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Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

1-S (Seiri / Sort)

A. Purpose
1. To assist work group in separating the necessary from the unnecessary items in the work area.
2. To determine the group to discard unnecessary items.
B. Scope
This section covers procedures & guidelines to be followed for 1-S activities within the marked
C. Objective
1. Remove unnecessary objects
2. Reduce waste
D. Abbreviations
Short Code Description

E. Definitions
1. Objects / Items – Those things which are lying in the work areas which can be like equipment,
utilities, papers, files etc.
2. Seiri – sorting out of items / objects in required and non-required items
F. Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
Roles Responsibilities Authorities Frequency
Steering 1. To motivate team with 1. Disposition of Red tag 1. Once a month
committee 1S activities items
2. Review and dispose red 2. Area / items /
tag items in stipulated locations dispute
time resolution
3. Handling Escalation or
deviation in 1S activities
4. To seek approval on
undecided points greater
than 365 days from
5S 1. Monitoring the 1 S 1. To verify engagement Monthly
Coordinator activities as per level of teams through
schedule MOM/ weekly reports

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Doc. No: APAR/SOP/5S/1
Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

Roles Responsibilities Authorities Frequency

2. Preparing monthly
report for Steering
Team Leader 1. To provide training and 1. Allocation of specific Weekly
guidance to all new and task and zone within
existing team members the team members
on 1S 2. Verification of red tag
2. Ensure and participate & red tag list
in 1S activities as per
weekly schedule
3. To prepare weekly
report and submit to 5S
4. To follow up with
steering committee for
red tag items disposal
5S Team 1. Carry out 1S activities NA Weekly
Members as per weekly schedule
2. To adhere the
instruction of 1s related
activities from team
3. To report weekly
activities along with
before and after pictures
to Team leader
4. Updation of red tag and
red tag list
G. Training or Resources Requirements
1. Training
Training topic Responsibility Frequency
1S sorting criteria Team Leader New members – at time of

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Doc. No: APAR/SOP/5S/1
Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

Training topic Responsibility Frequency

Other members – once in six
Red tag, red tag list and reporting Team Leader Once in six months
2. Resources
1. Red Tags

H. Procedure
The key steps involve in the 1-S Seiri / Sort are below
1. Understand the boundaries
I. Develop boundaries within the premise / project area (need to keep in mind that there is
no orphan place).
II. Those boundaries can be in name of the individual zone which is determined in form of
Zone Map.
2. Develop team for each Zone
I. For zone, a team leader gets appointed which can be Departmental head or process
II. Following by the Team leaders, 5s team members are determined.
III. Since 5S is responsibility of every individual so participation of everyone is mandatory
IV. Create a 5S communication board for daily staff huddles and posting info to share across
day and evening shifts.
3. Monthly once 1S activity that includes sorting of wanted and unwanted items must be carried
out by the team.
4. Identification of necessary items
I. Teams may ask the following questions for sorting criteria
 What is this?
 When did you last use it?
 Is it critical or unique for department?
 If its inventory, is this the minimal amount needed to keep up with the schedule?
II. Every individual walk-through assigned area and physically touches everything. As each
item is touched, do the following:
Item has a defined purpose and is used Do not flag

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Doc. No: APAR/SOP/5S/1
Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

often enough to be considered necessary.
Item has no definite purpose OR is not Flag with Red flag
needed or is in excess quantity or kept
only for “just in case needed” (ex. Items
not used for more than 6 months)
Item is determined unsafe and needed Tag item to be repaired or replaced
Item is unsafe and not needed Red tag item to be removed from the
work area
Unsure about item’s purpose Red tag item for discussion
Caution: Focus on dept-owned versus personal property.
III. Remove all tagged items to be designated holding area within the zone – Zone Red tag
IV. Physically tagged such unwanted materials and list them down in the red tag register and
submit it to steering committee for decision.
V. Zone leader to verify these items and submit the updated red tag list to 5S coordinator.
VI. Steering committee shall conduct a monthly review of all red tag zones and take
decision for disposition of such items.
VII. 5S coordinator shall highlight any items pending for more than 180 days to steering
committee in the monthly report. This shall include probable suggestions based on
consultation of teams for further actions.
VIII. Steering committee shall take immediate decision on any items lying in red tag zone for
more than 365 days.
IX. Any retention beyond 365 days shall require CMD approval.
5. Sort Inspection checklist
I. Search these spaces
 Floors
 Aisles
 Work surfaces
 Corners near entrances, exits and stairs
 Behind and under workbenches and equipment
 Along interior and exterior walls
 Toolboxes that are not sorted
II. Look unneeded furniture
 Chairs

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Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

 Desks
 Carts
 Filing cabinets
 Benches
III. Look for unneeded equipment
 Jigs
 Tools
 Cutting bits
 Dies
 Inspection gear
 Gauges
 Carts
 Conveyance tools
IV. Check walls and boards for
 Unneeded hanging and posted items
 Out-of-date items
 Useless signboards and messages
 Unused messages and statistics
V. Look for unneeded supplies
 Spare parts
 Small parts
 Spare inventory
 Raw materials
 In-process inventory
VI. Search these storage spaces
 Lockers
 Carts
 Storage shelves
 Floors
 Workbenches
VII. Look for other unneeded items
 Dishes
 Trash cans

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Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

 Personal items
 Clothes
 Tools
6. Red tag Criteria
1. Routine scraps /waste/ garbage shall not be considered as red tag material and disposed as
per regular process.
Frequency of use Action of use
Obsolete Sell
Hold for Depreciation
Give away
Defective Return to supplier
Unneeded in this area Move to red tag area
Things we don’t know if we’ll use Store out of the way, visually controlled
and dated, with retrieval planned
Discard if this is a less-expensive option
If not used in one year, take further measures - throw away
Things not used / unusable items Throw away
I. Team leader needs to review or evaluate red tag items.
II. The team leader looks at the items tagged to check:
 Have we tagged anything we definitely need?
 Have we tagged anything that belongs to another department, section or
 organisation?
 What is useless, unclear or useful?
 Are some things useful, but on a longer timescale?
 How do we dispose of the items tagged that we don’t want?
 Have we challenged what we really need and don’t need?
7. Disposal Criteria
I. Team leader should take decision on disposal of all red tags as per following table
within 30 days
II. In case of any items (ex. High value or disputed items etc) shall be escalated to steering
committee for further disposal.

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Doc. No: APAR/SOP/5S/1
Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

IF item is AND THEN follow these Steps

Claimed Claimant determines a
location for the item
Unclaimed Is Still Usable Put forth for steering
committee decision
Unusable by anyone Discard immediately. No
recording of the item is
Very large (file cabinet, Maintain on location and put
storage cabinet, equipment forth for steering committee
utility etc.) decision
8. Implementation of 1-S Sort, there are action steps that need to be taken
I. Select a 5S application area and take “before” pictures.
II. Review sorting criteria – recommended criteria are frequency of use, criticality, and
quantity needed for production.
III. Create a red tag area – mark off a corner or space to identify it as the local red tag area.
IV. Tag, record, and move items to the red tag area – keep records so that the company can
track assets in the red tag register.
V. Take “after” pictures of the uncluttered work area and red tag area.
VI. Items not reclaimed by the work group within 30 days are moved to the company’s
central red tag area.
I. Key Performance Indicators: Effectiveness & Efficiency Measures
1. 5S schedule Plan Vs Actual
2. Percent tags closed
3. 1S audit score
J. Records
1. 5s zone Map
2. Red Tag tracker
3. Monthly Dashboard
K. Task List / Checklist
1. Progress check

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Doc. No: APAR/SOP/5S/1
Date: 26.08.2022
Title: 5S Procedure Manual Rev Date:

Checkpoints Remarks
Plan Vs Schedule (date/ time) min 1 hrs per week
Is involvement of all personnel seen
Are all workplace areas covered in the 1S activities
Are all red tag items marked and updated in red tag tracker
Any issues for red tags
Any delay in decision for disposition
Are “before” & “after” pictures taken of red tag materials

2. Attendance sheet
Name of attendees Designation Signature

L. Version Controller
Rev Eff. Date Change/ Improvement Process Prepared By Approved By
No Description Measure

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