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In this video, we are going to see how to, you know, make

your own conditional formatting formulas. Now, what I want

to do is when the status of any of the payments, we have a lot
of them and their status cleared or uncleared. If the status is
cleared, then it should be highlighted in green. An uncleared
should be highlighted in red. Now, you might think that this is
not very difficult because I can just select all of them. Go to
conditional formatting, highlight cell rules and equals to you
can write, hit, cleared. Okay. And you can just change the
color and click okay. Now I don't want that. Rather, I want to
highlight the entire row. So I need to get rid of formatting. So
just select the whole column. Go to conditional formatting
clear rules from the selected cells. Now we have already seen
that conditional formatting or any word with condition
contains if. So in conditional formatting it's pre-programmed
that if your criteria meets the mentioned criteria, then format
it. So it's pre-programmed with formatting. So when the
condition meets, if the this is equal to clear, then it will
format. So that's how we can apply this formatting. Now if we
write here, that equals to this cell equals to cleared. What
would be the answer? Because we haven't applied if this thing
for a while. The answer will be true because this condition is
true. What criteria we have mentioned. This cell is exactly
equals to that. So if is used to, you know, show us a different
answer. If this cell is equal to this cell, then show, okay. Like
that kind of thing. So conditional. Reformatting works on true
and false. So if the condition is true, it will automatically
colored whichever cell has written this answer. If the
condition is false, it will not format that cell. Let's test this
formula over here. So in the first cell, I need to highlight this
whole row. So if we test the back end formula, the whole row
should show true. So I will write equals to this cell. Equals to
cleared. And that is true. But if I move it towards left, you can
notice that all the values are false. Why? The easiest way of
checking the formula is double clicking it because now it's
checking that. Check that if clearing reference is equals to
cleared. So no, it's obviously not. So what problem do we
have here is. That when we move towards left, the cell should
not change its place. But if we move downwards because I
have one other status, it should change the rows but not the
columns. So what we need to do is fixing. So I need to fix it. F
4. No, this is full fixing. I want to free the rows and fix the
columns. Speaker1: So like this F2. F2 means the column is
fixed, but the row is free to move. If I drag now. You can
notice that all are true. And if I move downwards by double
clicking it. Sorry, I have the values right there. By dragging it,
you can see that you have all the results. The status is cleared
so all the row is showing. True. The other cell is uncleared, so
all the row is showing false based on this single status. So you
have to check each and every cell according to the status. So it
should not change its columns as we move towards left. Okay.
Now, this is only the back end formula and we need to apply
the conditional formatting on this data. So what we need to
do is just select the data and go in conditional formatting and
then I will go in new rule because I want to create my own
formula. So I will select this option. Use a formula to
determine which cells to format means. I will tell Excel which
cells to format. Now I know that I have applied this formula. I
will just copy this and will apply in this situation. Conditional
formatting New rule and use a formula with cells to determine
paste this. Now whenever you highlight the whole table, it
means that it will not run according to the transaction cells
but according to headings. Speaker1: So the reference we
have here right now is. First cleared cell. So instead we have
to give the heading reference so that all the contents based on
that in that heading are based on the status will get
highlighted. So I will remove this and write one so f 1 and
cleared. That will do the thing. Now if I go on format, I want to
format it in, fill in green and okay and okay. And boom, you
have all the rows highlighted. If I change the status cleared
immediately, the row will get highlighted. Now here you need
to select again the whole table and formatting new rule. Use a
formula with steps to determine. And now that we know
formula we can apply here as well equals to this cell. Because
in highlighting the entire row, the reference should always be
heading so that it can see the contents by itself. But to see the
contents and move between the rows, you need to unfreeze
the rows so that it can move downwards and equals to
inverted commas uncleared. All right. And now I can format
this in red. Okay. And okay. And boom, you have the answers.
If I change the status uncleared, it will get highlighted. So we
will apply this same knowledge that we have just learned in
our knowledge that we have just learned in our starter

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