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Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution

Michael Kummer, Olga Slivko, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang

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Michael Kummer, Olga Slivko, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang (2020) Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution.
Information Systems Research 31(3):801-819.

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Vol. 31, No. 3, September 2020, pp. 801–819 ISSN 1047-7047 (print), ISSN 1526-5536 (online)

Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution

Michael Kummer,a,b,c Olga Slivko,c Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhangd
University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom; b Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332;
ZEW–Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, 68161 Mannheim, Germany; d Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
NT, Hong Kong
Contact:, (MK);, (OS);, (X(M)Z)

Received: May 20, 2018 Abstract. Economic crises often result in massive job loss. However, although reduced
Revised: January 26, 2019; July 2, 2019 employment has been shown to have many negative consequences for the affected in-
Accepted: July 7, 2019 dividuals, it may also push them into new activities, such as provision of service to their
Published Online in Articles in Advance: communities. In this paper, we show how individuals engage in socially useful activities
August 11, 2020 after an increase in unemployment. Specifically we document increased online content generation at Wikipedia, the world’s largest user generated knowledge repository.
Leveraging German district-level and European country-level unemployment data we
Copyright: © 2020 INFORMS analyze the relationship between the economic crisis in 2008–2010 and contributions to
Wikipedia. For both data sets we find increased socially valuable activity in the form of
knowledge acquisition and contributions to Wikipedia. For German districts, we observe
an increased rate of content generation on Wikipedia in districts that faced greater in-
creases in unemployment. The effect of unemployment on content generation is even
stronger at the European country level. Our findings suggest that public goods provision
increases as a positive side effect of economic crises.

History: Paul Pavlou, Senior Editor; Gordon Burtch, Associate Editor.

Funding: The research is partially supported by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, China [Grants T31-604/18-N, GRF 14503818, GRF 16504614,
GRF 644511, GRF 694213, and GRF 11504815]. Financial support from SEEK Project 2014
“Side Effects of Economic Crises in Europe and Provision of Online Public Goods” is gratefully
Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at

Keywords: online platform • public goods • unemployment • user-generated content • Wikipedia

1. Introduction time and effort, volunteering, a second important

Economic crises, such as the one that followed the form of giving to a charitable cause.
bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008, have often This paper examines the relationship between
had very negative effects on the economy, such as economic crises and volunteering time. This issue is
severely reduced income and massive layoffs. The highly important for organizations and platforms
impact of such economic crises is likely to be negative that coordinate volunteers to promote charitable
on organizations and communities that rely on dona- causes. Such organizations need to form adequate ex-
tions and volunteers. But how do individuals change pectations regarding future contributions of volun-
their charitable behavior when they are confronted with teering time to efficiently plan the scale and scope of
increased levels of unemployment? Specifically, how do their activities.
individuals adjust their volunteering time during eco- Understanding the relationship between economic
nomic downturns? crises and volunteering also matters from a societal
Prior studies summarized in List (2011) examined perspective. First, many volunteering organizations
the relationship between economic crises and mon- provide valuable public goods that range from di-
etary donations. The literature generally found that saster relief to publicly accessible knowledge, which
during economic downturns, money donations did matter to the wider economy. Second, individual
not decrease as significantly as the economy, but they working hours have been decreasing for decades in
increased substantially after an economic upturn. As many societies, and several recent innovations and
a result, during the past half century, money donations economic developments suggest that the trend to-
outpaced the growth of Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. ward ever-decreasing needs for human labor could
Although such evidence is available for monetary continue. This reduced demand for labor could free
donations, less is known for contributions of personal up resources that could become an input for the

Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
802 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

provision of the greater public good. Our paper sheds 2003, Xu and Zhang 2014). It is both collaboratively
light on this potential mechanism. produced and universally accessible to anyone with
To study the relationship of interest, we analyze internet access, and it was highly active both before,
how economic crises and unemployment affect one during, and after the economic crisis. Moreover, the
particular type of volunteering: contributions to online wiki software records every edit in the article history,
public goods. Similar to traditional forms of charitable which is the key ingredient for analyzing the rela-
giving, economic crises severely limit resources for tionship between economic pressure from unem-
online public goods provision. However, whereas un- ployment and volunteering behavior.
employment statistics and charitable money donations Similar patterns likely apply to other digital content
are easily captured and measured, statistics on volun- platforms such as Github, Stack Overflow, or An-
teering time for the provision of public goods are often droid mobile applications. Moreover, in the coming
hard to obtain. To tackle this challenge, we study years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence
contributions to Wikipedia, one of the world’s largest (AI) will call for a rise of online volunteering plat-
digital public goods. We collect a comprehensive data forms, such as Zooniverse, in which crowds partici-
set on the economic crisis and empirically examine the pate in the creation of data sets subsequently used for
impact of unemployment on Wikipedia contribu- training AI algorithms for research in many areas.
tions. We find that economic downturns are associ- Therefore, the potential value of the outcome of online
ated with increased contributions to the online public volunteering and its societal impact is expected to
good Wikipedia. grow drastically in the coming years.
We identify the effect of interest by examining the The effect of an economic crisis on online volun-
changes in the pattern of digital public goods pro- teering is not straightforward ex ante. On the one
vision during the period of significant social and hand, the observed shift in time allocation toward
economic crisis in Europe that followed the economic more computer use and increased civic engagement
crisis in 2008–2010. Because this crisis was largely un- might lead to the increased provision of public goods—
expected, it works as a natural experiment: participants and thus more contributions to Wikipedia. Previous
in the economy took various actions to react to increased contributors might be able to allocate more time after
unemployment, and we use a difference-in-differences they are displaced from their jobs and contribute their
(DID) framework to tease out the resulting effects. time to the public information good. Others who were
Charitable contributions, which include both money not aware of Wikipedia might begin searching for
and volunteering time, are a significant part of the information on the internet and discover Wikipedia.
economy. Money donations in the United States now Consequently, they might become interested in vol-
exceed about 2% of the gross domestic product, or unteering. Even individuals who still have jobs might
$314 billion in real 2008 dollars (List 2011). The do more online search for useful information and end
Corporation for National and Community Service up contributing to Wikipedia. On the other hand, the
estimates that 63 million Americans (about 25% of crisis may lead to reduced contributions to Wikipedia,
the population) volunteered a total of 8 billion hours because contributing time to public goods is clearly not
of service in 2016.1 These estimates do not include con- an obvious reaction when people’s jobs are threatened.
tributions to online public goods and therefore severely Employed and unemployed individuals may feel
underestimate the time and value of overall volunteering. threatened by social decline and might find it difficult
In this paper we aim at filling this gap and at esti- to contribute to Wikipedia during a period of large-
mating the extent of online volunteering. Although scale unemployment, as the opportunity cost of their
offline volunteering usually requires substantial phys- time is higher. Our contribution is to shed light on
ical activity and time, and might even require some these questions by empirically analyzing how un-
initial training, these frictions are minimized in the employment affects online volunteering time and,
digital sphere. Much smaller contributions can be made specifically, contributions to Wikipedia.
any time of the day, and even the tiniest contributions We find that unemployment in German districts leads
can instantly make a visible difference. Moreover, it is to higher participation by volunteers and increased
easy to give online volunteering a try, perhaps even content generation on Wikipedia. Both the number of
anonymously, and to turn away again if the activity participating editors and the number of highly active
turns out to be less rewarding than expected. users increase. The number of edits to Wikipedia articles
Wikipedia is a perfect setting for studying online increases, and we also found (slightly weaker) evidence
volunteering. As the fifth-most-visited website, Wiki- for increased growth of overall content. We replicate
pedia receives numerous views, and volunteers from all this study with a European Union country-level data
over the world contribute their time and knowledge. set. The results for European countries are consistent
Wikipedia is nonexcludable and nonrival and can thus with those at the district level in Germany. We find even
be regarded as a digital public good (Hess and Ostrom stronger effects on content generation because of the
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 803

higher variation in unemployment in Europe during the mechanism for contributions of movie ratings to the
crisis. online community MovieLens.
Several of our findings are in line with a mechanism
by which the crisis motivated a share of the population 2.2. The Effects of Unemployment on Volunteering
from regions with higher unemployment to begin edit- The second related strand of literature tackles the
ing and, over time, influenced existing participating effect of unemployment on individual activities and
editors to also increase their activity. Because Wikipedia on volunteering.
functions as an important knowledge base for the Previous research suggested that unemployment
economy, our results document a new and somewhat might lead to a decrease in volunteering in general. For
valuable side effect of the economic crisis that has been civic public goods, unemployment has been shown to
previously overlooked by policy makers. be negatively correlated with both religious and sec-
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. ular volunteering (Freeman 1997, Uslaner 2002), but
Section 2 reviews the literature. Section 3 describes they could not observe within variation over time in
the data set, and Section 4 discusses the empirical their data.4 Lim and Laurence (2015) further distin-
approach. Sections 5 and 6 report results on contri- guished between formal volunteering and informal
butions to Wikipedia from German districts and helping behavior. Both declined during the recession
European countries, respectively. Section 7 discusses of 2008–2009 in the United Kingdom, but their
the findings and limitations of our study, with sug- individual-level analysis suggests that unemployed
gestions for further research, and Section 8 concludes. individuals in particular are more likely to contribute
to both formal and informal volunteering activities.
2. Related Research Looking at aggregate effects, we also observe a general
Our paper contributes to two major streams of the decrease in content contributions for Germany during
literature. the recession. However, unemployment moderated this
common negative trend, and we show that in regions
2.1. Motives to Contribute to Public Goods more severely hit by unemployment, the decrease in
Our paper adds to the literature about intrinsic and contributions is lower as a result of the influx of new
extrinsic motives for contributing to public goods by contributors who did not belong to the community
highlighting unemployment as an additional motiva- (anonymous contributors) at the time.
tion to contribute. Existing theoretical and empirical Another line in the literature discussed how the
studies analyzed private incentives for voluntary public unemployed reallocate their time, considering a wide
goods provision from the perspective of the interplay range of potential uses of time (Aguiar and Hurst
between free-riding incentives and social effects (e.g., 2007; Knabe et al. 2010; Aguiar et al. 2012, 2013;
Andreoni 2007).2 Other research on public goods Krueger and Mueller 2012). Although unemployed
contribution established the link between wealth/ people were found to have more time to spend on
income to donations to the public good. Such works leisure, they are less satisfied with life and specific
commonly assume that only successful people con- activities (Knabe et al. 2010).5 Although only 2% of the
tribute to public goods and that transfers from the rich foregone market hours were allocated to civic and
to the poor are organized through this mechanism (cf. religious engagement (Aguiar et al. 2013), the studies
List 2011 for a recent systematization and overview). suggested that most of the additional online leisure
A relatively recent literature on public goods provi- time was spent on social networks, online games,
sion established that other forces, such as social pres- email, and portals, and young people spent more time
sure, guilt, or sympathy, may motivate users to con- online (Wallsten 2013).6
tribute to public goods (Andreoni 1988, 1989, 1990, Because “online” and “offline” volunteering share
2007; Wang and Zhang 2009; Zhang and Wang 2012; many features, it is plausible that many of our find-
Wang et al. 2018; Sun et al. 2019). This finding receives ings apply to offline volunteering. However, even
empirical support in the context of online public though “online volunteering” is an integral part of
goods, such as open-source software and online peer general volunteering, these two types of volunteering
productive communities (Kandel and Lazear 1992, are not exactly the same. A key difference between
Comino et al. 2007, Algan et al. 2013). Comino et al. online and offline volunteering is the flexibility in
(2007) found that the size of the community of de- terms of the minimum necessary time spent on con-
velopers in open-source projects increased the chances tributions and effort required to contribute. Although
of progress, but this effect decreased as the community contributing to an online public good certainly has a
became large. Zhang and Zhu (2011) showed the lower hurdle, we also note that increased contribu-
importance of the recipient group size for individu- tions may be a by-product of increased consumption
al incentives for knowledge provision.3 Chen et al. of online information as a result of recession, so that
(2010) proposed social comparison as the motivating volunteering becomes a side effect of self-interested
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
804 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

online activities. In that sense, our results suggest that German data that we collected at the district (NUTS 3)
the negative impact of economic crises on charitable level. Despite the fact that the German economy held
activities from the previous literature (Freeman 1997, up relatively well during the economic crisis, different
Uslaner 2002) might not carry over to information districts were affected differently by the rise in unem-
goods. Therefore, provided that unemployment in- ployment as well as by the Kurzarbeit (temporarily
creases time spent online, we could expect even a reduced working hours) program. In our analysis, we
stronger effect on volunteering online compared with combine economic indicators of unemployment and
volunteering offline. reduced working hours at the district level with data
In our analysis, different from the previous literature, on online activity and contributions to the German
we focus on observational data from online contribu- Wikipedia in the districts. Note that we ensure that
tions to the largest online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. We the uncovered patterns are not specific to Germany.
exploit variation in unemployment from the recent We do this by running the analogous analysis using
economic crisis in Europe in the aftermath of the fi- data from the European country level in Section 6.
nancial crisis in 2008. This crisis generated an exogenous
shock to the time spent online because people who were 3.1. Unemployment and Reduced Working Hours in
laid off during the economic crisis had to reduce their Germany in 2009–2010
working hours. Our data, hence, provide an extraor- In January 2009, the German government announced
dinary opportunity to shed light on the relationship the need to combat the crisis. The German unem-
between economic pressure from unemployment and ployment rate started rising early in 2009; in addition,
volunteering behavior as an instance of public goods many companies applied the extended Kurzarbeit
provision by less successful economic agents. program.7 As a result, the government proposed to
Unemployment might drive prosocial behavior if address the crisis by massively expanding the exist-
people feel threatened by unemployment and thus con- ing Kurzarbeit program. According to the rules of the
tribute in order to learn or maintain their skills as well as program, employers experiencing a negative demand
increase their self-esteem. This would be consistent with shock could activate reduced working hours for their
the research about prosocial behavior, which has docu- employees. They would keep paying employees ac-
mented a positive impact of regular volunteering on cording to their hours worked, and the government
subjective well-being and happiness (Liang et al. 2001, would pay the workers about 60% of the foregone in-
Post 2005, Borgonovi 2008, Dunn et al. 2008, Cattan come. In January 2009, this program was extended
et al. 2011, Aknin et al. 2013, Binder and Freytag 2013). from 6–12 to 18 and later 24 months, and its scope was
We record increased online volunteering during a broadened to cover a much larger number of indus-
period of high unemployment on observational data tries (Walz et al. 2012).8 Overall, the seasonally ad-
that combine contributions of content to Wikipedia justed unemployment rate rose by 1%, and 300,000
with data from a shock to unemployment. Moreover, people participated in Kurzarbeit. We thus define
other factors such as prestige, respect, or guilt are rel- January 2009 as the onset of the great economic crisis
atively less important in this setting, because the vol- and the moment when the crisis becomes significant
unteers’ livelihood and well-being are jeopardized. for the German economy.
The recorded increase in contributions to Wikipedia We obtained monthly data on the number of un-
during the economic crisis highlights a novel channel employed, unemployment rates, and participants in the
through which private motivations foster contribu- Kurzarbeit programs at the district level and generated
tions to an online public good. Note that a similar a district-level data set. Across all 16 German federal
mechanism could prevail on other digital content states, we observe 402 districts (Kreise) shown in Online
platforms such as GitHub, Stack Overflow, or An- Appendix Figure A.1. Our main estimation data are
droid mobile applications. based on the 402 German Kreise, which are similar to
Summarizing our contributions, our study (1) uses a midsize U.S. counties.9 Appendix Table A.1 sum-
novel data set of German and European Wikipedia marizes the monthly panel data at the Kreise level. We
contributions to study the effect of unemployment, observe 402 Kreise in the six months before and after
(2) contributes to the literature on public goods by the shock. The average unemployment rate is 7.5%,
highlighting a new channel that fosters content con- and unemployment increased on average by 1%. The
tributions to an important digital public good, and smallest change in unemployment was a decrease by
(3) identifies a socially valuable activity that results 1.1%, and the maximum increase was 3.4%. In the
from higher unemployment. same table we also show our variables that allow us to
analyze content generation on Wikipedia.10
3. Data Whether the districts are affected or unaffected by
Our main analysis of the relationship between un- the economic crisis is defined based on changes in
employment and contributions of content is based on their unemployment rate after the crisis. To have
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 805

Figure 1. Unemployment and Reduced Working Hours in Germany in 2008–2010

Source. Bundesagentur für Arbeit.

Note. Combined, the trends show that the rise in unemployment between 2009 and 2010 in Germany corresponded to a massive application of
the Kurzarbeit program in the same period.

sufficient variation between affected and unaffected comparison highlights the big difference in the changes
districts, we rank the districts in terms of the change of in unemployment rate. Departing from initially simi-
unemployment rate and define the top 30% as affected lar unemployment rates, the affected group experi-
by the crisis. The 30% of districts with the lowest, enced an average increase of 1.86% in the unemploy-
sometimes even negative, changes are defined as ment rate, and the unaffected group experienced an
unaffected and used as the control group for our average increase of approximately 0.33% only. Al-
estimation. Note that the magnitude of the treat- though similar on most parameters, the affected dis-
ment was considerable, because unemployment in- tricts have a generally smaller population and slightly
creased by approximately 1.1% more on average in the lower income per capita. The difference in the number
affected districts.11 of inhabitants is also reflected in the number of ag-
Table A.2 in Online Appendix A shows a com- gregate edits. Even though per-capita differences are
parison of the two groups before the crisis began. This much smaller, these differences stress the importance

Table 1. Unemployment Indicators in 16 German States

Workers Unemployment rate Districts

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

District name No. of unemployed (1000s) All workers (%) Youth (age ≤ 25) (%) Change (%) Share affected

Baden-Wuerttemberg 254.1 4.69 4.13 1.15 0.62

Bavaria 291.2 4.46 4.08 1.18 0.73
Berlin 232.6 13.80 15.36 1.03 0.00
Brandenburg 169.6 13.21 13.27 0.87 0.55
Bremen 37.1 13.23 11.83 0.61 0.50
Hamburg 75.2 8.33 7.72 0.79 0.00
Hessen 209.2 6.71 6.78 0.78 0.18
Lower Saxony 304.3 7.85 7.91 0.68 0.11
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 120.1 13.74 12.41 1.05 0.83
North Rhine-Westphalia 774.7 8.47 8.11 0.90 0.26
Rhineland-Palatinate 120.4 6.18 6.71 1.01 0.42
Saarland 37.5 6.62 6.47 1.01 0.00
Saxony 277.2 12.80 12.59 1.61 0.82
Saxony-Anhalt 169.7 13.72 13.32 1.40 0.80
Schleswig-Holstein 108.4 8.10 8.62 0.72 0.10
Thuringia 135.3 11.35 10.53 1.76 0.76

Note. This table shows mean values of unemployment indicators, the number of unemployed and the rates, and the difference in the
unemployment rate before and after the shock and the share of districts affected by the shock for each German state.
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
806 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

Table 2. Difference-in-Differences Regressions for German Districts

Anonymous content Registered content

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

log(Added (KB)) log(Deleted (KB)) log(# Edits) log(Added (KB)) log(Deleted (KB)) log(# Edits)

Treated Districts After T 0.110** −0.145 0.060** −0.012 −0.036 −0.041

(0.054) (0.113) (0.027) (0.197) (0.187) (0.101)
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
District FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120
Number of districts 240 240 240 240 240 240
R2 0.06 0.16 0.44 0.00 0.01 0.00

Notes. The table shows the results of our main difference-in-difference analysis that contrasts affected and unaffected German districts around
the onset of the European financial crisis in January 2009. The columns contain different measures of contribution activity to Wikipedia: (1) the
total length of anonymously added content (in kilobytes), (2) the total length of anonymously deleted content (in kilobytes), (3) the number of
edits (revisions) by anonymous editors, (4) the total length of content added by registered users (in kilobytes), (5) the total length of content
deleted by registered users (in kilobytes), and (6) the number of edits (revisions) by registered editors. The variable of interest, which captures the
treatment effect, Treated districts after T, is an interaction term between dummies for the districts that are affected by the crisis with the time
dummy indicating the period after the crisis. Observations range from six months before to six months after the onset of the crisis. All
specifications include time period (month-year) dummies and district fixed effects. Standard errors, clustered by districts, are in parentheses.
FE, fixed effects.
∗∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.

of using a difference-in-differences strategy and of ana- 3.2.1. Anonymous Contributions to German Wikipedia
lyzing the similarity of the trends in district-level editing at the District Level. Using a large data set that contains
activities before the crisis. the revision history of all articles of German Wikipedia,
In Table 1 we aggregate the unemployment rates we aggregate individual monthly contributions and
at the state level to show how unemployment varied compute total contributions by districts. For this ag-
across the 16 states. The table also shows the shares of gregation, we map the IP addresses associated with
affected districts per German state. Our definition of edits to the corresponding German districts.12
crisis based on change in the unemployment rate In terms of overall editing activities on German
implicitly controls for the baseline of economic status Wikipedia, anonymous edits represent about 16% of
of the states. As a result, the highest shares of affected all edits during our period of analysis (2008–2010).
districts can be observed in traditionally economically Although we do not suppose that anonymous edits
strong industrial German states, such as Bavaria or are representative for all editing activities, we deem it
Baden-Wuerttemberg. Weaker states such as Thuringia highly relevant for our research question, because
also had a large share of affected districts. anonymous edits are typically made by occasional or
unexperienced editors. Thus, our measures of anon-
ymous contributions to Wikipedia at the district level
3.2. Contributions to Wikipedia account either for contributions by newcomers or for
We focus on three different measures of contributions occasional and relatively small contributions in terms
to Wikipedia: (1) additions of content, (2) deletions of of the content generated.
content, and (3) editing activity. To quantify addi-
tions and deletions, we measure the bytes that were 3.2.2. Registered Contributions at the German District
added or deleted to the platform each month. It is Level. In addition to anonymous editing activities,
useful to quantify additions and deletions separately we collect information on the location of registered
to shed light on the nature of the effort that individuals Wikipedia contributors, whenever they reveal it pub-
exert. To quantify editing activity, we counted the licly on their user talk/profile page. We thus match
number of edits. Moreover, when constructing our three almost 25% of the registered edits by users who edited
measures of content generation, we were able to dis- Wikipedia under their username to a district of origin.
tinguish contributions from anonymous and registered Given that these registered edits were made by edi-
users and calculated the content generation of both tors with a well-developed user talk/profile page, we
groups separately. In what follows, we describe how we consider them representative of edits by very active
matched anonymous contributions to districts via the Wikipedia users, thus covering the other side of
recorded IP addresses and how we used registered the spectrum.
contributors that reveal their location to match them to The middle panel of Table A.1 shows both anon-
their corresponding districts. ymous and registered monthly edits from a district to
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 807

German Wikipedia, together with the number of a relative increase in the districts that were more
registered users and the number of reverted edits. strongly affected by the crisis.
Because registered users are very active, they gen-
erate a much larger amount of content than anony- 4. Empirical Approach
mous users do. We also show the total number of edits We analyze the relationship between the economic
that we could match to each district via one of the two crisis and voluntary contributions of online knowl-
approaches. Together, we could thus associate about edge to Wikipedia in the DID framework. The shock
35% of the activities on the German-language Wiki- to unemployment is used as a source of exogenous
pedia to a district of origin. By analyzing a significant variation in “disposable time” in the German eco-
part, but not all, of the edits by German contributors, nomic system, and we compare content generation
we introduce an additional identification assumption in German districts where the crisis was felt more
to our analysis. Specifically, we assume that regis- strongly to the other, less affected, districts. In Section 6,
tered Wikipedia editors who did not add a regional we adopt this approach to compare severely affected
identifier to their profile adjust their editing behav- European countries with countries that experienced
ior in similar ways as editors who did add such an only a moderate increase in unemployment. Com-
identifier. Even though we deem this assumption pared with the country-level analysis, the analysis of
plausible, we cannot directly test it because we cannot German districts in this section allows us to focus on
match users without identifiers to any regions. a framework with many units of observations (al-
In our German district-level analysis, we do not most 400) in a homogeneous institutional context.
examine the contributions made by German users to The advantage of country-level analysis lies in the
Wikipedia versions of other languages such as Aus- considerably larger variation in European unemploy-
trian, Swiss, and English. This data limitation is an ment rates.
issue only if users in affected German districts change Our difference-in-differences approach uses data
their cross-country contribution behavior in a system- from German administrative districts. The first dif-
atically different way than unaffected users, which ference compares content generation on Wikipedia
we believe is unlikely. Even if there is a systematic before and after the shock, and the second difference
difference, our country-level analysis would address compares content generation in German districts af-
this issue.13 fected by the rise in unemployment to content gen-
We verify that the large uncovered share of edits eration in relatively unaffected districts. Our out-
does not distort our results in a robustness check (see comes of interest are the number of edits and the size
Online Appendix Section B.9). Specifically, we ana- of contributions in bytes by anonymous and regis-
lyze district-specific content by matching the edits of tered users. This identification strategy allows us to
all users who edit in categories that can be associated measure the impact of the economic crisis on con-
with local interests in a district. Moreover, we con- tributions to Wikipedia over a given time interval
duct analysis at the country level that also includes all while controlling for all other possible sources of
contributions by registered users, and the results are influence. The central assumption we need to make in
even stronger. We report these results in Section 6. the DID framework is that the changes in the read-
ership and contribution activities are indeed due to
3.3. Descriptive Evidence the crisis rather than to some unobservable factors
Figure 2 clarifies our empirical approach using data that correlate with the timing of the crisis. Moreover,
on the German Kreise. The left panel shows anony- treated and untreated districts have to share their
mous edits from the districts, whereas the right panel pretrend dynamics, which we consider plausible,
shows anonymous edits about these districts over given the descriptive evidence.
time. We show the district-specific anonymous edit- The unit of observation in our data is a district in
ing behavior six months before and after the onset of Germany with all corresponding statistics (e.g., un-
the crisis (highlighted by the thin red line at t  0). The employment rates) and aggregated contributions to
two figures in the upper row show the median values Wikipedia observed every month before and after the
of the normalized number of edits, and the lower row official beginning of the economic crisis in Germany,
shows the absolute difference between affected and which was announced in January 2009. The estimated
unaffected districts. equation is as follows:
Contributions from and about affected districts (i.e., ( )
the treatment group) increased relative to those from Contributionsit  αi + β AfterTt × Treatedi
and about unaffected districts (i.e., the control group). + Xit γ + νt + it , (1)
A comparison of the normalized trends reveals that
both anonymous contributions (from districts) and where AfterTt and Treatedi are dummy variables;
registered contributions (about districts) experienced Treatedi separates districts that were affected by the
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
808 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

Figure 2. (Color online) Development of the Main Outcomes for Content at the District Level

Notes. The figure shows the median values of the normalized number of edits from users in the district (left) and median values of the normalized
number of edits to the district’s “local interest” content (right). The upper panel graphs show the median of the normalized number of edits for the
affected and unaffected districts separately. The figure is based on monthly data six months before and after the crisis. The lower panel graphs
show the absolute difference in the number of edits by the two user groups.

economic crises from those unaffected, and AfterTt (time-varying) control variables in Xit (i.e., district
equals 1 if the time period is after the shock t0 . As the characteristics).
variable Treatedi does not vary over time, it drops out The contribution of district i in month t is mea-
in the fixed effects specification. Similarly, in the sured in several ways. As explained in Section 3.2, we
analysis for German regions, the crisis moment is distinguished contributions from anonymous or regis-
determined by switching from December 2008 to tered users, and we computed (1) added bytes, (2) de-
January 2009; therefore, the effect of AfterTt is cap- leted bytes, and (3) the number of edits for both groups.
tured by one of the time dummies, νt . The coefficient of
interest is the coefficient for the interaction term be- 5. Results for German Districts
tween these two dummies, β, which measures the In this subsection we present the results for all
DID after the shock to unemployment. In all regres- content generated by users within German districts.
sions, as before, we include month dummies as well The subsequent section (Section 6) repeats the anal-
as district fixed effects of German districts to rule ogous analysis at the country level. Overall total
out district-specific unobserved heterogeneity and contributions to German-language Wikipedia fall after
common time trends. Like before, the vector γ is a the crisis, but our findings suggest that in districts with
vector of parameters, to allow including additional higher unemployment, the negative overall trend is slower.
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 809

In the next subsection we present the results for provoked an increase in content contributions that do
content about districts. The results of this section focus not satisfy the guidelines, as well as potential vandalism
on content contributed to Wikipedia, added or de- or editing wars. Tables B.2 and B.3 (in the online ap-
leted, that has not been reverted. In Wikipedia, a pendix) present the effect of the shock to unemploy-
revert means that the content contributed recently by a ment on the number of vandal edits and on the share
user can be removed if the user fails to satisfy the of malicious content contributions in total content con-
guidelines (e.g., vandalism, editing wars). The anal- tributions, respectively. As we can see, the number of
ysis of the content reverts is included in the online vandal edits in the affected districts slightly increases in
appendix (Section B.2) and is briefly discussed below. absolute numbers (Table B.2). However, the share of
It provides us an insight into how valuable the added malicious content is not affected (Table B.3), suggesting
content is or whether the deletion of the content was that a slight increase in malicious activity by anony-
appropriate. For example, an increase in reverts after mous users during the crisis did not bring significant
the crisis could indicate that a substantial share of quality deterioration in relative terms.
content added as a result of the crisis is nonvaluable The picture becomes slightly more nuanced after we
and represents vandalism, or that an inflow of new decompose the treatment effect after the shock into
users to the platform triggered editing wars in the effects by months after treatment (see Table 3). In this
community. table, the positive effect on the number of anonymous
edits is strongest over the first four months after the
5.1. Difference-in-Differences Analysis shock. As for the size, in the month of the shock the
Our main results on the relationship between the amount of contributed kilobytes rises by about 9%
unemployment rate and contributions to Wikipedia and in the second month by almost 10%. The effect on
are presented in Table 2. These results are based on a anonymous edits fades in the fifth month after the
DID specification for German districts. The observed shock. Content additions, as opposed to content dele-
outcomes include content generated anonymously tions, show a positive dynamic in the districts affected
(columns (1)–(3)) and by registered users (columns by the unemployment rise, and the effect on edits gets
(4)–(6)). For both groups of users, we differentiate stronger as the effect of the crisis strengthens.
between the amount of content (in kilobytes), added Overall, we find that total contributions to the
(columns (1) and (4)) and deleted (columns (2) and (5)), German Wikipedia fall after the crisis, but additional
as well as the editing activity, measured by the number activity by new users mitigates the negative overall
of edits (columns (3) and (6)). All dependent variables are trend in districts with increased unemployment.
transformed into logarithms, and we control for As mentioned in Section 3, in our DID regressions
monthly dummies to capture the country-wide temporal we compare the top 30% of districts that are affected
dynamics. The coefficient of interest, which measures the strongly by the unemployment shock with the bottom
treatment effect, is the cross-term Treated districts after T. 30% to ensure the districts in treatment and control
It is the interaction term between dummies for dis- groups are sufficiently different. The choice of the
tricts that are affected by the crisis, with the time cutoff point is determined by the trade-off between
dummy indicating the period after the crisis. the need to compare groups of districts with sub-
The results for a 12-month interval (6 months before stantially different change in unemployment and, at
and 6 months after the shock) suggest several inter- the same time, the need to use as many observations as
esting patterns. In affected districts that experienced possible. We perform an analysis of how this choice
an increase in unemployment, we can see an increase may affect the results of our study and show in Ta-
in anonymous content contributions but not in con- ble B.4 (in Online Appendix B) that our results are
tributions by registered users, who are actual mem- robust to the choice of the cutoff point as soon as the
bers of the community. Our DID estimates suggest districts that are just in the median of distribution are
that this effect is about 6% in edits and 10% in kilo- eliminated. As a dependent variable, we choose our
bytes. Interestingly, the contributions of valuable main result from column (3) in Table 2. This result is
content that remained on article pages are driven by replicated in column (5) of Table B.4, and column (4)
content addition, not by deletion.14 shows that we could still eliminate fewer districts in
Alternative specifications and the robustness of the middle, using in the regression the top 40% with
our results are summarized below and shown in the highest increase in unemployment and the bottom
Appendix B (from Table B.1 onwards). 40% with the lowest increase in unemployment, and
The results suggest an increase in participation of the effects of interest would remain. As expected,
anonymous members of Wikipedia; moreover, the main columns (6) and (7) show that we could also further
sources of this increase are not only anonymous but also eliminate the districts in the middle of distribution
likely new members of the community. Inevitably, this and get even stronger effects.
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
810 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

Table 3. Difference-in-Differences Regressions for German Districts

Anonymous content Registered content

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

log(Added (KB)) log(Deleted (KB)) log(# Edits) log(Added (KB)) log(Deleted (KB)) log(# Edits)

Treated in Month −3 0.025 0.153 0.054 −0.429* −0.190 −0.124

(0.100) (0.196) (0.037) (0.255) (0.209) (0.103)
Treated in Month −2 −0.041 0.128 0.048 −0.093 0.133 −0.021
(0.102) (0.203) (0.035) (0.263) (0.220) (0.113)
Treated in Month −1 −0.064 0.433** 0.049 −0.029 0.195 0.021
(0.102) (0.182) (0.040) (0.269) (0.238) (0.118)
Treated in Month 0 0.070 0.100 0.091** −0.168 0.029 −0.031
(0.102) (0.190) (0.038) (0.333) (0.282) (0.145)
Treated in Month 1 0.072 −0.195 0.096** −0.369 −0.228 −0.107
(0.098) (0.201) (0.038) (0.297) (0.256) (0.140)
Treated in Month 2 0.258** 0.111 0.104*** −0.285 −0.051 −0.127
(0.105) (0.212) (0.038) (0.314) (0.290) (0.149)
Treated in Month 3 0.084 −0.025 0.100* −0.049 −0.076 −0.069
(0.115) (0.271) (0.052) (0.293) (0.274) (0.139)
Treated in Month 4 0.131 −0.063 0.128** −0.044 0.044 −0.024
(0.107) (0.240) (0.050) (0.301) (0.296) (0.145)
Treated in Month 5 −0.007 0.102 0.029 −0.011 0.199 0.013
(0.109) (0.250) (0.050) (0.295) (0.271) (0.138)
Treated in Month 6 0.010 −0.266 0.052 0.052 0.074 −0.101
(0.105) (0.228) (0.053) (0.315) (0.285) (0.150)
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
District FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120
Number of districts 240 240 240 240 240 240
R2 0.10 0.17 0.44 0.01 0.01 0.01

Notes. The table shows the per-period results of our main difference-in-difference analysis that contrasts affected and unaffected German
districts around the onset of the European financial crisis in 2009. The columns contain different measures of contribution activity to Wikipedia:
(1) the total length of anonymously added content (in kilobytes), (2) the total length of anonymously deleted content (in kilobytes), (3) the number
of edits (revisions) by anonymous editors, (4) the total length of content added by registered users (in kilobytes), (5) the total length of content
deleted by registered users (in kilobytes), and (6) the number of edits (revisions) by registered editors. The variables of interest that decompose
the treatment effect are Treated in Month 1 to Treated in Month 6. These variables are interactions between a dummy for districts that are affected
by the crisis with time dummies that correspond to the respective period after the crisis. All specifications include time period (month-year)
dummies and district fixed effects. The time range studied is six months before and after the crisis start. Standard errors, clustered by districts,
are in parentheses. FE, fixed effects.
∗∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.

5.2. Robustness Check: Alternative increase in anonymous edits. Moreover, it is related to

Estimation Strategies content deletion, though the significance of the co-
Our first set of robustness checks investigates how efficient is marginal. Based on the average editing
sensitive our results are to our estimation strategy. We activity on German Wikipedia in 2009 and 2010, that
first use a linear fixed effects panel regression frame- corresponds to almost 4,340 additional edits and 55
work. Table B.1 in Online Appendix B shows the results megabytes over the six-month period after the shock
for regressing several measures of content generation we observe. Because of limitations in the availability
on the unemployment rate and district fixed effects.15 of control variables, which are collected for German
As before, we present the results for the anonymously districts on a yearly basis, Table B.1 does not include
added and deleted amount of content (in kilobytes) any control variables. Tables B.5 and B.6 (in the online
and the number of edits by anonymous users (col- appendix B.4) demonstrates that the inclusion of the
umns (1)–(3)), as well as the same measures for con- available control variables does not affect the results.
tent contributed by registered users (columns (4)–(6)). In addition to the ordinary least squares (OLS)
The results suggest that an increase in the regional regressions, we verified robustness to using the fuzzy
unemployment rate is strongly related to the variation DID approach (De Chaisemartin and D’Haultfoeuille
in anonymous contributions to Wikipedia. A 1% in- 2017). These results are shown in Table B.7 in Online
crease in unemployment rate is associated with a 3% Appendix B.
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 811

Table 4. Country-Level Difference-in-Differences Regressions for the Period of 12 Months Before and 12 Months After
the Crisis

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

ln(Active Editors ln(Very Active Editors ln(Avg. Edits ln(# External

ln(Views) (5–100 edits)) (> 100 edits)) per Article) ln (New Words) ln(# Wikilinks) Links)

After treatment 0.163*** −0.003 −0.009 0.095*** 0.039 0.249*** 0.309***

(0.030) (0.032) (0.038) (0.014) (0.047) (0.015) (0.027)
Treated countries after T 0.146** 0.142*** 0.127*** 0.056** 0.133** 0.057 0.141**
(0.068) (0.044) (0.042) (0.025) (0.058) (0.037) (0.053)
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Country FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 432 480 480 480 480 480 480
Number of countries 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
R2 0.39 0.20 0.29 0.87 0.11 0.93 0.92

Notes. The table shows the effect of increased unemployment on contributions to the corresponding country’s Wikipedia in Europe for the
following indicators: (1) views of Wikipedia, (2) the number of active Wikipedians (with at least 5 edits), (3) the number of very active
Wikipedians (with more than 100 edits), (4) the average number of edits per article, (5) the new words added, (6) hyperlinks to Wikipedia articles,
and (7) hyperlinks to external sources. All measures of contributions to Wikipedia are in logs, and the month of the estimated crisis onset was
omitted from the regressions. The variable of interest, which represents the treatment effect, Treated countries after T, is an interaction term
between dummies for the countries that are affected by the crisis with the time dummy indicating the period after the crisis. All specifications
include time (month-year) dummies and country fixed effects (FE). Standard errors, clustered by countries, are in parentheses.
∗∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.

5.3. Robustness Check: Controlling for District- significant and control for any trends in the depen-
Specific Pretreatment Trends dent variables that would have been there in the
We now perform a check in which we control for any absence of treatment. Despite the inclusion of the
district-specific patterns in the contributions to Wiki- pretreatment trends in the dependent variable in our
pedia before the crisis. Such district-specific patterns, if regressions, the results on our main dependent var-
systemic, could interfere with the assumptions of our iables of interest remain unchanged when district-
natural experiment setting. To implement this check, we specific pretreatment trends in the contributions to
compute each district’s individual pretreatment trend Wikipedia are controlled for.
for each dependent variable before the shock. We then
extrapolate each district’s pretreatment trend to the 5.4. Robustness Check: Source of Change
period after the shock and include this new variable in in Contributions
the regression equations. We show the corresponding Additionally, we investigate the channels behind the
results in Table B.8. By construction, it should be changes in contributions in affected districts. First, we

Table 5. Country-Level Content Contributions: Fixed Effects Regressions for the Effect of Views During the Period of
12 Months Before and 12 Months After the Crisis

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

ln(Active Editors ln(Very Active Editors ln(Avg. Edits ln(# External

(5–100 edits)) (> 100 edits)) per Article) ln(New Words) ln(# Wikilinks) Links)

log(Views) 0.306*** 0.184** 0.020 0.203*** 0.150*** 0.158***

(0.103) (0.086) (0.026) (0.058) (0.049) (0.050)
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Country FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 432 432 432 432 432 432
Number of countries 20 20 20 20 20 20
R2 0.25 0.22 0.85 0.11 0.94 0.92

Notes. The table shows the relationship between a country’s Wikipedia views and different measures of content contribution to Wikipedia.
Shown are the fixed effects regressions for the effect of views during the period of 12 months before and 12 months after the crisis. The
independent variable of interest is log(Views). In each column we show a different measure of contribution activity: (1) the number of active
Wikipedians (with at least 5 edits), (2) the number of very active Wikipedians (with more than 100 edits), (3) the average number of edits per
article, (4) the new words added, (5) hyperlinks to Wikipedia articles, and (6) links to external sources. All indicators of contributions to
Wikipedia are in logs. All specifications include time (month-year) dummies and country fixed effects (FE) and exclude the period of treatment.
Standard errors, clustered by countries, are in parentheses.
∗∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
812 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

explore the time stamps of edits in our sample. On the experienced an increase in the number of part-time
basis of the time of contribution, we aggregate edits employees, (3) districts that had an increase in un-
made during working hours, from Monday to Friday, employment, and (4) districts that experienced both
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (local time in Germany), and in the shocks. In Online Appendix Table B.12, we analyze
remaining leisure hours of the day, including the the four groups of districts separately. The table shows
weekend. the three groups of districts with at least one shock
Table B.9 in Online Appendix B shows that the effect separately (“no shock” serves as the baseline). The
of treatment on anonymous editing activity remains results show that the effects are driven by districts
stable during both working and leisure hours. The that were affected by both shocks. One shock alone
pattern corresponds exactly to our main results during did not result in an increase in contributions to Wikipedia.
leisure time, and during working hours, an increase is This result corroborates our main finding, by high-
found for the number of edits but not for total content lighting that the result is driven by more strongly af-
generation.16 Taken together, these results suggest that fected districts that experienced both shocks. Because
the additional content could be generated by non- neither of the shocks individually has any significant
Wikipedians who skip the registration procedure effect, we cannot discern whether anonymous editors
(anonymous users) and, during the crisis, spend more increase their activity because they have more spare time
time online in both working and leisure hours, as well or because they experience the pressure of unemploy-
as by committed Wikipedians who contribute more ment. In Online Appendix Table B.14, we show that these
during working hours. results do not change when controlling for economic
We also explore how district-specific characteristics activity and the industrial structure of a district.
could moderate the treatment effects of interest. Ta-
bles B.10 and B.11 (in the online appendix) show that 6. Analysis for European Countries
the districts with a larger share of manufacturing in To examine the robustness and the potential to gen-
the total output (above the median) are not driv- eralize our results from the German data set, we
ing the results. The rise in unemployment touched perform an additional analysis for a sample of Eu-
districts with a specialization in manufacturing as ropean countries. We focus on countries that were
well as in services, and it changed the internet be- severely affected by the economic crises during the
havior of all affected regions, including contributions period 2008–2009 and compare them to countries
of online knowledge. On the contrary, in the districts relatively less affected by the economic crises or those
where the higher shares of households have access to where successful policies were implemented to pre-
a high-speed internet (16 Mb per second and more), vent the deepening of the crises. This allows us to
contributions to Wikipedia increased more strongly examine the relationship of interest in a setting where
than in other districts that were affected by the crisis. the variation in the intensity of shocks to unem-
This finding is consistent with our interpretation ployment is much higher than across German dis-
that the increased readership of Wikipedia channeled tricts. Another advantage of this analysis is that we
knowledge contributions. can consider total edits to Wikipedia, and hence, we
have more and better measures of Wikipedia content,
5.5. Robustness Check: Additional Shock in such as views, new words, or active users with vari-
Part-Time Employment (Kurzarbeit) ous frequency of contributions. We can even observe
To shed more light on the mechanism, we exploit the average edits per article and the average number of
fact that Germany addressed the crisis with a special hyperlinks set between articles within Wikipedia and to
part-time labor program (Kurzarbeit), which was aimed external websites. Different from the previous analysis,
at preventing layoffs.17 Because of this program, we can also leverage the well-established differential
many workers were effectively working considerably timing of different countries entering a crisis.
shorter hours for many months, without having to Before presenting the empirical specification and
look for a new job and without bearing the high the results (in Sections 6.2 and 6.3), we briefly discuss
cost of being unemployed. This second type of labor our data, which cover 20 European countries and
market adjustment allows us to deepen our analysis their Wikipedia editions. More details about our data
in two ways. First, we can analyze whether “normal” collection can be found in Online Appendix C.2.
unemployment and Kurzarbeit have different ef-
fects. Second, districts that experienced both shocks 6.1. Country-Level Data
were arguably most strongly affected by the eco- To analyze content generation at the European coun-
nomic crisis. try level, we combine data on European countries’ labor
We analyze the interplay of unemployment and markets with aggregate contributions to various ver-
Kurzarbeit by dividing our districts into four groups: sions of Wikipedia of the corresponding countries.
(1) completely unaffected districts, (2) districts that Contributions to Wikipedia come from Wikipedia’s
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 813

monthly statistics for different language editions of Figure 3. (Color online) Monthly Development of Words
Wikipedia provided by the Wikimedia Foundation. Contributed
We focus on countries that have a unique language,
and we also excluded the United Kingdom, Spain,
and Portugal, because their languages are spoken
in many other parts of the world. We substituted for
the Spanish Wikipedia using the Catalan version,
which is similarly actively promoted by the Catalan
population. Online Appendix Table C.1 shows the
Wikipedia language versions that we analyzed. The
share of language speakers who live in the corre-
sponding country of origin varies from 71% to 99%
(see column (1)).
Wikipedia’s language statistics include aggregates
such as the number of Wikipedians, the number of
articles in Wikipedia, database sizes, number of words,
and readership statistics for all language versions of
Wikipedia. We retrieved seven relevant indicators of Notes. The figure shows monthly content growth measured in words
added. The median values for affected and unaffected countries
user activity: (1) aggregate views per month, (2) active across the 20 language versions of Wikipedia in our sample are
Wikipedians with 5–100 monthly edits, (3) active shown as the two lines. The time spans the 12 months before and after
Wikipedians with more than 100 monthly edits, (4) av- the crisis.
erage edits per article, (5) the content growth of the
given language edition in terms of words, (6) the total difference in the trends that must be accounted for in
number of hyperlinks between the articles, and (7) the the regression analysis.
total number of references from the Wikipedia version One of the main concerns about these country-level
to external websites. These seven indicators allow us to data is the fact that the countries are quite hetero-
analyze different aspects of the quantity and quality in geneous both culturally and economically. Although
the increased contributions to Wikipedia. For example, we cannot easily deal with this issue at the country
words capture quantity, whereas edits per article better level, the figure above with the sharp behavioral
capture quality. change gives some confidence that the economic crisis
We consulted the European Central Bank reports to played a role in changing people’s incentives to
find information about whether a country was af- contribute to Wikipedia.
fected by the crisis 2008–2009 and when the crisis
started. Countries were considered to be affected by 6.2. Empirical Approach
the crisis if they experienced a significant decrease in At the country level, we again estimate the difference-
hours worked or an increase in unemployment. For in-differences model. The regression equation is the
the beginning of the shock we looked at the months of following:
2008 or 2009 mentioned in the reports and also at the
country-level statistics on hours worked. Online Ap- Contributionsit
( )
pendix C.2 provides the details of this procedure, and  αi + β AfterTt × Treatedi + νt + it . (2)
Online Appendix Table C.2 gives an overview over the
countries in the sample. It also clarifies which countries The unit of observation is country i (and its corre-
we consider affected or unaffected by the crisis.18 sponding Wikipedia language edition) in month t.
Figure 3 describes the evolution of a key outcome The dependent variable Contributionsit measures con-
in Wikipedia: monthly growth measured in words tributions to Wikipedia (page views, the number of
added. We show the medians of the affected and editors who contribute minor and major changes, hy-
unaffected language editions of Wikipedia in our perlinks, etc.). We use the log transformation on all
sample 12 months before and after the crisis together measures of contributions to Wikipedia.19 The dummy
with a scatterplot of different language versions of variable Treatedi distinguishes between countries that
Wikipedia. The graph illustrates that before the crisis, were stronger or weaker affected by the economic
countries that would be affected grew slower than the crises, and AfterTt is another dummy variable, which
unaffected countries, whereas after the crisis, content equals 1 after the month of the shock t0 . As the variable
growth in the affected countries was faster than in Treatedi does not vary over time, it drops out in the
unaffected ones. The patterns are similar for views, fixed effects specification. The coefficient for the in-
edits per article, and active Wikipedians, but not teraction term of these two dummies β measures the
for occasional editors. For this variable, we see a treatment effect of interest. The country fixed effects
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
814 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

αi and time fixed effects νt are also included in the measures of content quality, the number of internal
regressions. Because we have only 20 units of ob- links set between Wikipedia articles, and external
servation at the country level, we use a 24-month links to information sources. These findings show the
interval, which covers the 12 months before and role of views as a key mediating factor for additional
12 months after the onset of the crisis. content generation.
The timing of the shock, specifically the onset of the To illustrate the magnitude of the effects we found,
crisis for affected countries, is defined as the month we consider the example of Italy, which was one of
when they were hit by the crisis. However, we omitted the countries that was most severely affected by the
the month when the crisis began in all specifications, rise in unemployment. The average unemployment
because the crisis broke out gradually in most countries rate in Italy over the observed period was 7.6%, and
rather than on the first day of the month. By leaving out it increased by 1.2%, which is equivalent to ap-
the month of the onset, we ensure that the treatment proximately 300,000 additional unemployed peo-
period is clearly after the onset of the crisis and the ple.21 After the shock, the number of editors with few
pretreatment period is clearly before the onset. More- edits grows by 14%, and, as suggested by our results in
over, omitting that month also gives credit to the notion Table 4, we would observe 0.14 × 2,440 = 342 addi-
that an economic crisis typically takes some time to pick tional editors.
up its full momentum.

6.3. Results 6.4. Specification Tests

The results of the baseline DID estimation are shown In Online Appendix C, we show several tests that we
in Table 4. Each column shows the results for one of ran to check the validity of our specification. First, we
our seven dependent variables measuring activity on ran the DID analysis period by period. The results in
Wikipedia: (1) article views (Views), (2) active editors Online Appendix Table C.3 suggest that the effect was
with 5–100 edits (Active Editors (5–100 e)), (3) active first felt for active editors and then carried over to very
editors with more than 100 edits (Very Active Editors active editors and content. We see a lagged effect on
(>100 e)), (4) edits per article (Avg. Edits per Article), views. This analysis further highlights that these
(5) growth of total data in Wikipedia (New Words), variables are properly identified, whereas we cannot
(6) internal links (# Wikilinks), and (7) external links reject that edits per article and links to outside references
(# External Links). The coefficient of interest Treated might be on different trends. Second, we control for
countries after T suggests that after the shock, there is a country-specific trends in Wikipedia content devel-
14% increase in the number of active users with few opment before the shock (Online Appendix Table C.4).
monthly contributions and a 13% increase in active Even after accounting for country-specific trends, our
users who heavily edit Wikipedia, contributing more results hold on the number of new active users with
than 100 edits per month. Contributions of new words small monthly contributions, for monthly views, and
to language editions of Wikipedia grow by 13%. Arti- for contributed text (“word growth”).
cles received on average 6% more edits and 14% more In the third specification test, we verify that the
links to external sources of information on the web. unemployment rate was not positively correlated with
The country-level analysis provides more measures contributions before the crisis. This is important, be-
of activity on Wikipedia; therefore, we can take the cause the crisis is likely to hit weaker economies
analysis one level further to generate additional insight harder. If contributions to Wikipedia were correlated
into the mechanisms that enable increased content with unemployment before the crisis, then we could
provision to Wikipedia. In Table 5, we highlight the not exploit the European economic crisis to study how
role of viewership as a key mediating factor by an- an increase in unemployment affects contributions
alyzing the relationship between viewership and con- to Wikipedia. We would simply capture the preex-
tent growth. The table shows the results when using a isting correlation and erroneously attribute it to the
fixed effects panel analysis in which we regress activ- crisis. Hence, we explore the correlation between
ity on Wikipedia on views over a 24-month period, unemployment and precrisis contributions in Online
12 months before and 12 months after the onset of crisis. Appendix Table C.5. We find no correlation between
Again, in each column of Table 5, we show our six unemployment and contributions to Wikipedia be-
different measures of contributions to Wikipedia.20 fore the shock. Finally, we check the robustness of
The results in Table 5 confirm that views are a our OLS approach by using the rate of unemployment
crucial predictor for edit-related outcomes except the among young people (15–24 years old) as an explan-
number of edits per article. An increase in views atory variable. As expected, young people are more
by 1% is associated with more active editors (0.31% likely to use the internet and, consequently, to con-
and 0.18%) and more words in Wikipedia articles tribute to online public goods than older generations. The
(0.2%). Moreover, views are positively related to our results (see Online Appendix Table C.6) suggest that
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 815

both magnitude and significance of the unemployment public goods. Because Wikipedia functions as an
effect are larger for the young population. important knowledge base for the economy, our re-
sults document a new and somewhat valuable side
effect of the economic crisis.
7. Discussion, Limitations, and
Our findings open up further questions. Higher
Further Research unemployment may be associated with greater vol-
Human history includes many instances of social and unteering and productive time use. Research about
economic advancement. Each such social and eco- prosocial behavior has documented a positive impact
nomic restructuring brings new methods of production of regular volunteering on subjective well-being and
and consumption, but one unfortunate consequence of happiness, which even increased over time if regular
progress is that workers with older skills are displaced volunteering is sustained (Borgonovi 2008, Binder
from their jobs. Our results support that human beings and Freytag 2013).22 Moreover, giving and volun-
respond to structural economic shifts by reallocating teering can have particularly strong, positive, and
their time to peer production-related activities. esteem-enhancing effects in older people and unhappier
In this paper, we show that higher unemployment people (Liang et al. 2001, Post 2005, Cattan et al. 2011,
is associated with higher participation by volunteers Binder and Freytag 2013).
in Wikipedia and an increased rate of content gen- The relationship of unemployment and online vol-
eration. We exploit that some districts/countries unteering for Wikipedia highlights a positive energy
were affected by relatively large increases in unem- that might fruitfully be channeled into Wikipedia and
ployment whereas others were not, and we show that similar projects in times of economic crisis. These results
Wikipedia articles were read more frequently in areas are in line with previous findings about the positive
where unemployment increased. The increase in read- effects of volunteering. As such, online volunteering
ership was followed by more edits of anonymous or could complement public employment schemes, which
casual editors (“beginners”), and subsequently, the are frequently considered useful for inclusion and social
number of highly active users grew. Over time, content skills but are also expensive and of doubtful efficiency
growth increased. (Fervers 2018). Contributing to Wikipedia might be
Our main analysis is based on a comparison of a way that might enhance the cognitive skills and
German districts and a country-level analysis of Eu- computer skills of those who decide to edit. Likewise,
ropean economies. At the German district level, districts by growing a project that helps millions of others,
with higher increases in unemployment had relatively such contributors might improve their well-being
more contributions than less affected districts when and self-esteem.
the overall downward trend in total contributions to Note, however, that the positive effects of prosocial
German-language Wikipedia during the crisis are actions have been shown to depend on the volunteer’s
controlled for. We observe almost 4,340 additional edits autonomous motivation for helping (Weinstein and
and 55 MB over the six-month period after the shock. At Ryan 2010). Moreover, the entry threshold for pro-
the European level, contribution growth was more spective contributors might be high. These findings
rapid where the crisis hit harder. should be taken into account when designing any
We stress several aspects of our findings: First, the interventions that try to leverage the potential of
effects are consistently found for edits from German online volunteering. A way to do so would be a co-
districts (Table 2), for edits about German districts ordinated effort of local authorities and the Wikipedia
(Online Appendix Table B.17), and at the European community to integrate prospective new users who
level (Table 4). Second, the pattern of contributions in are temporarily unemployed but would volunteer to
Germany and at the European level aligns, because contribute local knowledge to Wikipedia (or con-
we find that a downward trend in generally less af- tribute their time in similarly constructive ways).
fected Germany was partially mitigated in districts Moreover, we cannot fully answer how this mecha-
with higher unemployment. Finally, the effects are nism works. In particular, it seems that new editors
sizable, and the estimated increases in editing ac- begin to acquire new capabilities and devote their time
tivities typically range from 5% to 20%. For example, to contributing to online public goods. As more new
our country-level analysis suggests that the number articles are created in Wikipedia every day, the in-
of casual editors (with 5–100 edits/month) grew by creased participation is focused on adding to existing
9.5%–14%, as suggested by our results in Table 4 and knowledge as well as on introducing new topics.
Online Appendix Table C.4. For the Italian-language Although it is hard to draw definitive conclusions
Wikipedia, this would mean about 300 additional edi- on the identity of the new editors, several of our
tors, with 5–100 edits every month. Thus, the overall findings are in line with a mechanism by which the
effect suggests that the threat of unemployment is crisis first motivated new users to begin to edit and
associated with an increased online contribution of existing participating editors subsequently increased
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
816 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

(to make it “increased”) their activity. First, the effect editions is no problem for German districts, because the
was strongest in districts that were most severely Wikipedia under study is the same.
affected, by both unemployment shock and the adop- However, two concerns remain about this analysis,
tion of the Kurzarbeit program. Second, the increase because the regional analysis is based on the IP ad-
was clearly driven by anonymous users, but a large dresses of anonymous contributions. First, using IP
share of the edits seemed to be more valuable than other addresses of anonymous contributors allowed for
anonymous edits.23 Although the number of reverted only a restricted set of available dependent variables.
edits increased, the relative share of reverted edits did Specifically, we can only determine two measures of
not significantly increase. Moreover, there were no the efforts in any given region—that is, we have to
robust effects on content deletions. Third, editing by focus on the number of edits and the length of edits
anonymous users preceded more registrations of new in kilobytes. This is because computing statistics such
users at the European level, and we provided some as the number of active editors, or edits per article, be-
evidence that the content generation came from edits comes meaningless when we can observe only a part
that were made during leisure time in Germany. of the edits (from anonymous editors and editors with
Meanwhile, we found much weaker effects in the self-reported location). Second, the use of IP addresses
number of hyperlinks between Wikipedia articles and implies that we can look only at a specific set of con-
to external sources. When pretrends were controlled tributions. These contributions most likely come from
for, the coefficient for Wikipedia links even turned new or occasional users, because experienced users
negative, and the coefficient for external links showed typically edit under their user name. In our research, we
nonsignificant effects. These findings might indicate mitigate this problem by examining edits by registered
that the observed increase in content generated was users who reveal their (self-reported) location.
due to the activity of inexperienced contributors or In addition, even if our identifying assumptions are
minor edits. Unfortunately, fewer links in the content satisfied, we can only provide indicative evidence on
also suggest a decrease in content quality, which whether the additional content generation is driven
would then have been a negative consequence of by unemployed or employed users. Although this
more activity.24 In the German data, this pattern was question cannot even be addressed for the country
mirrored by a small increase in unproductive edits level, for the German district-level data, we could
that had to be reverted. The fact that the share of these provide an indication that additional edits are more
edits remained constant does not indicate any neg- likely during leisure time.25 Still, it remains unclear as
ative effect on the quality of content production as a to whether the employed users increase their activity
result of unemployment. In sum, these results suggest during leisure hours or whether the unemployed
that a share of the population that faced unemploy- prefer to contribute during the hours that we classi-
ment first accessed the knowledge in Wikipedia at fied as leisure times.
a higher rate and then began to contribute to the Another fruitful avenue for further research could
public good. investigate what is actually written. This question has
Although we tested our hypotheses and explored to remain unanswered at the current stage of our
the robustness of our findings from several angles, research. Perhaps people are simply writing about the
some limitations cannot easily be overcome. For ex- crisis. Such a pattern seems unlikely, given the overall
ample, we used the economic crisis as a source of growth that we observe. However, a smaller or larger
exogenous variation in the economic state and the proportion of the additional readership and content
unemployment rates. This strategy is based on the generation in the affected countries might be a direct
following identification assumptions. First, contri- increase in demand for economic information or the
butions to Wikipedia should not be correlated with consequence of updating the encyclopedia with current
the likelihood of countries to be affected by the crisis. events. Alternatively, increased editing activity might
A specification test in online appendix B.7 provides be dedicated to improving the overall quality of ar-
first supporting evidence for this assumption. Sec- ticles, or individual users might contribute to their
ond, using districts and countries as controls requires favorite topic of interest, which they also find enjoy-
that the various Wikipedia editions be sufficiently able to write about.
similar and that the districts/countries be somewhat Further research could analyze the nature of con-
homogeneous with respect to economic and social tributions and the type of articles that are edited. Also,
developments in the period of observation. The quali- the extent to which district-specific articles are im-
tatively similar findings in both the country-level and proved or whether articles related to affected professions
the district-level analyses offer some confidence. Clearly, are edited would be very interesting. These questions
the institutional, macroeconomic, and political setup is are beyond the scope of this paper, and especially
more homogeneous for German districts than it is for at the article level, this analysis is computationally
European countries. Also, assuming similar Wikipedia intensive but might lead to additional insights in
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS 817

further research. At the country level, such an anal- financial insecurity. Our paper differs from the prior
ysis is almost unthinkable though, because the data work in two important ways: First, our data set is based
available are too highly aggregated. Beyond that, we on observed rather than self-reported contributions.
could contrast Wikipedia editing activities with other Second, we focus on online and informal contributions.
ways in which the newly unemployed use their ad- These two differences allow us to offer additional and
ditional time. complementary evidence. Although, in the offline world,
people’s contributions to volunteering work may in-
8. Conclusion crease their individual employability, volunteering
This study investigated how individuals reallocate their online through contributions to Wikipedia may not
time to the provision of online public goods when faced have direct individual benefits, but it creates a pos-
with increased unemployment. We uncovered a mod- itive externality of generating useful knowledge.
erate increase in socially valuable volunteering in the The valuable knowledge contributions that occur as
form of contributions to Wikipedia. We found this a result of worsened economic conditions represent a
pattern both at the European and the German district beneficial side effect that has been overlooked by
levels. The patterns are suggestive of a creative and policy makers. Our results suggest that measures
constructive potential that is freed up as a positive side aimed at encouraging knowledge contributions could
effect of unemployment and that might carry over to job have a strong effect on volunteering. Policy makers
displacement in general. could enhance these beneficial effects by encouraging
The question as to whether unemployment can the active groups in the society to contribute online
result in an increased provision of public (online) knowledge more systematically. Although financial
goods and private learning is crucial, given that we aid may jump-start economic recovery, government
observe accelerating labor substitution as a result of support on contributions to online public goods will
digitization. If a part of the liberated capacity results provide valuable channels for knowledge exchange
in increased knowledge documentation and genera- and help encourage skill upgrades in society, turning
tion, this may be a positive surprise. Even though it a crisis into an opportunity. To this end, it is important
remains to be tested how easily the effects we found to better measure online and informal contributions
carry over to digitization-induced job displacement, (in addition to those reported by traditional volun-
we highlight a constructive pattern. Our findings teering agencies such as YouthNet and the Red Cross)
show that individuals reacted to increased unem- so that the increased contributions to knowledge can
ployment during the European economic crisis by be better captured in official statistics.
reallocating their time to production-related activities
and contributing more to Wikipedia. Acknowledgments
The results obtained in our study have important The authors benefitted from discussions with Rodrigo Belo,
practical and policy implications. During the reces- Erik Brynjolfsson, Irene Bertschek, Vivek Ghosal, Shane
sion that started in late 2008, UK newspapers found Greenstein, Marit Hinnosaar, Toomas Hinnosaar, Markus
increased volunteering. For example, BBC News re- Mobius, Marianne Saam, Patrick Schulte, Frank Verboven
ported that volunteering agencies such as Commu- Steffen Viete, Joel Waldfogel, and Michael Ward. They thank
nity Service Volunteers and YouthNet saw increased participants in several presentations at ZEW and in the fol-
inquiries and applications.26 But at the same time, lowing conferences: the 13th Conference on the Economics of
Information and Communication Technologies (Mannheim),
the Guardian questions whether high youth unem-
the SEEK Workshop on the Digital Economy (Moncalieri), the
ployment may pose a serious challenge for charities 8th Conference on the Economics of Information and Com-
to recruit and retain volunteers.27 Similarly, in the munication Technologies (ParisTech), the European Associ-
United States, although the Washington Post argued ation for Research in Industrial Economics 2015 (Munich),
that volunteering had increased despite the recession, and the 5th Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness
the New York Times found decreased volunteering in the European Knowledge Economies (SEEK) Conference
during the same time.28 These newspaper findings (Mannheim). The authors are grateful to the Wikimedia
were mostly based on data about offline and formal Foundation and Frédéric Schütz for access to the Wikipedia
volunteering and missed important information about data. They are grateful to Manfred Knobloch for initial sup-
online and informal volunteering. To reconcile the port with data processing. Ruetger Egolf, Justus Steins, and
mixed findings, Lim and Laurence (2015), using a large Alaina Totten provided outstanding research assistance.
survey data set, suggested that overall formal and in- Endnotes
formal volunteering both declined in the United 1
Kingdom since 2008. They found that the decline is -time/ (accessed August 2019).
more salient in communities that suffer from social 2
In Andreoni (2007), the provision of public goods was shown to be
and economic disadvantages, and this decline can- subject to congestion. That is, an increase in the number of recipients
not be explained by individual hardship following increased the total provision of public goods but at a decreasing rate.
Kummer, Slivko, and Zhang: Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution
818 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 801–819, © 2020 INFORMS

3 10
In addition, since the late 1980s, researchers have increasingly We observe edits and content (in kilobytes) and distinguish reg-
contrasted theoretical models with experimental studies in the istered users from anonymous IP addresses.
laboratory. The main insights of this extensive literature have been 11
The standard error is less than 0.05; results are available upon
surveyed by Vesterlund (2006). request.
Uslaner (2002) uses cross-sectional data from the United States and 12
Contributions associated with IP addresses are made only by
Canada but cannot use variation from changes in unemployment contributors who skipped the log-in procedure—that is, only by
over time. The outcomes of survey-based studies suggest that vol- “anonymous” contributors.
unteers are relatively wealthier, predominantly male, and econom- 13
Some measurement errors may still exist in the outcome variables.
ically more active (Freeman 1997), and that unemployment is neg-
However, as long as these errors are random and uncorrelated with
atively correlated with volunteering by men but not by women
other variables in the model, they induce a bias that works against
(Taniguchi 2006).
finding significant results (inflated standard errors) and thus would
This finding is in line with Pissarides (1992), who noted that recently lead us to err on the side of caution.
unemployed face a threat of a permanent loss of skills and subsequent 14
Two of the dependent variables—namely, the number of edits
social decline as time proceeds. Krueger and Mueller (2012) found
performed by anonymous users and that of registered users—could
that the previously unemployed sharply decreased their hours de-
be alternatively estimated using a count data model. Because of
voted to leisure activities at the time of reemployment (by 35% of the
distribution properties (the distributions of variables are overdispersed),
time now allocated to working). In their paper, leisure included
we chose the negative binomial model for an alternative estimation.
computer and internet use. The American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
Table 21 in the online appendix presents the results, which are con-
analysis of Aguiar et al. (2013) focused on the period of the global
sistent with the linear estimations in the baseline specification.
recession in the late 2000s and confirmed earlier findings. They found
that more than 50% of the additional time was spent on leisure ac-
The fixed effect essentially covers all available control variables,
tivities, yet two-thirds were absorbed by watching TV and sleeping. because macroeconomic indicators such as the population structure
This is in line with the Aguiar et al. (2012) analysis of ATUS data and or internet penetration do not vary month to month.
the changing trends in time allocation. Since the 1960s, individuals Registered editors increased their activity only during working
have spent more time on leisure, which includes personal com- time (results available upon request).
puting (but also watching television or engaging in sports). Burda Rather than laying off their workers, firms could massively reduce

and Hamermesh (2010) analyzed time diary data and concluded working hours, and the state would compensate the workers for a
that only a small share of the additional time is used for home part of their income loss.
production. Unemployed people spent more time on other activities 18
Note that the country-level crisis start sometimes differs from the
such as computer use. start date we used for the regional-level analysis of Germany (January
These findings are complemented by Goldfarb and Prince (2008), who 2009), where we have more precise data available.
showed that poorer people (with internet access) spend more time 19
Our findings do not change if we instead normalize the variables
online, as their opportunity cost for time is lower than that of wealthier with respect to their mean and standard deviation values such that
people. During economic crises, young and poor people can be the coefficients represent the changes in the dependent variables in
threatened by increased unemployment rates or decreased salaries. standard deviations.
In the last decade, the German economy was constantly growing. 20
The measures are as follows: (1) number of active Wikipedians
Therefore, the unemployment rate had a general trend of decreasing. (with at least 5 edits), (2) number of very active Wikipedians (with
Rather than focusing on the absolute unemployment rate, we focus more than 100 edits), (3) average number of edits per article, (4) new
on changes in the unemployment rate and examine how the changes words added, (5) number of internal hyperlinks between articles on
affect economic agents’ behaviors. In years 2009 and 2010, the de- Wikipedia, and (6) number of references from Wikipedia articles to an
creasing trend of unemployment rate experienced a shock of an external website.
increase and then continued decrease after the crisis. This period is 21
This is based on a workforce of 24.5 million. See http://data
very interesting, as it shows that in the generally growing German accessed
economy, there was a financial crisis that changed the trend
in March 2019.
of unemployment.
8 Related research showed that prosocial giving and donations were
The Kurzarbeit program existed before the official announcement of
found to have a strong effect on happiness, and they appear to be
the financial crisis. In general, the period of application is six months.
deeply ingrained human behaviors (Dunn et al. 2008, Aknin et al.
However, under exceptional economic conditions, the program can
2013). Separate research found happiness to be a strong predictor of
be extended. To combat the economic crisis, German government
health (Sabatini 2014), and there is a strong and more general rela-
varied this extension period. Thus, from January to June 2007, em-
tionship between intergenerational transfers and aging in social
ployers could use this program to retain their important employees
species (Kaplan and Robson 2002, Lee 2003).
for up to 15 months if the company faces a temporal reduction in
demand. Then, this period was reduced to 12 months, but as Although we also found a slightly increased frequency of re-
Germany officially entered into recession, in January 2009, this period verting (which suggests a lack of experience), previous research on
was extended to 18 months. Six months later, this period was ex- Wikipedia by Anthony et al. (2009) suggests that a large share of
tended to 24 months for employees who joined the program during anonymous editors are occasional contributors with shorter but very
the first six months of the recession. As a result, the workers of in- reliable contributions, especially when they are domain experts.
dustries experiencing the negative shock could apply reduced Wikipedia insists that all contributions be based on verifiable
working hours up to two years starting in January 2009. knowledge. Hence, the number of external links is an indication that
Georgia (ca. 10 million residents) has 159 counties, whereas Cal- the contributions are backed by reliable sources.
ifornia (over 40 million residents) has only 58 counties. Germany, In line with models from labor economics, household production
with 80 million citizens, has 402 Kreise, so the average Kreis has could be shifted to working hours, and additional activities of the
approximately 200,000 residents. recently unemployed would thus be observed during leisure times.
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