamics simulation, etc.
(2). Investigation of nanoscale contact mechanics by using the Molecular
Dynamics Simulations.
(3). Exploration of the relationships of different factors at the micro/nano scale
that may influence the performance of contact mechanics
(4). Develop multiscale methods by establishing micro/nano scale mechanics and
exploring links for their coupling methods.
(5). Couple the multiscale methods with contact mechanics and model
(6). Apply the established multiscale models to discover the characteristics of the
micro/nano contact behaviors.
(7). Investigation of the micro/nano scale contact mechanics of surface
topography by using the presented multiscale methods.
Research Proposal (NPU)

1 Subject
Study on Adhesion Contact Behaviors for Micro/nano Apparatus of Different Surface Texture.

2 Principle investigator

Name: Quanren Zeng Email:

Gender: Male Tel: +86-29-8849-3928-4

Date of Birth: 1981/10/19 Position: Ph.D. student of Mechanical Engineering

3 Objective
Analyzing the effects of surface texture and topography on the interfacial adhesive contact
performance of micro/nano apparatus by means of numerical simulation and experiment.
Researching into the microscopic mechanism and laying the effective foundation for the
design, analyse and optimization of micro/nano apparatus.
4 Key points of the research
The key points of the research are as follow:
1) Determine the scale range of surface topographic description in studying interfacial
contact adhesive performance of micro/nano apparatus.
2) Study how the surface topography and texture influence the interfacial adhesive contact
performance. Seek the surface topography parameters and surface texture pattern which
could affect the magnitude of adhesion force.
3) Offer available means for the initiative design of interfacial adhesive contact
performance of micro/nano apparatus.
5 Research plan
The research plan is to be divided into five tasks as follow:
1) Understanding the existing fundamental and models of micro/nano contact.
2) Preliminarily investigating adhesive contact characteristics of micro/nano interfaces by
Molecular Dynamic simulation and Finite Element Method.
3) Researching into micro/nano adhesive contact characteristics. Numerically simulating
micro/nano adhesive contact characteristics under the circumstances of different surface
topography and texture.
4) Measuring interfacial adhesive characteristics for experimental samples of different
surface topography and texture, contrastively analyzing the results from numerical
simulation and experiment.
5) According to the interfacial adhesive performance requirements of micro/nano apparatus,
initiatively designing surface topography parameters and surface texture pattern that
affect the magnitude of adhesion force.
Research Proposal (NPU)
Title: Ranked List of Multi-workshop Cooperative Planning & Scheduling
YU XiaoYi
Up to now, I have been bending myself to research the multi-workshop cooperative
planning and scheduling system. I devoted a great fervor to this research, and made
remarkable achievements in practical application, at the same time I accumulated rich
experience. I hope to learn the new theory, new methods, new tools and so on from foreign
professors in the field of cooperative planning and scheduling. I will integrate my design,
develop and implement experience about the planning and scheduling management
information systems of our country’s enterprises with advanced foreign management ideas,
and propose a new multi-workshop cooperative planning and scheduling system architecture and
corresponding algorithms that suit for the features of our enterprises. The research results will be
applied to the production planning and scheduling system of domestic enterprises in order to
improve the level of production plan information management and quality. Meanwhile I will
complete my doctoral thesis research.
In one year’s time, Firstly, I will exchange with foreign and read more papers in the field of
cooperative planning and scheduling. Secondly, I will explore the multi-workshop cooperative
intelligent planning and scheduling and the key technologies, including the planning and
scheduling model technology, co-evolutionary algorithm, data storage technology, enterprise
information system integration technology and other aspects. According to the actual situation of
china’s production planning and scheduling management system, the studies will be competed as
On the base of studied the various cooperative production planning and scheduling
system model of foreign, further research and improve the bottom-up multi-workshop
cooperative planning and scheduling model which proposed by me.
A single objective parallel cooperative co-evolutionary genetic algorithm for
multi-workshop cooperative planning & scheduling model will be proposed, the
corresponding studies of the proposed algorithm like the simulation and optimization of
performance will be done.
A multi-objective parallel cooperative co-evolutionary genetic algorithm for
multi-workshop cooperative planning & scheduling model will be proposed, the
corresponding studies of the proposed algorithm like the simulation and optimization of
performance will be done.
Cooperative work-in-process management and cooperative inventory management will
be researched in the distributed collaborative multi-workshop production environment,
in order to provide the real-time and effective decision-making data for enterprise
decision makers.
Different models and algorithms will be comparative studied, optimized and improved.
In addition, corresponding research results will be published in the international
Finally, I will verify the model and algorithms that proposed by me with the advanced
simulation tools. A prototype system that suits for multi-workshop cooperative planning and
scheduling of Chinese enterprises will be developed.
Name: GAO Yang
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Jun. 25, 1982
Mobile Phone: (+86)013759976071
Mail-Address: P.O. Box 554
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi’an, 710072
P.R. China

Practical research experience and amiable personality.
Experience of team leader and team working.
Critical thinker with high aptitude to read and digest material
Strong interpersonal and organizational skills

Sep.2005 –Present Northwestern Polytechnical University
Degree: PHD candidate
Major: Mechatronic Engineering

Sep.2003 –Jun. 2006 Northwestern Polytechnical University

Degree: Master
Major: Electrical Theory and New Technology

Sep.1999 –Jun. 2003 Nan chang Institute of Aeronautical Technology

Degree: Bachelor
Major: Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation


2006 Second-Grade Fellowship of Northwestern Polytechnical University
2003 “Three Excellence” Student of Nan chang Institute of Aeronautical Technology
2002 “Three Excellence” Student of Nan chang Institute of Aeronautical Technology
2002 Outstanding Student Leader Award

College English Test-Band Six has been passed.
Fluent English in reading, writing and speaking.

National Computer Test-Band Two has been passed.
Familiar with: AutoCAD, Matlab, VisualC++6.0,VisualFoxPro etc
Dec.2005 – Present Autonomous mobile robots research for RoboCup
Responsibility: Team Leader, path planning & obstacle avoidance
model design and code writing using VisualC++.
Sep.2003 – Dec. 2005 Regulator design method for DC motor control system
Theory research and simulation using MATLAB
Dec.2004 – Dec. 2005 Bearingless BLDC motor
Responsibility: Team Member, motor control system design.
Sep.2005 – Nov. 2005 Compressor without piston
Team Member, motor drive system design

2006 RoboCup China Open competition Third Prize
2005 “Challenge Cup” National college student innovation competition Second Prize

Sep.2005 – Jun.2006 Teaching Experience as a college teacher.
Sep.2000 – Feb.2002 Student’s Association, Leader of General Office.

Internet-surfing, music, travel, swimming, pingpong
CAI Zhiqiang

P.O. Box 554 Gender: Male
Northwestern Polytechnical University Birth: Dec 1981
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province Tel: +86-(0)13709247090
710072 China Email:

SUMMARY: • During postgraduate study, participated in several national key projects, and
published 9 papers on inventory control, supply chain management and data mining
with 4 indexed by EI.
• As the team leader, developed a Web-based Cooperative Maintenance Management
System for Complex Equipment and obtained Certificate of Self-determination
Intellectual Property (ID: 2005SR09604) from National Copyright Administration.
• Adept at IDEF, UML, modeling tools Visio, Erwin, database including Oracle, Toad
and programming languages VB.NET, C, and SQL; Passed the National Computer
Test of Grade 3.
• Fluent English in reading, writing and speaking.

PROJECT: Web-based Cooperative Maintenance Management System for Complex

Equipment (Project Leader)
• The project is to build a web-based maintenance management system using a
cooperative and integrated maintenance system structure, so as to shorten the relay
time, enhance the maintenance quality and reduce the maintenance cost of complex
equipment maintenance. It involves reengineering the maintenance work flow and
building models incorporating fault diagnosis, fault forecast, inventory control,
supply chain management and data mining. It consists of several subsystems such as
fault disposal management, parts management, equipments management, vendor
management, customer management and decision support management. Through
pooling together all the cooperative maintenance information of complex equipment
and mining mega amounts of data, the system can provide indexes and trends for
cross function’s reliability and maintainability analysis.

PLM Based Maintenance Management System and Integrated Technique (Project

• The project is to build and implement an object-oriented, web based maintenance
management platform employing a new PLM based maintenance management mode.
The platform assures real-time, accessibility and completeness of the product
lifecycle management information so as to satisfy the requirement of high efficiency
and cooperation among design, manufacturing and maintenance departments.

Cooperative Production Management System for Parts (Project Leader)

• The project is to develop a management information system to control the parts
outsourcing production of partner corporations. It consists of three modules: BOM
management, outsourcing partner management and outsourcing production
management. This system enables to monitor the state, progress and quality of the
whole outsourcing production planning and evaluate all the outsourcing partners.

PAPERS: • Cai Z.Q., Han G.C., Sun S.D. & Chen D.M. Research on Servicing Inventory
Optimized Control for Complex Equipment System. China Mechanical
Engineering, 2005, 16(22):2024-2027. EI: 05529618012
• Cai Z.Q., Sun S.D. & Wang N. Fault Analysis of Complex Equipment Based on
Visual Data Mining. The 11th Postgraduate Students Academic Conference of NPU,
• Liu F., Cai Z.Q. & Sun S.D. Evaluation on Consumer Satisfaction Degree for
Machine manufactures Corporation. China Mechanical Engineering, 2006,
17(3):221-223. EI: 06119761187
• Si S.B., Sun S.D. & Cai Z.Q. Cooperative Inventory Control Model and algorithm
of Equipments’ Spare Parts Based on supply Cost. Journal of Northwestern
Polytechnical University, 2006, 24(5): 662-666
• Wang N., Sun S.D. & Cai Z.Q. The Design and Implementation of Fault
Information Management System based on .NET Framework. Modern Manufacture
Engineering, accepted
• Han G.C., Sun S.D., Si S.B. & Cai Z.Q. Research on Fuzzy Probability Fault Graph
model of Complex System. China Mechanical Engineering, 2005, 16(9):801-804.
EI: 05239148456
• Wu X.L., Sun S.D., Yang Z. & Cai Z.Q. Proposing an Integrated Genetic Algorithm
for Solving Job-oriented Multi-objective FJSP. Journal of Northwestern
Polytechnical University, 2006, 24(4):477-480. EI: 064610239877
• Yu J.J., Sun S.D., Wu X.L. & Cai Z.Q. Four Novel Immune Algorithms and Their
Comparison. Systems Engineering, 2006, 24(2):106-112
• Wu X.L., Sun S.D., Yu J.J. & Cai Z.Q. Research on Decision Selection Algorithms
of Multi-objective FJSP. China Mechanical Engineering, accepted

EDUCATION: Ph.D. of Management, started in September 2005

Management Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
• Research topic
Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Knowledge Exploration, Cluster Analysis, Correlation
Analysis, Class and Forecast

Master of Management, completed in March 2006

Management Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
• Research topic:
Inventory Control, ABC Analysis, Supply Chain Management, Forecast of Parts

Bachelor of Engineering, completed in July 2003

Aircraft Design and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University

AWARDS: • 2000-2006 Excellent Students

• 2000-2002 Scholarship of Enterprises
• 2001-2002 Excellent Volunteers
• 2003 Excellent Graduate Student of Shaanxi Province

LANGUAGES: • Mandarin: Native speaker

• English: Fluent in reading, speaking and writing (CET-4 85/100, CET-6 80/100,
CET-Oral B)

MISC.: • Presented in the 11th Postgraduate Students Academic Conference of NPU

• Provided program development training to institute students at 2005 and 2006
• Interned in Northwestern Airline Corporation
• Interested in football, badminton, basketball

NAME: Duan Jiaqi

BIRTH: 2/3/1984, Xi’an, P. R. China
SEX: Male
MAJOR: Communication & Information System

Sept. 2002-June 2006 School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern
Polytechnical University,
Bachelor of Engineering
GPA: 75/100

Sept.2007-Now School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern

Polytechnical University,
Ph. D of Engineering (haven’t finished)
GPA: 81/100

Advanced Mathematics C Language (Lab.)
Linear Algebra Analogical Circuitry (Lab.)
Probability & Statistics Pulse & Numerical Circuitry (Lab.)
Computing Method Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Wave (Lab.)
Functions of Complex Variables Communication Fundamentals (Lab.)
General Physics (Lab.) Foundation of Software Engineering (Lab.)
English (Band 1~6) Specialty English
Mechanical Drawing Principle of Microcomputer (Lab.)
Digital Signal Processing (Lab.) High-Frequency Electronic Circuit
Theory of Circuitry (Lab.) Theory of Information and Coding
Signal & System (Lab.) Experiment Based on MATLAB
* (Lab.) means the course include experimental lessons


Computer Network Embedded System Design Based on FPGA
Verilog Language


Communication Signal Processing
Embedded System Design
Computer Simulation of Mechanic/Electrical Systems
Mechanical & Electrical Integration


Design the signal processing system of certain model sonar.
* I am in charge of the programming and testing.
Subject: The Method of Signal Phase Distilling Based on Time-Frequency Analysis

1. Northwestern Polytechnical University Scholarship 2004-2005, Second Prize
2. Northwestern Polytechnical University Scholarship 2006-2007, Second Prize
3. Computer Experimental Skill Competition of NWPU 2004, First Prize
4. Privilege to enter the Ph. D program at Northwestern Polytechnical University,
waived of the admission test, 2007.

1. Model United Nation member, 2003~2004
2. Department Basketball Team player
3. Representative of the 10th Postgraduate Conference of NWPU, 2006
4. Monitor of my class 2006~now

IELTS: Overall 6.5, Listening 6.5, Reading 8, Writing 5, Speaking 6
个 人 简 历
姓名:马彦 性别:男
出生日期:04/08/1981 籍贯:河北唐山
学历:硕士 专业:管理科学与工程
联系电话:13891905067 029-82374084 电子邮件
1. 西北工业大学 机电学院 项目管理专业 硕士(保送) 2004.9—2007.3,GPA: 84.60/100
2. 西北工业大学 飞行器制造工程系 工业工程专业 学士 2000.9—2004.7,GPA: 81.42/100
1. 以优异成绩一次性通过国家四、六级英语考试。国家英语口语考试 C+级。
2. 研究生期间,协助教授翻译多篇技术论文,同时自己阅读了大量的英文原版书籍和 IEEE 论文。具备较强的阅读
3. 熟练运用 Microsoft Project 软件,精通 EPM 部署、配置。
4. 熟悉 C#语言,有网站、软件二次开发项目经历。
1. 19/09/2005--20/11/2005 微软认证系统工程师 MCSE on Windows Server 2003 课程培训
2. 13/06/2005--17/06/2005 PMP 全球认证考试辅导及项目管理知识体系培训. Serial No. DLI0613-0039
1. 01/2006--现在:航空企业项目管理平台构建技术研究(硕士论文题目),主要研究多级计划编制技术、协同进度
2. 06/2006--09/2006:参与国家 863 计划先进制造技术领域 2006 年度专题“多级协同项目管理技术”课题;研究
3. 08/2006--10/2006:参与“十一五”国家科技支撑计划制造业信息化工程重大项目课题中“制造业信息化发展战
4. 04/2006--06/2006:参与北京西门子公司 SBS 部门项目管理平台开发项目,负责多维项目报表的设计、开发工作。
5. 05/2005-08/2005: 作为项目主要负责人,参与基于 EPM(微软企业项目管理解决方案)为航空二集团发动机部
6. 01/2004—10/2004:研究基于免疫算法的静态车间调度技术;提出了基于免疫进化理论的静态车间调度算法,并
对(10 × 10)JSP 问题进行了有效性验证(本科毕业设计)
;在重点期刊发表两篇学术文章,其中一篇被 EI 索引。
09/2006 校级优秀研究生一等奖学金 11/2005 校级优秀研究生一等奖学金
10/2003 校三好学生、一等奖学金 10/2002 校三好学生、一等奖学金 10/2001 校三好学生、一等奖学金
1. 2001-2004 担任西北工业大学消费者协会会长兼受理投诉部长,参与并解决校园学生消费纠纷 7 起
2. 发起首届校园假冒伪劣商品展览暨保护学生消费者权益宣传活动
3. 发起并创建西北工业大学、西安交通大学、西北政法大学校园消费者协会联盟
1. 03/2006--06/2006 中国航天神舟软件公司实习
2. 06/2006--现在 中国航天科技集团工程咨询中心实习
Personal Information
Name: Ma Yan
Gender: Male
Degree: Master
Major: Management Science and Engineering
Native Place: Hebei Tangshan
Date of Birth: 04/08/1981
Contact: 13891905067; 029-82374084
E-mail Address:
Address: Mailbox552, NPU, Xi’an, 710072, P. R. China

1. Northwestern Polytechnical University, School of Electronic and Mechanical , Master of Project
Management , expected completion in Mar. 2007, GPA: 84.60/100;
2. Northwestern Polytechnical University, Dept. of Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering, Bachelor of
Industy Engineering, Jul. 2004, GPA: 81.42/100.

English Proficiency
Qualified in CET 4, Good in CET 6, C+ level in CET spoken English.
Have a Good Command of Both Spoken and Written English, Skilled in Reading and Writing
Technical Literatures.

Computer Skills
Versed in use of MS applications & MS-Project
Skilled in C&C# Programming Language and Skilled in Computer Hardware Configuration;
Familiar with Office, Photoshop, etc.

Completed MCSE on Windows Server 2003 Training Course & was Certified by Microsoft Certified
Technical Education Center. 19/09/2005--20/11/2005.
Completed 5-day Training Course Entitled Project Management and was awarded 35hours by
BMMTEC, a R.E.P. of PMI. 13/06/2005--17/06/2005. Serial No. DLI0613-0039.

Scholarships & Awards

09/2006 Excellent Postgraduate Student Scholarship.
11/2005 Excellent Postgraduate Student Scholarship.
07/2004 Recommended for Admission to Graduate School of Electronic and Mechanical (31 of 420).
10/2003 Honored Student, Advanced Class Scholarship (top 5).
10/2002 Honored Student, Advanced Class Scholarship (top 5).
10/2001 Honored Student, Advanced Class Scholarship (top 5).
Project & Research Experience
The key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and integrated Manufacturing Technology of Education, China
1. 01/2006—Present: Research the Construction Technology of Project Management Platform for
Aviation Enterprise.
Research description: Programs in Aviation Enterprise are complex, high-risk, and multilevel. And
subordinate companies are widely distributed. Research the Technology of Constructing a
Distributed Cooperative Project Management Platform to enhance management capacity, included
multi-level planning techniques, cooperative Progress Control techniques, Document management
techniques, etc.

2. 06/2006-09/2006:National 863 Project of multi-level collaborative project management techniques.

Research the Methods and Tools of Risk Management in Programs.
Research description: Risks in programs are Cross-project, Interrelated. Proposed a risk
management model by introducing RBS(Risk Breakdown Structure) and Risk-Chain theory.

3. 04/2006-06/2006 : Project of Developing a PMIS based on EPM(Microsoft Enterprise Project

Management Solution) for Dept.SBS SIEMENS, Beijing.
Project description: , took charge of designing and developing multi-dimensional project reports
required by PMO, which have functions of showing the data of all projects in department to project
managers in project, task, resource, time dimension, and group by Task Function or Project Phase.

4. 05/2005-08/2005:Project of Deploying a PMIS based on EPM for AVIC2.

Project description: , As a team manager, deployed EPM in AVIC2 and wrote the management
specification based on the management process in enterprise. Gave a training to project managers
in AVIC2 and subordinate companies on common knowledge of Project Management and the
operations for this system.

5. 01/2004—10/2004: Research a algorithm for Job Scheduling Based on Immune Mechanism.

Research description: Analyzed the limitations of GA(Genetic Algorithm) in solving Static Job
Scheduling, proposed a algorithm used Clonal Selection and Hyper-mutation theory.

President of Consumers Association of Campus for three years (09/2002~07/2004)
03/2002: Initialized& created the union of campus Consumers Association consisted of
15/03/2003: Organize the first counterfeit exhibition in NPU and it was covered by Xi’an TV
Enhance my organizing capacity and communication skills.

Personal Assessment
Solid foundation of Project Management tools and theory;
Plenty experience in software developing and programming;
Strong enterprise and responsibility, Optimism and Self-confidence, Never lack of Novel ideas;
Excellent fast learning ability and problem-solving capacity;
Able to multi-task and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
NIU Ganggang

ADDRESS: Gender: Male

#554 Northwestern Polytechnical University Birth: Jul 1981
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province Tel: +86-(0)13772482428
710072 China Email:

SUMMARY: • Published 6 papers on workshop scheduling models optimization and intelligent

scheduling algorithms optimization, with 2 indexed by EI.
• Applied for several national funds and accomplished researches of several national
key projects, as participator.
• Developed a web-based re-configurable workshop management system for China
aero industry, which was granted Award of Science and Technology of Shaanxi
province and obtained Certificate of Self-determination Intellectual Property (ID:
2005SR09605) from National Copyright Administration, as technical leader.
• accomplished in modeling tools Erwin and PowerDesigner, database Oracle9i/10g
and SqlServer2005, programming tools Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/2005;
Experienced in Adept at IDEF, UML, PL/SQL, C, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET.
• Experienced in customer oriented communication, system analysis and design, team
building, software development lifecycle and process management, project
implementation and coordination.
• Fluent Mandarin and English in both writing and speaking.

RESEARCH: Current Research Topic

• Modeling and optimizing of discrete manufacturing management flow
• Intelligent optimizing technique for Job-shop scheduling
• Manufacturing Execution System (MES) on complex production

Bachelor Thesis “Dynamic Scheduling Oriented Artificial Immune System”

• The paper presents a Dynamic Scheduling Oriented Artificial Immune System
(DSO-AIS) on the analysis of the biology metaphors of AIS and various kinds of
AIS models and algorithms in several research fields. DSO-AIS is applied to
dynamic scheduling problems with typical manufacturing uncertainties including
fuzzy scheduling, task alteration, and machine breakdown. The procedures and
numerical examples prove the efficiency of DSO-AIS for solving dynamic
scheduling problems.

PROJECT: • Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of State Education Ministry:
Study on artificial immune based workshop scheduling
The project focuses on an immune based workshop scheduling and controlling
system, by applying natural immune principle into production and studying on
dynamic adapting scheduling algorithms. The research consists of enterprise
manufacturing modeling, scheduling strategy and technology, immune principle and
immune algorithm, and the techniques to implement an intelligent scheduling
As a participator, I proposed an immune evolution algorithm CHIEA(Clonal
selection and hyper mutations based immune evolution algorithm) for solving
deterministic job shop scheduling problems. A random permutation operator and a
consecutive mutation method of antibodies is introduced to extend the concept of
hyper mutations. The preference list based representation and the immune evolution
operator improves searching efficiency, accelerates convergence of the algorithm
and advances solutions generated. (More details in the paper Immune evolution
algorithm for deterministic job shop scheduling)

• The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China:

A web-based and re-configurable workshop management system
The project focuses on a web-based, re-configurable and custom-built workshop
management system, which can spread in discrete manufacturing plants. The main
research consists of business process reengineering, immune-genetic based dynamic
scheduling algorithms, re-configurable module architecture of the system, etc.
As a participator, I Designed and developed 2 sub systems, i.e. the scheduling
system and the process management system.

PAPERS: •Niu Ganggang, Sun Shudong, Yu Jianjun; Ma Yan. Immune evolution algorithm for
deterministic job shop scheduling. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2006,
42(5):87-91. EI: 062910013988
• Wu Xiuli, Sun Shudong, Hao Jinghui, Niu Ganggang. Cost-oriented Job Shop
Scheduling Optimization Model. Mechanical Science and Technology, 2006(4)
• Wu Xiuli, Sun Shudong, Niu Ganggang, Zhai Yinni. Performance Analysis of a
Multi-objective Immune Genetic Algorithm and its Applications to Flexible Job
Shop Scheduling. Mechanical Science and Technology, 2006(12)
• YU Jian-jun, SUN Shu-dong, NIU Gang-gang, DU Xian-jin. Improved Immune
Algorithm for Job-Shop Scheduling. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2007(2)
• Wang Jun-Qiang, Sun Shu-Dong; Yang Hong-An, Niu Gang-Gang. Theory of
constraints product mix optimization management system based on software
component technology. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,
2007,13(6):1087-1096. EI: 073110726333
• Yu Jianjun, Sun Shudong, Niu Ganggang. Job-Shop Scheduling Study Based on
Immune Algorithm. Perspectives from Europe and Asia on Engineering Design and
Manufacturing, A Comparison of Engineering Design and Manufacturing in Europe
and Asia, 2004: 393-403
EDUCATION: Direct from BS to PhD, bypassing the MS degree, started in Sept. 2006
Management Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
• Research topic
Modeling and optimizing of discrete manufacturing management flow,Intelligent
optimizing technique for manufacturing scheduling,Manufacturing Execution System
(MES) on complex production
• Courses:
Course Credit Grade Date

Methodology and Technology of System Integration 2.0 85

Management Research Methodology 2.0 80

Decision-making and Decision Support System 2.0 86

The Special Subject for Plant Engineering 2.0 86

English(The First Foreign Language for Doctor

3.0 75

Exchange English for International Conferences 1.0 84

Modern Scientific and Technical Revolution and Social

2.0 85

Master of Management, started in Sept. 2004

Management Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
• Research topic:
Immune Algorithm, Job-shop Scheduling, Data Warehouse, System Analysis and
• Courses:
Course Credit Grade Date

Modeling of Process and System 2.0 89

Mathematical Statistics 3.0 79

Operational Research 3.0 90

Production Management 2.0 81

Management Information System 2.0 90

Philosophy of Science and Technology 2.0 79

Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism 1.0 79

English(The First Foreign Language for Master

5.0 77

Enterprise Project Management 2.0 85

Computer Network 2.0 80

Principles of Database and Knowledge Base System 2.0 72

Algorithm Design and Analysis 2.0 68

Concurrent Engineering and Product Development

2.0 85

English Writing and Speaking 3.0 87

Bachelor of Engineering, completed in Jul. 2004

Industrial Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
• Main courses:
Course Credit Grade Date

Advanced Mathematics

Linear Algebra

discrete mathematics

Programming with C Language

Algorithmic Language

Data Structures

Automatic Control Theory

Mechanical Graphing

Principle of Mechanics

Mechanic Design

Introduction to Industrial Engineering

Quality Management

Production Planning and Control

Facilities planning and logistics

AWARDS: • 2007-2001 Excellent Students of NPU

• 2006 Excellent Volunteer of Red Phoenix Project
• 2004/2001 Elite Scholarship of NPU
• 2003 Award of National Undergraduates English Competition

LANGUAGES: • Mandarin: Native speaker

• English: Fluent both in speaking and writing (CET-4 84.5/100, CET-6 62/100)
MISC.: • Investigated and designed the manufacturing scheduling system of Beijing Institute
of Space Mechanics & Electricity, 2007.8-9
• guided 2 seniors on their bachelor thesis, 2007.6
• Investigated and designed the Manufacturing Execution System of Xi'an Aircraft
Industry (group) Company LTD., with 2 application factories, 2006.12-2007.4
• Lectured on database PL/SQL programming for institute students, 2007.3
• Designed and developed the scheduling system and the process management system
of Xi’an Aero-Engine (Group) LTD., with 16 application factories,2005.3-2007.9
• Interned in Cheng’du Aircraft Industry (group) Company LTD., 2003.7-8
• Interested in football, badminton, basketball, harmonica
CV Tong Ruiting

TONG Ruiting
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 20/Dec./1981
School of Mechatronic Enineering
Northwestern Polytechnical University
P. O. Box 324, Xi’an, 710072, P. R. China
Tel: +86-29-8849-3928-4
Fax: +86-29-8846-0411

2006.09-Present School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University
• Doctoral research field: Contact Mechanics, Thermal Elasto-Plastic Mechanics
• Supervisor: Professor Geng Liu.
• Currently a Ph. D student.
2004.09-2007.04 School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University
• Master’s degree
• Supervisor: Professor Geng Liu..
• Will Receive in April 2007.
2000.09-2004.07 School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University
• Bachelor’s degree
• Thesis Advisor: Professor Geng Liu.
• Received: July 2004.

• Contact Mechanics
• Elasto-Plastic Mechanics
• Finite Element Method
• Thermal Elasto-Plastic Mechanics
• Element-Free Galerkin Method
• Temperature-Dependent Elasto-Plastic Contact Mechanics
• Computer Aided Design

1. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Zeng Quanren, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Thermal Elasto-plastic Asperity Contacts of
Layered Media,” Materials Science Forum, 532-533, pp. 721-724.
2. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Analysis for Two-Dimensional Elasto-Plastic Contact
of Multi-Asperities with Coating,” to appear in Mechanical Science and Technology (in Chinese).
3. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Zeng Quanren, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Analysis on Thermal Elasto-Plastic
Asperity Contacts of Layered Media,” Submitted to Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering.

CV Tong Ruiting

4. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Zeng Quanren, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Analysis on Thermal Elasto-Plastic
Asperity Contacts of Layered Media,” 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII),
Los Angeles, California, July 16-22
5. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Zeng Quanren, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Thermal Elasto-Plastic Asperity
Contacts of Layered Media,” 12th International Manufacturing Conference in China(IMCC’2006), Xi’an,
China, September. 21-23
6. Liu Tianxiang, Liu Geng, Xie Qin, Tong Ruiting, 2006, “Temperature-Dependent Elasto-Plastic
Contact Model of Rough Surfaces,” 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII),
Los Angeles, California, July 16-22
7. Xie Qin, Liu Geng, Liu Tianxiang, Tong Ruiting, Zeng Quanren, 2005, “Elasto-Plastic Asperity Contacts of
Layered Media,” World Tribology Congress III (WTC2005), September 12-16, Washington, D.C., USA,
WTC2005-63812. (EI: 06089717700)
8. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Liu Tianxiang, 2005, “Research on Two-Dimensional Elasto-Plastic Contact
Model of Multi-Asperities with Coating,” Proceeding of 10th Annual Academic Meeting of Graduates in
Northwestern Polytechnical University(in Chinese), pp. 221-225.


• 2005-2006 First-class Scholarship for Graduate Student and HUA WEI A Scholarship
• 2004-2005 First-class Scholarship for Graduate Student and 613 second-class Scholarship
• 2004.07 Excellent Graduate of Shaanxi Province
• 2003.11 Third-class Award of Mathematical Contest in Modeling of Shaanxi Province
• 2003.03 Excellent Youth League Leader Award
• 2000-2004 First-class Scholarship for Undergraduate Student and ZENG Xianzi Scholarship


• 2004.09-2006.07 Monitor of Graduate Student of Grade 2004

• 2001.09-2002.02 Vice-president of Student Union of School of Mechatronic Engineering
• 2000.09-2004.07 Monitor of Undergraduate Student of Grade 2000

• Dr. Geng Liu, Professor, Executive Dean, School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical
University, No. 127, Youyi Xi Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710072, P. R. China, +86-29-8846-0411,
• Prof. Liyan Wu, Professor, School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, No.
127, Youyi Xi Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710072, P. R. China, +86-29-8849-3929,

YU XiaoYi

ADDRESS: Gender: Male

Northwestern Polytechnical University 554# Birth: Feb 1980
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province Tel: +86-(0)13991378296
710072 China Email:

SUMMARY: • During postgraduate study, participated in several national key projects, and
published 9 papers on Collaborative Manufacturing, Collaborative Planning and
Scheduling, production management and control with 4 written as the first author.
• As the team leader, developed a Customizable Workshop Production Management
System in network environment and obtained Certificate of Self-determination
Intellectual Property from National Copyright Administration.
• Adept at IDEF, UML, modeling tools Visio, Erwin, database including Oracle, SQL
Server, Toad and programming languages Delphi, VB.NET, C, Pascal, and SQL;
Passed tests of Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Systems
Engineer, Microsoft Certified Database Administrator, Microsoft Certified Systems
• Fluent Mandarin and English in both writing and speaking.

RESEARCH: • Up to now, I have been bending myself to research the multi-workshop cooperative
planning and scheduling system. I devoted a great fervor to this research, and made
remarkable achievements in practical application, at the same time I accumulated
rich experience. The main research contains multi-workshop cooperative planning
and scheduling model, the single/multi objective parallel cooperative co-
evolutionary genetic algorithm for multi-workshop cooperative planning &
scheduling, the workload balancing oriented tasks assignment approach on the
condition of flexible process, the conflict negotiate mechanism of multi cooperative
workshop in planning & scheduling, the algorithm simulation and performance
optimization of corresponding approach.

PROJECT: Foundation Program

• Participated the National High Technology Research and Development Program of
China — — The Customizable Workshop Production Management System in
network environment (NO: 2003AA411110)
• Participated the Aviation Fund of china —— researching the key technology of
rapid reconfigurable manufacturing systems in aviation enterprises (NO: 01H53061)
• Participated the National Natural Science Foundation of China——Study on Mixed
business process integration planning and scheduling optimization method (NO:
• Participated the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (NO.
Engineering Project
• Participated the analysis, designing, developing and implementing of the production
management system of the Southwest Electronic Telecommunications Technology
Institute as project leader.
• Participated the designing, developing and implementing of the inventory
management system, the tool management system and the material management
system of the NC workshop of Cheng Du Aircraft Industrial (Group) CO.LTD as
project leader.
• Participated the first phase of the project——designed, developed and implemented
the workshop management information system of the Stamping and Welding Plant
of AVIC I XI’AN AERO-ENGINE (GROUP ) LTD as project leader.
• Participated the designing, developing and implementing of the second phase of the
Manufacturing Execution System of AVIC I XI’AN AERO-ENGINE (GROUP)
LTD as project leader.
• Participated the designing, developing and implementing of the Workshop
Management Information System of AVIC I XI’AN AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY
(GROUP) COMPANY LTD as project leader.
Along with the effective implementation of projects, these enterprises achieved the
accurate production planning control, compressed the work-in-process inventory
levels, improved the resource utilization and product quality, shortened production
cycles, reduced production costs, and enhanced the respond speed to demands and the
competitiveness of enterprises.

PAPERS: • Yu X.Y,Sun S.D. &Si S.B. Architecture of Distributed and Collaborative

Scheduling System Based on Workflow. International Conference of Management
• Yu X.Y.Sun S.D. & Wang J.Q. Research and implementation of work-in-process
management in workshop. Mechanical Science and Technology.2007. (In Chinese)
• Yu X.Y.Chu W. & Sun S.D. Study on Processing Time Based on MCMC Approach.
Mechanical Science and Technology. Accepted. (In Chinese)
• Yu X.Y, Sun S.D. &Si S.B. Research on Architecture of Distributed and
Collaborative Scheduling System. Application Research of Computers. Accepted.
(In Chinese)
• Chu W. Sun S.D. & Yu X.Y. Study on the integration of SPC/EPC and its key
technologies. Journal of Computer Applications.2007. (In Chinese)
• Chu W.Yu X.Y. & Sun S.D. Implementation of SPC System in Manufacturing
Enterprise Based on the Component. MIE of China.2006. (In Chinese)
• Wang J.Q. Sun S.D & Yu X.Y. Research & implementation of workshop production
management based on component and integration. Computer Integrated
Manufacturing Systems.2006. (In Chinese)
• Wang J.Q. Sun S.D & Yu X.Y. New TOC operational logic for product mix
optimization decision. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems.2007. (In
• Chu W.Yu X.Y. & Sun S.D. Study on Statistical Process Adjustment Technique
Based on Markov chain Monte Carlo Approach. Computer Integrated
Manufacturing Systems.2007. (In Chinese)
• Yu X.Y. Sun S.D & Chu W. An expanded genetic algorithm for stochastic job-shop
scheduling problems. International Journal of Production Research. Submitted
• Yu X.Y. Sun S.D & Chu W. Research of parallel cooperative coevolutionary genetic
algorithm for multi-workshop planning & scheduling. Computer Integrated
Manufacturing Systems. Submitted. (In Chinese)

EDUCATION: Ph.D. of Management, started in September 2004

Management Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
• Research topic
Game Theory, Cooperative Combinatorial Optimization, Distributed Planning and
Scheduling, Cooperative Intelligence, Data Mining, Theory of Constrains, Cooperative
Evolutionary, Knowledge Exploration, Cluster Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Multi-
Objective Decision

Master of Management, started in September 2003

Management Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
• Research topic:
Inventory Control, ABC Analysis, Supply Chain Management, Workshop Management
Information System, Manufacturing Execution System

Bachelor of Engineering, completed in July 2003

Industry Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University

AWARDS: • 2000-2006 Excellent Students of NPU

• 2000-2002 Scholarship of Enterprises
• 2001-2002 Excellent Volunteers of NPU
• 2001-2002 Mathematical Modeling Contest First Class of NPU

LANGUAGES: • Mandarin: Native speaker

• English: Fluent both in speaking and writing (CET-4, CET-6)

MISC.: • Provided program development training to institute students at 2004 and 2006
• Interned in Cheng Du Aircraft Industrial (Group) CO.LTD
• Interested in football, badminton, basketball

Name:ZhangFang Phone:13571815498
NWPU,Xi’an,Shaanxi, China E-mail:
Birth date Dec.1984 Marital status Single
Birthplace Lan tian, Shaanxi Sex Male

Health condition Excellent Current Address Xi’an, Shaanxi

Nationality China Office Tel (029)88493940-8029

2006-Present Materials School of Northwestern Polytechnical University
2002-2006 Materials School of Xi’ an University of Technology

M.S in Material Processing and Engineering to be obtained in May 2009 in NWPU
B.S in Material Science and Engineering obtained in Jul. 2006 in XAUT

“Excellent student” of XAUT 2003
“Excellent monitor of student” of XAUT 2004
“All-around excellent performance student ” of XAUT 2005
“Excellent student” of XAUT 2006
“Excellent graduate student” of XAUT 2006

Have a general command of both spoken and written English
Scored 73 in College English Test Band-4


Alloy Refining Material Science
Castings Formation Theory Foundry Technology
The Method of Material Current Study Laser Rapid Forming
Mechanical Design Basis Physical Chemistry
Material Forming Fundament Metal Heat Processing
Electrotechnology Electronic technology
Solidification Principle and so on

Word; PowerPoint; Computer network; Programming; Material research


playing basketball, football, ping pang, china chess; reading and so on
Curriculum Vitae ZHANG-Gang

Curriculum Vitae
Family Name: ZHANG

First Name: Gang

Date of birth: May 1974

Nationality: Chinese

Civil Status: Married


Institution HUAZHONG University of Science and Technology,

Wuhan - China
Date: from - to September 1992 - July 1996
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Bachelor Degree of Radio Technology in the
Department of Electronics and Information

Institution Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

Beijing - China
Date: from - to September 1998 - July 1999
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Certification of the Computer Science Curriculum
for Master Students

Institution The 710th Graduate School of China Aerospace

Science and Technology Corporation, Beijing –
Date: from - to March 2003
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Master Degree of the Application of Computer

Institution Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of

Science , Beijing – China
Date: from - to September 2003 - July 2005
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained International Project Management Curriculum for
students who are partial sabbatical from study

Institution China Academy of Space Technology , Beijing –

Date: from - to March 2003 - June 2003
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Curriculum of Space Data System, by TAN-Weichi,
Director of Teaching committee of Graduate School

Institution Mechanical and Electrical School of North-western

Polytechnic University, Xi’an – China
Date: from - to September 2005 - now
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Management Science and Engineering PHD

Language skills:
Curriculum Vitae

English communication skills and comprehensive ability. Sufficient in translating professional


Key qualifications:

• Knowledge of the methods of developing embedded software system and testing skills
• Methods of modelling distributed systems and extensive practical and theoretical experience of
emulating un-continuous events
• In - depth practical knowledge of the research and application of the embedded operating system
• Experience in arranging and analysing real time embedded systemts
• Practical experience of software project management
• A good knowledge of supporting technologies of High Integrity system
• Expertise in the application of Formal Methods

Professional Experience Record:

Date: From 08/96 to 03/97

Description: Testing embedded software systems. Surveying methods, technologies and facilities
of quality evaluation.

Date: From 04/97 to 12/99

Description: Surveying the technologies and facilities of modelling and optimizing the Satellite
Electronic System(Space Data System) in the “Ninth five-year plan” advance research
Key projects of National Pre-Research. Being the manager of research projects since
July 1999.

Date: From 01/2000 to 12/2000

Position: Vice director of Software Engineering Department
Description: Testing, Checking and accepting the productions of two projects of the “Ninth five-
year plan” projects. The two projects were highly appraised.

Date: From 01/2001

Position: Director of Software Engineering Department.
Description: Incharge of pre-research projects during “Tenth five-year play” and “Eleventh five-
year plan” includes: “Development Platform of Real Time Embedded Software ”,”
Real Time Operating System” , ” Optimization Examining the Space Data System”
and “ensuring security of embedded software systems” and related systems.

Date: From 2005

Description: The member of Software Experts Group of the Chinese moon-exploration project.
The member of experts group of several projects about software used in civilian
aircrafts in China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

Date: From 2004

Position: Vice director of software testing and evaluation lab of China Aerospace Engineering
Consultation Centre
Description: Responsible for the development platform and the market. Being syndic of China
National Accreditation Board for Laboratories. Responsible for the construction of
Software Testing and Evaluation Centre of China Aerospace Science and Technology

Honours and Prizes:

Time: 2003
Curriculum Vitae

Description: “Aerospace Software Configration Management System” won the prize in the
Corporations’ Competition

Time: 2006
Description: “Advanced Pre-researcher”

Time: 2006
Description: “Advanced Hard-studying Employee”

Time: 2000
Description: “Outstanding Active ” in labour union in Beijing area of China Aerospace Science and
Technology Corporation.

Many times being honoured as “Outstanding Member of Communist Party”.

Published Papers:

1. “VOV Software Development Methodology”, YAO Yizhan; ZHANG Gang ,Computer Engineering[J]
2005 Vol.31 No.10

2. “Applications of Digital Simulating Technology in Optimizing Space Data System Design”,

Corpus of Aircraft Committee of Chinese Society of Astronautics

3. “A Graphic Tool for Real Time Software Requirement Analysis”

Corpus of First Aerospace-software Communion

4. “Requirement of Tools for aerospace Software Configuration Manegement”,

6th National Conference on Application of Computer Science

5.”Future of Reliability Guarantee of Intelligence Based Self-operating Aircrafts”

Corpus of China Science Association, 2006

6.” Examination of Software Security Using Formal Methods”

Corpus of Computer Committee of Chinese Society of Astronautics, 2006

7.”Software Measurement is the way for Software Engineering”

Corpus of Computer Committee of Chinese Society of Astronautics, 2006

8. Responsible for the part of software testing in the book “Training of aerospace software
Engineering”, getting involved in the part about software engineering environment and the future of
aerospace software technologies

Other thesis on software development, lab management and Information security

Self Evaluation:

1. Ten years’ experience in software technology, using creative ideas, concepts and appropriate
technology to make difficult projects successful.

2. Eight year’s close practical working relationships with crew.Well leadership skill while possessing a
great team spirit.

3. Ability to learn, ambition and good health.

4. Being active, creative and innovative.

Curriculum Vitae

个 人 简 历
姓名 张 刚 性别 男 出生年月 1974.5

民族 汉 健康状况 良好 婚姻状况 已婚

邮 编 100037 电子邮件
电 话 传真 010-68768987

档案 中国航天工程咨询中心
关系 (原航天部 710 所暨北京信息控制研究所)

在读 西北工业大学 机电学院 管理科学与工程

院校 博士导师 杨海成教授

时间 学校或单位 所修专业
1992.9— 电子与信息工程系无线电技术专
1996.7 业,获工学学士学位
1998.9— 计算机系硕士研究生课程进修,获
曾受 1999.7 研究生院课程结业证
2003.3 天系统计算机应用技术专业工学硕
司 710 所
教育 士学位
2003 年 9 月
中国科学院研究生院 国际项目管理研究生课程在职进修
2005 年 7 月
2003 年 3 月 中国空间技术研究院 研究生部教学委员会主任谭维炽主
-6 月 研究生 讲《空间数据系统》研究生课程

2005 年 9 月 西北工业大学 管理科学与工程专业博士研究生

至今 机电学院 (项目管理方向)
Curriculum Vitae

1996 年 8 月-1997 年 3 月 从事嵌入式软件测试和质量评估的方法、技术和

1997 年 4 月-1999 年 12 月 从事“ 九五” 国防预研重点项目的卫星电子系
统建模优化技术和工具的调研、实验系统开发工作,自 1999 年 7 月承
2000 年 1 月 2000 年 12 月 承担了部门“ 九五” 两项重点项目结题的成果测
试、项目验收的组织和实施,两课题获得“ 全面完成” 的最高评价;自
2000 年 5 月任研究室副主任
2001 年 1 月至今任软件工程部主任。承担了“ 十五” 、“ 十一五” 国防课
承担过的“ 十五” 国家重点项目领域如:实时嵌入式软件开发平台、实
时操作系统、空间数据系统(CCSDS)系统验证等,“ 十一五” 承担了嵌

自 2005 年起进入国防科工委绕月探测工程软件专家组、航天科技集团公司
项“ 十一五” 规划制定。

2004 年起兼任航天工程咨询中心软件测评实验室常务副主任,承担了实

语言 主修英语,具有较强的英语阅读能力和基本的会话沟通能力,较熟练使用和
能力 翻译专业技术文献。
2003 年组织开发的《型号软件配置管理工具》获集团公司成果鉴定(排名
2002 年度获中国航天科技集团公司优秀共产党员称号
2006 年获得中国航天科技集团公司预研先进个人
2006 年获得中央企业学习型先进职工
2000 年获航天科技集团京区工会 1999-2000 年度优秀工会积极分子
Curriculum Vitae

程, 2005 Vol.31 No.10
宇航协会空间飞行器总体委员会 2000 年学术文集
发表 《型号软件配置管理工具的需求研究》
第六届全国计算机应用联合学术会议(2002 北京)
论文 《C 语言安全性研究及辅助检查工具的实现》
情况 《基于智能自主的航天器可靠性保证技术研究展望》
2006 中国科协年会文集
中国宇航学会计算机专委会 2006 年学术交流论文集
中国宇航学会计算机专委会 2006 年学术交流论文集
技术 实时嵌入式操作系统的研究与应用
专长 嵌入式实时任务的调度与分析

自我 八年以上组织队伍的经验,培养了良好的人际沟通能力和团队合作意
主张“ 想到就作” ,提出解决问题思路时能够快速验证和组织实施
CV Zeng Quanren

ZENG Quanren
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 19/Oct./1981
School of Mechatronic Enineering
Northwestern Polytechnical University
P.O. Box 324, Xi’an, 710072, P. R. China
Tel: +86-29-8849-3928-4
Fax: +86-29-8846-0411

2005.09-Present School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University
• Doctoral research field: Contact Mechanics, Dynamics and Intensity of gear system
• Supervisor: Professor Geng Liu.
• Currently a Ph. D student.
2004.09-2007.04 School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University
• Master’s degree
• Supervisor: Professor Geng Liu..
• Will Receive in April 2007.
2000.09-2004.07 School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University
• Bachelor’s degree
• Thesis Advisor: Professor Geng Liu.
• Received: July 2004.

• Contact Mechanics
• Elasto-Plastic Mechanics
• Finite Element Method
• Biomechanics
• Computer Aided Design
• Simulation and Optimization of Dynamics for Gear System

1. Zeng Quanren, Liu Geng, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Parameter Correlation of Adaptive-Surface Description for
Elasto-plastic Asperity Contact Problems,” 7th International Tribology Conference (Austrib 2006), December
03-06, 2006, Brisbane, Australia, No.39100054, accepted.
2. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Zeng Quanren, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Thermal Elasto-plastic Asperity Contacts of
Layered Media,” Materials Science Forum, 532-533, pp. 721-724.
3. Xie Qin, Liu Geng, Liu Tianxiang, Tong Ruiting, Zeng Quanren, 2005, “Elasto-Plastic Asperity Contacts of
Layered Media,” World Tribology Congress III (WTC2005), September 12-16, 2005, Washington, D.C.,
USA, WTC2005-63812.

CV Zeng Quanren

4. Zeng Quanren, Liu Geng, Liu Tianxiang, Wu Zhanrong, 2006, “Research on the Biomechanical Behaviors
of the Spine for Pilots”, Proceeding of Aeronautics & Astronautics Science & Technology Doctoral Forum of
China (in Chinese), Beijing, China, pp. 158-163
5. Tong Ruiting, Liu Geng, Zeng Quanren, Liu Tianxiang, 2006, “Analysis on Thermal Elasto-Plastic
Asperity Contacts of Layered Media,” 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII),
Los Angeles, California, July 16-22

• 2005-2006 First-class Scholarship for Graduate Student
• 2004-2005 Second-class Scholarship for Graduate Student
• 2004.07 Excellent Graduate of Commission of Science Technology and Industry For National Defense
• 2004.03 Excellent Youth League Leader Award
• 2002-2003 First-class Scholarship for Undergraduate Student
• 2001-2002 First-class Scholarship for Undergraduate Student
• 2000-2001 Second-class Scholarship for Undergraduate Student

• 2002.10-2003.09 Member of campus website called Friend of Students
• 2001.10-2003.10 One of the director for campus association called Automobile Fans Association

• Dr. Geng Liu, Professor, Executive Dean, School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical
University, No. 127, Youyi Xi Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710072, P. R. China, +86-29-8846-0411,
• Prof. Liyan Wu, Professor, School of Mechatronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, No.
127, Youyi Xi Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710072, P. R. China, +86-29-8849-3929,

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