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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon


4th Quarter, Week 1: Write a story (fiction/non-fiction) with its complete elements

Fiction is a narrative form consisting of people, events, or places that are imaginary
and not based strictly on history or fact while nonfiction is a narrative form based on facts
such as history and biography.

Elements of a Story
1. Character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a
short story.
2. Setting is the time and place in which the story happens.
3. Rising action is the part of the story after the characters and setting are introduced
and where the events of the story begin to create suspense as the character faces
4. Plot is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict.
5. Conflict is a struggle or problem between two people or things in a short story. The
main character may struggle against another important character, against the forces of
nature, against society, or even against something inside himself or herself (feelings,
emotions, and illness).
6. Theme is the central idea or belief in a short story.
7. Climax is the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of the
8. Falling action is the part of the story where the characters work to solve for the
problem or conflict.
9. Resolution is the end of the story

Write a short fiction story about the given situation by completing the missing the phrases.
Choose your answer on the box below.
A Magical Day of Ellen and Jess
Today, (characters) 1.____________and 2. ______________went
to (setting - place) 3. _________________________on (setting - time)
4.________________________. On their way to the middle of the forest, they saw a
(character) 5._____________________ that amazed them but when they went near it, it
(rising action) 6._________________________________________. Jess (conflict)
7.____________________________________________ so Ellen tried to find a solution to
avoid the enchantment of the flower. She remembered what her grandfather told her to do
when she saw the dancing flower. She look around and saw the big Balete tree. She (climax)
_____________________________________________________________. Jess (falling
action) 9._________________________________________________________________.
They (resolution) 10._______________________________________________________.

 a magical day  the enchanted forest  Ellen  Jess

 dancing flower  boy  today  mall
 started to bewitched and danced as well
 stopped dancing and returned to her senses
 hugged each other and went back home happily
 bloomed and started to dance gracefully that fascinated them
 ran quickly in the tree, climbed it, got a soft branch and smashed it to the flower

Write a short non-fiction story based on the given facts from the graphic organizer.

Characters: Raymond, residents, Captain Efren

Setting: One day, Barrio Narra
Problem: Children lacked interest in studying
Beginning: Middle: Ending:
Raymond was a new He asked for the help of his The program that Raymond
resident and he saw that parents for support in his initiated grew and became
many children are illiterate plan. He talked to his popular to the nation. Many
and weren’t able to read. He previous teachers and more people support and
thinks of a way to motivate friends to provide aid in donated in this work. He
them to study and learn teaching the youth. He also was awarded for his
more. asked donations from selflessness and care for
government and non- others especially to the
government agencies to children. The residents in
continue his program. the barrio were very happy
and proud of him.


Look at the picture and write a short story about it with complete elements.

From the given information in this story mountain, write a short story and give your own
Climax: The only one who
knew the cure for her
grandma was the wicked
witch so she decided to trick

Falling action: Due to the

Rising action: Grandma vision problem of the witch,
gets very sick that no one she entered unknowingly in
can cure in the whole palace. Characters: Princess her house to get the cure.
Rihanna, grandma,
wicked witch
Setting: A long time
ago, in a palace
Background: Princess Resolution: Princess
Rihanna loved her grandma Rihanna quickly gave the
very much and wanted her medicine to her grandma
by her side. that returned the energy of

Title: ________________________________________________________


Write your own autobiography (own life story) consisting of the elements of the story.

4th Quarter, Week 2: Write a reaction about the story read

Writing REACTIONS or RESPONSE about a story read is one of the reading skills one must
possess. To be able to write one, one must understand the story well, be able to express his
thoughts and opinion and relate experiences or another stories to the selection.

Read the story and answer the following questions.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

In the field one summer’s day, a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and
singing to its heart’s content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he
was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and play with me instead of toiling that way?” said the grasshopper.
“I am helping to lay up food for the winter and I recommend you to do the same,”
said the ant.
“Why bother about the winter? We have plenty of food at present,” said the
grasshopper. But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.
When winter came, the grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger
while it saw the ants distributing every corn and grain they had collected in the summer.
Then the grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What were the characters doing in the story?

3. Who among the characters uses his time wisely? Why do you think so?

4. As a student like you, how can you use your time wisely?

5. What advice can you give to the characters in the story?

Read the story and answer the following questions.

The Monkey and the Crocodile

One day in the riverbank, a monkey lived on a tree laden with delicious fruits. While
he was eating them, a crocodile came out of the river. The monkey threw few fruits to drive
the crocodile away but it chomped on the fruits and found it truly wonderful. Afterwards, the
two became friends.
The crocodile took some fruits to his wife. When she asked where he gets them, the
crocodile told her it’s from his friend monkey. His wife then told her to bring her the monkey
because its heart must taste even better.
Out of the crocodile’s love for his wife, he invited the monkey to ride on his back and
go home with him. Feeling guilty, the crocodile told the monkey that his wife is asking for
his heart.
The monkey thought quickly and told the crocodile that he leaves his heart on the tree
and asks him to go back to the riverbank. When the crocodile turns around and swam back,
the monkey quickly jumped off his back and climbed up the tree to its safety. This ended the
friendship between the crocodile and the monkey. As a result, the crocodile never got to taste
the fruits again.

Complete the sentences in response to the story read.

I found out that we

I predict that the
should never
crocodile’s wife
This story reminds
me of ___________ This story taught me
because ________

If I would give an
advice to the

Read the story and answer the following questions.

The Lion and the Mouse

A Lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his
paws. A timid little Mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her
fright and haste to get away, he ran across the Lion's nose. Roused
from his nap, the Lion laid his huge paw angrily on the tiny creature to
kill her.
"Spare me!" begged the poor Mouse. "Please let me go and
someday I will surely repay you."
The Lion was much amused to think that a Mouse could ever help
him. But he was generous and finally let the Mouse go.
Some days later, while stalking his prey in the forest, the Lion
was caught in the toils of a hunter's net. Unable to free himself, he
filled the forest with his angry roaring. The Mouse knew the voice and
quickly found the Lion struggling in the net. Running to one of the
great ropes that bound him, she gnawed it until it parted, and soon the
Lion was free.
"You laughed when I said I would repay you," said the Mouse.
"Now you see that even a Mouse can help a Lion."

Give your reaction on this story. You may use the following phrases as
your guide.

Between the two If I were the author,

If I were the lion, I I would end the
characters, I like I learned that
would story with
____ most because
4th Quarter, Week 3: Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative

At your age and grade level it is essential that you can be able to distinguish between fact and
opinion because these two are often woven together in text and speeches. It would help you
develop your critical and analytical skill in both reading and listening.
To do this successfully you must first know the definition and difference of the two, the fact
and opinion.
A fact generally refers to something that is true and can be verified, something that can be
proven to be true. On the other hand an opinion refers to a personal belief, personal point of
view, how someone feels about something that others may agree or disagree with but they
cannot prove or disapprove it.
Another thing, it is important for you to learn to differentiate between fact and opinion, is
that for you to be able to detect bias in a text by identifying how much of the text are based
on facts and how much is based on opinion.
And of course this knowledge and skill will be of your great benefit when it comes to
forming and expressing your own opinion.
Here are some examples of the signal words and phrases being used in the sentence
fragments that often precede a statement of fact or opinion:

● The annual report confirms…
● Scientists have recently discovered…
● According to the results of the tests…
● The investigation demonstrated…
● He claimed that…
● It is the officer’s view that…
● The report argues that…
● Many scientists suspect that…

Read the passage.

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will
develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. The virus that causes
COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs,
sneezes, or exhales. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close
proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then
your eyes, nose or mouth.COVID-19 most common symptoms are fever, dry cough,
tiredness, aches and pains, sore throat, headaches and loss of taste or smell.

Describe the sentence/s as being either fact or opinion. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.

FACT 1. COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most

OPINION infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover
without hospitalization.
FACT 2. There is 0% chance of survival to people got infected with the
OPINION virus.

FACT 3. COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when

OPINION an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales.

4. You can’t be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within

close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a
FACT contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth.
5. Loss of smell and taste, fever, dry cough, tiredness, aches, pains,
sore throat are headaches are not indicator of COVID-19 virus.


Read each statement below and determine if the statement is fact or opinion.

Heart Fact and Opinion

The heart is part of your body’s circulatory system. It’s made up of the atria,
ventricles, valves, and various arteries and veins. The main function of your heart is to keep
blood that’s full of oxygen circulating throughout your body. Because your heart is crucial to
your survival, it’s important to keep it healthy with a well-balanced diet and exercise, and
avoid things that can damage it, like smoking.
While you’re probably familiar with a few heart-healthy tips, here are some fact and
opinion statement about the heart.

TRUE OPINION 1. The average heart is the size of a fist in an adult.

2. Your heart will beat about 115,000 times each day.

3. Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day.
4. Laughing cause no effect to your heart. It does not reduce stress but
cause bad effect on your immune system.
TRUE OPINION 5. An electrical system controls the rhythm of your heart. It’s called

TRUE OPINION the cardiac conduction system.

6. The heart can continue beating even when it’s disconnected from
the body.
7. If a human can continue beating even when it is disconnected from
the body so with the heart of the whale for it has the largest heart in
any mammal.

8. The pain caused by a heart attack is the same pain that a human feel
of having a broken heart.
9. A woman’s heart beats slightly faster than a man’s heart.
10. The beating sound of your heart is caused by the valves of the heart
TRUE OPINION opening and closing.


Keeping children away from the bad effects of gadget overuse

Negative effects of excessive gadget use

Excessive use of gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets, and computer desktops can cause
physical and mental damage to children.

According to a study, a child will likely to become overweight and develop seizure and
vision problems when they spend too much time using gadgets. In Central Visayas, one of
the regions in the Philippines, a National Nutrition Council (NNC) Region 7 study reported
that 3% of children are considered as obese and overweight.
A health article also states that the thinking and emotional development during the first five
years of a child is crucial. Allowing them to spend more than two hours a day can impact
irreversible damage such as slow cognitive development and attention deficit.

“Parents and caregivers have the greatest responsibility to discipline children and control
their exposure to gadgets,” said Dr. Parolita Mission, head of the NNC Region 7.

Direction: Write 3 facts about the passage Negative Effects of Excessive Gadget Use. Write
your answer on a separate sheet.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________
Keeping children active
There can be many ways to prevent children from too much tapping on their game app or
watching their favorite channel on YouTube.

A health article advises parents to discipline their children by limiting the time of their
gadget use. It is also recommended that they spend more time with their offspring and let
them understand the matter.

One of the best ways is to involve them with an outdoor hobby.

Keeping them active on sports or other physical activity will distract them and would even
improve their physical wellness.

One school in Antique takes this seriously and involves their students with ball games and
gardening. Every morning during school days, children would gather on a school garden
complete with gardening tools and tend to their fruit and vegetable crops. While others grab a
ball and play in the open field.

“Aside from learning how to plant, our students also develop an active hobby,” shares Andy
Rios, their schoolteacher. “Twice a week, they tend to their vegetable plants – digging the
garden plot and removing weeds.”

“We learn gardening from our books but it is a different experience to do it in real life,” 10-
year-old John Bernard, one of the students, expressed how he likes going to the garden
during the morning with his classmates. “At home, I began helping my mother in tending our
backyard garden.”

By Mong Jimenez, Field, and Emergency Communications Specialist

Direction: Based on the narrative above identify if the statement is fact or opinion.

4. Parents should discipline their children by limiting the time of their gadget use as
cited by a health article. ( Fact or Opinion)

5. Andy Rios shared that aside from learning how to plant, students cant also develop an
active hobby. (Fact or Opinion)
4th Quarter, Week 4: Identify features of journalistic writing


Journalistic writing is a style of writing that is used to report news stories in a

variety of media formats.

Features of journalistic writing:

1. Headline
Newspapers use catchy and bold headlines to grab your attention. If the headline is not eye-
catching and interesting then the reader won’t read the article.
2. Photos
Photos help give a visual of the story. The picture is important as it tells the story by giving
readers a snapshot of what happened, where it happened or who it happened to.
3. Fact and Opinion
Newspaper reports use many facts and opinions to tell their stories. They often use the 5 W’s,
(who, what, why, where and when) to give the reader as much information and detail as
4. Quotations
Many newspaper reports use quotations from the main people involved in the story or
passersby. Quotation or speech marks tell us what those involved said.
Additional added features:
1. First sentence/Introduction: The first sentence underneath the headline should give
the reader more information on the story, and sum up what it is going to be about.
2. Paragraphs: Split into paragraphs to help the reader clearly understand the
information on the story. Each new paragraph may be given a ‘subheading’.
3. Past tense: Written in the past tense because you are reporting on something that has
already happened.
4. Third person: In the ‘third person’ because you are writing about somebody else. This
means using the names of the people involved in the story or using ‘he’ or ‘she’, not
‘I’ or ‘me’.
5. Summing up: The final paragraph should sum up the story. This is usually a good
place to put in your opinion.

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer, write it on your answer sheet.
1. A lead written to be easily understood should be
a. 18-20 words.
b. 20-35 words.
c. 35-30 words.
d. 30-45 words.
2. Which of the following should a summary news lead NOT try to do
a. Provide the most important information.
b. Stress what is unusual or interesting.
c. Convey the most recent information.
d. Lure readers in to reading a story they are not interested in.
3. A blind lead is one that
a. withholds some facts so the reporter can focus on the most important ones.
b. was written by a visually impaired reporter.
c. blindly includes facts about the story.
d. obscures interesting information as a duck blind obscures hunters.
4. Leads often omit the names of the people involved in news stories because
a. no one will care who is involved.
b. their identities are less important than what happened to them.
c. ethical journalists always omit the names of people involved in news events.
d. the names are best left to the last paragraph of the story.

5. Good news leads are usually structured by using

a. passive-voice verbs.
b. subject-verb-object word order.
c. long introductory clauses.
d. multiple prepositional phrases.
6. The best verbs for leads are
a. some form of the verb “to be.”
b. passive-voice verbs.
c. compound verbs.
d. active-voice verbs.
7. Summary news leads often stress the unusual aspects of a story because
a. “news” is, by definition, something that deviates from the usual.
b. editors find it easier to write headlines for such stories.
c. editors find it easier to sensationalize such stories.
d. none of the other choices.
8. One generally accepted way reporters keep a news lead objective is to
a. attribute opinions stated by others.
b. avoid covering controversial stories.
c. include as many adjectives and adverbs as possible.
d. make sure the reader knows what their opinion is.
9. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons news leads generally should not start
with the attribution?
a. Names and titles are dull.
b. Always starting with the attribution makes all leads sound the same.
c. Readers are not going to care who said what.
d. The source of the statement is usually not the most important information.
10. A lead that emphasizes the time or place at which a story occurred is called
a. a summary news lead.
b. a basic news lead.
c. a label lead.
d. an agenda lead.

DIRECTION: Write only a lead for each of the following stories. Correct errors in spelling,
grammar and punctuation.
1. A journalism professor at your school has sparked a heated debate. She teaches a course
titled "Communication Law." During her class last week Friday, she took her class
outdoors and burned a small American flag. She said the flag was "a teaching tool." The
class was discussing Supreme Court cases that defined flag-burning as protected speech.
The teacher, assistant professor Denise Bell, said she hoped her action would spark
debate in the classroom about free-speech issues. "It was not a personal act," she said. "It
was a pedagogical one." This morning, about 250 students, led by veterans groups on
your campus, gathered to protest the flag-burning. They marched to the building where
Bell was teaching the course. The protesters entered the building, stood outside the room
where the class was in session, and sang the national anthem. The students also said the
Pledge of Allegiance and chanted "U.S.A." In a statement issued soon thereafter, the
president of your school said Bell had used "extraordinarily bad judgment" in burning the
flag. But, your president said, it would be inappropriate for the school to do anything
further to question or punish her teaching techniques.

2. At first, it seemed like a wonderful idea! Your schools president learned the wife of your
governor was going to be in the area. He proceeded to invite her to deliver your schools
commencement address for 2019 graduating class—and she accepted. Now, opposition is
arising. About a week ago, a half-dozen senior women began circulating a petition
opposing her delivering the commencement address and, thus far, more than 300 of their
classmates have signed it. "To honor the First Lady as a commencement speaker," says
the petition, "is to honor a woman who has gained recognition through the achievements
of her husband, which contradicts what we have been taught over our years of study—
that women should be honored for their achievements, not their husbands." The president
of your institution has scheduled a meeting for late Friday to discuss the issue with
members of the graduating class.

3. College students have an unusual problem that has gone largely unnoticed in the past.
Some call it "freshman fat." Others call it "the Freshman 5," "the Freshman 10," "the
Freshman 15" or even "the Freshman 20." Now, a specialist at your school is studying the
issue and finding some truth to the folklore. Freshmen women, she found, are more than
twice as likely to gain a significant amount of weight as similar women who don't go to
college. Of your schools incoming freshmen last year, 26% gained weight. By
comparison, 9% of a group of comparable young women in your community who did not
enroll in college gained weight. Freshman Fat isn't considered a serious health threat.
Five or 10 extra pounds don't make a big difference for most people. The best remedy, in
fact, may be to ignore the extra weight: sooner or later, your eating habits are bound to
settle down. A constellation of factors lies behind Freshman Fat: sudden freedom from
parental rules; overabundance of choices; erratic, late hours; a more sedentary life; a
social life that revolves around eating and drinking. And stress. Food is the age-old
comforter. Linda Kasparov, a licensed dietitian at your school, conducted the study and
released all the information about the results of it today.

4. There is a heated, controversial debate at your school. The school has a foundation that
invests its money in various stocks, bonds and properties. A reporter for your student
paper last week uncovered the fact that some of the money is invested in tobacco
companies. Now some people want the foundation to eliminate those stocks from its
investment portfolio. The editor of your student paper advocates the elimination of such
stock and, in an interview with you today explained quite persuasively that, "Cigarettes
have been responsible for millions of deaths, and owning shares in the companies that
produce them sends a conflicting message to both students and the public. Furthermore,
the foundation, and thus our school, is benefiting from those deaths: from the sale of a
product known to kill its users." The Board of Regents met at 8 a.m. this morning, and
the topic was one of several on its agenda. It voted 8-1 that the foundation not be ordered
to sell any of its tobacco stocks.
5. Last week a group of medical researchers conducted an unusual survey of the women on
your campus. As part of an effort to learn more about students needs and ways of
improving student health care, doctors at your student clinic conducted an unusual
survey, personally contacting and interviewing a random sample of 1,044 women on
campus last week. The women were interviewed in person and were also asked to
complete anonymous questionnaires developed by the researchers. The researchers found
that almost 1 in 10 had had an abortion at some point in her life. "I was shocked, to be
quite frank," said Robert Einhorn, the clinics director. "We have some students who come
to us, learn they're pregnant, and ask about their options. Some want a referral to a clinic
that performs abortions, and there are a number of names that we give them. But I never
thought we were talking about this number of students. Of course, some reported having
their abortions years ago—as young as the age of 12." More specifically, 9.41 percent of
the women students surveyed said they have had an abortion. 1.7% of the women
students have had two abortions.

DIRECTION: Compose a basic news story based from the following facts. Write it on your
answer sheet.
WHO: Bus Transport called Jhoron
WHAT: Collided with three SUV’s on a switch that merges four tracks into two
WHEN: 1:30 p.m. yesterday
WHERE: Bocaue, Bulacan
WHY: Larry Taño, Jhoron spokesman: The SUV’s and their bus were northbound.
The SUV’s had apparently run a stop sign.
OTHER: At least 15 dead, 175 injured. Worst accident in Amtrak’s 132-year history.
Who: a nuclear weapon with a yield equivalent to 150,000 tons of TNT
What: detonated
Where: 40 miles from a meeting of pacifists and 2,000 feet beneath the surface of Pahute
Mesa in the Nevada desert
When: Tuesday
Why: to test the weapon
How: not applicable
Other information: Department of Energy officials are the source; 450 physicians and peace
activists were gathered to protest continued nuclear testing by the United States.

Who: 7-year-old boy missing for three years.
What: found
Where: in San Jose Del Monte City
When: Monday night
Why: not applicable
How: A neighbor recognized the child’s picture when it was shown after the
movie Adam: The Song Continues and called police.
Other information: Police arrested the boy’s mother, Ellen Oconer, 27; she faces
charges of kidnapping and interference with a custody warrant.

Who: 40 passengers
What: evacuated from a Cebu Pacific Airlines jet, Flight 428
Where: at the Legazpi Airport
When: Monday following a flight from Cebu to Palawan
Why: A landing tower employee spotted smoke near the wheels
How: not applicable
Other information: There was no fire or injuries; the smoke was caused by hydraulic fluids
leaking onto hot landing brakes, according to Bobby Garon, a spokeperson of Cebu Pacific.

DIRECTION: Get a copy of a newspaper, choose one article that you like.
Using a highlighter, identify each features of the journalistic writing. Paste in on a short bond
paper. Then write your name, grade and section.
4th Quarter, Week 5: Distinguish among types of journalistic writing

Types of Journalistic Writing

News Articles
 Presented in a straightforward style and without opinion or editorial comment.
Feature Articles
 Report of a person, event or aspect of a major event often having a personal slant and
written in an individual style.
Opinion Articles
 Present the opinion of the writer/reporter and written in an individual style.
Sports Articles
 Report on sporting topics and games.


Match the articles in column A with its type in column B. Write the letter only.

Column A Column B

1. This is my reaction to Kay Rivera’s a. feature article

article “An uphill battle (2)”. I agree
that alternative medicine, which
includes natural remedies and
traditional cures, should not be
outrightly dismissed.

2. Palace on Saturday announced b. news article

that it has standby funds of P879
million to help local government
units respond to effects of
Typhoon Rolly, which is expected
to make landfall on Sunday afternoon.

3. Family’s Brand-Zamboanga City c. Sports article

Chooks notched the big one with
a 22-19 (8:49) victory over Nueva Ecija
in the Grand Finals of the Chooks-to-Go
Pilipinas 3×3 President’s Cup Friday at
Inspire Academy in Calamba.

4. “Hindi pa kami laos!” Thus exclaimed d. Opinion article

the young once teachers, administrators,
parents, community and barangay
members as the set aside one special
day during the school’s celebration of
Community Week to have a share of
the festivities, and of course to display
their hidden talents.

Identify the type of the following articles. Choose your answer inside the box.

News article Feature article

Opinion article Sport article

1. The new dress code limits individuality. High school students define themselves by
what they wear. They express themselves through their clothing. A strict dress code
will force students to hide their identity and make conformist out of the whole school.
Part of the spirit of our school is the differences that we have with each other.
2. The Philippine ambassador to Turkey has reported that no Filipino fatalities were
reported so far following the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that jolted Turkey and Greece.
3. The Philippine Superliga is eyeing to be the next league to play in a bubble-type
environment in the country. PSL president Ian Laurel said the league is planning to
hold a beach volleyball tournament inside a bubble in November at Subic Bay
Metropolitan Authority.
4. “I can earn while I learn.” He smiled at me as the interview reeled off. “How can you
work, have a part-time job, and at the same time go to school?” I asked “Well, it s
easy,” he explained. “I don’t do all of these at the same time.”
5. Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso has ordered the Manila City-wide
removal of tarpaulins that declared the Communist Party of the Philippines, New
People’s Army, and the National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) as persona non
grata in the National Capital Region (NCR).


Write whether the following articles are news article, feature article, sports article, or
opinion article.

1. The Philippines on Saturday logged 1,803 new coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

cases, bringing the total number of COVID-19 cases to 380,729. In its COVID-19
case bulletin, the Department of Health (DOH) reported 42,462 active cases, which is
11.2 percent of the total COVID-19 infections nationwide.
2. University of Santo Tomas found its new men’s basketball coach in alum Jinino
Manansala following the departure of Aldin Ayo. According to multiple reports,
Manansala will take over the reins as the Growling Tigers head to a new era
following their first finals appearance in five years.
3. Who says that age is an obstacle to education? Take it from Danilo Marcelo of
Arayat, Pampanga who stopped going to school seven years ago after finishing the
elementary grades. This year, at 24, he enrolled as a first year evening student at
Abada High School.
4. My first reason that I like the Philippines is because at night there are crickets that
make soothing sounds at night that you can sleep like a baby and there are roosters
that wake you up in the morning. It is morning, here comes the heat!
5. When she was 15, Abigail Valdez scored a tournament knockout by landing an ax
kick, a taekwondo move that slams the full weight of the foot on an opponent’s head.
Her rival, she recalled, quickly got up to her feet only to stagger back to the canvas. “I
was worried about her; good thing she recovered right away,” she said.


Make a clipping of different journalistic article. Identify its type.



4th Quarter, Week 6: Write a news report from a given facts

 News report should be able to answer the questions wh, what, when, where, why and
 The news should be able to answer at least four of these questions. However, all news
must answer the who and the what questions
 Remember the purpose of a news report is to help readers get a true information about
the event.
 Do not make it too long.

Write a news report based on the following given facts. Do this on a separate sheet of
 The plane was going to Cebu City on a test flight.
 Mayor Romeo Lopez, who rushed to the crash site found the pilot, Rene Concepcion
and his passenger Lito amorsolo, both safe despite the plane’s damage.
 A two-seater plane with pilot Rene Concepcion and passenger Lito Amorsolo
crashed in a rice filed at Barangay Caditaan, on July 15 this year.
 Concepcion said the plane’s engine stopped 30 minutes after it took off at Legaspi
 Plane crashes in Cebu, no one hurt.

Read the facts and write a news report based from given facts. Do this on a separate
sheet of paper
 Teacher Induction Program is a training given to the newly hired teachers. One of its
purpose is to let them understand their roles and responsibilities.
 The Division of Balanga though the leadership of the superintendent, Ronnie S.
Mallari, PhD,CESE conducted the teacher Induction Program to 200 newly hired
teachers at Crown Royale Hotel, Balanga on June 20 to 23 this year,
 Education Program Supervisors who were trained on TIP were their facilitators
 Division of Balanga conducts teacher Induction Program to 200 newly hired teachers

Do the following:
( attached your news article on your answer sheets)

1. Summarize your news by using the “5 Wh and 1 H questions

List the following pieces of information, using a few words, not sentences:
Who: _____________________________________________________
What: ____________________________________________________
( This item requires you to include a verb )
Why: _____________________________________________________
( Look at the”What”. Give the main reasons/s for the “What.”


2. Write a brief paragraph, connecting all your answers from above.

4th Quarter, Week 7: Write/Compose an editorial
Let’s Study This

RP pop star misses anthem lines in public

Philippines Recording Star Christian Bautista forgot to
sing the two lines of the lyrics of “Lupang Hinirang” when he
Introduction sang the national anthem during the boxing exhibition between
Gerry Peñalosa and Conception Bernabe in Alabang, recently.
Hundreds of boxing fans expressed disappointment
about the public performance of Bautista, who was expected to
sing the anthem professionally.
Bautista offered an apology to the public after the
incident saying “I apologize to the Filipino people for the lapse
of memory that occurred during my rendition of the national
anthem.” He promised to sing the national anthem with mastery
next time.

The paragraph above is an example of editorial article from a newspaper.

Consider the following points in coming up with an effective editorial essay:

1. Before writing, be sure to understand thoroughly the situation or problem which you
are going to write about.

2. Plan a catchy and interesting introduction. This is the news peg, the situation, the
problem about which the editorial is centered.

3. Build up your arguments in a logical sequence. Explain your reactions to the problem.
Give examples to support your arguments. This is an effective way to drive home
your point.

4. The last part of editorial should tie up with your introduction. Suggest either a
solution or present a challenge.

Here are the different types of editorial:

1. Editorial of interpretation – it explains the significance or meaning of new events,

situation or issue.

2. Editorial of criticism – it points out the fault in a situation mentioned and solutions.

3. Editorial of argumentation – it takes a stand on a controversial issue whether in favor

or contrary.

4. Editorial of commendation – it gives praise to a worthy deed done by a person or by

an institution.

5. Editorial of persuasion – enlists the reader’s support of a program or a plan pf action.

It gives reasons for support. In closing, it cites disadvantages to be gained or contains
a plea for action.

Let’s Remember This

Reactions, view, comments, or opposing opinions are forms of expression in

an editorial. They discuss issues affecting the lives of people.
An editorial essay is an expression of facts or opinions presented in a pleasing
order as to influence and mold public opinion.
A good paragraph follows mechanics in writing.
It has three (3) paragraph:
 Introduction
 Body
Let’s Do This

What type of editorial will you find in each of the following articles?


The effectiveness of the “bayanihan” spirit was best shown by groups of students,
hundreds of them, as they took the streets in the support of the Metro Manila clean-up and
beautification drive.
The students coming from different schools in Tondo, pooled themselves together,
cleaned the streets and beautified them with potted ornamental plants.
This “Bayanihan” in action.
“Bayanihan” is an ancient Filipino custom, symbolic of the Filipino way of group
work. As found in the Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala (1745) by P. Juan de Noceda and P.
Perdo de Sanlucar, the word “bayanihan” is derived from the root word “bayani” meaning
Obra Cumun of group work.
Another related word, “Magpabayani” is a request for help by one who wants a job
done for him, and evokes response from neighbors who come in groups to offer their services
in all forms and in their own simple ways. In return the “magpabayani” offers free breakfast,
lunch, or “meriendas” as a token of appreciation and gratitude of the “nagpabayani”.
Type of editorial: _____________________________


Today, the Philippines has a population of 50 million. At the present rate of
growth, this small country, within 35 years would have to support more than 100
This means that most of our high school students now, who would only be in their
early 40’s or 50’s at that time will be the ones to be most affected by the evil effects
of population explosion
Even today, with our relatively small population, our basic problems are food,
water, housing, education and pollution.
Just imagine how these problems would be aggravated by the 100 million mouth to
feed, backs to clothe, heads to shelter, and minds to educate.
Also, today, the world has a population of three billion. These will double in 35
years’ time. The world population is increasing at the rate of an additional 1,000
million every eight years.
In six and a half centuries from now, there would be one person standing on every
square foot of land on earth. By that time, men would be devouring one another for
there would be no more place for plants to grow.
The only ways to avoid these mass starvation and political chaos is population
The first consequence can be seen in the faces of hungry men. One half of humanity
is hungering at this moment. There is less food per person on earth today than there was 20
years ago in the worldwide depression. Political chaos is death through world wars,
revolutions, aggressions, rebellions, and the like.
The third and the best remedy is population planning done through family planning.
Family planning simply means the planning of size and spacing of one’s family means of
scientific knowledge and method.
Type of editorial: _____________________________


Can science be reconciled with religion?
This was the argument discussed in the open forum during the science seminar-
workshop held July 18 at the school social hall in observance of National Science and
Technology Week.
This stemmed from the speech of Mr. Ernesto L. Damasco of the National Science
and Technology Association who said that only truth does not change.
There is no contraindication between science and religion when both are properly
understood. What is needed is a proper knowledge of religion and a more scholarly
interpretation of the Bible, the Koran and other similar books, for there can be a
contraindication between any truth revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures and any
findings of science, properly tested and verified.
Holy scriptures of whatever religion, are not textbooks of science. Their purpose is
all the same – to inculcate moral, spiritual and religious truth.
The subject matter science, on the other hands, is the physical universe. It’s
purpose is to discover the law of nature.
Religion and science move in essentially different orbits. Religion is concerned
primarily with spiritual realities, with moral values, with the intangibles, which elude
both the pills and the test tubes, science with matter and energy which can be seen,
weighed and measured.
Religion has no fear of science. It does not tremble before discussion, but before
ignorance. It welcomes with eager hospitality every news findings. The further mam
goes into outer space, the better vision he has God, and the deeper insight he acquires
into the Divine Administration of the universe.
Type of editorial: _____________________________
A flag ceremony, whether it be a flag raising or flag retreat is sacred. Therefore, it
should be observed with all the solemnly and sacredness a Filipino citizen can muster.
The National Anthem (Pambansang Awit) like the national flag should be treated
with ceremonial respect.
On this, the anniversary of the declaration of independence in Kawit 1898, it is
perhaps timely to remind all and sundry to behave during flag ceremony.
Sad to say, many students, during the Monday morning flag raising ceremonies,
instead of standing at attention while singing the National Anthem, and while reciting the
Patrionic Pledge (Panatang Makabayan), move around, play and make fun completely
disregarding whats going on.
It is for this reason that we are calling the attention of all teachers, especially the
social studies teachers to give more emphasis on teaching values, love of country, respect for
flag, veneration of heroes and proper behavior during flag ceremonies.
If flag ceremonies cannot be held properly, why then do we hold them all.
Type of editorial: _____________________________


“And the Lord said unto Cain. Where is Abel your brother?
And he said, I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?”
-- Genesis 4:9
This question asked millions of years ago in the Garden of Eden has not lost its
This was the same question students of Osmeña High School has sought to answer and
answered, when the biggest flood in recent years hit Luzon.
When the appeal for help was aired by the mass media, local student leaders launched
the three-pronged drive to solicit relief aid for the flood victims.
Majority of the students belong to the poor family. Most of them cannot even afford
to buy more than of uniform for their daily use. But when the appeal for aid was sounded,
they lost no time in finding ways and means to help their less fortunate brothers. They knew
that they were their brother’s keepers.
The hat was literally passed around. In no time, the sum P500 was collected. Aside
from this, canned goods, rice, medicine, and old clothes were collected.

The drive which was started as a prank, soon grew and spread like wild fire. The
teachers, alumni and former members of the editorial staff joined the “Help Our
Brothers” bandwagon.
A part of the money was sent to the flood victims through the national dailies. The
rest, plus the relief goods were personally delivered to them in Central Luzon during the
height of the floods by the student leaders.
The school’s aid may be just like a drop of water in the bucket. But true to what
James Russel Lowell said in his poem. “The Vision of Sir Launfall”.
“Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift without
the giver is bare, Who gives himself with his aid feeds three,
Himself, His hungering neighbor and me.”
May these students from Osmeña High School serve as models for other students to
emulate. May their tribe increase.
Type of editorial: _____________________________
Here is an example of a jumbled parts of an editorial article. Arrange these
paragraphs to make a meaningful editorial article.
At a glance, one can presume that the CEP is beneficial to Filipino students. For one
thing, it can abolish the ignorance in technology among many schools and students or
teachers. Computer literacy, a major factor in job hiring today, can be raised, thereby helping
students learn skills that could earn them stable professions in the future. Furthermore,
learning can be made easier and more interactive, thus, more alternatives can be given as to
the imparting of knowledge. By incorporating technology to show key concepts of learning,
interest and enthusiasm among students may rise leading to better academic performance.
Sadly, the CEPS’s flaws outweigh its possible benefits. The Philippines isn’t really
ready for s vast network that uses advanced technology. There are many schools in remote
areas in various locations around the country that do not have electricity yet. Makeover, the
lack of faculty members qualified to use this new technology is a problem due to inadequate
training and experience. Lack of infrastructure (buildings) that can safely house the
equipment needed for the CEP poses just another downside. There are also questions raised
as to the ability of the company awarded with the CEP contract, because this Chinese firm,
the Tsinghua Tongfang Nuctech Company (Nuctech), specializes in x-ray machine
manufacturing and container inspection systems, which have little or no relevance to satellite
technology that CEP requires.
Filling the Real Gaps
from The Bicol Scholar, Oct. 2007
THE CYBER Education Project (CEP) of our government aims to fill the gaps in the
education system using satellite technology to deliver key learning concepts and other
educational services to every public elementary and high school in the country through TV
screens. One question: Is this $460 million-project a really direct need in our country?
Write an editorial article with the issue “Absence of Face to Face Learning” you will be rated using
these criteria.

Criteria Excellent Fair Needs Development

(15) (10) (5)
Validity and strength Arguments are strong Arguments are not Arguments are not at
of argument and factual as convincing and only all supported by
supported by few source of data citations and source
citations of data and and information are of data and
information. needed. information.
Accuracy in The paper is The paper contains The paper contains
grammar, spelling completely flawless minimal errors in prominent errors in
and punctuation in terms of grammar, spelling grammar, grammar, spelling
spelling and and punctuation and punctuation

Organization of ideas Ideas are logically Ideas are not clearly Ideas are not all
connected by connected as some connected logically
transition signals, transitions signals are as no transition
unified in tense and incorrectly used, but signals are used.
ideas, and emphatic. unified in tense and Some ideas go out of
ideas and emphatic. focus and use tense
are not accurate.


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