Review of Fluid Properties

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Fluid Properties

Lecturer : Nguyen Viet Khoi Nguyen, MSc.

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 Introduction
 Crude Oil Properties
 Oil Viscosity
 Oil Compressibility
 Oil Formation Volume Factor
 Gas Properties
 Ideal Gas and Real Gas EOS
 Gas Compressibility
 Gas Viscosity
 Gas Formation Volume Factor
 Gas Solubility
Reservoir Engineering 2

 Reservoir analysis depends on

 Temperature and Pressure measurements
 Rock and fluid properties

Reservoir Engineering 3
Crude Oil Properties

 Crude oil is a complex mixture consisting

predominantly of hydrocarbons and
containing sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and
helium as minor constituents

Reservoir Engineering 4
Crude Oil Properties

 The physical and chemical properties of

crude oils vary considerably and are
dependent on the concentration of the
various types of hydrocarbons and minor
constituents present

Reservoir Engineering 5
Crude Oil Viscosity

 Crude oil viscosity is an important physical

property that controls and influences the flow
of oil through porous media and pipes
 The viscosity is defined as the internal
resistance of the fluid to flow

Reservoir Engineering 6
Crude Oil Viscosity
 Crude oil viscosity should be determined by
laboratory measurements at reservoir temperature
and pressure or published correlations
 The viscosity of crude oils can be classified into 3
dầu chết là dầu không có khí hòa tan
 Dead-Oil Viscosity
dầu bõa hào là dầu nằm trên đường power olf ,tại đó
 Saturated-Oil Viscosity no bão hòa khí

 Undersaturated-Oil Viscosity dầu 2 pha

Reservoir Engineering 7
Crude Oil Viscosity

 Estimation of the oil viscosity at pressures

equal to or below the bubble-point pressure
is a 2-step procedure
 Step 1: Calculate the viscosity of the oil without
dissolved gas (dead oil), μob, at the reservoir
 Step 2: Adjust the dead-oil viscosity to account
for the effect of the gas solubility at the pressure
of interest

Reservoir Engineering 8
Crude Oil Viscosity
phương trình trạng thái

 Methods of calculating viscosity of the dead oil

 Beal’s correlation
 The Beggs-Robinson correlation
 Glaso’s correlation

Reservoir Engineering 9
Dead Oil Viscosity – Beal’s correlation
phương thirình tươgtương quan để xác định đọ nhớt

 Beal (1946) developed a graphical correlation for

determining the viscosity of the dead oil as a
function of temperature and the API gravity of the
crude. Standing (1981) expressed the proposed
graphical correlation in a mathematical relationship

 1.8 10   360 

7 a

od   0.32   
 API 4.53
 T  260 
phải biết API(hệ số tỉ trọng dầu), nhiệt độ, hệ số a

with: a  10
 0.438.33

Reservoir Engineering 10
Dead Oil Viscosity – Beggs-Robinson correlation
phương trình tương quan này cần nhiệt độ và api

 Beggs and Robinson (1975) developed an

empirical correlation for determining the viscosity of
the dead oil

od  10 X  1

X  Y T  460 

Y  10Z
Z  3.0324  0.02023  API

Reservoir Engineering 11
Dead Oil Viscosity – Glaso’s correlation

 Glaso (1980) proposed a generalized mathematical

relationship for computing the dead-oil viscosity
nhiệt độ,api

od   3.14110  T  460   log API 

10 3.444 a

with: a  10.313  log T  460   36.447

Reservoir Engineering 12
Crude Oil Viscosity
pt tương quan độ nhớt dầu bão hòa

 Methods of calculating viscosity of the saturated oil

 The Chew-Connally correlation
 The Beggs-Robinson correlation

Reservoir Engineering 13
Saturated Oil Viscosity – Chew-Connally correlation

 Chew and Connally (1959) presented a graphical

correlation to adjust the dead-oil viscosity
according to the gas solubility at saturation
pressure. a là Rs là độ hòa tan của khí

ob  10  od 
a b trong dầu

độ khí hòa tan

with: a  Rs  Rs  2.2 107  7.4 104 

0.68 0.25 0.062
b c  d 
10 10 10e
c  Rs  8.62 105
d  Rs 1.1103
e  Rs  3.74 103
Reservoir Engineering 14
Saturated Oil Viscosity – Beggs-Robinson correlation

 Beggs and Robinson (1975) proposed an empirical

correlation for estimating the saturated-oil viscosity

ob  a  od 

a  10.715  Rs  100 
with: độ khí hòa tan

b  5.44  Rs  150 

Reservoir Engineering 15
Crude Oil Viscosity
dầu chưa bão hòa

 Methods of calculating viscosity of the

undersaturated oil
 The Vasquez-Beggs Correlation

Reservoir Engineering 16
Undersaturated Oil Viscosity – Vasquez-Beggs correlation

 Oil viscosity at pressures above the bubble point is

estimated by first calculating the oil viscosity at its
bubble-point pressure and adjusting the bubble-
point viscosity to higher pressures
 Vasquez and Beggs (1980) proposed the following
expression for estimating the viscosity of
undersaturated crude oil

Reservoir Engineering 17
Undersaturated Oil Viscosity – Vasquez-Beggs correlation

 The viscosity of undersaturated crude oil

 p
o  ob   áp suất vĩa và áp suất tại điểm
 pb  bọt khí

with: m  2.6  p1.187 10a

a  3.9 105  p  5

Reservoir Engineering 18
Crude Oil Viscosity
 Exercise 3.1: The experimental PVT data is given

and the viscosity data is shown in slide 20.

dead oil dùng robinson
dầu bão hòa dùng robinson

Reservoir Engineering 19
Crude Oil Viscosity
 Exercise 3.1 (cont’): The viscosity data

 Using all the oil viscosity correlations to calculate μod,

μob, and the viscosity of the undersaturated oil.

Reservoir Engineering 20
Crude Oil Compressibility

 Isothermal compressibility coefficients are

required in solving many reservoir
engineering problems, including transient
fluid flow problems
 They are also required in the determination
of the physical properties of the
undersaturated crude oil

Reservoir Engineering 21
Crude Oil Compressibility

 The isothermal compressibility of a

substance is defined mathematically by:

1  V 
c  
V  p T

Reservoir Engineering 22
Crude Oil Compressibility

 For a crude oil system, the isothermal

compressibility coefficient of the oil phase co
is defined for pressures above the bubble-
1  V 
co    
V  p T

1  Bo  1  o 
co     co   
Bo  p T o  p T

Reservoir Engineering 23
Crude Oil Compressibility

 At pressures below the bubble-point

pressure, the oil compressibility is defined
as: cộng thêm cho 1 lượng khí thoát ra

1 Bo Bg Rs
co   
Bo p Bo p

Reservoir Engineering 24
Crude Oil Compressibility

 There are several correlations that are

developed to estimate the oil compressibility
at pressures above the bubble-point
 The Vasquez-Beggs correlation
 The Petrosky-Farshad correlation

Reservoir Engineering 25
Crude Oil Compressibility – Vasquez-Beggs

 Vasquez and Beggs (1980) correlated the

isothermal oil compressibility coefficients with Rs, T,
°API, gg, and p phân biệt dấu , với dấu .

1, 433  5 Rsb  17.2 T  460   1,180g gs  12.61 API

co 
105 p

  p 
g gs  g gp 1  5.912 10  API  T  460   log 
  114.7  

Reservoir Engineering 26
Crude Oil Compressibility – Petrosky-Farshad

 Petrosky and Farshad (1993) proposed a

relationship for determining the oil compressibility
for undersaturated hydrocarbon systems

co  1.705 10 R g T  460  p 0.5906
0.69357 0.1885 0.3272 0.6729
sb g API

Reservoir Engineering 27
Crude Oil Compressibility
 Exercise 3.2: The experimental data is given below
về nhà làm

 Estimate the undersaturated oil compressibility coefficient

by using the Vasquez-Beggs and the Petrosky-Farshad

Reservoir Engineering 28
Crude Oil Compressibility

 To estimate the oil compressibility at

pressures below the bubble-point pressure,
the following correlation could be used:
 McCain’s correlation
 Standing’s correlation

Reservoir Engineering 29
Crude Oil Compressibility – McCain

 McCain and coauthors (1988) correlated the oil

compressibility with pressure p, the oil API gravity,
gas solubility at the bubble-point Rsb, and the
temperature T in °R.

 7.633  1.497 ln p  1.115ln T  

co  exp  
 0.533ln API  0.184 ln Rsp 

Reservoir Engineering 30
Crude Oil Compressibility – McCain

 McCain and coauthors (1988) improved the

accuracy substantially if the bubble-point pressure
is known.

 7.573  1.45ln p  0.383ln pb  

co  exp  
 1.402 ln T  0.256 ln API  0.449 ln Rsp 

Reservoir Engineering 31
Crude Oil Compressibility – Standing

 Analytically, Standing’s correlations for Rs and βo

can be differentiated with respect to the pressure p
to give:

 Rs
co  
Bo  0.83 p  21.75 
 g  g 

 
 0.00014 g
 Rs
 1.25 T  460    Bg 
 g o  go 
 

Reservoir Engineering 32
Crude Oil Compressibility
 Exercise 3.3: A crude oil system exists at 1,650 psi
and a temperature of 250°F. The system has the
following PVT properties

 The laboratory measured oil PVT data at 1,650 psig are

listed below

 Estimate the oil compressibility by using:

− McCain’s correlation
− Standing’s correlations

Reservoir Engineering 33
Oil Formation Volume Factor

 The oil formation volume factor, Bo, is the

ratio of the volume of oil at the reservoir
conditions to the volume of oil at standard

Vo reservoir
Bo 
Vo surface

Reservoir Engineering 34
Oil Formation Volume Factor

Oil formation volume factor vs pressure

Reservoir Engineering 35
Oil Formation Volume Factor

 The empirical Bo correlations utilize the

following relationship:

Bo  f R ,g ,g ,T 
s g o

Reservoir Engineering 36
Oil Formation Volume Factor

 There are different methods of predicting the

oil formation volume factor:
 Standing’s correlation
 The Vasquez-Beggs correlation
 Glaso’s correlation
 Marhoun’s correlation
 The Petrosky-Farshad correlation
 Material Balance Equation (MBE)

Reservoir Engineering 37
Oil Formation Volume Factor - Standing
 Standing (1981) presented a correlation for
estimating the oil formation volume factor with Rs,
gg, go and T.

 gg  0.5

Bo  0.9759  0.000120  Rs    1.25T 

  g o  

Reservoir Engineering 38
Oil FVF – Vasquez-Beggs
 Vasquez and Beggs (1980) developed a
relationship for determining Bo with Rs, gg, go and T.

 API 
Bo  1.0  C1 Rs  T  60  
 g   2
C  C3 Rs 
 gs 

Reservoir Engineering 39
Oil FVF – Glaso
 Glaso (1980) proposed the following expressions
for calculating the oil formation volume factor:

Bo  1.0  10
6.58511 2.91329log Bob
 0.27683  
* 2
log Bob

gg 

B  Rs  
 0.968T
 go 

Reservoir Engineering 40
Oil FVF – Marhoun
 Marhoun (1988) developed a correlation for
determining the oil formation volume factor as a
function of Rs, gg, go and T.

Bo  0.497069  0.862963 103 T  0.182594 102 F 

 0.318099 10 F 2

a  0.742390
FR g g
b c
g o b  0.323294
c  1.20204

Reservoir Engineering 41
Oil FVF – Petrosky-Farshad
 Petrosky and Farshad (1993) proposed a new
expression for estimating Bo.

Bo  1.0113  7.2046 10
 0.3738  g 0.2914
 
 Rs   0.24626T 

 o  

Reservoir Engineering 42
 Petrosky and Farshad (1993) proposed a new
expression for estimating Bo.

62.4g o  0.0136 Rsg g

Bo 

Reservoir Engineering 43
Oil Formation Volume Factor
 Exercise 3.4: The experimental PVT data on six
different crude oil systems are shown below
về nhà làm

 Calculate the oil formation volume factor at the bubble-

point pressure by using the different correlations

Reservoir Engineering 44
Gas Properties – Ideal Gases

 Ideal gas: the volume of these molecules is

insignificant compared with the total volume
occupied by the gas

pV  nRT

Reservoir Engineering 45
Gas Properties – Ideal Gases

 Standard Volume
phương trình trạng thái khi
lí tương
r =10.732
T = 60+ 460 Vsc  n v là ft^3/lb-mol

t là độ rankin

 psia 
  60  460  R
3 0
10.732 ft
 lb-mol. R 
Vsc 
14.7 psia
p ở áp suất chuẩn là 379.63

Reservoir Engineering 46
Gas Properties – Ideal Gases

 Ideal gas equation can be used to estimate

the gas density at any conditions:

m pM
g  

Reservoir Engineering 47
Gas Properties – Ideal Gases
 Exercise 3.5: Three pounds of n-butane are placed
in a vessel at 120°F and 60 psia.
 Calculate the volume of the gas assuming an ideal gas
 Calculate the density of n-butane
tự làm

Reservoir Engineering 48
Gas Properties – Real Gases

 At very low pressure, the ideal gas

relationship is a convenient tool
 At higher pressures, the use of the ideal gas
equation-of-state may lead to errors as great
as 500%.

Reservoir Engineering 49
Gas Properties – Real Gases
 Numerous equations-of-state have been developed
in the attempt to correlate the PVT variables for real
gases with experimental data
 In order to express a more exact relationship
between the variables p, V, and T, a correction
factor called the gas compressibility factor, gas
hệ số nén khí
deviation factor, or the z-factor

pV  znRT
Reservoir Engineering 50
Gas Properties – Real Gases
 Z-factor is a dimensionless quantity as the ratio of
the actual volume of n-moles of gas at T and p to
the ideal volume of the same number of moles at
the same T and p là thể tích 1 lượng khí thực/ lượng khí lí tưởng


Reservoir Engineering 51
Gas Properties – Real Gases

 Real Gases:

Ref: Brown et al., Natural Gasoline

and the Volatie HC

Reservoir Engineering 52
Gas Properties – Real Gases

p T
pr  Tr 
pc Tc

Reservoir Engineering 53
Gas Properties – Real Gases

Standing-Katz chart

Ref: Density of Natural Gases

Reservoir Engineering 54
Gas Properties – z factor

 How to determine z-factor from Standing-

Katz chart?

Reservoir Engineering 55
Gas Properties – z factor

 Step 1: Kay’s Mixing Rules

p pc   yi pci Tpc   yiTci
i i
xd áp sut và nhit giã ti hn

Table: Physical Constants of HC

Ref: Kay, W.B., Density of hydrocarbon gases and vapors at high temperature and pressure

Reservoir Engineering 56
Gas Properties – z factor

 Step 2: Calculate pseudo-reduced Ppr & Tpr

p T
p pr  Tpr 
p pc Tpc

Reservoir Engineering 57
Gas Properties – z factor

Reservoir Engineering 58
Gas Properties – z factor

 Exercise 3.6: Calculate the z-factor for the reservoir

fluid in below Table at 1100F and 1,000 psia

Mole Mole Weight Critical P Critical T

percent (lb/lb-mol) (psia) (0F)
C1 85 16.043 667.8 -116.68
C2 4 30.070 707.8 90.1
C3 6 44.097 616.3 206.01
i-C4 3 58.123 529.1 274.96
n-C4 2 58.123 550.7 305.62

Reservoir Engineering 59
Gas Properties – z factor
 The specific gravity of the gas mixtures is only
 For natural gas systems:

Tpc  168  325g g  12.5g 2


Ppc  677  15.0g g  37.5g 2


 For gas condensate systems:

Tpc  187  330g g  71.5g g2
Ppc  706  51.7g g  11.1g 2

Reservoir Engineering 60
Gas Properties – z factor

Reservoir Engineering 61
Gas Properties – z factor

 Exercise 3.7: Calculate the z-factor for a natural gas

systems at 1900F and 3,250 psia with the following
properties: gg = 0.71. Using Standing-Katz correlation

Reservoir Engineering 62
Gas Properties – z factor
 Direct Calculation of z-factor:
 There are 3 empirical correlations to calculate z-
− Hall-Yarborough (1973)
− Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem (1975)
− Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson (1974)

Reservoir Engineering 63
Gas Properties – z factor
 Hall-Yarborough method (1973)

 0.06125 p pr t 
z      
 exp

1.2 1 t

 Y 

Ppr : pseudo-reduced pressure

t : reciprocal of pseudo-reduced tempt (Tpc/T)
Y : the reduced density

Reservoir Engineering 64
Gas Properties – z factor
 Hall-Yarborough method (1973)

Y Y2 Y3 Y4

FY   X 1    X 2 Y 2   X 3 Y X4  0
1  Y 

X 1  0.06125 p pr t exp  1.2 1  t  

 
X 2  14.76t  9.76t  4.58t 2 3

X 3   90.7t  242.2t 2
 42.4t 

X 4   2.18  2.82t 

Reservoir Engineering 65
Gas Properties – z factor

 Exercise 3.8: For a natural gas with SG of 0.71,

calculate z-factor at 3,250 psia and 1900F. Using Hall-
Yarborough correlation.

Reservoir Engineering 66
Gas Properties – z factor
 Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem method (1975)

pM a p
r 

 zRT 

 zT 
c pc M a pc
 zc RTc   zcTc 

0.27 p pr
r 

Reservoir Engineering 67
Gas Properties – z factor
 Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem method (1975)

f r   R1  r   R3   R4 2 5

r r r

 R5 1  A11   r2 exp   A11  r2   1  0

Reservoir Engineering 68
Gas Properties – z factor
 Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem method (1975)
A2 A3 A4 A5 A1  0.3265
R1  A1   3  4  5
Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr A2  1.0700
0.27 p pr A3  0.5339
R2  A4  0.01569
A5  0.05165
A7 A8
R3  A6   2 A6  0.5475
Tpr Tpr
A7  0.7361
 A7 A8 
R4  A9   2  A8  0.1844
T T 
 pr pr  A9  0.1056
A10 A10  0.6134
R5  3
Tpr A11  0.7210
Reservoir Engineering 69
Gas Properties – z factor

 Exercise 3.9: For a natural gas with SG of 0.71,

calculate z-factor at 3,250 psia and 1900F. Using
Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem correlation.

Reservoir Engineering 70
Gas Properties – z factor
 Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson method (1974)

f r   1  T1  r  T2   T3  

T4  1  A8   exp   A     T5

r 8
r 0

Reservoir Engineering 71
Gas Properties – z factor
 Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson method (1974)

A2 A3
T1  A1   3
Tpr Tpr A1  0.31506237
T2  A4 
A5 A2  1.0467099
Tpr A3  0.57832720
A5 A6 A4  0.53530771
T3 
Tpr A5  0.61232032
A7 A6  0.10488813
T4  3
Tpr A7  0.68157001
0.27 p pr A8  0.68446549
T5 
Reservoir Engineering 72
Gas Properties – z factor

 Exercise 3.10: For a natural gas with SG of 0.71,

calculate z-factor at 3,250 psia and 1900F. Using
Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson correlation.

Reservoir Engineering 73
Gas Properties – z factor

 Effect of Non-HC components on the z-factor

 Non-HC: N2, CO2, H2S.
 HC gases are classified as sweet or sour depending on
the H2S content

 Non-HC Adjustment methods

 Wichert-Aziz correction (1972)
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows correction (1952)

Reservoir Engineering 74
Gas Properties – z factor
 Wichert-Aziz correction method (1972)

Tpc  Tpc  
p pcTpc
ppc 
Tpc  B 1  B  

  120  A  A
0.9 1.6
  15  B 0.5
B 4.0

Reservoir Engineering 75
Gas Properties – z factor

 Exercise 3.11: Calculate the z-fator for a gas by using

Wichert-Aziz correction at:
 p = 2,530 psia
 T = 1800F
 with properties: SG = 0.81, H2S = 7% and CO2 = 10%.

Reservoir Engineering 76
Gas Properties – z factor
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows correction method

Tpc  Tpc  80 yCO2  130 yH 2 S  250 yN2

ppc  p pc  440 yCO2  600 yH 2 S  170 yN2

Reservoir Engineering 77
Gas Properties – z factor

 Exercise 3.12: Calculate the z-fator for a gas by using

Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows correction at:
 p = 2,530 psia
 T = 1800F
 with properties: SG = 0.81, H2S = 7% and CO2 = 10%.

Reservoir Engineering 78
Gas Viscosity

 Viscosity is a measure of the resistance to flow

exerted by the gas

 Viscosity is generally defined as the ratio of the

shear force per unit area to the local velocity

Reservoir Engineering 79
Gas Viscosity

 The gas viscosity can be estimated precisely from

empirical correlations. Viscosity of a natural gas is
described by the following function:

 g   p, T , yi 

Reservoir Engineering 80
Gas Viscosity

 There are two popular methods that are

commonly used in calculating the viscosity of
Natural Gases.
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method (1954)
 Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin method (1966)

Reservoir Engineering 81
Gas Viscosity
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method (1954)
Step 1: Calculate Ppc, Tpc, Ma.

 Notes: Correct the pseudo-critical properties for

the presence of the non-HC.

Reservoir Engineering 82
Gas Viscosity
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method (1954)
Step 2:

Reservoir Engineering 83
Gas Viscosity
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method (1954)
c1c2c3 dùng pp tìm từng pt
Step 2: cơ và h2s dùng wictcher aziz
n1,co2,h2s dùng dramchunk-k

1   1 uncorrected     N    CO     H S
2 2 2

Step 3:

Calculate the Ppr and Tpr

Reservoir Engineering 84
Gas Viscosity
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method (1954)
Step 4:

Reservoir Engineering 85
Gas Viscosity
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method (1954)

Step 5:
Determine g from viscosity ratio g/1 and 1.

Reservoir Engineering 86
Gas Viscosity

 Exercise 3.13: Find the viscosity for a gas by using

Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method at:
 p = 2,010 psia
 T = 750F
 with the following properties: gg = 0.7; H2S = 7% and CO2 =

Reservoir Engineering 87
Gas Viscosity
 Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin method (1966)
   g Y 
 g  10 K exp  X 
 
  62.4  

 9.4  0.02 M a T 1.5

209  19 M a  T

X  3.5   0.01M a
Y  2.4  0.2 X
Reservoir Engineering 88
Gas Viscosity

 Exercise 3.14: Find the viscosity for a gas by using

Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin method at:
 p = 2,010 psia
 T = 750F
 with the following properties: gg = 0.7; H2S = 7% and CO2 =

Reservoir Engineering 89
Gas formation volume factor
 The gas formation volume factor is used to relate
the volume of gas, as measured at reservoir
conditions, to the volume of the gas as measured
at standard conditions

Bg 

Reservoir Engineering 90
Gas formation volume factor
 With the real gas EOS:

nzRT psc
Bg  
p nzsc RTsc

hệ số thành hệ khí

psc zT
Bg  
Tsc p

Reservoir Engineering 91
Gas formation volume factor
 At standard conditions (psc = 14.7 psia, Tsc = 520

tại điều kiện chuẩn

Bg  0.02827

Reservoir Engineering 92
Gas formation volume factor
 Gas volume factor can also be estimated from
apparent molecular weight of gas (Ma) and gas
density (g) parameters:

Ma Ma
Bg  0.02827  0.002635
R g g

Reservoir Engineering 93
Gas formation volume factor
 The reciprocal of the gas formation volume factor is
called the gas expansion factor, Eg:

hệ số giãn nở khí

Eg  35.37

Reservoir Engineering 94
Gas formation volume factor
 The gas expansion factor, Eg, in terms of the gas
density g:
hệ số giãn nở khí

R g g
Eg  35.37  379.52
Ma Ma

Reservoir Engineering 95
Gas formation volume factor

 Exercise 3.15: A gas well is producing at a rate of

15,000 ft 3 /day from a gas reservoir at an average
pressure of 2,000 psia and a temperature of 120°F.
The specific gravity is 0.72.
 Calculate the gas flow rate in scf/day

Reservoir Engineering 96
Gas solubility
 The gas solubility, Rs, is the volume gas at standard
conditions that dissolve in crude oil at certain
 For a particular gas and crude oil to exist at a
constant temperature, the solubility increases with
pressure until the saturation pressure is reached. At
the saturation pressure (bubble-point pressure) all
the available gases are dissolved in the oil and the
gas solubility reaches its maximum value

Reservoir Engineering 97
Gas solubility

Gas-solubility pressure diagram

Reservoir Engineering 98
Gas solubility
 Figure in slide 98 shows typical gas solubility curve,
as a function of pressure for an undersaturated
crude oil
 The gas solubility can be calculated from the
experimental measured PVT data

Bo o  62.4g o
Rs 
0.0136g g

Reservoir Engineering 99
Gas solubility
 The gas solubility can also be determined from the
empirical correlations:
 There are empirical correlations for estimating Rs:
 Standing’s correlation
 The Vasquez-Beggs correlation
 Glaso’s correlation
 Marhoun’s correlation
 The Petrosky-Farshad correlation

Reservoir Engineering 100

Gas solubility - Standing
 Standing (1981) expressed the mathematical
correlation for determining the Rs as a function of p,
gg, API, and T

 p  0.0125 API 0.00091T 
Rs  g g   1.4 10 
 18.2  

Reservoir Engineering 101

Gas solubility – Vasquez-Beggs
 Vasquez and Beggs (1980) presented an improved
empirical correlation for estimating Rs.

 API 
Rs  C1g gs p exp  C3

 T 


Reservoir Engineering 102

Gas solubility – Vasquez-Beggs
 Vasquez and Beggs proposed that the value of the
gas specific gravity as obtained from a separator
pressure of 100 psig

  psep  
g gs  g g 1  5.912 10 API  Tsep log 
  114.7  

Reservoir Engineering 103

Gas solubility – Glaso
 Glaso (1980) proposed a correlation for estimating
the Rs as a function of the API, p, T, and gg.

 API  * 0.989
Rs  g g  0.172  pb 
 T  

2.8869 14.18113.3093log p 
pb*  10

Reservoir Engineering 104

Gas solubility – Marhoun
 Marhoun (1988) developed an expression for
estimating the saturation pressure of the Middle
Eastern crude oil systems:

Rs   ag g T p 
b c d e
g o


*** Note: temperature in oR.

Reservoir Engineering 105
Gas solubility – Petrosky-Farshad
 Petrosky and Farshad (1993) used a nonlinear
multiple regression software to develop a gas
solubility correlation:
 p  0.8439 x 
Rs    12.340  g g 10 
 112.727  
4 5
x  7.916 10 API 1.5410
 4.56110 T 1.3911

Reservoir Engineering 106

Gas solubility

 Exercise 3.16: The experimental PVT data on six

different crude oil systems are shown below:

 Using Standing’s correlation, estimate the gas solubility at

the bubble-point pressure

Reservoir Engineering 107

Gas solubility

 Exercise 3.17: The experimental PVT data on six

different crude oil systems are shown below:

 Using Vasquez-Beggs’ correlation, estimate the gas

solubility at the bubble-point pressure

Reservoir Engineering 108

Gas solubility

 Exercise 3.18: The experimental PVT data on six

different crude oil systems are shown below:

 Using Glaso’s correlation, estimate the gas solubility at the

bubble-point pressure

Reservoir Engineering 109

Gas solubility

 Exercise 3.19: The experimental PVT data on six

different crude oil systems are shown below:

 Using Marhoun’s correlation, estimate the gas solubility at

the bubble-point pressure

Reservoir Engineering 110

Gas solubility

 Exercise 3.20: The experimental PVT data on six

different crude oil systems are shown below:

 Using Petrosky-Farshad’s correlation, estimate the gas

solubility at the bubble-point pressure

Reservoir Engineering 111

Gas solubility

 Exercise 3.21: The experimental PVT data on six

different crude oil systems are shown below:

 Using empirical equation in slide 99, estimate the gas

solubility at the bubble-point pressure

Reservoir Engineering 112


 Oil viscosity: controls and influences the flow of oil

through porous media and pipes
 There are several empirical methods to calculate oil’s
- Beal’s correlation
- Beggs-Robinson’s correlation
- Glaso’s correlation
- The Chew-Connally’s correlation
- The Vasquez-Beggs’ correlation

Reservoir Engineering 113


 Oil compressibility: is defined for pressures above

the bubble point

1  V 
co    
V  p T

1  Bo  1  o 
co     co   
Bo  p T o  p T

Reservoir Engineering 114


 Oil compressibility: is defined for pressures below

the bubble point

1 Bo Bg Rs
co   
Bo p Bo p

Reservoir Engineering 115


 Oil Formation Volume Factor: the ratio of the volume

of oil at the reservoir conditions to the volume of oil
at standard conditions

Vo reservoir
Bo 
Vo surface

Reservoir Engineering 116


 Gas properties – z factor: is a dimensionless

quantity as the ratio of the actual volume of n-moles
of gas at T and p to the ideal volume of the same
number of moles at the same T and p


Reservoir Engineering 117


 Gas properties – z factor: determine from Standing-

Katz chart

Reservoir Engineering 118


 Gas properties – z factor: determine from several

correlation methods:
 Hall-Yarborough (1973)
 Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem (1975)
 Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson (1974)

For Non-HC Adjustment methods

 Wichert-Aziz correction (1972)
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows correction (1952)

Reservoir Engineering 119


 Gas viscosity: is described by the function with

terms of pressures, temperature and components)

 g   p, T , yi 

Reservoir Engineering 120


 Gas viscosity: there are two popular methods that

used in calculating the gas viscosity
 Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows method (1954)
 Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin method (1966)

Reservoir Engineering 121


 Gas formation volume factor: measured at reservoir

conditions, to the volume of the gas as measured at
standard conditions

Bg 

Reservoir Engineering 122


 Gas solubility: the volume gas at standard

conditions that dissolve in crude oil at certain

Reservoir Engineering 123

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