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Exploiting workers (nestle)

In 1989 workers at a Nestlé chocolate plant in Cacapava, Brazil went on strike. The workers
companied of poor working conditions, including discrimination against women, lack of
protective clothing and inadequate safety condition. Within two months of the beginning of the
stike the company had sacked forty of its workers, including most of the strike organisers.

Abusing animals (colgate)

Colgate-Palmolive has animal testing undertaken for it by outside contractors. A few years
ago, BUAV uncovered details of an experiment carried out for the company by Columbia
University in which guinea pigs were locked into small plastic tubes and a strong solution of
surfactant was applied for four hours a day for three days, causing cracked and bleeding skin
on the animals

Abusing animals(Philip Morris)

Philip Morris also owns Kraft General Foods, criticised by the

BUAV for tests on cats in thedevelopment of a 'stomach-friendly' coffee.

Irresponsible marketing (Johnson & Johnson)

In 1990, Johnson & Johnson were criticised for their marketing of Imodiumanti-diarrhoea
drops to children in Pakistan. According to J&J, the drops were given to 19 infants. :There
were side effects as a result of serious overdosing in these cases and six of these children
died." Johnson & Johnson withdrew the drops from the Pakistan in March 1990 and
undertook to withdraw them in other Third World countries.

Enviroment (fosters)

In early 1990, Greenpeace divers blocked off a waste outlet at Broken Hill's Port Kembla
plant. Australia, claiming that huge amounts of cyanide, zinc, ammonia, chromium and
phenols were being dumped into a creek leading to the harbour. BHP later admitted that it
had been illegally discharging cyanide into the waters.

In the late 1980's, at OK Tedi mine, Papua New Guinea (20% owned by BHP) highly toxic
mining waste was dumped directly into the Fly River. Half the fish were killed even 50km
downstream, and the food supply of 20,000 villagers was contaminated. The decision not to
construct a dam to contain the waste is cited as "one of the most fateful and dangerous ever
made in the history of mining in the Pacific region." Moreover, 1988, the Ok Tedi mountain
had been lowered by 150 metres and more than 200km of roads had been built through the

BHP is one of the companies which carried out oil exploration in Burma since 1989.
Environmental impacts of exploration include pollution, erosion and deforestation of virgin
tropical forest for roads etc which also give access to the military regime.

Exploiting workers (unilever)

In June 1989, workers occupied the Gessy Lever plant in Sau Paulo, Brazil, seeking better
pay and conditions. Although the company did eventually agree to a pay rise, 87 workers
were sacked for taking action, and company management failed to recognise an elected
factory committee.
Abusing animals (unilever)

Unilever is on the PETA list of companies that test on animals. Products tested include
cosmetics, toiletries, household cleaners, foods, food additives and chemicals.

Exploiting workers ( Wal-Mart)

Wal-Mart is rabidly anti-union, it pays very low wages, its health-care benefits are only
available after 2 years employment, and then only affordable to 36% of employees, and it is
an an unrepentant and recidivist violator of employee rights, drawing repeated convictions,
fines, and the ire of judges from coast to coast.

Land Rights (bp)

BP has been criticised a number of times in the past for its mineral operations on tribal people
lands. The company has now pulled out of minerals. It does however continue to search for
oil and, along with other companies, it has been criticised for operations in the Amazon,
where a number of Indian Reserves have been affected.

Exploiting workers (bp)

In July 1988 the Piper Alpha disaster led to a series of strikes on North Sea oil rigs. Workers
wanted union recognition and improved safety rights. BP did not agree and started to recruit
non-union labour. In 1989 a number of workers at two BP-owned plants in Brazil were said to
be suffering from pulmonary silicosis, as a result of inhaling dust containing silica at the
plants. In 1990, two explosions in ten days at BP's Grange mouth refinery cost the lives of
three workers and the company £750,000 for breaches of the Health and Safety at Work Act.
brandname NOT OK? Reasons
Unilever is on the PETA list of companies that test on animals. Products tested

Unilever x include cosmetics, toiletries, household cleaners, foods, food additives and chemicals.
In 1990, Johnson & Johnson were criticised for their marketing of Imodium

anti-diarrhoea drops to children in Pakistan. According to J&J, the drops were

given to 19 infants. :There were side effects as a result of serious overdosing

in these cases and six of these children died." Johnson & Johnson withdrew the

Johnson & Johnson x drops from the Pakistan in March 1990 and undertook to withdraw them in other Third World countries
BP has been criticised a number of times in the past for its mineral operations

on tribal people lands. The company has now pulled out of minerals. It does

however continue to search for oil and, along with other companies, it has been

bp x criticised for operations in the Amazon, where a number of Indian Reserves have been affected
Wal-Mart is rabidly anti-union, it pays very low wages, its health-care benefits are only available

after 2 years employment, and then only affordable to 36% of employees, and it is an an unrepentant

Wal-Mart x and recidivist violator of employee rights, drawing repeated convictions, fines, and the ire of judges
from coast to coast.
Philip Morris also owns Kraft General Foods, criticised by the

Philip Morris x BUAV for tests on cats in the development of a 'stomach-friendly' coffee


Our opinion is:

A lot of industries use the animals to test news products, the animals suffering wounds or die.

Another problem is the exploiting of workers the industries don’t pay him.

Another is the spill toxics dumping in the water or the deforestation of the forests.

Final conclusion:

The industries destroyed the world. And abuse of the persons and animals.

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