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Memorizing Historical Constants

in Legendary Formulas
Joannes Richter

The memorizing of historical constants in legendary formulas may have belonged to the first
features in the art of writing. As a hobby I investigated a handful of these constants in famous or
impressive legends and various types of symbolism, which are concentrated in the following short
1. The authority of ancient leaders was symbolized by the long hair, which may have been stored in the
leaders' hair braids and bonnets1.
2. The 5 sources of the human voice (tongue, lips, palatal, teeth and throat) have been used to
categorize the letters for the keywords in the Greek, Latin, Futhark and Ogham signaries / alphabets 2.
3. The words for our parents are 5-letter words: PITAR & MATIR3
4. At the introduction of the Greek alphabet the 5-fold categorization is encoded in the 5 names of the
Theban Spartoi: (1) Echion, (2) Udaeus, (3) Chthonius, (4) Hyperenor, (5) Pelorus4
5. The original title of Homer's poem “Iliad” may have been stored in the initial word “MENIS”
(“wrath”) of the oldest European literal monument titled “Iliad” 5.
6. The relatively constant value 1° pro century6 of the axial precession may have been stored in the
numbers 52, 24, 20, 12 of Penelope's Suitors in the Odyssey7.
7. The four rivers (MEZIN, FIRAT, PISON, PASIN) of the Paradise are stored in the Book Genesis. 8
8. In some European languages (including Greek, Latin and the Futhark runes) the name of the sky-god
(*TĪÆWS) and the 2 virtues “wisdom” (WITÆS) and “justice” (TIWÆS) are composed as 5-letter
9. The foundation of the Frankish royalty (LOUIS) is explained as a follow-up of the Minotaur (in the
MINOS-pedigree) in the formula of Fredegar's 5-horned Quinotaur (c. 650)10.
10. Most European 2-dimensional signaries and alphabets display a sky-god's Name at the 2 nd row for
the derivatives of the Ugaritic alphabets, the 3 rd row for the Futhark runes and the 4 th row of the
Ogham signary11.

1 The Symbolism of Hair Braids and Bonnets in Magical Powers

2 Understand your Alphabet - The Introduction of a Number of Eurasian Alphabets
3 A new Etymology for the Pentagrams (PITAR & MATIR)
4 The Secret Codes in the Scripture and the Alphabets
5 'Wrath!' was the first Word -Hidden symbols, which we never unveiled
6 the precession of the equinoxes at about 1° per century (which is not far from the actual value for antiquity, 1.38°) is
formulated by the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus (c. 190–120 BC).
7 Encoding the Precession Period-Constants in the Odyssey
8 The Paradises, their Cities and their Rivers. The rivers are mentioned in Genesis 2:10-14.
9 The Hierarchy of Languages
10 The Secret Codes in the Scripture and the Alphabets
11 The Origin of the Futhark, Ogham and Gothic Runes

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