Task 1

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Student’s Name: Marioli Rodriguez Corona​MMm Group: 3​3°C

EFP: Health Coach

Task #: 1
Title of the task: Wellness Self-Perception

Note: Remember your task must be related to your EFP, is the task you are Yes No
uploading related to it? – ​Write an “X” in your answer​.

-Wellness: Wellness is when you are good mental, social, physical, spiritual, and emotional.
That makes you feel satisfied with yourself and it occurs when you have good health.
-Health: Is when you don't suffer any illness and when the person is in a good mental,
spiritual, physical and emotional wellness.

● Dimensions of health:
- Emotional Health:Is a person that is free of mental illness and has good emotional
- Intellectual Health: Is a person that is free of illness and they are able to learn without
- Physical Health: Is a person free of illness that affects the psychological system of
the body. A person needs to have physical fitness and physical wellness to have
good physical health.
- Social Health:Is free of illness and doesn't have antisocial attitudes.
- Spiritual Health: Is to have spiritual wellness.
● Dimensions of wellness:
-Emotional Wellness: Is a person that can manage their emotions and stay positive,
is the opposite of a depressed person. This helps with emotional health.
-Intellectual Wellness: Is a person that is available to learn and use their knowledge
in his daily life.
-Physical Wellness: A person that has motor skills and uses it in his daily activities.
-Social Wellness: Is a person that can interact with others and establish good
-Spiritual Wellness: To have values and follow a certain religion that is based in our

3.- I got a score of 26, I think that I got in physical activity 4/4 because I train
Hapkido 6 times a week. I also swim and my family likes to do physical activities like
running or going to play basketball. In nutrition I try to be in weight and eat healthy
but sometimes I don't notice the calories that I eat. In the other aspects I think that
the education that my parents give me covers and important role in my health and

4.- Health and wellness play an important role in our lives, for us it is important to
know the difference between each concept. Health is when you don't have any illness
in each dimension of our life. Wellness is when you are good mental, social,
physical, spiritual, and emotional. That makes you feel satisfied with yourself and it
occurs when you have good health.

There are ratings that indicate if you have good wellness, I think that these ratings
are true because with them we can know the things in which we have problems to
have good wellness. When we identify the aspects in which we have problems we
can improve it in different ways, if you have troubles in physical health you can try to
exercise more or move more, in social you can try to speak with more people and
create a great relationship with someone. This will help you to be in order and have
good wellness and a good health.

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