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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 97 (2022) 101847

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The effects of community-based signals on investment decisions in

copy trading
Sándor Erdős *, Tamás Papp, Zsófia Vörös
University of Pecs Faculty of Business and Economics: Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem Kozgazdasagtudomanyi Kar, Hungary


JEL classification: This study examines the importance and effects of community-based signals when choosing a trader to copy in a
G11 mock-up social trading platform. Although the studies examining the effects of social influence in choosing a
G41 trader to copy and herding point toward the importance of social influence, these works do not evaluate how
Keywords: related signals in different constellations with other signals affect the copying behavior. The results of a two-
Social trading alternative forced-choice experiment in which subjects made 18 investment decisions systematically show the
Copy trading
importance of community-based signals in the selection of traders judged worth copying, i.e., their potential to
Community-based signals
influence investment decisions and the general preference toward positive social profiles.
Forced-choice experiment

1. Introduction cognition-based signals (Wohlgemuth et al., 2016) influence copy

trading decisions, but also the signals that other users deliver, i.e.,
So far, research has provided evidence on the importance of affect- community-based signals.
based and cognition-based signals in the copy trading decisions in so­
cial trading environments (e.g., Wohlgemuth, Berger & Wenzel, 2016). 2. Literature review
Still, community-based signals have, i.e., signals generated by the
trading community, received relatively little attention. Although the Social trading platforms (STPs) allow users to follow, inter alia, the
studies examining the effects of social influence in choosing a trader to strategies, decisions, past performance, and current portfolio of other
copy and herding point toward the importance of social influence (e.g., traders in real-time, interact with other investors within the network,
Kromidha & Li, 2019; Pan, Altshuler & Pentland, 2012), these works do and customize their profile, similarly to social media platforms. A
not evaluate how related signals in different constellations with other unique feature of STPs is that they allow investors to copy the invest­
signals affect the decision making of copying. The results of Kromidha ment decisions of others automatically, i.e., imitate the buying and
and Li (2019), for instance, indicate that social elements such as cre­ selling decisions of the trader they copy. Consequently, instead of an
dentials and popularity are essential to establish a relationship, how­ exhaustive information search and decision-making process, investors
ever, their approach could not reveal how the same decision-maker can benefit from the knowledge of other traders with a single click (Jin,
responds to different configurations of various signals, and it is not fully Zhu & Huang, 2019).
possible to separate the effects of community-based signals from the In social trading networks, investors broadly can be divided into two
effects of the other information signals. Moreover, even theoretical groups: those who make their investment decisions independently and
models on copy trading neglect community-based signals (Wohlgemuth those who copy the decisions of others. In the literature, the former
et al., 2016). In this study, by conducting a two-alternative forced-choice group is called “leader traders” (Gemayel & Preda, 2018a; Pelster &
experiment and using an experimental design that allows the explicit Hofmann, 2018), or “signal providers” (Dorfleitner et al., 2018; Jin
distinction of the different types of signals and the systematic exami­ et al., 2019), whereas the latter is referred to as “copy traders”, “copiers”
nation of their effects, we investigate the copy trading decisions of (Pelster & Breitmayer, 2019; Pelster & Hofmann, 2018; Wohlgemuth
working adults in a mock-up social trading environment. We point out et al., 2016), or “followers” (Dorfleitner et al., 2018; Jin et al., 2019).
that not only signals sent by the leader traders, such as affect-based and So far, research on social trading has focused on concerns such as the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Erdős), (T. Papp), (Z. Vörös).
Received 20 December 2021; Received in revised form 9 February 2022; Accepted 15 February 2022
Available online 17 February 2022
2214-8043/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Erdős et al. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 97 (2022) 101847

traders’ exposure to disposition effect (Dorfleitner et al., 2018; Gemayel from other copiers in the social trading network play a particular role in
& Preda, 2018b; Glaser & Risius, 2018; Heimer, 2016; Lukas, Eshraghi & copying decision making. Although the co-existence of all three sets of
Danbolt, 2017; Pelster & Hofmann, 2018), overconfidence (Czaja & signals is not necessary for establishing trust in leader traders, we hy­
Röder, 2020; Dorfleitner & Scheckenbach, 2021), the signal providers’ pothesize that trust is the strongest, i.e., copy trading is most likely to
propensity toward gambling (Schneider & Oehler, 2021), investors’ occur, when all three dimensions are present and positive (see Fig. 1).
profit-generating abilities (Dorfleitner et al., 2018; Oehler, Horn & In sum, the following hypotheses are proposed in this study:
Wendt, 2016; Pan et al., 2012), or the herd behavior of leader traders H1. In those conditions where the leader traders’ affect-based and
(Gemayel & Preda, 2018a). An interesting strand of the literature ex­ cognition-based signals are identical, copy traders prefer leader traders
amines the factors determining the number of copiers signal providers with positive community-based signals.
have Pan et al. (2012). investigated the analyzed platform’s top 300 H2. Copy traders prefer options with positive community-based
most followed leader traders. They found that the number of copiers signals over options with no community-based information.
formed a distribution close to a power-law curve, implying that users are H3. In the case of conflicting affect-based and cognition-based sig­
heavily affected by the existing number of copiers when making copy nals, additional community-based signals influence copy traders’ pref­
trading decisions Ammann and Schaub (2016). showed that superior erences toward those signals.
past performance induces increased, positive communication, which, in The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
turn, affect investment flows toward signal providers. Finally, Pelster show the experimental design and the sample. In Section 3, we present
(2018) and Röder and Walter (2019) concluded that the likelihood of the empirical results and discuss them, and finally, Section 4 concludes.
copying a leader trader is mainly explained by past performance.
Some studies argue that copying emerges if the signals that leader 3. Materials and methods
traders make public reflect trustworthiness Wohlgemuth et al. (2016).
indicated that both affect-based and cognition-based signals raise the 3.1. Experimental design and material
probability of followers copying leader traders’ portfolios. As they
pointed out, affect-based signals indicate whether the signal provider A two-alternative forced-choice experiment was conducted in which
shares similar values with the copy trader or pursues self-centered subjects made 18 investment decisions in a mock-up social trading
reward-seeking behavior. In contrast, cognition-based signals indicate platform. The experiment consisted of two parts. In part 1, participants
if the signal provider is technically competent in domain-specific tasks. answered three basic demographic questions (age, sex, and school
In a social trading environment, affect-based signals may include the attainment), and in a yes/no format, they declared whether they have
disclosure of real names, real profile pictures, or the activity level of investments, know and use social trading platforms, as well as read a
traders. Cognition-based signals relate to traders’ competence to trade short instruction (see Section Appendix A). In the instruction, they were
successfully and may include such factors as the rate of return in a given informed that during the experiment, they should make decisions about
period, the proportion of profitable transactions, or the highest return which leader trader’s (LT) investment strategy to copy to maximize their
that an investor has ever achieved Kromidha and Li (2019). also built on earnings in an online mock-up social trading environment. Participants
signaling theory and showed that trader credentials, such as career, also read a short description of the types of information they would base
membership, experience, and popularity, are more important than their decisions on (see Table 1).
performance, volume, or risk signals in choosing a leader in online social In part 2, participants acted as members of a social trading com­
trading. Though their empirical work indicated that social elements such munity and decided on which LT’s investment strategy to copy when
as credentials and popularity are essential to establishing a relationship, investing their own money. LT A and LT B were characterized in each
their methodology could not reveal how the same decision-maker reacts condition by means of the nine information elements listed in Table 1.
to different constellations of these signals. Thus, based on the signaling These nine information elements can be grouped into three types of
theory that assumes signals play a central role in the emergence of copy informational signals: affect-based, cognition-based, and community-
trading, we examine the effects of signals sent by the community on the based signals. The first three pieces of information belong to the cate­
investment decisions of copy traders, i.e., community-based signals. gory of affect-based signals, while the next three information elements
Several studies suggest that in human reward systems, i.e., when form the category of cognition-based signals (cf Wohlgemuth et al.,
decision-makers reward other community members with their attention, 2016). The last three pieces of information define the community-based
financial contribution, or rating, social influence significantly impacts
decision-making. Research shows that those individuals who have
already been rewarded more by the community than other members are
more likely to attract the attention of new decision-makers (Van De Rijt,
Kang, Restivo & Patil, 2014). Moreover, studies related to financial
decision-making suggest that investors, due to the uncertainty sur­
rounding the investment decisions, tend to follow the decisions of
others, i.e., investors invest when the knowledge that others are
investing changes their decision from not investing to making the in­
vestment (Banerjee, 1992; Bikhchandani & Sharma, 2000; Oehler &
Wendt, 2009; Scharfstein & Stein, 1990).
As social trading environments can be regarded as human reward
systems where copiers reward the leader traders with their attention,
trust, and financial contribution, in this study, we hypothesize that so­
cial influence plays a significant role in copy trading decisions. We argue
that even in the presence of affect-based and cognition-based signals, a
fully informed maximizing decision-making on future investments is not
feasible. Therefore, to decrease the uncertainty, copiers also consider the
signals that the members of the social trading network provide, i.e., the
community-based signals. Thus, this study expands the dual-partitioning
of signaling theory related to copy trading in a social trading environ­
ment with community-based signals. We argue that signals stemming Fig. 1. Signal groups that build trust (cf Wohlgemuth et al. (2016)).

S. Erdős et al. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 97 (2022) 101847

Table 1 Table 2
Short description of information participants base their decisions. Rules to create the negative and positive signals.
Signal group Information Description of the information Information Positive Negative

Affect-based Name Real full name or chosen nickname of the Name Full name of the leader trader Chosen nickname
leader investor Profile picture AI-generated profile picture: Missing profile picture
Affect-based Profile picture Photo of the leader trader that is not Caucasian, male adult, with
required to be shared in the network short brown hair, brown eyes,
Affect-based Activity level Number of login days in the last two years and face expressing joy, taken
Cognition- Success rate of The proportion of profitable transactions from
based transactions in total transactions com
Cognition- Return Return on the total amount invested Activity level The number of login days in The number of login days in
based the last two years is greater the last two years is less than
Cognition- Maximum profit The highest return that the investor has than 584 146
based achieved ever achieved on a transaction Success rate of The proportion of profitable The proportion of profitable
Community- Number of copiers The number of users currently copy the transactions transactions in total transactions in total
based leader trader’s portfolio transactions is greater than transactions is less than 20%
Community- Invested amount The amount by which the portfolio of the 80%
based leader trader is copied Return Return on the total amount Return on the total amount
Community- Number of Number of users following the activity of invested is greater than 40% invested is less than 10%
based followers leader trader, but not copying it Maximum The highest return that the The highest return that the
profit investor has ever achieved on a investor has ever achieved on a
achieved transaction is greater than transaction is less than 12%
signals. The layout of the information screens was the same in each 48%
Number of The number of users currently The number of users currently
condition (Fig. 2).
copiers copying the leader trader’s copying the leader trader’s
All elements of a specific type of information were either positive or portfolio is greater than 800 portfolio is less than 200
negative to define a positive or negative affect-based, cognition-based, Invested The amount by which the The amount by which the
and community-based LT profile. It is important to note that in the case amount portfolio of the leader trader is portfolio of the leader trader is
of signals, the label positive or negative do not reflect an absolute copied is greater than 8 000 copied is less than 2 000 000
judgment but refer to how a signal compares to the other alternative of
Number of The number of users following The number of users following
the forced-choice decision. Community-based signals may also have followers the leader trader is greater the leader trader is less than
been missing, as in some cases, we investigated the effect of additional than 2400 600
community-based signals (see more details in the Data section) Table 2.
Notes: In our experimental design, the criteria for determining whether a piece
shows the rules along which negative and positive signals were of information was negative or positive were derived using data from eToro (a
determined. social trading platform that currently has the largest number of users), as well as
The variation of positive, negative, and missing information profiles previous related literature (Wohlgemuth et al., 2016). Although the aim of the
defined 18 different conditions in which respondents made investment experiment was not to completely replicate any existing platform, the data
decisions (see Table 3). The conditions were elaborated to facilitate provided by eToro proved itself to be valuable in determining valid thresholds.
several types of analyses. Condition 1 (C1) and C2 served as control In the experiment, we utilized positive returns since underperforming accounts
conditions. If respondents failed to choose the entirely positive LT pro­ are unlikely to gain or sustain copiers (Schneider & Oehler, 2021), while
file, they were excluded from the analyses. The preference toward op­ top-performing leader traders are frequently included in the top ranks on the
platforms’ web pages and thus receive more attention (Röder & Walter, 2019).
tion A or option B in single conditions and the difference between two
decisions in specific conditions were analyzed (see the Data section for
more details).

Fig. 2. The layout of the information screens and the order of information shown to each participant.

S. Erdős et al. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 97 (2022) 101847

Table 3
The 18 different conditions in which respondents made investment decisions (P=positive, N=negative).
Option A Option B

Affect-based Cognition-based Community-based Affect-based Cognition-based Community-based

C1 P P N N
C2 N N N P P P
C3 P N P P N N
C4 N P P N P N
C5 N N P N N N
C6 P P P P P N
C7 P P P P P
C8 P P P P N
C9 N P N P P
C10 N P N P N
C11 P N P N P
C12 P N P N N
C13 N N N N P
C14 N N N N N
C15 N P P N
C16 N P P P N N
C17 N P N P N P
C18 P P N N N P

Since community-based signals were missing from option A or option community-based signals. By comparing the decisions in specific con­
B in some conditions, but in order to run meaningful analyses, re­ ditions, we either tested the influence of the addition of positive or
spondents had to know if the other LT’s community-based signals were negative community-based signals (e.g., comparing the decisions in C7
relatively good or weak, we decided not to rotate the conditions; i.e., all and C8) or the effect of adding negative community-based signals to one
respondents made decisions in the same order. Thus, after the first of the options and positive community-based signals to the other; i.e.,
control condition, all respondents have seen the same five conditions, trying to shift the decisions into a specific direction (e.g., comparing the
with one option defining positive and one option defining negative decisions in C15 and C16) Table 4. shows the percentage of subjects
community-based signals (see Table 3) to learn to evaluate single choosing options A and B in each condition.
community-based signals.
With each decision, participants invested the same amount of money. 4. Results and discussion
However, participation was not incentivized, and disposing of the
invested amount only served to eliminate any differences that the hy­ Exact one-sample binomial tests with exact Clopper-Pearson 95% CI
pothesized variations of the invested amount across the conditions may were run to test if the proportion of subjects choosing options A and B in
have caused. the case of conditions C3-C6 significantly differs from the hypothesized
value of 50%. Thus, we have tested if community-based signals add
3.2. Participants important information to complement the affect-based and cognition-
based signals, and subjects select the option with positive community-
Participants voluntarily filled out the online pre-test and participated
in the experiment in the framework of a larger national assessment on Table 4
financial behavior between March and May 2021. Respondents’ written Number and proportion of respondents choosing options A and B for the 18
consent was obtained, and no incentives were offered for participation. conditions.
The study used a randomly selected national sample of 117 working Conditions Frequency Percent
adults. 126 subjects participated in the experiment, but nine partici­ Option A Option B Option A Option B Option A Option B
pants’ results were not taken into account as they failed at the two
C1 PP NN 117 0 100% 0%
control conditions. The remaining 117 subjects answered both control
C2 NNN PPP 0 117 0% 100%
questions correctly. The sample recruitment was conducted by a na­ C3 PNP PNN 93 24 79.5% 20.5%
tional market research company. The sample was a convenience sample, C4 NPP NPN 98 19 83.8% 16.2%
thus, it is unrepresentative of the population in terms of sex (62.4% C5 NNP NNN 88 29 75.2% 24.8%
C6 PPP PPN 82 35 70.1% 29.9%
male, 37.6% female), age (M = 43.29; SD = 12.398), and educational
C7 PP PPP 12 105 10.3% 89.7%
attainment (73.5% with college education). C8 PP PPN 22 95 18.8% 81.2%
C9 NP NPP 29 88 24.8% 75.2%
C10 NP NPN 72 45 61.5% 38.5%
3.3. Data and analyses C11 PN PNP 19 98 16.2% 83.8%
C12 PN PNN 73 44 62.4% 37.6%
The decision in single conditions and the shift of decisions among C13 NN NNP 14 103 12.0% 88.0%
conditions were analyzed. Tasks C3-C6 were created to study decisions C14 NN NNN 46 71 39.3% 60.7%
C15 NP PN 107 10 91.5% 8.5%
in conditions where the two LT’s community-based signals are different
C16 NPP PNN 113 4 96.6% 3.4%
meanwhile the other signals are the same. For example, if in C3, par­ C17 NPN PNP 85 32 72.6% 27.4%
ticipants prefer PNP over PNN, it suggests that when the affect-based C18 PPN NNP 95 22 81.2% 18.8%
signals are positive, and the cognition-based signals are negative,
Notes: The signal groups are listed in the following order in each condition:
community-based signals furnish important information, and positive affect-based, cognition-based, and community-based signal. As an example, in
signals are preferred. If community-based signals did not convey C3, respondents encountered one positive affect-based signal, one negative
important information, about the same percentage of subjects would cognition-based signal, and one positive community-based signal for Option A
choose option A and option B. By analyzing the single decisions of C7- (PNP), while one positive affect-based signal, one negative cognition-based
C14 tasks, we tested the effect of additional positive or negative signal, and one negative community-based signal for Option B (PNN).

S. Erdős et al. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 97 (2022) 101847

based signals with higher probability than the option with negative community-based signals diminish the preference for cognition-based
community-based signals when the other two signals do not change. The signals over affect-based signals (McNemar test C15-C17 p=.000). As
preference for the positive community-based signal option had a 95% CI in condition C1, all subjects chose option A, it is not possible to statis­
60.9%− 75.8% - 78.2%− 89.9% (p = .000) in the case of the four possible tically compare the decisions in conditions C1 and C18. However, it is
constellations of affect-based and cognition-based signals (PN, NP, PP interesting to see that 18.8% of subjects chose the option with positive
and NN) (see Table 5). community-based signals and negative affect-based and cognition-based
The signal groups are listed in the following order in each condition: signals, while none of the subjects opted for the option with negative
affect-based, cognition-based, and community-based signal. As an affect-based and cognition-based signals and missing community-based
example, in C3, respondents encountered one positive affect-based signals. Finally, we did not find any systematic influence of de­
signal, one negative cognition-based signal, and one positive mographics or the knowledge of social trading platforms.
community-based signal for Option A (PNP), while one positive affect- In sum, we found that community-based signals, along with affect-
based signal, one negative cognition-based signal, and one negative based and cognition-based signals, play an important role in copy
community-based signal for Option B (PNN). trading decisions. In conditions where affect-based and cognition-based
By running exact one-sample binomial tests with exact Clopper- signals were identical (C3-C6), investors clearly preferred alternatives
Pearson 95% CI on the results of conditions C7-C14, we have studied with positive community-based signals. Thus, the responses to C3-C6
whether complementing the affect-based and cognition-based signals support H1. The decision-influencing role of community-based signals
with positive or negative community-based signals affect the investment is further supported by the fact that subjects clearly preferred alterna­
decisions. In the case of all possible arrangements of affect-based and tives with positive community-based signals over alternatives with
cognition-based signals (PN, NP, PP, and NN), significantly more sub­ identical affect-based and cognition-based signals but missing
jects have chosen the option with additional positive community-based community-based signals. Hence, H2 is approved. Finally, comparing
signals than the option with missing community-based signals, i.e., the the answers of C16–17 with C15 corroborated our argument that the
information lean option (C7, C9, C11, and C13). The preference for the theoretical model of copy trading in a social trading environment on the
positive community-based profile options as compared to the missing dual-partitioning of signaling theory (Wohlgemuth et al., 2016) requires
social information options had a 95% CI 66.4–82.8% - 82.7–94.6% (p = the addition of a third set of signals, namely, community-based signals.
.000). When the additional community-based signals were negative and Compared to the condition with only affect-based and cognitive-based
the affect-based and cognition-based signals were contradictory (C10 signals (C15), the introduction of community-based signals signifi­
and C12), less subjects have chosen the option with community-based cantly changed the preferences toward those signals (C16 and C17).
signals (C10: 95% CI 29.6%- 47.9%, p = .016; C12: 95% CI 28.8%- Thus H3 is also approved.
47.0%, p = .01). However, if both the affect-based and cognition-based
signals were negative or positive (C8 and C14), even the negative 5. Conclusion
community-based signals increased the probability of choosing the
information-rich option as compared to the option with missing In sum, our research produces new knowledge on the factors driving
community-based signals (C8: 95% CI 72.9%- 87.8%, p = .000; C14: copy trading decisions in social trading environments (Ammann &
95% CI 51.2%- 69.6%, p = .027) (see Table 6). Schaub, 2016; Kromidha & Li, 2019; Pan et al., 2012; Pelster, 2018;
The signal groups are listed in the following order in each condition: Röder & Walter, 2019; Wohlgemuth et al., 2016). We have examined the
affect-based, cognition-based, and community-based signal. As an importance and the effect of community-based signals when choosing a
example, in C3, respondents encountered one positive affect-based LT to copy to make investment decisions in a social trading community.
signal, one negative cognition-based signal, and one positive By conducting a two-alternative forced-choice experimental design, we
community-based signal for Option A (PNP), while one positive affect- investigated the copy trading decisions of working adults in a mock-up
based signal, one negative cognition-based signal, and one negative social trading environment. We studied the investment decisions in
community-based signal for Option B (PNN). several conditions and by several testing approaches. The results sys­
Finally, paired comparisons of the decisions in the last four condi­ tematically show the importance of community-based signals, their
tions, we examined whether adding positive community-based signals to potential to influence investment decisions, and the general preference
one option and negative community-based signals to the other option toward positive community-based signals. Thus, our results are in line
influences the decisions. In line with Wohlgemuth et al. (2016), the with studies showing the importance of social influence and herding (e.
results of task C15 indicate that the cognition-based signals are more g., Kromidha & Li, 2019; Pan et al., 2012), but complement these studies
important than the affect-based signals when deciding on which LT’s by systematically and separately investigating the effects of
investment strategy to follow (E = 91.5%, 95% CI 84.8%− 95.8%, community-based signals in choosing a trader to follow in online in­
One-Sample Binomial Test statistic =107.00 (SE=5.408), p = .000). A vestment communities. Additionally, results also indicate that when
McNemar test showed that when positive community-based signals are cognition-based and affect-based signals are both positive or negative, it
added to the NP option and negative community-based signals are added may not matter if the additional community-based signals are positive or
to the PN option (C16), significantly more respondents choose the first negative, the information-rich option is preferred. We argue that this
option than in condition C15 (p=.031). Instead, negative may be because community-based signals are so important that even a

Table 5
The results of exact one-sample binomial tests with exact Clopper-Pearson 95% CI on the proportion of subjects choosing options A and B in the case of conditions C3-
Conditions 95.0% Confidence Interval

Option A Option B Parameter Estimate Lower Upper Test Statistics

C3 PNP PNN Probability(selected=A) 0.795 0.710 0.864 93.0***(5.408)

C4 NPP NPN Probability(selected=A) 0.838 0.758 0.899 98.0***(5.408)
C5 NNP NNN Probability(selected=A) 0.752 0.664 0.827 88.0***(5.408)
C6 PPP PPB Probability(selected=A) 0.701 0.609 0.782 82.0***(5.408)

Note: The number of respondents = 117, standard errors in parentheses.

*p < .05, **p < .01, *** p < .001.

S. Erdős et al. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 97 (2022) 101847

Table 6
The results of exact one-sample binomial tests with exact Clopper-Pearson 95% CI on the proportion of subjects choosing options A and B in the case of conditions C7-
Conditions 95.0% Confidence Interval

Option A Option B Parameter Estimate Lower Upper Test Statistics

C7 PP PPP Probability(selected=B) 0.897 0.828 0.946 105.0***(5.408)

C8 PP PPN Probability(selected=B) 0.812 0.729 0.878 95.0***(5.408)
C9 NP NPP Probability(selected=B) 0.752 0.664 0.827 88.0***(5.408)
C10 NP NPN Probability (selected=B) 0.385 0.296 0.479 45.0** (5.408)
C11 PN PNP Probability (selected=B) 0.838 0.758 0.899 98.0*** (5.408)
C12 PN PNN Probability (selected=B) 0.376 0.288 0.470 44.0** (5.408)
C13 NN NNP Probability (selected=B) 0.880 0.807 0.933 103.0***(5.408)
C14 NN NNN Probability (selected=B) 0.607 0.512 0.696 71.0** (5.408)

Note: The number of respondents = 117, standard errors in parentheses.

*p < .05, **p < .01, *** p < .001.

relatively weak signal is preferred over an information lean situation. interesting to see whether the same decisions were made if the partici­
Future research should corroborate this assumption. pants were financially motivated. Our study did not address the relative
The main theoretical implication of this study is that signaling importance of signals within community-based signals as well. Future
theory-based models of copy trading decisions should be expanded by a research might explore whether some community-based signals were
separate set of signals, namely community-based signals stemming from more important than others. Also, analyzing decision times and eye-
other copy traders of the social trading community. In addition, our tracking would add valuable information to this study. Finally, using a
findings have implications for social trading platforms and their users as more extensive and varied sample would be valuable to corroborate the
well. Platforms could use our findings to design the appearance of the results as well.
information they provide on their website to spur copy trading. Our
results also help copy traders recognize the signals that influence their Declarations of competing interest
attention when making copy trading decisions. By understanding the
factors that influence the attention that LTs receive, copy traders may None
evaluate LTs more cautiously. Also, policymakers should promote pro­
grams to increase laypeople’s financial literacy and self-efficacy to help Funding
them make sound financial decisions that serve their self-interest and
avoid herding that can lead to copying low-performing traders. Project no. TKP2020-IKA-08 has been implemented with the support
Finally, we have to mention the limitations of our study. In our provided by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
experiment, participants did not get any incentives. It would be of Hungary, financed under the 2020–4.1.1-TKP2020 funding scheme.

Appendix A. Game description given to each participant

This is a social trading platform where everyone can create a profile that others can follow and copy. You wish to invest your money as a member of
this community, so you have the opportunity to copy the investment strategies of experienced investors. During the experiment, you will be requested
to select investors whose portfolios you would like to copy in the future in order to maximize the return on your investments. In the simulation, you
will have to choose between two leading investors in a total of 18 cases. Please always choose the leading investor whose investment strategy you
would prefer to copy to increase your investment performance. For each copy decision, you will copy the portfolio of the selected leader investor by
100 XP.
In each case, the following nine pieces of information are available to help your decision:

Information Description of the information

Name Real full name or chosen nickname of the leader investor
Profile picture Photo of the leader investor that is not required to be shared in the network
Activity level Number of login days in the last two years
Success rate of transactions The proportion of profitable transactions in total transactions
Return Return on the total amount invested
Maximum profit achieved The highest return that the investor has ever achieved on a transaction
Number of copiers The number of users currently copy the leader investor’s portfolio
Invested amount The amount by which the portfolio of the leader investor is copied
Number of followers Number of users following the activity of leader investor, but not copying it

Thank you for your participation in our experiment!

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