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-TA: Hi girls ! today we’re here to talk about the product launch
“chocolate bar” , to start lauching this product we need the best slogan
we can think of, what should it be ?
-Duongg: I’m not sure… how about “ Bite once, crush for a lifetime”
-TA: Wonderful , Quanh do u have any idea ? wanna show us ?
-Quanh: Of course ! I’m thinking about… “ One day your childhood
disappeared ? Chocolate bar is always here”
-TA: What a great slogan don’t you think ? Duongg
-Duongg: I really like this slogan
-TA: ok so that’s gonna be our slogan , next we have to find someway
to advertise our unique chocolate bars, I know a few people at the TV
station who will let us advertise in the slots of Indian movies on TV…
but we also need other means of advertising… girls?
-Quanh: What do you think about distributing leaflets to further
promote our products ?
-Duongg: Leaflets ? In this 40 degree sun in Vietnam? So who will do
it  . I think handing out leaflets is not as popular as it used to be,
what about using social networking sites ?
-TA: Great ! More efficient , lighter but much more convenient , right
Quynh Anh ?
-Quanh: Yessss I agree with her.
-TA: I will put it on facebook, ins , and big pages , you guys should
start with this too
-Quanh,Duongg: Yess~~
-Quanh: Okay, so we've got a way to advertise, but we also need to
invite someone famous to promote our product. Guys ?
-TA: I agree, we need someone famous, knowledgeable about food.
But that person needs to be upright… I'm starting to think of a few
names… Wolfgang Puck, Paul Bocuse…
-Duongg: What else do you need to think? I recommend Gordon
Ramsay. He is a culinary legend with 14 Michelin stars
-TA: Great ! why didn’t I think of that in the first palce. Okay, the last
thing we have to do is think about future special promotional events.
-Quanh: Special… hmm… I was thinking about a chocolate
exhibition. What do you think of ?
-Duongg: Excellent ! Nothing attracts foodies more than a chocolate
exhibition, I totally agree with you
-TA: so we will have a chocolate exhibition, thank you everyone, you
did a great job today, if you have any other ideas, please share them
on our chat box. We'll stop here for now, see you guys tomorrow

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