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(Model 588 Shown) Models

586, 587 and 588

Record the exact Model No. and Serial No.
which appear on the frame of your unit in the
space below. You must have these numbers,
along with the date of purchase, in order to
receive warranty or service.


Read Safety Rules
and Instructions Carefully

WARNING: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used
on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the
engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state
laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by
the operator.
In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public
Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A
spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service
dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 368022, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722.

FORM NO. 770-8831M


I DANGER: of powerequpment,careessness
Youredgerwasbuiltto or error on
beoperatedaccording the part ofyourself
the operator
violateanyoftheserules,youmaycauseserious injuryto resut n serousinjury, f you
or others.

• Stayalert.Watchwhatyou aredoing.Usecommon sense.Donot

_1 TRAININGANDPREPARATION operateedger whenfatiguedor underthe influenceof alcohol,
Readthe operaUnginstruction manualcarefully.Be thoroughly
familiarwiththecontrolsandproperuseoftheequipment. Know drugsor heavymedication.
howto disengage thebladecontrolandstoptheunitquickly. • Neveroperatethe productwithoutgoodvisibility or light.
• Neverallowchildrento operateequipment. Neverallowadultsto • Keepgoodfooting and balanceat all times. Do not overreachor
operate equipment withoutproperinstruction. standon unstablesupport.
• Keeptheareaof operation clear(at least50 feet)of all persons, • Donotforceor abuseproduct.It will dothejob betterandsaferat
especially smallchildren andpets. the ratefor which it was designed.
• Usetheedgeronlyas manufacture intended andas described in
theoperator's manual. i Donot
Donot run theengineindoors;exhaust
operateengine fumesaredangerous.
abovespeednecessary to do thejob.
• Do not operateedgerafter it hasbeendroppedor damaged. Neverdirectdischargeof materialtowardsbystandersnorallow
Returnproductto nearestauthorized servicefacility for examina- anyoneneartheareaof operation.Usecarein directingdischarge
tionand repair.Do nol;operateproductwithdamagedor exces- to avoidglassenclosures,automobiles,andthe like.
sivelyworncuttingblade. • Stay alertfor unevensidewalks,holesin terrainor othersimilar
• Dressproperly--always wearsafetyglassesor goggles.Always conditions whenusing product.Alwayspushslowly over rough
wearsafetyfootwear,andpantsor slacksthatcoveryourlegsto ground.Donot usethe producton graveledsurfaces.
reducetheriskof in ury thatmay becausedbyflying debris.Do • Donotoperateedgerin rain orwetlocations.
notwearloosec othingor ewetrythatcanbecaughtin movng Alwaysoperateedgerfrom behindthe upperhandleand position
parts.Useof glovesand substantial footwearis recommended i yourselfwherelineof sightto cuttingblade blockedbyguards.
whenworkingoutdoors.Donot operateedgerwhenbarefootor Afterstriking a foreign object,shut off the engine,makeabso-
wearingsandalsor open-toed shoes.Wearboots,preferably with lutely sure the blade and all moving parts have completely
steel-toecaps. stopped,disconnectthe spark plug wire to preventaccidental
• Objects struckbythebladecancausesevereinjuriesto persons. starting,thenthoroughlyinspectthe unit for anydamage.Such
Theworkareashouldalwaysbecarefullyexamined andclearedof damagemust be repairedbefore restartingand operatingthe
all stones,sticks,wires,bonesandotherforeignobjects,prior to edger.Remember, heavyvibrationisgenerallya signof trouble.
edging. • Alwaysstop enginewhenedgingor trimmingis delayedor when
• Neverattemptto makeanyadjustments, otherthandepthof cut, walkingfrom onelocationto another.
whileengineisrunning. • Stopthe engine,wait for bladeandall movingpartsto stop before
• Theuseofaccessory attachmentsnotrecommended bytheman- cleaning,adjusting,repairingor inspectingthe product.Always
ufacturer maycausehazardandwillvoidwarranty. disconnectsparkplug wireto preventaccidental starting.
• Neveroperatethe edgerwithoutproperguards,platesor other • Mufflerandenginebecomehotduringoperationandcancausea
safetyprotectivedevicesin place. burn.Allowto cooldownbeforetouching.
• Turnengineoffanddisconnect sparkplugwire • Takeall possible precautionswhenleavingthe product unat-
a. Whennotin use. tended. Disengagethe blade,stop the engine and disconnect
b. Beforeservicing, cleaningandthelike. sparkplugwire.
c. Beforechanging accessories.
• Handlefuel with care; it is highly flammable _ MAINTENANCEANDSTORAGE
a. Extinguishall smoking materialsand otherpossiblesources of _ STORE PRODUCT INDOORS--When not in use, store product
ignition, indoorsin a dry place, locked or otherwiseinaccessibleto chil-
b. Usea fuelcontainer acceptable for thepurpose. dren.
c. Neveraddfuelto a runningor hotengine. • Maintain produotwithcare
d. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extremecare. Neverfill fuel tank a. Followmaintenance instructions
giveninthismanualfor your
indoors. product.
e+Replacegasoline capsecurely. b. To reducethe riskof injuryand enginefailure,do not allow
f. If fuel is spilled,moveproductandfuel container from area excessive grass,leavesor otherdebristo accumulateon or in
anddo notcreatea sourceofignition.Wipeupspilledfuel. theedger.Wipeenginehousingcleanaftereachuse.
c. Keepairfilter clean.
_ OPERATION d. Followinstructions for changingaccessories.
• Makesureall nuts,bolts, and screwsare kepttightlyin place, e. Replace anymissingordamaged labelsimmediately.
especiallythebladeandall guards. f. Do notoperateunitif bladeis excessively wornor damaged.
• Starttheenginecarefully. Makecertainthe bladeis disengaged Replacewithbladewhichmeetsoriginalequipment specifica-
beforeattemptingto start.Keephands,feet,clothing,andthelike tions.
wellawayfrom cuttingbladeandmovingparts. • Do not attemptto repairedger.Havemechanical repairsmadeby
• DANGER--Rotating CuttingBlade qualifieddealeror repairman. Seethatonlyidentical
a. Keepbothhandson handles whenbladeis rotating. partsareused.
b. Keepfeet awayfrom cuttingarea.
c. Makesureengineis offand sparkplugwire is disconnected ,,_ WARNING: Pleasemakecertainthatanypersonwhoistousethis
whenclearingjammedmaterialfromblade. _ edgercarefully readsand understands
d. Do notattemptto removecutmaterialnorhold materialto be startingtheunit.
cutwhenengineisrunningorwhencuttingbladeis moving. I I
e. CAUTiON--Cutting bladecoastsafterengineisturnedoff. J SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS I
IMPORTANT: This unit is shipped WITHOUT GASO- 1. Disconnect the spark plug wire and move it away
LINE or OIL. After setting up the unit, service from the spark plug.
engine with gasoline and oil as instructed in the 2. With the blade clutch/depth control lever in the
separate engine manual packed with your unit. disengaged position (notch nearest the operator's
position), carefully pull the recoil starter rope. The
NOTE: Reference to right or left hand side of the
belt on the edger should not turn. if the belt (and
edger is observed from the operating position.
blade) turns, remove the hairpin clip and flat
TOREMOVEUNIT FROMCARTON washer, and remove the lower clutch rod from the
1. Remove staples, break glue on top flaps, or cut pivot arm extension. See figure 1. Turn the clutch
tape at carton end and peel along top flap to open rod one or two turns clockwise to shorten the rod.
carton. Insert lower clutch rod into pivot arm extension,
2. Remove loose parts if included with unit (i.e., and recheck the adjustment.
owner's manual, etc.). 3. Check to be certain the blade clutch/depth control
3. Cut along dotted lines and lay carton down flat. lever can be moved to the furthest notch forward
4. Remove packing material (if any). without bowing the clutch rod. If not , remove the
5. Roll or slide unit out of carton. Check carton hairpin clip and flat washer. Remove lower clutch
thoroughly for loose parts. rod from pivot arm extension, and turn the clutch
HOWTO SET-UPYOUREDGER rod one or two turns clockwise to shorten the rod.
Insert lower clutch rod into pivot arm extension,
Unfold the edger handle and tighten the two hand
and recheck the adjustment.
knobs. See figure 1.
Be certain to recheck the operation in both positions
Slide the clutch rod connector down over the end of after making any adjustment to the rod. Secure lower
the lower clutch rod to secure the clutch rod (tap the clutch rod with flat washer and hairpin clip when
connector until it locks on the lower clutch rod). adjustment is correct.
The clutch rod on your edger has been pre-adjusted at
the factory. Before operating the edger, check the
adjustment of the clutch rod as follows.
& WARNING: When operating the edger,
stop engine immediately and readjust the
clutch rod if blade turns with blade clutch/
depth lever in the disengaged position.

Clutch Rod

Clutch Rod

Lower Clutch

HanJ Pivot Arm



THROTTLECONTROL When the blade is adjusted toward the horizontal posi-
The throttle control lever is located on the engine tion, the front wheels must also be adjusted. Remove
(Models 586 and 588) or on the handle panel (Model the hairpin clip on the left side and slide the wheel to
587). It regulates the engine speed and stops the the right as shown in figure 4. Reinsert the hairpin clip.
NOTE: ff the wheels are not adjusted, the blade will hit
CONTROL the left front wheel, causing the belt to slip and possi-
bly damaging the wheel
is designed to minimize the risk of blade
WARNING: The blade clutch/depth control
contact injury. Do not under any circum-
stances attempt to defeat the function of
the blade clutch/depth control, or use the
edger if the control is not adjusted
Keep hands and feet away from edger
blade whenever the engine is running,
whether blade is engaged or disengaged.

The blade clutch/depth control has two main functions:

1. To engage and disengage the blade.
2. To control the depth of cut.
To disengage the blade, move the control lever to the
left and pull it back to the notch in the depth adjust- Adjustment
ment bracket closest to the operator. See figure 2. This Lever
position takes tension off the drive belt and keeps the
blade from turning. To engage the blade, move the
control lever forward into any of the other notches to
engage the drive belt and start the blade turning. The Hairpin Clips
further forward the control lever is moved, the deeper
or lower the cut.

Blade Clutch/
Depth Control


Engaged \

The cutting blade can be adjusted to eight positions Become familiar with all the controls and adjustments
from vertical to horizontal. To adjust, make certain the before operating the edger so you can adjust it easily
blade is disengaged, release the adjustment lever on to a variety of cutting and trimming conditions. DO
the pivot bracket and rotate the spindle housing. Place NOT AI-rEMPT TO MAKE ANY ADJUSTMENTS while
adjustment lever in notch desired. See figure 3. the engine is running.

The operation of any lawn mower can result in for-
eign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can

wear safety glasses or eye shields.

We recommend wide vision safety
_ result in severe
mask for eye damage.
over spectacles Always
or standard
safety glasses.

WARNING: Do not engage and lower Model 586/588 Model 587

blade if blade is over concrete, asphalt,
rocks or the like. The blade can strike the FIGURE 5.
supporting surface, which could result in STOPPINGTHEENGINE
personal injury or property damage.
To stop the engine, move throttle control to STOP posi-
tion. Disconnect spark plug wire and ground to prevent
STARTINGTHEENGINE accidental starting while equipment is unattended.
1. Service the engine with gasoline and oil as
instructed in the separate engine manual packed
with your edger. Read Instructions carefully.
throw objects causing personal injury,
WARNING: Rotating cutting blade may
Keep area clear of bystanders and do not
operate without guards in place.
with engine running or until the engine
_ WARNING: Never fill fuel tank Indoors,
has been allowed to cool for at least two 1. Set the adjustment lever (refer to figure 3) in the
minutes after running. second notch at the top to edge vertically. See
2. Move the blade clutch/depth control handle back figure 6.
as far as it will go, and place it in the last notch.
See figure 2.
3. Set the throttle in the FAST position.
4. A. On Models 586 and 588, move choke to
CHOKE position. Refer to figure 5A.
NOTE: A warm engine may not require choking.
B, On Model 587, push the primer bulb in two or
three times. Wait two to three seconds between
each push. In cold weather (below 50 degrees
F./19 degrees C.) push five (5) times. Refer to
figure 5B.
WARM ENGINE AFTER A SHORT SHUTDOWN. 2. Set the adjustment lever (refer to figure 3) in the
5. Grasp starter handle and pull rope out slowly until first notch at the top for trenching. See figure 7.
engine roaches start of compression cycJe (rope
will pull slightly harder at this point). Let the rope
rewind slowly.
6. Pull rope with a rapid, continuous, full arm stroke.
Keep a firm grip on starter handle. Return it slowly
to the rope guide.
7. On Models 586 and 588, after the engine starts,
move the choke lever gradually to the RUN
NOTE: ff Model 587 engine fails to start after three (3)
pulls, push the primer two (2) times and pull starter IYenchlng °
rope again. FIGURE 7.
3. Tooperatetheunitasa trimmer, move the adjust-
ment lever and rotate the cutting blade 90° . See LUBRICATION
figure 8. Move the front wheels all the way to the
right, as described in the Control section. Wheels--The wheels are plastic and require no lubri-
Cutting Head Bearings--The two ball bearings in the
adjust guard
WARNING: Do not the blade cutting head are lubricated and sealed at the factory
with the engine running.
and require no lubrication• Lubricate all other moving
parts with engine oil.
Shaft--Lubricate the two bearings and under the com-
pression spring on the shaft with light oil frequently
during the season. See figure 11.
Engine--Refer to engine manual for lubrication

Up to Fence, Foundations, etc..

4. Units equipped with curb wheel only: To edge
along a curb, remove the hairpin clip from the right
side of the front axle, slide the right wheel toward wire and ground against the engine
WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug
the left side of the unit and replace the hairpin clip. before performing any adjustment,
See figure 9. Lower the right rear wheel by moving repairs or maintenance.
the height adjustment lever toward the engine, ENGINE
pivoting the wheel to the desired depth and
Refer to engine manual for complete instructions for
releasing the lever. See figure 10.
care and maintenance of engine•

Use a wrench on both sides of the blade to remove it
for replacement•
1. To remove the V-belt, remove the belt guard
assembly at the engine pulley. Remove the hex
nuts and lock washers. See figure 11.

Belt Guard Hex Nuts

FIGURE 9._ptional Curb Wheel Lock Washers

Height Adjustment Lever


FIGURE 10._ptional Curb Wheel FIGURE 11.

2. Remove the belt guard at the spindle assembly by
removing two hex bolts, lock washers and hex OFF-SEASON STORAGE
nuts. See figure 12.
The following steps should be taken to prepare unit for
3. Remove the old belt, and reassemble with a new
belt, part number 754-0142.
1. Clean and lubricate unit thoroughly.
2. Refer to engine manual for correct engine storage
Hex Bolts, 3. Coat cutting blade with chassis grease to prevent
Hex Nuts &
Lock Washers rusting.
4. Store unit in a dry, clean area. Do not store next to
corrosive materials, such as fertilizer.

NOTE: When storing any type of power equipment in

an unventilated or metal storage shed, care should be
taken to rustproof the equipment. Using a light oil or
silicone, coat the equipment, especially springs and
Belt Guard



Trouble Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action

Engine fails to start 1. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel. 1. Fill tank with clean, fresh gasoline.
2. Throttle control lever not in 2. Move throttle lever to FAST position.
starting position.
3. Not enough fuel to carburetor. 3. On Models 586-588 place choke control in
CHOKE position, On 587, depress
primer bulb three (3) times.
4. Spark plug wire disconnected. 4. Connect wire to spark plug.
5. Faulty spark plug. 5. Clean, adjust gap or replace.
6. Engine flooded. 6. Remove spark plug, dry the plug,
and crank engine with plug removed
and choke/stop control in stop position.
Replace spark plug, connect wire and
resume starting procedures.

Enginerunserratic 1. Unitrunningon CHOKE. 1. Move choke to OFF position.

2. Spark plugwire loose. 2. Connect and tighten spark plug wire.
3. Stale fuel. 3. Fill tanl( with clean, fresh gasoline.
4. Ventin gas cap plugged. 4. Clear vent.
5. Water or dirt in fuel system. 6. Drain fuel tank. Refill with fresh fuel.
6. Dirtyair cleaner. 6. Clean air cleaner as instructed in
separate engine manual.
7. Carburetor out of adjustment. 7. Adjust carburetor as instructed in
separate engine manual.

Engine overheats 1. Engine oil level low. 1. Fill crankcase with proper oil.
2. Air flow restricted. 2. Remove blower housing and clean as
instructed in separate engine manual.
3. Carburetor not adjusted 3. Adjust carburetor as instructed in
properly, separate engine manual.

Excessive vibration at 1. Spindle bent. 1. Replace spindle.

blade 2. Ball bearings worn out. 2. Replace ball bearings.

Belt slips t. Belt worn or stretched. 1. Adjust clutch rod or replace belt.
2. Blade clutch/depth control will 2. Readjust spring tension at blade
not remain in depth adjustment clutch/depth control.

Blade guard pivots Cam lever and carriage bolt on Readjust guard, tighten cam lever and
forward, throwing dirt guard are loose, carriage bolt.
on operator

NOTE: For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed above, please contact your local service dealer.

ssories or Service Information,


The only way to ensure the performance of your

product is to use original equipment parts and
accessories. MTD designs and engineers quality
parts to exacting specifications. When you
substitute, you take a chance on quality,
reliability, safety and performance. Use MTD
original equipment,
the best buy on the American Landscape.
-American Made American Owned.

State Engine Exhaust
of Ca,fornia from cancer,
to cause this product contains or chemicals
birth defects known
other reproductive to the JI

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