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Name: _________________________ Level: ___________________

Date: __________________________ Score: ________________/10

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s):

1. The ____________________ of the boarding house was not happy with the mess left by the guests.
2. Sarah was feeling stressed and needed a __________________ to relax her muscles.
3. I ________________________ that the movie will be sold out if we don't book the tickets in advance.
4. Let's _________________ what happened before we jump to conclusions.
5. Learning English can be a ___________________ for better job opportunities.
6. In the United States, many people belong to the __________________ denomination of Christianity.
7. After the accident, the driver was lucky to be _____________ but his car was completely wrecked.
8. In our class, the _____________________ is responsible for taking attendance.
9. The police had to _____________________ the suspect for further questioning.
10. The ____________________________ went from door to door selling his wares.
11. The ____________________ is the national flag of the United Kingdom.
12. We ________________ between taking the stairs and the elevator depending on how many floors we
need to go.
13. If you have a problem with the service, you should __________________ to the manager
14. If you don't study for your exam, you will ________________________.
15. Lying is a ______________________ according to most religions.
16. The _____________________ couple looked very happy on their engagement day.
17. I ____________________ to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
18. The real estate agent promised us a beautiful, spacious house, but when we arrived for our viewing, we
discovered it was tiny and rundown. She ___________________________________.

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