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I. Choose one of the correct answers by crossing (X) on letters a, b, c, or d on the available answer
1. ''Hello,... ... is Nadin.” I am from Cilacap.
The suitable utterance to complete the introduction above is
a. She c. what
b. I am d. My name
2. Diana : “............... is your name?”
Rafi : “My name is Rafi”
The suitable utterance to complete the introduction above is
a. What c. How
b. Who d. Where
3. Sena : “Good moning, Via.”
Via : “ ... “
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ......
a. Good night
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
d. Good afternoon
4. Cindy : Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "medicine", please? It's on the table.
Tiny : Certainly Here it is.
Cindy : ........................
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Of course you are
b. I doubt
c. Never mind
d. Thank you
5. Roby : My sister has been sick for three days. So I have to accompany her in the hospital.
Dicky : _________. I hope she will get better soon.
Roby : Thanks.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. I am sorry to hear that 
b. Thank you
c. I don’t care about it
d. I am happy to hear that
6. Niki   : I'm going to sleep now. 
Erik : Ok. ..........
 The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. good bye
b. good night
c. good evening
d. good afternoon
7. Santi : Hello, what are you doing here ?
Dika : I 'm waiting for Andin.
Santi : I’m sorry for not calling you last night. I went to bed early.
Dika : _______________ .
Santy : Thank you for your understanding.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

a. Please, forgive me
b. Any time
c. You’re welcome
d. That's all right
Question 8 – 9 are based on the following dialogue.
Handi : Hi, I am Handy, What is (8) . . . ?
Heni : My name is Heni. It’s nice to see you.
Handi : It’s nice to see  you too.
Heni : . . . (9)..........................................
Handi : I live at Jl. Kesatuan, Cicalengka

8. a. his name
b.     her name
c.     my name
d.    your name

9. a. Where are you?

b. Where do you live? 
c. Where are you going?
d. Where is your school?
Read the following text and answer questions 55-57
ID Numbers : 893475N34
Full Name : Handi Mukti
Place of Birth : Bandung
Date of Birth : 21 Maret 2002
Address : Jl. Kesatuan No. 96, Bandung
10. How old is he on 2021 ? He is . . . years old.
a.    16 c.     18
b.     17 d.    19

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