ST W&e, F, I&m, & C Q

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What is the possible explanation why in the physics context, an employee doing tasks on his table may have lesser work than a
supervisor merely roaming around?
A. The supervisor has so much work to mind.
B. The employee works less due to a lesser salary.
C. The sitting employee is less productive than a roaming one.
D. The supervisor has been roaming around for quite a distance.
2. Given the work done, distance traveled, and angle between the force and distance, what possible formula could be derived to
find the force exerted?
A. F= C. F=
d cos θ d tan θ
B. F= D. F=
d sin θ d ( sin θ+ cos θ )
3. Melay is dragging a box with a force of 125 N , which allows it to travel a distance of 1.5 m. If the angle between the force
and distance is 25 ° , what is the work dissipated?
A. 79 J C. 170 J
B. 87 J D. 249 J
4. Berto is trying to lift a kilogram of rock on his left hand and another kilogram cotton on his right, both towards a height above
his head. Which of his hands does more work?
A. Left C. Cannot be determined
B. Right D. Left and right do equal work
5. An object with a mass of 10 kg is elevated for about 15 m above the ground. Can a mechanical machine with a maximum
work of 1.3 kJ push the object higher?
A. Yes, it can go for another 3 m.
B. Yes, it can go for another 5 m.
C. Yes, it can go for another 7 m .
D. No, the machine cannot even move the object to a 15-m height.
6. Which of the following has more kinetic energy and why?
A. A baseball because it is smaller C. A baseball because it has more mass
B. A soccer ball because it is bigger D. A soccer ball because it has more mass
7. How can you increase the potential energy of a diver in the Olympics?
A. Jump C. Go to a lower diving board
B. Work out and lose weight D. Go to a higher diving board
8. Jerome was walking along an old park when he noticed the slide where he used to play. Reminiscing his childhood, he tried the
slide but was unable to skid due to the unpolished surface. What can be inferred from this situation?
A. His weight and normal force are equal.
B. His weight and normal force are unequal.
C. His weight and normal force are at times equal.
D. His weight and normal force are at times unequal.
9. Alex and Brenda, having equal mass, are hiking on different paths. Alex went to the rocky trail while Brenda chose to take the
muddy one. Which among the two would likely experience a lesser normal force?
A. Alex C. They share equal normal force
B. Brenda D. Either, depending on the weather
10. A 70-kg acrobat hangs from a bar, motionless, that is attached to the ceiling by two ropes. Find the tension in each rope.
A. 0 N C. 343 N
B. 70 N D. 686 N
11. When an object is on an inclined plane, which of the following forces holding the object from sliding down?
A. Applied C. Gravitational
B. Friction D. Normal
12. It is the force that keeps objects on top of surfaces instead of letting them sink into the surface.
A. Buoyant C. Normal
B. Gravitational D. Both A and C
13. A metal ball fell into a container of oil, which exerts a 137 - N force on the ball. If the ball has a velocity of 0.05 m/s , what is
the coefficient of viscosity k of the oil?
A. 0.7 kg /s C. 2740.0 kg /s
B. 6.85 kg /s D. 54800.0 kg /s
14. An airplane that is moving at a velocity of 270 m/ s experiences an opposite force of 5 MN from air particles. What is the
drag coefficient D of the air particles?
A. 69 kg / m C. 1.38 ×108 kg /m
4 9
B. 1.90 ×10 kg/m D. 1.35 ×10 kg /m
15. A 0.23 -kg baseball approaches a batter at 39.8 m/s . The batter swings and hits a line drive. The ball leaves the bat at
50.23 m/s . What is the impulse on the ball?
A. 2.4 Ns C. 20.7 Ns
B. −2.4 Ns D. −20.7 Ns
16. A 2.5 -kg hammer moving with a velocity of 20 m/s strikes a nail. The two are in contact for 0.2 s , after which the hammer
has a velocity of 0 m/s . With how much force did the hammer strike the nail?
A. 10 N C. 250 N
B. −10 N D. −250 N
17. A man with a mass of m is painting a house. He stands on a tall ladder of height h . He leans over and falls straight down off
the ladder. If he is in the air for t seconds, what will be his momentum right before he hits the ground?
A. mgt C. mgh
B. mvt D. m v2
18. Which of the following objects has the greatest momentum?
A. A 0.05 -kg object rolling at 0.2 m/s . C. A 0.15 -kg object rolling at 1.0 m/s .
B. A 0.15 -kg object rolling at 2.0 m/s . D. A 0.40 -kg object rolling at 2.0 m/s .
19. A bug flies into the windshield of a car going the opposite way. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The bug and the car share equal impulse.
B. The bug and the car share equal impact force.
C. The acceleration of the bug is greater than that of the car.
D. All of the choices
20. If an egg is dropped on concrete, it usually breaks. If an egg is dropped on grass, it may not break. What conclusion explains
these results?
A. Grass has less mass than concrete
B. Grass has less density than concrete
C. The egg is in contact with the grass longer than the concrete, so it absorbs less force.
D. The coefficient of friction of the grass on the egg is less than that of the concrete on the egg.
21. An egg is thrown at a wall and at a bed sheet. The impact force will be _______.
A. greater against the wall C. equal against the wall and the bed sheet
B. greater against the bed sheet D. There is no enough information.
22. Considering the situation in item #21, the change in velocity of the egg will be _______.
A. greater for the wall collision C. equal for the wall and the bed sheet collision
B. greater for the bed sheet collision D. There is no enough information.
23. An 800 -kg car struck a 1200 -kg car from behind. The bumpers locked and they moved forward together. If their new
velocity is equal to 15 m/s , what was the initial velocity of the first car?
A. 25.0 m/s C. 37.5 m/s
B. −25.0 m/s D. −37.5 m/s
24. A 10-kg ball moving at 30 m/s strikes a 12-kg ball at rest. After the collision, the first ball is moving with a velocity of
13 m/ s . What is the velocity of the second ball after the collision?
A. 14.2 m/s C. 35.0 m/s
B. 17.0 m/s D. 43.0 m/ s
25. A 12-kg ball moving at 37 m/s strikes a second ball at rest. After the collision, the first ball is moving with a velocity of
19 m/s and the second ball is moving with a velocity of 4 m/s. What is the mass of the second ball?
A. 54 kg C. 216 kg
B. 168 kg D. 672 kg
26. A 5 -kg ball collides inelastically head-on with a 10-kg ball, which is initially stationary. Which of the following statements is
A. The magnitude of the change in momentum of the first ball is equal to the magnitude of the change in momentum of the
second ball.
B. The magnitude of the change in velocity of the first ball is less than that of the second ball.
C. The magnitude of the change in velocity of the first ball is equal to that of the second ball.
D. Both balls lose their momentum entirely since the collision is inelastic.
27. A ball is dropped from a certain height and hits the floor with a downward velocity. Since it is incredibly elastic, the ball
bounces back with the same velocity upwards. Which of the following statements about the bounce is TRUE?
A. The momentum of the ball is not conserved during the bounce.
B. The ball has the same momentum just before and just after the bounce.
C. The ball has the same magnitude of momentum just before and just after the bounce.
D. None of the choices
28. Billiard balls that often hit each other are less likely to break during a collision. What can be inferred from this situation?
A. The net change in kinetic energy is positive.
B. The net change in kinetic energy is negative.
C. There is no net change in kinetic energy.
D. The balls are designed with heavy-duty function to endure impact.
29. A rubber basketball bounces higher than a plastic basketball. How do you describe the elasticity of the collision?
A. The collision between rubber basketball and ground is elastic.
B. The collision between plastic basketball and ground is inelastic.
C. The collision between plastic basketball and ground are less elastic than the collision between rubber basketball and
D. The collision between plastic basketball and ground are more elastic than the collision between rubber basketball and
30. A big fish swims upon and swallows a small fish at rest. After lunch, the big fish has less _______.
A. Mass C. Velocity
B. Momentum D. None of the choices

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