J.F. Kennedy Assassination

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Kennedy Assassination
Made by Ceylin
Who was J.F. Kennedy?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th US President,
born on May 29, 1917 (in Massachusetts), and was
assassinated at the age of 46 on November 22, 1963
(in Dallas, Texas). His spouse was Jacqueline
Kennedy Onassis (m. 1953-1963).
JFK holds the record for being America’s youngest
elected president. He served in the navy during
WW2, and he was also the first Catholic president,
though his marital life was marred by controversy
due to his infamous infidelity (one of his most
known affairs include the one he had with Marilyn
Monroe, whilst still being married to Jacqueline).
Lee Harvey Oswald, supposed culprit?
Lee Harvey Oswald (alias. Alek James Hidell) was born
on October 18, 1939 (in New Orleans, Louisiana), and,
funnily enough, was also assassinated on November 24,
1963 (in Dallas, Texas). His spouse was Marina Oswald
Porter (m. 1961-1963).

Oswald was a U.S. Marine veteran; during his time in the

Marine Corps, he was designated a sharpshooter after
obtaining a shooting score of 212, he was then demoted
to Marksmen after a shooting score of 191 in 1959.
Oswalds Upbringing (Early Years)
- Oct 18, 1939. Born in New Orleans, the son of Marguerite and Robert
Oswald, Sr. 2 months before his birth, the father dies of a heart attack.
Oswald is raised by a single mother along with his 2 older brothers (his
half brother John Pic, and Robert, Jr.)
- 1942, His mom sends all 3 of the boys into an orphanage and later to a
boarding school. Oswald is first rejected as he was too young, then his
mother reapplies and sends him off to an orphanage after he turns 4.
- As a child, he lived in over 20 different residences and attended at least 11
different schools. His older brother Robert states that as children it was
obvious that the boys were a burden to their mother, and he confesses to
have feared that she would place them up for adoption (all 3 of them
certainly had a rough childhood).
Oswalds Upbringing (Teenage - Adult)
- 1953. One day, Oswald comes across a leaflet about the execution of Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg, convicted of spying for Russia. Edward J. Epstein (a journalist) traces Oswald’s
political awakening to this moment. ‘As he reads this, it begins to show him that there’s a
way of finding himself by opposing the established order’. Oswald writes in his diary; “I
was looking for a key to my environment, and then I discovered socialist literature. I had
to dig for my books in the back dusty shelves of libraries”. This was basically when he was
introduced to Communism.
- 1959. Oswald starts making careful preparations to go to Russia. He says he wants Soviet
citizenship because “I am a communist and a worker and I have lived in a decadent
capitalist society where the workers are slaves”. The KGB considers his request, but the
former head of the KGB, Vladimir Semichastny, says they first rejected him. Oswald is
shocked by the Soviets’ refusal, a short time later, he is found in his hotel bathtub with slit
wrists. He is taken to a hospital and afterwards, gets transferred to a psychiatric ward.
Later on, once they found out that Oswald could be of some use, Yekaterina Furtseva
demands the KGB reverse its decision and allow him asylum in Russia.
November 22, 1963
By the fall of 1963, JFK and his political advisers were
preparing for his next presidential campaign. Although
he had not formally announced his candidacy, it was
clear that Kennedy was going to run and he seemed
confident about his chances for re-election. Before he had
visited Dallas, the president traveled west, speaking in 9
different states in less than a week. The trip was
supposedly meant to put a spotlight on natural resources
and conservation efforts.
Crowds of excited people lined the streets and waved to
the Kennedys. The car turned off Main Street at Dealey
Plaza in front of the Book Depository around 12:30 pm,
the car starts to slow.
November 22, 1963 (continued)
Suddenly there’s a gunshot. The former Governor of Texas, John
Connally, hears it and turns. Just 3 seconds later, a second shot. A
bullet passes through the President’s throat, and manages to hit
Connally in the back and he starts falling. Kennedy slumps forward,
grimacing, grasping his hands around his neck in pain. Jacqueline
turns to her husband, staring at him with a look of concern. As she
tries to figure out what had happened to him, the fatal head shot
causes his head to launch back and he falls on his wife, lifeless.
In March 1963, Oswald used his alias
“A. Hidell” to purchase a 6.5 mm
Carcano Model carbine rifle (also called
Mannlicher-Carcano) by mail order.

This was the murder weapon thought

to have been used to kill Kennedy.

The autopsy report for Kennedy was said

to be incomplete and inaccurate, without
reference to the photographs of the
corpse itself. The government had no
protocol for having an autopsy of a
president, as they never thought it would
be necessary; everyone was clearly
unprepared for the situation.
Jacqueline’s Reaction
As you saw from the clip, it must’ve been horribly traumatizing
for Jacqueline, however, the reason behind her crawling to the
back of the limousine is far more disturbing. Clint Hill (a U.S.
Secret Service agent) testified to the Warren Commision that
the reason as to why she was reaching for the back was because
she was trying to retrieve pieces of her husband’s skull that had
been blown off due to the gunshot. Reportedly, in a state of
hysterics, Jacqueline exclaimed “John they’ve shot you! I’m
holding your brain in my hands!”.
Was it really Oswald, or…?
The first bullet seemed to have hit the president from the back (as he slumps
forward due to the bullets impact), whereas the headshot caused him to throw his
head back. It couldn’t have been Oswald shooting him from both the front, and
the back, so..?
Despite the theory that Oswald had been working alone having been confirmed
by the CIA, the majority of Americans still believe that he wasn’t the only person
involved in the assassination.
- Some think the US government was involved.
- A CIA file reports a phone call made just a year before the assassination,
talking about how Kennedy basically had a $100,000 bounty on his head.
- Though denied, some think the KGB/USSR had something to do with it.

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