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1. Escribe 3 oraciones en presente continuo (afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa), 3

oraciones (afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa) en pasado continuo y 3 (afirmativa,
negativa e interrogativa) oraciones en presente perfecto. Estas oraciones deben estar
relacionadas a la agricultura, así mismo subraya el verbo que utilizas en el texto.

I am packing blueberries in AVSA.
I am not packing blueberries in AVSA.
Am I packing blueberries at AVSA?

I am weighing tangerines.
I am not weighing tangerines.
Am I weighing tangerines?

I am evaluating pests and diseases.

I am not evaluating pests and diseases.
Am i evaluating pests and diseases?

I was registering the avocado crates.
I was not registering the avocado crates.
Was i registering the avocado crates?

I was reading the soil analysis.

I was not reading the soil analysis.
Was i reading the soil analysis?

I was reviewing the GLOBALGAP certifications.

I was not reviewing the GLOBALGAP certifications.
Was i reviewing the GLOBALGAP certifications?


I have requested the quality control files.

I have not requested the quality control files.
Have I requested the quality control files?

I have asked about the blueberry production results.

I have not asked about the blueberry production results.
Have i asked about the blueberry production results?

I have managed the agricultural machinery for preparing the land.

I have not managed the agricultural machinery for preparing the land.
Have i managed the agricultural machinery for preparing the land?
2. En inglés y español; describe los tipos de flores que tiene las plantas, coloca ejemplos
de cada una.
The types of flowers of the plants are peculiarly extensive, but they are distinguished
by their ability to receive pollen in their esteem, so in this case the following fruit trees
will be shown and what types of flowers they have.

THE AVOCADO: it has a hermaphrodite flower with protogyny dicogamy with daily
synchronized complementarity.

THE BLUEBERRY: The individual flowers are small, axillary, with the calyx made up of 4-
5 obtuse sepals and the white corolla made up of 4-5 fused petals giving rise to a bell-
shaped shape.

THE PITAHAYA: it is tubular, hermaphrodite like most cacti, it is beautiful but brief, as it
appears dazzling in the morning and as it begins to feel the heat of the sun it suddenly
dehydrates. It opens only once at night and its penetrating aroma attracts numerous

THE GRANADILLA: they are violet in color, 7 to 10 cm in diameter, usually two in a knot.
The petals are rounded, pinkish white and mottled purple-blue. The flowers have 5
stamens, flat anthers that join towards the middle of the filament.

Los tipos de flores de las plantas son peculiarmente extensos, pero se distinguen por su
capacidad de recibir polen en su estima, por lo que en este caso se mostrarán los
siguientes árboles frutales y que tipos de flores tienen.
EL AGUACATE: tiene una flor hermafrodita con protoginia dicogamia con
complementariedad sincronizada diaria.
EL ARÁNDANO: Las flores individuales son pequeñas, axilares, con el cáliz formado por
4-5 sépalos obtusos y la corola blanca formada por 4-5 pétalos fusionados dando lugar
a una forma acampanada.
LA PITAHAYA: es tubular, hermafrodita como la mayoría de las cactáceas, es bella pero
breve, pues aparece deslumbrante por la mañana y como comienza a sentir el calor del
sol de repente se deshidrata. Se abre una sola vez por la noche y su penetrante aroma
atrae a numerosos insectos.
LA GRANADILLA: son de color violeta, de 7 a 10 cm de diámetro, generalmente de dos
en un nudo. Los pétalos son redondeados, de color blanco rosado y moteados de azul
púrpura. Las flores tienen 5 estambres, anteras planas que se unen hacia la mitad del
3. Describe una historia breve utilizando distintos verbos en distintos tiempos vistos en

I am working at the Fall Creek company and finishing the week of face to face classes
I will evaluate pests and diseases in the blueberry nursery to learn more about the MIP,
which is my branch (FUTURE SIMPLE).
I had been wanting since I started my degree in Valle Grande to Being part of a
I will be giving my all to leave my institution high (FUTURE CONTINUOUS).

Abril 2023

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