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Excite | Engage | Equip | Empower ral JAIN INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANISATION Jain International Trade Organisation (JITO) is a unique, Se one ceca RIS ae CES SU a a a pecan a) Nem Oe sg ae aon the vast landscape of professional and social Crone eee carne prominent Jain Businessmen, Industrialists and Fe Ca a) JITO, with a vision of economic & social growth of the ‘community and society at large, has envisaged various co eM eee ee Knowledge and Service. About Us 9 adminisvatve Zones, 69 Chapters, 11 International Chapters at present, signiy ts wide reach, Units in India and The sweling membership neatin witha corpusnearing IN 00 contributes toa strong 5s financial standin ‘and registered under section 26 0 B of the 42 Directors! 's governed by years ensuring a democrat Drive avariey of suc impeccable © by the strategic leadership of 42 Directors, ea sul business and trades, JITO ensures the met projects lousiy plane withthe suopo and a professional secretarial e oficein Mumba, India, ofits various statutory and project committees jpped with state-of-the-art y with JITO is nat only t omic empowerment but also to take tencies. + Develop and leverage vital and global business contacts oA sive Tade Meetings and Workshops. + Explore new opportunities & platforms for business growth and social networking runity to guide and be + Establishing right business connects in India and other cities for st * Incubation cent businesses in India + Being a part ofthe actives for social cause ike Mats ‘and many more, reate Professional Forum + Inter Chapt ing youth and ladies in many activites / programs UITO Projects / Activ in India AATF sata TO Administrative Training Four Pac incerne Empowers education by preparing deserving youths to join civ services at [National and State leve's throughits five training centres across he county. Administ vices En students have already been placed in various cv services at National 132 leveland214 students in State Givi Senvices, AA scheme to offer subsidy on the intr ‘amount ofthe education loan the students, Given subsidy of Bs 195 Lac to 2061 students on interest paid bythemoneducational Loans from Barks, poweting ion & Provides interest roe laan to metitovious students for higher education. So ‘ar, Ps.638 Lacs have been disbursed orore than 678 students, am Aptitude Training Provides sofa, ss coaching for Bank PO Exam, 30 Candidates have Offers lodging & boarding fact ne students, Hoste's announced at Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, Bengalutu (2), Bhilwara, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hubli, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Kokata, Mumbal (3), Nasik (2) & Pune, 1" Hostel with 0 rooms with a capacity of 160 students is operational in 2 JITO Incubation Centre fields by providing basic facies, men ting ai spreads objective ~ Economic Empowerment by community members ash the tremendous To meet ona of the foremost JIT sting a pan India App based networking platform their mutual benef tis © business and econarn 4 JIT 26 is an international networking and learning program tha inspires members (follow Good-to-Great trajectory. ter the fist event in Duba in October 2018, G2G (Going Gloo Septem the second G2G event was organised In Us 2016 and the 31d intemational Business and Networking ber 2017 at London and 4th edkion of JITOPREN! onference "JITOPRENEURS 2017 held a was held in ¢ ‘ondenin2018. JITO Engineering ana Management Program (JEM) \With a vision to become tne most idea patform for preparing brilant engineers, ‘management pro! ming thom ino stulentrepreneurs & professionals who will drive new age thoughts and innovations for empowerment of the community and nation atlarge, ITO has envisaged JEMP which will focus on preparing candidates for ITs and IIMS by facilitating aching and creating a support system for their grooming like mentoring a various stages and creating a conducive environment oy establishing hostels fortheir convenience, Yofaciltate this JITO has established: + JITO Kota Hostel (for IT Students) Ahostelin Kota, with capacity of76 students who are pursuing engineering through ITs, as their careor. Students ate offered subsidy for coaching, ‘accommodation and food in addition to the mentoring and broadening theirvision. The success rato ofthe fst oath was 100% where 20 students ‘outo!20 appeared, cleared thelTJEE Advance + JIT IM Coaching Centre Fist Centre at Kolkata with facilities for supporting the students to get through the CAT (Commen Aamission Tes!) for Indian Insitutes of Management 6 & discuss howto benott sional Forum was neld on 2na September, 2018.2l Goa, 7 Shaman Arogye © of the medical facilities tree-of-cost to Sachu & Sadhy raman Arogyam” tak Sadhu & Sadhvi Bhagwants ofall sects, More than 11,0 [Bhagwants are registered and so far around Rs ontheirhealhneare [An instrument to ensure greater connect with the community and an che endeavor to teach out io @ onFebruary 2018, Jain family Jain Giobal caro was lau 9 JITO Connect JITO exganizes Global Summit to sh om a sedate stata, This includes Global Pavilion. Sofar8 global summits have beenheld at Bengaluru, Chennai (2), Ahmedabad, Murai (3) and Pune, dain ITO Inter. build strong rolations internationally through networking a synergy of expertise, resources & talent for mutual growth and society uplitment, Presenty 11 Intemational Chapters ~ Dubai, UK, Hongkong Nepal, USA-New York, Thalland, Japan, Kenya, Uganda, Australia & USA, fan Francisco. Chaptersin Belgium. Sin pore, China and Canada ar UMAR - JITO Matrimonial A 24 Matrimonial meets held so ‘ar at var far - 12,476 (Males ~ 7,420 / Females rogramme 128, Candidates registered JITO Youth The youth wing of uITO has an obj Jains to the mainstream and to take Presently, ITO Youth wing are in 40 chapters nnect more and more young advantage of power of youth members, National body ofYouth Wing's being formed. TO Ladies Wing las’ wing of JTO has an ebjective to ensure increased participation and representation of ladies by way of exploring the hidden talent & potential Presently, JITO Ladies wing are in 52 chapters with 3829 members, Nationalbody of Ladies Wing is being formed “4 smant of more than 1800 candidates JEAP has been instrumental in pl with 4,405 employers & 17,590 omplayoes registored JITO AA projec to establish an interactive platform for the organization to reac outta every memiber ofthe communty by way ofa consolidated website for all poject information (wo org), Mobile App, Youtube & Facebook Twit JITO Minority ¢ sel regarding Ito collect and cisseminate information, advis sto Jain. JITO Good Governanc To create, promote & support the Jain candidates for enhanced representation in poltical sphete at local, state and rational level, thus, ‘making the community politically empowered. J Bahuman is dharm ki aaradhna’ and hence the recognition of talents i alt, sports| various walks of if ke business, education, sacial sence, fete and awarding them suitably ‘Showcases the emergence of youth power inthe field of sports. JPLisa20- 20 cricket tournament which generates huge gathering and enthusiast response NTO Talent Hunt An actly to hunt the hidden talents of the community in various fields 's a monthly Magazine both in English and Hindi to provide latest information on all activites of JITO and its chapters / units. I has a reach o! fer lac readers in Hind! and English online and offine. ITO Annual Trp LITO Annual Tip is organized for JITO members & the'r families to establish between them, fa, 7 annual foreign trips (Bintan Island), Tashkent, Cont alia & Sloveniaand Kenya, 1 Europe, Cyprus oundation day JITO and its ¢ ipters celebrate its Foundation March by organizing varous programs including felcitating eminent sonaites who have excelled intheirrespectve fi 5 Chapter & Membershio Developme A present, there are 69 chapters / 3 nits and 11 Intemational Chapters Membership nearing PR & Meda ult Aproject fer promoting JITO andits activites through coverage in all media ‘print, electionic, OOH social media, Global Presence cHAPTERS uns e - 2° Bardoli 16 Igatpuri (28. Rajghad "| INTERNATIONAL chaPreAs UPCOMING — om ous INTERNATIONAL CHAPTERS Come... join hands with JITO Together...Lets Change the World!! JAIN INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANISATION eRe

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