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NAME: Ralph Ivan B.

Giducos CYCLE 3
SECTION: 3.1 PROFESSOR: Fernandez Conception Pineda

Task 3: Read the Reading Material Number 3: Advance Data Mining Techniques

1. Using the reading material number 3. Identify and define the difference of each data
mining technique.
2. Examples of the following are Association, Classification, Clustering, Prediction, and
3. Note: You can also add Data Mining technique and read other materials as a reference
in completing your work.

This data mining method aids in identifying a connection between two or more things. In the
data set, it finds a hidden pattern.
This method is used to gather crucial and relevant information regarding data and metadata. This
data mining technique aids in categorizing data into several groups.
Information is separated into groups of related objects using clustering. While improving,
describing the data by a few clusters mostly loses some specific restrict details. Data is modeled
based on its clusters.
Other data mining techniques, like trends, clustering, classification, etc., were combined with
prediction. To forecast a future event, it appropriately sequences the analysis of past events or

A data mining technique known as the sequential pattern is designed specifically for analyzing
sequential data to find sequential patterns. Finding intriguing subsequences among a group of
sequences is what it entails. The significance of a sequence can be determined by its length,
frequency of occurrence, and other factors.

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