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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: A

Colegio Britanico A.C. 1st Grade test Units 1, 2 Pedro Machuca


Numeric Response

Instructions: Read the text. Then choose 1, 2 or 3.

Volunteer Hosts
Are you a science student, or someone who cares about the oceans? Perhaps you are planning to become a
marine biologist. If so, would you like to get some useful work experience? The National Marine
Aquarium is looking for volunteer hosts to give educational talks and answer visitors’ questions. Working
days and hours can be arranged to suit you.
For further information, email Sally Dunn at
Groomer required – West London
A smart pet boutique and salon based in West London is looking for an experienced dog groomer. Duties
include bathing and drying dogs, as well as grooming their coats.
If you are interested, please contact Julian on 07780 624 356 to arrange an interview.
Nanny needed – Geneva, Switzerland
A British family living in Geneva is looking for an experienced nanny to help look after two children aged
eight and five years old. The mother is a restaurant owner and the father is the head chef. The family lives
close to the city centre, and owns a dog and a cat. They would like the nanny to work mainly in the
evenings, with Mondays completely free. This position is suitable for anyone who speaks very good
English and French.
For further details, please contact Mrs Blake on 0041 22 578 390.

1. This advertisement doesn’t ask for someone who has done this sort of work before.

2. In this job it seems that you will work at weekends.

3. This job might help you with a different job in the future.

4. In this job you will often use water.

5. In this job you can choose when you work and for how long.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. We're ____ a big conference for next year.

a. attending
b. organising
c. installing

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 2. I am ____ a top secret project at the moment.

a. working on
b. advising
c. teaching

____ 3. The technician ____ our new computer system yesterday.

a. attended
b. negotiated
c. installed

____ 4. In today's talk we are going to ____ you how to control aggressive behaviour.
a. learn
b. teach
c. advise

____ 5. I'm ____ a pay rise with my boss.

a. installing
b. negotiating
c. advising

____ 6. I ____ new employees on how to manage their time better.

a. attend
b. learn
c. advise

____ 7. All employees have to ____ a meeting every Friday at 4pm.

a. do
b. attend
c. negotiate

____ 8. I go into large companies and ____ on how they can improve their working conditions.
a. give talks
b. work
c. research

Instructions: Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

____ 9. I think this game is quite difficult. Have you got something ____?
a. easyer
b. more easier
c. easier

____ 10. These shoes are a bit uncomfortable. I want a ____ pair.
a. more practical
b. practicaller
c. practically

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 11. Oh no, that bright orange is not good on you. You need something ____.
a. less colourfully
b. less colourful
c. colourfuller

____ 12. This bag looks very cheap. Have you got something ____?
a. good
b. better
c. more good

____ 13. The bread here is not as ____ as the homemade bread.
a. fresh
b. fresher
c. more fresh

____ 14. These jeans are more comfortable ____ the suit I usually wear to work.
a. than
b. as
c. that

Complete each statement.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. I know that you are unemployed, but what ____________________ you ____________________ for the
next few weeks? (do)

2. What ____________________ you ____________________about at the conference next week? (talk)

3. How many hours ____________________ you usually ____________________ each day? (work)

4. I can't see you later - I ____________________ (have) lunch with my boss. I'll call you this evening.

5. I ____________________ (finish) the report now, and then I’ll email it to my boss.

6. You'll never guess who I ____________________ (see) tomorrow night.

Instructions: Write a question for the answer using the word in brackets.

7. He works in Moscow. (where)

8. That man is my sister's manager. (who)

Name: ________________________ ID: A

9. No, I don’t like the new offices at all. (do / like)

10. I'm working extra hours because I want to do well. (why)

11. I am going to Paris for work. (why)

12. I've been working here for about a year now. (how long)

Instructions: Choose the word in bold that best completes the sentence.

13. I am signing my new appointment / contract today, but I must make sure I read it carefully first.

14. I don’t think the job interview / contract went very well – they didn’t seem very impressed.

15. Danny’s upset because he lost his project / job today. He really needed the money.

16. The boss said we need to make customer service a priority / training because it’s so important.

17. Now I’m a manager, I have to attend so many staff meetings / appointments each week that there isn’t much
time for a lot of actual work.

18. The company is working on a secret new meeting / project. I would love to know what it is.

19. During the busy holiday period we always take on new jobs / staff because we’re so busy.

20. All new employees have to attend basic staff / training for a month.

21. I have made an interview / appointment for you see Mrs Jones tomorrow at three.

22. Next month we are launching /contracting our new product line.

Instructions: Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

comfortable quality suit coat suits

23. Our office is very strict about clothes, everybody wears smart dark ____________________.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

24. It's very cold out today so I'm wearing my thick, warm ____________________.

25. I bought a yellow jacket but the colour doesn’t ____________________ me at all

26. When I get home, I always take off my tight work clothes and put on some ____________________ jeans
and a shirt.

27. Get a good ____________________ coat and it will last you for years.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the past simple of the verb in brackets.

28. Where ____________________ you ____________________ that lovely coat? (buy)

29. I wanted a new laptop but I ____________________ (not find) one I liked in the shops.

30. Those boots look great! ____________________ (be) they expensive?

31. I ____________________ (go) shopping yesterday and I spent all my money.

32. They ____________________ (have) some lovely clothes in that shop yesterday.

33. I didn't buy that dress because the style ____________________ (not suit) me.

34. ____________________ you ____________________ the beautiful flowers I picked from the garden? (see)

Instructions: Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

damaged fit fee bargain stock reduced reliable

35. The phone I wanted was out of ____________________ but the shop said they would order it for me.

36. I love it when I get a ____________________ on eBay. I hate paying a lot of money for anything.

37. I sent the camera back because when I took it out of the box, I saw that it was ___________________.

38. The boots I bought didn’t____________________ me at all – they were much too big.

39. Don’t forget to check the delivery ____________________. I didn’t and the postage was very expensive.

40. I never buy from that company because I’ve heard that they are not at all ____________________. They
often send the wrong things or they arrive very late.

41. Last week, I got a really expensive coat in a sale. It was ____________________ from $500 to just $120.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

Instructions: Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

delivered ordered recommend bid wide

42. I didn’t find anything like because they didn’t have a very ____________________ selection of clothes.

43. I decided to buy a computer on eBay and luckily my ____________________ was accepted.

44. Yesterday an expensive leather coat arrived that I hadn’t ____________________. I sent it back immediately.

45. When they ____________________ my new plates, half of them were broken. I wasn’t happy!

46. Which website would you ____________________ for shopping online? I need one that is good and reliable.



Instructions: Read the text. Then choose T for true, F for false or N for not in the text.

A recent report on the differences between men and women’s shopping habits found changes in the
balance of buying activity between the sexes. The report, published last month by the market research
company Street Trends, focused on the areas of food and drink, toiletries and cosmetics, clothing and
electrical goods.
Little change was found in food and drink shopping habits. Over 70% of supermarket shopping in the UK
is done by the women of the household, and they generally control how much is spent on food. The report
suggests that women show a greater ability to find special offers, and are more interested than men in
getting good value when they shop.
Similarly, in the area of clothing, women are still greater consumers than men. There has been a general
increase in the purchase of clothes over the last few years, due to the introduction to the UK of cheap
fashion from China and the rest of the Far East. Discount clothing has become more popular, as retailers
have become skilled in reproducing fashion designs at lower costs. This is most noticeable in women’s
fashion, where purchases have increased significantly in the last year.
Interesting changes were seen, however, in the purchase of toiletries and electrical goods.
Approximately 80% of British women do most of the shopping for cosmetics and toiletries, but the men’s
toiletry market is growing, as younger men are more interested in their physical appearance than they
were five years ago. Well-known cosmetics companies are now targeting men with new skincare products.
In the case of electrical goods, men have traditionally been regarded as the main buyers in the household.
However, women are now taking a more active role in the purchase of these items. Several major
supermarkets are expanding into this area and targeting female customers, so further changes are expected
in these areas in the future.

1. The report looks at four main areas of shopping.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

2. More men are interested in food and drink shopping than before.

3. Both men and women are buying more clothes than before.

4. Men of all ages are more interested in skincare products than before.

5. Women now buy more electrical goods than men do.


Colegio Britanico A.C. 1st Grade test Units 1, 2 Pedro Machuca

Answer Section


1. ANS: 1

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
2. ANS: 3

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
3. ANS: 1

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
4. ANS: 2

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
5. ANS: 1

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info


1. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range
2. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range
3. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range
5. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range
6. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range
7. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range
8. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 12
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: activities at work CEF: Vocab range


9. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 21

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: comparatives CEF: Gram accuracy
10. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 21
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: comparatives CEF: Gram accuracy
11. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 21
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: comparatives CEF: Gram accuracy
12. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 21
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: comparatives CEF: Gram accuracy
13. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 21
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: comparatives CEF: Gram accuracy
14. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 21
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: comparatives CEF: Gram accuracy


1. ANS: are, doing

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: Present continuous for the future
CEF: Gram accuracy
2. ANS: are, talking

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: Present continuous for the future
CEF: Gram accuracy
3. ANS: do, work

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: Present continuous for the future
CEF: Gram accuracy
4. ANS:
'm having
am having

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: Present continuous for the future
CEF: Gram accuracy
5. ANS:
'm finishing
am finishing

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: Present continuous for the future
CEF: Gram accuracy


6. ANS:
'm seeing
am seeing

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: Present continuous for the future
CEF: Gram accuracy
7. ANS: Where does he work?

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 9

OBJ: Developing conversations TOP: Developing conversations: questions about jobs
CEF: Sociolinguistic
8. ANS: Who is that man?

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 9

OBJ: Developing conversations TOP: Developing conversations: questions about jobs
CEF: Sociolinguistic
9. ANS: Do you like the new offices?

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 9

OBJ: Developing conversations TOP: Developing conversations: questions about jobs
CEF: Sociolinguistic
10. ANS: Why are you working extra hours?

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 9

OBJ: Developing conversations TOP: Developing conversations: questions about jobs
CEF: Sociolinguistic
11. ANS: Why are you going to Paris?

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 9

OBJ: Developing conversations TOP: Developing conversations: questions about jobs
CEF: Sociolinguistic
12. ANS: How long have you been working here?

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 9

OBJ: Developing conversations TOP: Developing conversations: questions about jobs
CEF: Sociolinguistic
13. ANS: contract

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
14. ANS: interview

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range


15. ANS: job

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
16. ANS: priority

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
17. ANS: meetings

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
18. ANS: project

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
19. ANS: staff

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
20. ANS: training

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
21. ANS: appointment

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
22. ANS: launching

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 1 page 11

OBJ: Understanding Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: collocations
CEF: Vocab range
23. ANS: suits

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 16

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: describing things you bought
CEF: Vocab range


24. ANS: coat

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 16

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: describing things you bought
CEF: Vocab range
25. ANS: suit

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 16

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: describing things you bought
CEF: Vocab range
26. ANS: comfortable

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 16

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: describing things you bought
CEF: Vocab range
27. ANS: quality

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 16

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: describing things you bought
CEF: Vocab range
28. ANS: did, buy

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 17

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: past simple CEF: Gram accuracy
29. ANS:
didn't find
did not find
couldn’t find

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 17

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: past simple CEF: Gram accuracy
30. ANS: Were

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 17

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: past simple CEF: Gram accuracy
31. ANS: went

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 17

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: past simple CEF: Gram accuracy
32. ANS: had

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 17

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: past simple CEF: Gram accuracy


33. ANS:
didn't suit
did not suit
doesn’t suit

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 17

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: past simple CEF: Gram accuracy
34. ANS: Did, see

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 17

OBJ: Grammar TOP: Grammar: past simple CEF: Gram accuracy
35. ANS: stock

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 18

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: shopping online CEF: Vocab range
36. ANS: bargain

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 18

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: shopping online CEF: Vocab range
37. ANS: damaged

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 18

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: shopping online CEF: Vocab range
38. ANS: fit

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 18

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: shopping online CEF: Vocab range
39. ANS: fee

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 18

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: shopping online CEF: Vocab range
40. ANS: reliable

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 18

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: shopping online CEF: Vocab range
41. ANS: reduced

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 18

OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Vocabulary: shopping online CEF: Vocab range
42. ANS: wide

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 19

OBJ: Reading TOP: Vocabulary: words from the text CEF: Vocab range
43. ANS: bid

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 19

OBJ: Reading TOP: Vocabulary: words from the text CEF: Vocab range


44. ANS: ordered

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 19

OBJ: Reading TOP: Vocabulary: words from the text CEF: Vocab range
45. ANS: delivered

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 19

OBJ: Reading TOP: Vocabulary: words from the text CEF: Vocab range
46. ANS: recommend

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 page 19

OBJ: Reading TOP: Vocabulary: words from the text CEF: Vocab range


1. ANS:

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
2. ANS:

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
3. ANS:

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
4. ANS:

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info
5. ANS:

PTS: 1 DIF: A2 REF: Unit 2 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for detail CEF: Read for info

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