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RT 102

Course: Radiologic Technology
Subject: RT 102
Coverage: Part I, II, III, IV, & V
No. of items: 500+
Prepared by: Philips V. Pepito


Source: Trust me bro…


-itis Inflammation
-ectomy Excision / Removal
-otomy Incision
-al, -ic, -ar Pertaining to
rrhaphy Suture
A- Absence
-pathy Disease
-megaly Enlargement
Intra- Within, Inside
Infra- Below
Sub- Under
Supra- Above
-stenosis Narrowing
Alg/o, algi/o, algesi/o Pain
Lith Stone
-rrhea Discharge, Flow
Brady- Slow
Tachy- Rapid, Fast
Dys- Abnormal, Difficult
Pachy- Thick
-emia, hem/o Blood
Myo-, My- Muscle

Medical Terminology It is the language used by physicians and other members of health team. It
includes the medical words that describe or define a disease, a condition, or
clinical signs and symptoms. It is the language that is used to accurately
describe the human body and associated components, conditions,
processes, and procedures in a science-based manner.
Root Word The fundamental unit of each medical word.
Prefix It is a short word part added before a root to modify its meaning.
Suffix It is a short word part or series of parts added at the end of a root to modify
its meaning.
It is an objective manifestation detected by the physician during
Bursa Cushion areas subject to friction during movement
Heart Receives blood from the veins and pumps blood into arteries.
Lymph nodes Bean-shaped structures of the lymphatic system where pathogens and
other harmful substances are filtered from the lymph by the specialized
cells of the immune system.
Spleen A sac-like mass of lymphoid tissue with protective roles in both the immune
system and lymphatic system.
Lungs Bring oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide and some water
waste from the body.
Epiglottis Closes off the trachea during swallowing.
Large intestine Absorbs excess water and prepares solid waste for elimination.
Veins Return blood from all body parts to the heart.
Urethra Transport urine from the bladder through the urethral meatus where it is
Esophagus Transport food from the pharynx to the stomach.
Pancreas Secretes digestive juices and enzymes into small intestine as needed.
Disease It is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function
that affects part or all of an organism.
A group of signs and symptoms that characterized a specific abnormal
Bones Act as a framework for the body to protect
Bone Marrow  Red bone marrow forms some blood cells.
 Yellow bone marrow stores fat.
Cartilage Creates a smooth surface for motion within the joins and protects the ends
of the bones.
Joints Work with muscles to make a variety of motions possible.
Ligaments Connect one bone to another.
Synovial Membrane Forms the lining of synovial joints and secretes synovial fluid.

Craniostosis Ossification of the cranial structures.

Spondylolysis Destruction and separation of a vertebra.

Paravertebral Before or in front of the spinal column.

Rachischisis Fissure of the spine.

Costochondral Pertaining to a rib and its cartilage.

Presacral In front of the sacrum.

Coccygeal Pertaining to the coccyx.

Pelvimetry Measurement of the pelvis.

Iliopelvic Pertaining to the ilium and pelvis.

Muscles Make body movement possible, hold body erect, move body fluids, and
produce body heat.
Fascia Cover, support, and separate muscles.

Tendons Attach muscles to bones.

Myositis Inflammation of muscle.

Musculoskeletal Pertaining to muscle and skeleton.

Inotropic Acting on muscle fibers.

Fasciodesis Suturing of a fascia to a tendon or other fascia.

Tenorrhaphy Suture of a tendon.

Cardiotonic Having a strengthening action on the heart.

Dyskinesia Abnormality of movement.

Blood vessels Transport blood to and from all areas of the body.

Arteries Transport blood away from the heart to all parts of the body.

Blood Brings oxygen and nutrients to the cell and carries away waste.

Cardiomyopathy Any disease of the heart muscle.

Atriotomy Surgical incision of an atrium.

Supraventricular Above a ventricle.

Valvectomy Surgical removal of a valve.

Angiopathy Any disease of blood vessels.

Vasodilation Widening of a blood vessel.

Endarterial Within an artery

Arteriolar Pertaining to an arteriole.

Venous Pertaining to a vein.

Lymphocytes Specialized leukocytes that play important role in the immune reactions.

Thymus A gland located in the upper chest with specialized role in both lymphatic
and immune systems.
Lymphoid Resembling lymph or lymphatic tissue.

Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen.

Athymia Absence of the thymus gland.

Tonsillar Pertaining to a tonsil.

Nose Exchanges air during inhaling and exhaling; warms, moisturizes, and filters
inhaled air.
Sinuses Produce mucus for the nasal cavities, make bones of the skull lighter, aid in
sound production.
Pharynx Transport air back and forth between the nose and the trachea.

Larynx Makes speech possible.

Trachea Transport air back and forth between the pharynx and the bronchi.

Bronchi Transports air from the trachea into the lungs.

Alveoli Air sacs that exchange gases with the pulmonary capillary blood.

Rhinorrhea Discharge from the nose.

Pharyngeal Pertaining to the pharynx.

Laryngoscopy Endoscopic examination of the larynx.

Phrenic Pertaining to the diaphragm.

Intrapulmonary Within the lungs.

Pneumonectomy Surgical removal of a lung or lung tissue.

Pneumatocardia Presence of air in the heart.

Spirometer Instrument for measuring breathing volumes.

Mouth Begins preparation of food for digestion.

Stomach Breaks down food and mixes it with gastric juices.

Small intestine Mixes chime coming from the stomach with digestive juices.

Liver Secretes bile and enzymes to aid in digestion.

Gallbladder Stores bile, and releases it into the small intestine as needed.

Stomatitis Inflammation of the mouth.

Sublingual Under the tongue.

Glossopharyngeal Pertaining to the tongue and pharynx.

Palatorrhaphy Suture of the palate.

Gingivectomy Excision of gum tissue.

Pylorostenosis Narrowing of the pylorus.

Dysentery Infectious disease of the intestine.

Duodenoscopy Endoscopic examination of the duodenum.

Jejunotomy Incision of the jejunum.

Kidneys Filter the blood to remove waste products…

Renal pelvis Collect urine produced by the kidneys.

Urine Liquid waste products to be excreted

Ureters Transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

Urinary bladder Stores urine until it is excreted.

Urethra Transport urine from the bladder through the urethral meatus, where it is
Prostate A gland of the male reproductive system that surrounds the male urethra.

Infrarenal Below the kidney.

Urination Discharge of urine.

Cystotomy Incision of the bladder.

Brain Coordinates all body activities by receiving and transmitting messages

throughout the body.
Spinal cord Transmit nerve impulses between the brain, arms and legs, and the lower
part of the body.
Nerves Receive and transmit messages to and from all parts of the body.

Audition Act of hearing.

Acoustic Pertaining to sound or hearing.

Optometer Instrument for measuring the refractive power of the eye.

Hair Aids in controlling the loss of body heat.

Adrenal glands Regulate electrolyte levels, influence metabolism, and respond to stress.

Pituitary glands Secrete hormones that control the activity of the other endocrine glands.

Thymus Plays a major role in the immune system.

Thyroid gland Stimulates metabolism, growth, and the activity of the nervous system.

Algesia Condition of having pain.

Carcinogen Substance that produces cancer.

Cystic Pertaining to or having cysts.

Lithiasis Stone formation.

Oncogen Gene that causes a tumor.

Pathogen Organism that produces disease.

Pyocyst A sac or cyst containing pus.

Pyretic Pertaining to fever.

Sclerosis Hardening of tissue.

Exotoxin Toxin secreted by bacterial cells.

Bradypnea Slow breathing.

Dysplasia Abnormal development of tissue.

Maladaptive Poorly suited to a specific use or to the environment.

Pachyemia Thickness of blood.

Tachycardia Rapid heart rate.

Xerosis Dryness of the skin or membranes.

Myalgia Pain in a muscle.

Hydrocele Localized dilation containing fluid.

Osteoclasis Breaking of a bone

Meningitis Inflammation of the membranes around the brain.

Hepatomegaly Enlargement of the liver.

Urodynia Pain on urination.

Blastoma Tumor of immature cells.

Cardiopathy Any disease of the heart.

Hemorrhage Profuse flow of blood.

Mucorrhea Discharge of mucus.

Amniorrhexis Rupture of the amniotic sac.

Retinoschisis Splitting of the retina of the eye.

Medicine It is the science and practice of the diagnosis of treatment, and prevention of
Medicus (Latin A physician.
Pathos (Ancient Experience or Suffering
Greek roots)
-logia Study of
Study of disease Pathology
Airborne It is any disease that is caused by pathogens and transmitted through air.
Contagious An infection, such as influenza or the common cold that commonly spreads from
one person to another.
Communicable An infection that can spread from one person to another but is not usually
spread through everyday contact.
Non-communicable It is a medical condition or disease that is non-transmissible. It cannot spread
Foodborne / Food It is any illness resulting from the consumption of food contaminated with
poisoning pathogenic bacteria, toxins, viruses, prions, or parasites.
Lifestyle It is any disease that appears to increase in frequency as countries become more
industrialized and people live longer.
Infectious diseases These are caused by microorganisms and other parasites that live at the expense
of another organism.
Staphylococcus A round bacterium that forms clusters.
Streptobacillus A rod-shaped bacterium that forms chains.
Bacilluria Bacilli in the urine.
Bactericide Agent that kills bacteria.
Mycosis Any disease condition caused by a fungus.
Viremia Presence of viruses in the blood.
Degenerative Resulting from wear and tear, aging, or trauma that can result in a lesion and
diseases perhaps death of tissue.
Neoplasia Abnormal and uncontrolled growth of tissue.
Immune disorders Failures of the immune system
Metabolic disorders Resulting from lack of enzymes
Hormonal disorders Caused by underproduction or overproduction of hormones.
Mental and Disorders that affect the mind and adaptation of an individual to his or her
emotional disorders environment.
Anesthesiologist A physician trained in anesthesia and perioperative medicine.
Cardiologist A doctor who specializes in the study of the heart.
Dentist A person who is qualified to look after teeth and gums.
Gastroenterologist A doctor who specializes in the digestive system and its disorders.
Geriatrician A doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of old people.
Gynecologist A doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of women.
Nephrologist A doctor who specializes in the study of the kidney and its diseases.
Neurologist A doctor who specializes in the study of the nervous system.
Ophthalmologist A doctor who specializes in the study of the eye and its diseases.
Orthodontist A dental surgeon who specializes in correcting badly placed teeth.
Pediatrician A doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of children.
Psychiatrist A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and
behavioral disorders.
Midwife A professional person who helps a woman give birth to a child, often at home.
Nurse A person who looks after sick people in a hospital or helps a doctor in a local
Pharmacist A trained person who is qualified to prepare medicines according to the
instructions on a doctor’s prescription.
Phlebotomists Trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing.
Physical therapist / Trained and licensed professional to examine, evaluate, diagnose, and treat
Physiotherapist impairment, function limitations, and disabilities in patients.
Radiographers Radiologic Technologists, Diagnostic Radiographers, or Medical Radiation
Technologists, are health care professionals who specialize in the imaging of
human anatomy for the diagnosis and treatment of pathology.
Radiation Therapist Therapeutic Radiographer or Radiotherapist are allied health professional who
works in the field of radiation oncology.
Inspection Visual examination
Palpation Touching the surface of the body with the hands or fingers.
Percussion Tapping the body and listening to the sounds produced.
Auscultation Listening to body sounds with a stethoscope.
Vital signs These are measurements that reflect basic functions necessary to maintain life.
Medical diagnosis Determination of the nature and cause of an illness, begins with a patient
Clinical diagnosis Medical signs and patient-reported symptoms.
Laboratory Laboratory reports or test results.
Radiology diagnosis Results from medical imaging studies
Principal diagnosis Single medical diagnosis
Admitting diagnosis Given as the reason why the patient was admitted to the hospital
Differential A process of identifying all of the possible diagnosis that could be connected to
diagnosis the signs, symptoms, and lab findings.
Diagnostic criteria Designates the combination of signs, symptoms, and test results that the
clinician uses to attempt to determine the correct diagnosis.
Prenatal diagnosis Diagnosis work done before birth.
Diagnosis of A medical condition whose presence cannot be established with complete
exclusion confidence from history, examination or testing.
Dual diagnosis The diagnosis of two related, but separate, medical conditions or co-
Self-diagnosis The diagnosis or identification of a medical conditions in oneself.
Remote diagnosis A type of telemedicine that diagnoses a patient without being physically in the
same room as the patient.
Nursing diagnosis Identifies people’s responses to situations in their lives.
Computer-aided Providing symptoms allows the computer to identify the problem.
Overdiagnosis The diagnosis of “disease” that will never cause symptoms, distress, or death
during a patient’s lifetime.
Wastebasket A vague, or even completely fake, medical or psychiatric label.
Retrospective Labeling of an illness in a historical figure or specific historical event.
Surgery It is a method for treating disease or injury by manual operations.
Palliative treatment It is any therapy that provides relief but is not intended as a cure.
Critical care Focuses on life support and the intensive care of the seriously ill.
Emergency Focuses on care provided in the emergency department.
General practice Often called family medicine, is a branch of medicine that specializes in primary
Infectious disease Branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and management of infectious

PS: Study also the abbreviations. Page 30-34

Study / Branch of medicine – o/logy, try, trics
Person – o/logist, cian, ist
Midterm Exam – Part III

Root Meaning Example Definition of the Example

Morph/o Form Polymorphic Having many forms
Cyt/o, -cyte Cell Cytogenesis The formation (-genesis) of cells.
Nucle/o Nucleus Nuclear Pertaining to a nucleus
Kary/o Nucleus Karyotype Picture of the chromosomes of a cell organized
according to size
Hist/o, histi/o Tissue Histologist Specialist in the study of tissue
Fibr/o Fiber Fibrosis Abnormal formation of fibrous tissue
Reticul/o Network Reticulum A network
Aden/o Gland Adenoma Tumor (-oma) of a gland
Papill/o Nipple Papilliform Resembling a nipple
Myx/o Mucus Myxadenitis Inflammation of a gland that secretes mucus
Muc/o Mucus, mucous, Mucorrhea Increased flow (-rhea) of mucus
Somat/o, Body Somatic Pertaining to the body (as compared with the
-some germ cells or the mind)

Hypertrophy It is the general increase in the bulk of a body part or organ that is due to an
increase in the size, but not in the number of cells in the tissues.
Gigantism / Giantism It is a condition characterized by excessive growth and height significantly
above average.
Hypoplasia It is the incomplete development of an organ or tissue usually due to
deficiency in the number of cells.
Mesomelia It refers to conditions in which middle parts of limbs are disproportionately
Antiviral drug It is used to treat viral infections or to provide temporary immunity.
Antifungal It is an agent that destroys or inhibit the growth of fungi.
Anemia It is one of the more common blood circulation disorders, occurs when the
number of healthy red blood cells decreases in the body. The disc-shaped red
blood cells contain haemoglobin, a unique molecule that carries oxygen to
the body’s tissues.
Latex allergy It usually develops after repeated exposure to latex products, including
balloons or medical gloves. Symptoms may include hives, itching, or a stuffy
or runny nose. Some people may experience asthma symptoms, such as
wheezing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.
Vernal It is a more serious eye allergy than SAC or PAC. While it can occur year-round,
keratoconjunctivitis symptoms may worsen seasonally.
Immunoglobulin E It is the class of antibodies found only on the surface of B cells. These
antibodies are important in B cell activation.
Atopic This type of allergy primarily affects older patients – mostly men with a
keratoconjunctivitis history of allergic dermatitis.
Infection It is the invasion of the body by a pathogenic (disease-producing) organism.
Bactericide substance It causes the death of bacteria
Phagocytosis The body uses this to get rid of invading microorganisms, damaged cells, and
other types of harmful debris.
Dwarfism A condition of which the growth of a person has stopped, leaving him or her
much smaller than average.
Hemihypertrophy Now more commonly referred to as Hemihyperplasia, is a condition in which
one side of the body or a part of one side of the body is larger than the other
to an extent considered greater than the normal variation.
Hypochondroplasia It is a developmental disorder caused by an autosomal dominant genetic
defect in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene (FGFR3).
Macrodystrophia It is a rare, congenital form of localized gigantism of fingers or toes.
Sinusitis It is an inflammation of the sinuses. It is often caused by bacterial (germ)
Allergies Also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by
hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that
usually causes little problem in most people.
Anti-antibody reaction Also known as the immune reaction, involves binding antigens to antibodies.
Antibiotics These are medications capable of inhibiting growth or killing pathogenic
bacterial microorganisms.
Bacteriostatic agents They slow or stop the growth of bacteria.
Antibody It is a disease-fighting protein created by the immune system in response to
the presence of a specific antigen.
Immunoglobulin G Most abundant class of antibodies.
Immunoglobulin A Produced predominantly against ingested antigens.
Immunoglobulin M Found in circulating body fluids.
Immunoglobulin E Produced in the lungs, skin, and mucus membranes.
Inflammation It is a localized response to an injury or to the destruction of tissues.
Achondroplasia Genetic disorder disturbing normal growth of cartilage…
Acromegaly Excessive enlargement of the limbs…
Pseudoachondroplasia A type of short-limb dwarfism…
Atherosclerosis Accumulation of fatty deposits within the lining of an artery.
Aneurysm An arterial wall weakened by atherosclerosis, malformation, injury, or other
causes may balloon out.
Hypertension Also known as high blood pressure.
Atopic dermatitis It is the most common form of eczema.
Hives These are red bumps or welts that appear on the body.
Contact dermatitis It is a reaction that appears when the skin comes in contact with an irritant
or an allergen.
Allergic rhinitis Inflammation in the nose and eyes.
Aplasia Defective development, or the congenital absence of an organ or tissue.
Anaplasia Change in the structure of cells
Hyperplasia Enlargement of an organ or tissue because of an abnormal increase in the
number of cells in the tissues.

1. Hemoptysis
2. Empyema
3. Alzheimer’s disease
4. Pyometra
5. Diaphoresis
6. Astrocytoma
7. Pyonephrosis
8. Gingivitis
9. Dyspnea
10. Prostatectomy
11. Cyanosis
12. Pyopericarditis
13. Pyoneumothorax
14. Hypoglycemia
15. Balanitis
16. Lymphoma
17. Syncope
18. Vaginitis
19. Pleural effusion
20. Seminoma
21. Pyosalpinx
22. Ascites
23. Pyocolpos
24. Chlamydia
25. Glycosuria
26. Abscess
27. Herpes
28. Leukemia
29. Hemorrhoids
30. Depression
31. Sexually transmitted disease
32. Retinal detachment
33. Diabetic retinopathy
34. Allergen
35. Herniorrhaphy
36. Dysuria
37. Pitocin
38. Apnea
39. Diarrhea
40. Paralysis
41. Oligohydramnios
42. Colposcope
43. Glioma
44. Appendicitis
45. Rectocele
46. Cryptorchidism
47. Catheterization
48. Hemothorax
49. Murmur
50. Urethritis
51. Pyuria
52. Atelectasis
53. Echocardiography
54. Lithotomy
55. Phimosis
56. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
57. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
58. Cerebrovascular Accident
59. Deep Vein Thrombosis
60. Myocardial Infarction
61. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
62. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
63. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
64. Intravenous Pyelography
65. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
66. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
67. Radioactive Iodine Uptake
68. Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
69. Sensory modulation disorder
70. Alzheimer’s Disease

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