Contoh Imbangan Pembayaran

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RM juta

2009 2010

Kredit Debit Bersih Kredit Debit Bersih

Credits Debits Net Credits Debits Net
(+) (-) (+) (-)

Imbangan barangan dan perkhidmatan/ 651,671 507,143 144,529 744,035 608,728 135,306
Balance on goods and services

Barangan/Goods 552,920 412,565 140,355 641,135 504,384 136,751

Perkhidmatan/Services 98,751 94,578 4,173 102,900 104,344 -1,444

Pengangkutan/Transport 16,472 32,290 -15,818 15,696 38,087 -22,391

Perjalanan/Travel 54,995 22,827 32,168 58,350 26,733 31,617

Perkhidmatan lain/Other service 27,284 39,461 -12,177 28,854 39,524 -10,670

Pendapatan primer/Primary income 39,630 53,845 -14,215 38,322 64,655 -26,333

Pampasan pekerja/Compensation of 3,986 5,449 -1,463 3,550 5,632 -2,082


Pendapatan pelaburan/Investment income 35,644 48,396 -12,752 34,772 59,023 -24,251

Pendapatan sekunder/Secondary income 3,738 23,326 -19,587 1,920 23,711 -21,790

Imbangan akaun semasa/ 695,039 584,314 110,727 784,277 697,094 87,183

Balance on current account
% daripada Pendapatan Negara Kasar 15.8 11.3
% of Gross National Income

Akaun modal/Capital account -51 -111

Akaun kewangan/Financial account -80,173 -19,946

Pelaburan langsung/Direct investment -22,315 -13,977

Aset/Assets -22,928 -49,163

Liabiliti/Liabilities 613 35,186

Pelaburan portfolio/Portfolio investment -1,781 48,467

Derivatif kewangan/Financial derivatives 2,369 -698

Pelaburan lain/Other investment -58,447 -53,738

Imbangan akaun modal dan kewangan/ -80,224 -20,057

Balance on capital and financial accounts

Kesilapan dan ketinggalan bersih/ -16,671 -69,754

Net errors and omissions

Imbangan keseluruhan/Overall balance 13,831 -2,628

Mengambil kira penyelarasan BOP Edisi Keenam (BPM6) oleh
Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF).
Januari hingga Jun 2013.
Nota: Angka tidak semestinya terjumlah disebabkan penggenpan.
Sumber: Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia.

3.1-3.8 Copy.indd 26 10/19/13 1:59 AM

RM million

2011 2012 20132

Kredit Debit Bersih Kredit Debit Bersih Kredit Debit Bersih

Credits Debits Net Credits Debits Net Credits Debits Net
(+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-)

810,221 664,928 145,293 820,159 708,548 111,611 392,948 356,658 36,291

699,591 548,026 151,565 703,152 577,538 125,614 332,600 289,252 43,349

110,630 116,902 -6,272 117,007 131,010 -14,003 60,348 67,406 -7,058

15,482 40,546 -25,064 13,665 41,677 -28,012 6,749 21,151 -14,402

60,146 31,187 28,959 62,548 35,654 26,893 32,639 18,422 14,217

35,002 45,169 -10,167 40,794 53,679 -12,884 20,960 27,833 -6,873

52,491 74,297 -21,806 42,323 78,348 -36,024 20,791 37,957 -17,166

3,707 6,038 -2,331 4,076 7,116 -3,040 2,099 3,985 -1,886

48,785 68,260 -19,475 38,247 71,232 -32,985 18,692 33,972 -15,279

4,683 25,744 -21,061 6,848 25,087 -18,239 3,193 11,106 -7,913

867,395 764,969 102,426 869,330 811,983 57,348 416,932 405,721 11,212

11.9 6.3 2.5

-133 159 -14

23,265 -23,037 6,151

-9,337 -21,748 -10,106

-55,324 -51,910 -26,901

45,987 30,162 16,795

26,139 58,388 7,570

-76 954 -1,212

6,539 -60,632 9,899

23,132 -22,878 6,137

-30,876 -30,597 -11,788

94,682 3,873 5,561

In accordance with the Sixth Edition of the Balance of Payments
Manual (BPM6) by the IMF.
January to June 2013.
Note: Total may not add up due to rounding.
Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia.

3.1-3.8.indd 27 10/18/13 3:39 AM

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