Project Coordinator

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Human Resource Management

Name: BISHAR SAID ADEN Date: 6-17-2023

Activity 3

1. Create a process of recruitment aligned with your current employment.
2. After creating a recruitment process, design a staff selection process:
a. External Selection
b. Internal Selection
3. Create an interview tool card/ sheet. A tool used for interviewers to score a
candidate's qualifications for hiring or for a position.
4. Prepare a random calling to present your output.

Health Project Coordinator- July 2023

The Opportunity: We are looking for a new team member who will contribute
strong administrative skills to both our programmatic work and our internal
projects. This new project coordinator will primarily work to support programs. In
addition, we’re looking for someone who is enthusiastic about communications
and technology. This is an opportunity to help support our internal systems at a
critical point as we make some big hardware and software transitions. This project
coordinator will also have the chance to grow our social media presence and
engage Compass Point’s online audience.
 Proactively creates a welcoming environment for visitors and program
 Responds to information requests that come in by phone or email.
 Manages program participant communications for cohort leadership
 Tracks and manages participant records.
 Prepares materials for Compass Point leadership development programs
(formats and copy edits printed materials, makes copies, compiles binders,
manages email correspondence with participants).
 Creates and edits documents and materials in Microsoft (Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint) and Google (Documents, Sheets, and Forms).
 Creates, edits, and manages program applications and evaluations using
online survey tools.
 Maintains and organizes supplies.
 Provides support for program events, including planning leading up to the
event as well as dayof coordination and operations.
 Provides administrative support for web-based learning sessions.
 Supports scheduling for meetings and virtual peer learning groups across.
Multiple teams and organizations.
 Provides technical support for audio/visual/technology needs during
program events as needed.
 Provides administrative support to office-wide technology projects
(including tracking warranty expiration dates in spreadsheet, communicating
to staff about any technology changes, and scheduling sessions with IT and
 Works with Communications Director to develop and implement a social
media strategy across three active channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, and

The Hiring Team:

Similar to the last year’s hiring processes, there will be two teams: 1) core team
and 2) selection committee. The core team’s role is to manage the logistics of the
process- which includes, outreach planning, time-lining, team development, and
crafting job announcements. The members of this team are [insert names of team
members of hiring core team]. The core team will continue to build our hiring
systems that will support future processes. The selection committee’s role will be
to participate in the screening process (Resume, phone screen, 1st interviews, and
2nd interviews). This team will also partner with the prospective hire’s practice
partner to select a final candidate. To ensure we have the right voices in the
selection process, the selection committee will be practice partner, current project
coordinator, HR coordinator, project team member, and hiring lead.
Announcing the Position:
The position opening will be announced in two waves. We plan to announce the
position to our target list, which includes social justice orgs and individuals. We’ll
also share the announcement via traditional communication channels. See below
for timeline information. Communications Director and HR Coordinator will
spread the word via the following channels:
 Individuals and organizations on our outreach list
 General interest list of individuals who have asked to stay in touch with us
regarding job openings
 Social media (Twitter, Facebook and Linked In)
 Past Initiative participants
 E-newsletter
The individuals below will be encouraged to forward the announcement to their
networks. We will provide easy messages that can be ‘cut a pasted’ for Twitter,
Facebook and LinkedIn:
 Team Members
 The HR and Finance Professionals Networks
As we roll out this job announcement, we will monitor how frequently the job
openings page of our website is being visited. If we become concerned that we are
not creating enough interest in the position, we will re-evaluate our approach and
possibly post the position through some more traditional channels and/or extend
the application window.
Screening the Candidates:
HR Coordinator will be inputting all applicants in a tracking sheet. The tracking
sheet will include a list of desired and must a have competencies that the screening
team will use to review resumes and cover letters. The screening team (2-3
members of the selection committee) will review all cover letters and resumes and
key information about each candidate in the tracking sheet. Candidates will be
rated red / yellow / green based on how well they match the competencies listed in
the job description. The screening team will also give some of the resumes a
second look to challenge each other on any unintentional biases. The screening
team will have phone conversations with all candidates that have been classified as
green. Candidates that are classified as yellow will be revisited if we have any
concerns about the strength of the green pool. The full selection team will convene
after each round of the screening process to review the candidates and determine
which individuals will move forward to the next round and ultimately are extended
an offer.

Selection Process:
We value the voices of all members on the selection team. We believe that no vote
is more valuable than another. Decisions made for this hire will go through a
modified consensus decision making process. When evaluating the candidates, the
selection team will choose from the following options:
1) Yes- The candidate definitely meets the position requirements
2) Yes with questions- The candidate meets the position requirements, and I
have questions about…
3) Stand-Aside- I have some concerns about the candidate, but not strong
enough to block
4) Block- Serious concerns about the candidate’s values might not align with
our values and if hired can possibly cause harm or set the organization
backwards Hiring Lead will compile the data received from the votes and
work with the selection committee to choose a final candidate.
External Selection Process
 Searching – Candidate attraction
Job Advertisement will be posted in the Bulletin Board of the LGU.
 Screening – Screening Process of the CV’s of the applicants
 Engagement – Interviewing, Connecting, Assessing personnel.
 Selection – Make a data backed hiring decision.
The HR and RHU personnel conducted the interview will compare the
performance of the top applicants during the interview process and evaluate
who stand out among all for the desired position.
 Onboarding – The hired applicant will introduce to the Rural Health Unit
facility for the work orientation.

Internal Selection Process

 Employee Referrals – Cost effective way to hire qualified candidates.

A referral from the employees within the facility.
 Internal Communications thru staff meetings.
 Assessment of the performance records, Competencies, and skills of
the employee.
 Reference Checks – verify the performance of the employee from the
current immediate supervisor.
 Evaluate the qualification of the internal candidate.
 Feed backing
 Onboarding

Time Line:
July 7th Job announcement goes live on our website. Job announcement sent to
target list
July 11th – Job announcement shared across all communications channels
July25th - End of application process
July 25th – August 8th - Resume screening
August 11th - August 20th - Phone screening
August 25th – Sep 5th - First round interviews
Sep 8th – Sep 12 th - Second Round Interviews
Week of Sep 15th - Make job offer
Sep 29th –Oct 13th – New PC starts in position
Candidate’s Name: ______________________________
Date:  _______________________ Interviewed
By:  ________________________________
Scoring Candidate evaluation forms are to be completed by the interviewer to rank
the candidates overall qualifications for the position.  Under each heading the
interviewer should give the candidate a numerical rating and write specific job
related comments in the space provided.  The numerical rating system is based on
the following:
5 – Exceptional   4 – Above Average   3 – Average   2 – Satisfactory   1 –
Unsatisfactory Educational
Background – Does the candidate have the appropriate educational qualifications
or training for this position?
Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Prior Work Experience – Has the candidate acquired necessary skills or
qualifications through past work experiences?
Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Technical Qualifications/Experience – Does the candidate have the technical skills
necessary for this position?
Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Administrative and budgetary experience: financial planning, staff supervision,
management of resources – Does the candidate demonstrate the knowledge of
these areas necessary for this position?
Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Leadership Ability – Did the candidate demonstrate the leadership skills necessary
for this position? Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Customer Service Skills – Did the candidate demonstrate the knowledge and skills
to create a positive customer experience/interaction necessary for this position?
Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Communication Skills – How were the candidate’s communication skills during
the interview? Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Candidate Enthusiasm – How much interest did the candidate show in the
Rating:   1     2     3     4     5
Overall Impression and Recommendation – Final comments and recommendations
for proceeding with this candidate.
Rating:   1     2     3     4     5

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