World Bank Weekly Minutes 30 Sept 2022

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2022
Background: Chairman P&DD shared that Govt of Sindh has repurposed the amount that was allocated
for following projects, and the amount has been repurposed will be used for procurement of Relief,
Rescue, and Rehabilitation Items/Projects after seeking approval from the Honourable Chief Minister,
Project Decisions Responsibility

Sindh D.G PDMA

Resilient Chairman P&DD shared that for the procurement for 100,000 tents,
Project 300,000 mosquito nets, 10,000 (4x4) tents, 25 Cranes, Heavy machinery,
(SRP): Dewatering pumps, boats, and masting towers has been done by PDMA,
$22M whereas its delivery is ongoing. DG PDMA shared that orders have been
placed for all heavy machinery that will take time i.e., around 2-3 months
for heavy machinery, but de-watering pumps will be delivered one per
day. The Chair shared his concern that as for heavy machinery is
concerned that same is available in the market, and the same can be hired
for emergency purposes. This will again require hiring of staff for
operating these heavy machineries, and delivery of these items will take
more then 2-3 months.

Decision: Chairman shared that as the procurement has already been

done, and therefore, nor decision is required to be taken.
Chairman P&DD shared that there are two option a) that this amount can
CLICK: be utilized for rehabilitation of irrigation network through Irrigation Local
$27M Department, and b) for restoration of road networks through Local Government
Government Department. Department
& Irrigation
1. Worthy Chief Secretary Sindh endorse the proposal floated by the Department
Chairman P&DD for irrigation networks shall be restored on
priority basis, and likewise, for LG Department shall ensure that
all work packages are executed timely. Secretary Irrigation
Department shared that around 6.1 billion are required for
rehabilitation /restoration of irrigation networks.
2. The World Bank Team lead has also shared that for Relief, Rescue
and Rehabilitation purpose this amount can used for operation
purpose in Irrigation Department, and likewise for Agriculture
Department’s projects.
3. The Chair has also added that Sindh Government has already a
meeting with the Federal Government under which 8.3 billion
have been demanded for subsidies in agriculture sector, out of that
only 02 billion have been committed by the F.G.

4. The Chair asked from the Chairman P&DD that does this requires
the submission of formal request for repurposing or otherwise.
Responding to the query of the Chair, W.B Team lead shared there
is no need to revise the work packages, simply the works should
be done by Govt. of Sindh while using retroactive financing.

Decision: Honourable Chief Minister Sindh directed that within 2

months this proposed plan should be executed without any furthure
delay. Additionally, the Chair directed Secretary Irrigation to
schedule a meeting for rehabilitation/restoration of irrigation
networks in Sindh.

SIAPEP: Chairman P&DD shared that no CERC not needed, as the procurement of
$8.3 M Mosquito Nets (flood shelters) is within the project scope. This requires
approval of the Honourable Chief Minister, and accordingly will be
communicated to the Project Implementation Unit (PIU).

Decision: Not action is required to be taken.

KWSSIP-I: Chairman P&DD share shared that approval of initial estimates is

$25M required for Action Plans it includes a) Flood Protection Measures for
water mains crossing Malir River $14M and Rehabilitation of sewer pipes
that collapsed during the flood - $7.8M.
1. Secretary Local Government shared that Action Plans have been
prepared, and accordingly works can be executed in Karachi for
repair and maintenance of the road infrastructure. This also
requires rehabilitation of water-networks.
2. Chairman P&DD raised a query that there is no deadline for
utilization of the funds, and the same was endorsed by the World
Bank Team lead that retroactive financing can be used for this
execution of these works.

Decision: The Honourable Chief Minister Sindh directed the

repurposing of the subject funds should be done, and accordingly
decision shall be taken for the execution of these projects.
SINDH Secretary Local Government has raised his point of concern that has the Secretary
FLOOD World Bank’s Survey Team is according to their expectations? Because Local
EMERGE the same has been duly updated after seeking inputs from all stakeholders Government
NCY including the 5 Core HQ, and all others. Because the people who are
PROJECT experiencing the post flood traumas will question the survey if the same is
: $500M conducted again and again by frequent and different teams. While
addressing the query of the Secretary Local Government, the World
Bank’s Team lead shared that it does addresses the all field of survey
requirements, and it will provide significant information /evidence of
Loss and Damages (L&D) that will be used for evidence-based policy
formulation and responses.

1. Chairman P&DD share that these funds will be used for

restoration of Irrigation networks, and for restoration of networks,
increasing sources of livelihood options, and strengthening
institutions. The Umbrella PC-1 is prepared and ready for
2. Minister for Irrigation Department shared that 300 million are
required for strengthening of the Indus River. Chairman P&DD
shared that 500 million are allocated for strengthening of the
INDUS RIVER, on which Minister for Irrigation shared that Left
Bank of Indus River was not considered, therefore, additional
finance is required for this purpose.
3. World Bank’s Country Director shared that the data shared by
Government of Sindh is simultaneously shared with IMF and
World Bank and accordingly decisions are taken. World Bank’s
Team Lead proposed that 02 PMU should be established one in
P&DD, and other in irrigation Department for expending these
project’s work packages. Chairman P&DD endorsed the point of
Team Lead W.B and shared that it will be done priority basis.

1. The Chair shared that funding resources should be identified,
and projects, and actions plans should be prepared for
rehabilitation purposes on priority basis.
2. The Honourable Chief Minister Sindh directed Chairman
P&DD that a Comprehensive Plan for this purpose shall be
prepared and submitted for the perusal/ approval of the
3. The Chair also directed that 02 PMUs should be established in
Irrigation Department and Planning and Development
4. The Chair directed that by Focal Persons for PMU should be
nominated by today i.e, 31st September 2022
Flood Chairman P&D shared that for execution of this project, it required an Secretary
Housing establishment of Public Sector Company under Section 42 after seeking Local
Reconstruc approval from the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan Government
tion (SECP). For operational purpose, it will require an appointment of CEO
Project: and Boards of Governors. This also requires solicitation of engagement
$500 M with potential implementation partners and engineering universities.

1. The Chair shared that indeed issues and challenges are there, but
we have to move forward with the Loss & Damages (L&D)
Survey which is conducted by the World Bank Team.

2. Worthy Chief Secretary Sindh that CEO can be appointed, and

things can be streamlined by focusing on macro-management
rather than micro-managing at Chief Minister House or at the
office of Chief Secretary, Sindh. This requires that proper
establishment of a Public Sector Housing Company for Flood
Housing Reconstruction Project (FHRP).

3. Chairman P&DD shared that PC-1 is being prepared, and work

has already been started for this project. World Bank has
appropriated funds for this purpose as well.

4. D.G PDMA shared this project’s falls under the domain of the
PDMA as per the mandate. The Chair reiterated that mandate for
Flood Housing Reconstruction Project (FHRP) can be given to any
department. Advisory for Law and Parliamentary Affairs shared
that such decision can placed in the Provincial Cabinet, and
accordingly company should be established after seeking approval
from the relevant forum. Madam Minister for Health shared that
even if the company is established, the people have to face many
challenges, as the people in rural areas does not have the land title
in their land, that should be taken in consideration as well.

Decision: The Chair directed that let the worthy Chief Secretary, Sindh to
decide about the establishment of Public Sector Housing Company.
Because, as per the policy decisions of World Bank CEO should be
appointed for execution of this project. The PC-1 should be prepared by
the relevant department on priority basis.

SWAT: Chairman P&DD shared out that these funds $120 million will be utilized Secretary
$332M for giving subsidies to farmers for wheat, oilseed, and DAP, for which Agriculture
retroactive financing will also be used for this purpose.

Decision: Chief Minister Sindh shared that Federal Government is

providing subsidy for oilseed and wheat. This subsidy provided by
F.G is around 3 million, whereas, Govt of Sindh has demanded
around 8 billion.

SHIP: Chairman P&DD shared that $40 million out of SSPDS will be Secretary
$200M exclusively used for the rehabilitation purpose, with the provision that Health
retroactive financing. It includes a component (40M) for immediate relief Department
(response- mobile medical service units, medical camps, surgical camps, & P&D
surveillance, medicines, equipment, prevention and treatment of malaria, Department
dengue, acute watery diarrhea, clean water etc) and 20% retroactive
financing to be used. Madam Minister for Health also endorsed the
proposal of Chairman P&DD that same amount will be used for health

Decision: The Chief Minister Sindh directed that open ended option
is given to the Health Department for addressing their emergency
needs out of these funds.

STRENGT Chairman P&DD shared that referral hospitals will be upgraded out of Secretary
HENING these funds, and Taluka Headquarter (THQ) Hospitals will be upgraded. Health
SP Department
DELIVER Decision: The Chief Minister Sindh directed that open ended option & P&D
Y is given to the Health Department for addressing their emergency Department
SYSTEMS needs out of these funds.

Secretary Local Government share that there is a dire need for expediting Secretary
KWSSIP- approval of Expedite Umbrella PC-1. Finance Department has conveyed Local
II: $240M its observations, and they will be submitted for approval to Planning Government
The World Bank’s Team Lead shared that under as per the SDG Goals,
the projects and its interventions shall focus on ensuring social protection,
for example in this regard, the case of People Primary Care Initiative
(PPHI) for improving health services delivery should be referred.

Decision: The Chair while referring to Social Protection Strategy

(SPS) reiterated that SPS shall be discussed in detail.

SINDH Chairman P&DD shared that PC-1 for SBIP project was approved by Secretary
BARRAG PDWP, and the Summary for establishment of PMU/BMU has been Irrigation
E submitted to Honorable Chief Minister Sindh for approval of the same. Department
IMPROVE Under this project at Guddu and Sukkur Barrage work packages will be
MENT done for improvement of barrage system, and it also requires additional &
PROJECT financing, for which summary has already been prepared prepared as
(SBIP) well. The PMU will execute its works after seeking approval form the Planning and
Planning Commission of Pakistan. This item also required approval of the Development
HCM Sindh. Department
Decision: The Chair approved the establishment of 02 PMU at
Irrigation Department, and 01 at Planning and Development
Department (P&DD).

KARACHI Chairman P&DD shared that, the repair and rehabilitation of Jam Sadiq Secretary
MOBILIT Bridge will take 3-4 Months. Therefore, this bridge needs to be closed to Local
Y execute its R&R. He was of view that a) immediate Repairs due to the Government
PROJECT rains needed to Jam Sadiq Bridge (safety concern), b) bid for new bridge
adjacent to Jam Sadiq needed and c) SMTA needs technical staff is
required. Advisor for Law and Parliamentary Affairs & Administrator
KMC also emphasised that decision shall be taken as well, moreover,

1. Secretary Local Government has also reiterated that first, the

condition of the bridge is in dilapidated condition, therefore, it
requires repair and rehabilitation so that it can last longer, second
the Malir causeway also require to be addressed on time, that this
route is made motorable.

Decision: The subject case of Karachi Mobility Project (KMP) was

discussed at length, and the HCM Sindh desired that a separate
meeting shall be held on this subject.

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