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Assignment #1
전일염(TIAN YIRAN)2021313231
As an indispensable part of people, intelligence plays an important role in our life. The intelligence of

traditional theory is a kind of logical analysis ability in essence. Generally speaking, I think people's

mental health is closely related to people's cognitive attitude, self-awareness and personality

characteristics. However, it is also affected by external factors such as family factors, social factors and

growth experience. Whether intelligence is determined by heredity or by environmental upbringing has

long been a controversial issue in biology. Genetic determinists believe that human intelligence is

determined by the genes they carry; Environmentalists argue that human intelligence is largely

influenced by environmental upbringing. Of course, the inheritance of intelligence here does not mean

that one is born with knowledge, but that intelligence is regarded as a biological trait, which is

manifested in the inheritance relationship with parents, that is, the level of talent of each person.

In many cases, the solution of a matter can be seen not only people's emotional intelligence, but also

people's intelligence. For those around me who are naturally intelligent, their grades may be among the

best since childhood, and they can get better grades with one-tenth of the study time of others. This

kind of person is very intelligent by nature, likes to think, likes to think, has a strong observation

record. Strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge about strange things. React quickly to things and

think quickly. And through my observation and teachers' praise of these "smart" children, I can see that

they have very good living habits, and they have enough perseverance to stick to a task or habit until

they master it.

According to The "theory of multiple intelligences" of American psychologist H.Gardner, IQ is the

ability we need to solve problems or be productive and creative. It can be divided into at least seven

types: verbal intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, motor intelligence,

musical intelligence, social intelligence and self-knowledge intelligence. Each of us has these seven

types of intelligence, a combination of many abilities, not just one. 1 Mental intelligence is the function

of the brain. In humans, the formation of speech makes the second signal system gradually perfect,

resulting in the human brain function over the remaining, and there is a qualitative difference compared

with the animal brain. Heredity determines the common characteristics of the species and ensures the

「theory of multiple intelligences」,H.Gardner
quality of the intellectual level of the species2. The environment influences intelligence and determines

the realization of intellectual power on a genetic basis. Education, as a special environment, promotes

the development of intelligence.

Therefore, based on the above expert arguments, for myself, I think I am not born very smart, my

intelligence is trained by my parents. Since I was not a student with the best grades since childhood,

my parents gradually taught me how to study and keep a curious attitude towards the world,

encouraging me to try things I like. Until now, as an international student living and studying in other

countries, I have been able to adapt to local culture and customs well and find many difficult and

simple solutions. It was obvious that I was getting better and better intellectually as I grew up.

Some people can easily come up with an easier solution, others just take a detour to the finish line.

Intelligence has a great influence on a person, so it is very important to cultivate intelligence. Good

living habits can also affect our intelligence. We should maintain a good living habit, do more activities

conducive to intellectual development, so that in our later life can bring profit, in order to make

ourselves better development. We have to do a self-motivated, the improvement of intelligence is

conducive to our later work efficiency.

In my opinion, the reason why people with high IQ have high performance may be that they have

strong observation ability. They may have strong perception of things, so that they can understand the

uniqueness of each person and thus better understand the way of dealing with people. Second, I think

intelligent people know their strengths and weaknesses. They use their greatest strengths to make up for

their shortcomings. The third most intelligent people will make sufficient preparations and clear plans

for the unknown things, know what they want to do, and finally achieve something.

The reference:

「theory of multiple intelligences」,H.Gardner

「 On the Development of Intelligence and the Relationship between Heredity and

environment」,Chen Yuanyang.

「On the Development of Intelligence and the Relationship between Heredity and environment 」,Chen

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